Welcome back to chapter 4 where I will be talking about why I love Olivia Rodrigo so lets get started. So first off if you don't know who Olivia Rodrigo is than I will tell you so Olivia Rodrigo is a singer songwriter and she makes really great pop music and she has 3 grammys and what made her popular is she put a album called SOUR and the song titles include Brutal, Traitor, Driver's License, 1 Step forwards and 3 steps back, Deja Vu, Good 4 U, Enough For You, Happier, Jealousy jealousy, Favorite Crime, and I hope your ok and if your wondering what my favorite song by Olivia Rodrigo is Deja Vu and in this chapter I will explain all of the reasons why I love Olivia rodrigo as a singer and as a person. So if your at home and your wondering what music to listen to so now you know to listen to olivia rodrigo I don't care what song but just go to what ever music app you use and look her up and listen to all of her songs so that you can become a fan of her music or if you don't like her music than that's fine but just give her music a try and listen to her music once so that is my chapter about Olivia Rodrigo so in the next chapter I will talk about my favorite game of all time so I will see you guys in the next chapter.