Chereads / Marvel: I'm a Symbiote / Chapter 316 - Symbiote 0316: Silvija Sablinova (3/4)

Chapter 316 - Symbiote 0316: Silvija Sablinova (3/4)

The rest of Silvija's day passed by in a blur. At some point before dinner, Gaia led her out of her cell by using the collar as a guiding mechanism to receive some sort of 'hormonal treatment' that would allegedly make her stay in prison a little more comfortable. She was in something of a daze throughout the process and didn't exactly recall what had happened, but ultimately, when she returned to her cell, she was allowed to eat whatever she wanted for dinner before going to sleep.

Her actual training would commence the following morning.

The morning alarm that awoke Silvija was a light shock that jolted her awake in panic. The stinging sensation surging through her neck instantly destroyed all semblance of sleep in her eyes as she abruptly sat up and got out of bed, taking a fighting stance.

"Good morning, Silvija," Gaia's voice came through her collar instead of the ceiling this time. "Your training is to commence from now on. Make sure that you obey my commands and do not resist. You are not allowed to speak unless spoken to and given permission to respond. Do you understand? You can speak."

It took Silvija a few seconds to orient herself and calm her surging anger as she nodded. "I understand. Will I be awoken with an electric shock every day?"

"You can exchange it for a different alarm with your rating points," Gaia said. "Now, please approach the center of the room for the cleaning procedures."

With another breath, Silvija approached the center of the room. Finally collecting herself, she realized that she had already lost the bodysuit that she'd been given the previous day, while the only clothing item in her possession was the collar that had shocked her awake.

As she approached the center of the room, she observed that the bed she had slept on started receding into the wall. Since it was a big structure, she had a clear view of how it essentially disintegrated into nothingness, with the nanites visibly receding into the darkness of the wall.

'Could this whole place be made of this nanotech …' Even the thought of such an immense operation baffled her, confirming the belief of just how outmatched she was in front of a planetary dictator like Apex.

Suppressing her inner thoughts from appearing on her face, she stood in the spot Gaia indicated. With a slight hissing sound, the tile she was standing on started depressing until she was around a foot lower than the floor. At the same time, a transparent glass boundary started rising until it was a foot higher than her head.

'Just put a shower in the corner … What's the need to make this so convoluted …' She felt like this was such an unnecessary process.

As the cold water started falling on her head, she instinctively wanted to dodge it to not get her hair wet but suppressed the instinct. "Do I get soap, Gaia?"

"Minor violation." Gaia's voice sounded cold to me, and before she could realize what was wrong, a painful zap jolted Silvija's neck, making her groan in pain. "You are not to speak unless spoken to, Silvija. A repeat offense will result in a deduction of rating points and a punishment."

Suppressing the curse that was about to escape her lips, she nodded shakily. As the cold water dowsed her body, Gaia spoke to her again.

"Please raise your arms."

Silvija quietly obeyed and felt something traveling from her collar along her arms before wrapping around her wrists. She felt an irresistible pull on her arms and found them attached to opposite edges of the glass cabin. Then, she felt more nanites traveling along her body and moving as if scrubbing her body.

'Why the need to restrain me? You could've just told me to keep my arms above my head.'

She tried to tug her arms free from the magnetic restraint, but neither the cuffs nor the glass budged. Ultimately, her body, including her face and hair, was thoroughly cleaned and dried within the span of five minutes as the efficient nanites did their thing.

Just as Silvija thought that things were finished, she felt the nanites probing her in a severely intimate area.

"H—" Her outrage was replaced with a hiss as the thin probe expanded into a small pipe inside her ass. That was when she recalled Gaia mentioning an enema being included in her daily cleaning procedures.

'This is humiliating … Am I going to be fitted with a catheter as well …' Her discomfort only got enhanced as a warm liquid started filling her insides.

She was not proud of the sounds that she made during the process. Nor the fact that Gaia picked up on her reactions and proceeded to provide her with some very gentle stimulation by means of a small cap that vibrated on her clit. It was far from enough to bring her to a climax, but it surely made the entire experience just as pleasurable as it was embarrassing.

Her arms numbly fell to the sides when her wrists were finally freed and the glass cabin receded into the ground. While the process was extremely embarrassing and invasive, Silvija felt exceptionally clean now that everything was over.

"Kneel." Gaia's voice made Silvija flinch, but she obeyed without a protest and knelt on the spot. The floor was a little hard, but it wasn't painful. She looked in trepidation as a pole emerged from the ground before turning to face her and forming into a metal phallus. "Hands behind your back," Gaia said, and Silvija felt her hands being tied behind her back.

"You may start sucking. If you cannot receive the food within five minutes, it will be forced down your throat in a very uncomfortable experience." Gaia's words made Silvija gulp as another pang of humiliation hit her. She had to suck a metal cock to be fed. It was the most humiliating thing she could imagine happening to her. And that was just after being cleaned through an enema.

Ultimately, in her state, she didn't have much of a choice but to obey and lean forward to start sucking. At the same time, she felt a slight pinching sensation on her nipples and saw through the mirror that her nipples had been clamped and were attached to the pole in front of her. Every time she pulled her head back, she was tugging on her clamped nipples, forcing her to take the cock in deeper. It led to her releasing humiliating sounds that she hated herself for making. The worst of the humiliation came from the fact that there was a mirror right in front of her. She witnessed every single moment of herself being degraded in such a manner.

Once bathed and fed, Gaia led her outside her cell as the glass panel in the front opened just enough to let her through. She was hesitant to walk out wearing just a collar and no clothes, but she ultimately steeled her resolve and followed along with Gaia's instructions to exit her cell. Immediately, she encountered a line of women, all of them in the same attire as her — a single collar. Almost all of them. Looking around, she noticed that a few women were wearing the same bodysuit that Gaia had provided her on the previous day.

As she entered an empty space in the line, Silvija realized a fact that both disturbed her and slightly calmed her. Every single one of the inmates was female. Not only that, they were all very beautiful as well. One thing that calmed her was that while she received some stray looks, none of them were too piercing. Most of the women were perfectly silent and kept walking forward.

'This place might as well be a sex slave factory …' Trying to suppress the pounding of her heart, she continued walking along the circular corridor with the women as Gaia's slightly suppressed voice entered her ear. It was still clear as day, but she could tell that it was spoken directly into her ear.

"Your speech and hearing will be suppressed for the duration of the three-hour training session. Follow my commands well, and you will be rewarded at the end."

Suddenly, she felt earplugs forming in her ears, along with a ball expanding in her mouth as it widened in the perfect shape to completely seal her lips. She couldn't even drool through the gag. Something that slightly confused her was that her breathing wasn't hindered in the slightest. She could still breathe normally through both her mouth and her nose.

Following the women, she turned and walked through a huge door, only to be greeted by a large gymnasium. The huge open area could only be considered a gym if one could ignore the severe lack of equipment. Looking at the women already exercising, she got an idea about the upcoming training.

'So training meant actual training …' She thought to herself, fully having expected to be trained to serve as a sex slave.


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