Chereads / A Demon Trilogy / Chapter 19 - Chapter 19

Chapter 19 - Chapter 19

I pick a booth in the corner away from everyone. I sit with my back against the window. And sit there just thinking.

Waitress came up and looked at me. I looked up.

"Oh sorry lost in thought I'll take a salad with bellpepppers and onions and mushrooms with a burger and curly fries and a coke I guess." I said ..

The waitress walked away and came back with two sodas. She sat down across from me.

Waitress... "Name is Taby. So whats on your mind."

Lidia..."That obvious?"

Taby... "Yep."

Lidia..."You know of a guy name Gary right? Gary Stones?"

Taby... "Yea hot guy maybe early twenties. Why?"

Lidia... "He said I loved him like he loved me. He kissed me twice at the store caught me off guard."

"And your wondering if you really love him and maybe confused for liking him and guilty for letting him kiss you. But theres also something else." Taby said

I sighed.

Lidia... "I wanna get out of this business I'm in of well saving the world and just find a guy and settle down. Be normal."

Taby... " That's not odd. But if you do that then who will save the world?"

Lidia... "Good question but better question is if I had a normal life could I still go around saving the world when I'm needed?"

Taby... "That is a true question. A question worthy of pondering."

A bell dinged and Taby got up and came back a few minutes later carrying the food and setting it down and picking up her drink.

Taby... " I'm off in an hour if your still around."

Lidia... "I'll be here."

I sat in silence and ate. Taby came by and refilled my soda. Gary came up just as I finished eating and sat down across from me I bit my lip and turned my back to the window. I leaned against it.

Lidia... "What you want Gary?"

Gary... "Just reporting into your father."

Lidia.... "And?"

Gary snarled and cursed under his breath.

Gary... "Cant you stop being snide for once Lidia you have been that way since a kid always off getting into hell."

Lidia... "What?"

Gary... " You heard me I was always chasing after you trying to keep you out of trouble you wasnt so bad in your teen years but you gotten worse lately."

Lidia... "I never met you till I went to my father's to rescue my sister."

Gary... "I been in the shadows all your life since five when I first seen you from my window next door. Kept you from getting hurt too badly someone was going to get you at school I got them first."

Lidia... "I always sensed I been watched from a far or from a bush."

Gary... "I know what your going through but you may not like it."

Lidia... "What is it?"

Gary whispered it in my ear and I growled lowly and my eyes shifted and I kicked him from under the table and apparently almost stabbed him with a fork.

Everything starts coming back and Gary sitting there with an arm over me.

Gary..."See I told you so you might not like it..."

Lidia.... "Go to hell."

Gary..."Be calm and I'll let you go."

"I'm fine."I spat at him.

Gary... "You came 3 inches to my hand with a fork I had to grab you after your eyes shifted you blacked out."

Lidia... "I did not."

Gary ... "Did too."