Mira turns the Comms on waiting to hear Dodge tell them good news.
"Dodge?!" Toya calls waiting to hear they are retreating.
Dodge gulps, "Toya 200 more are coming. Literally an hour away. This first army is to tire you out. There are humans amongst the second group too."
Mira calls her mother for help.
Lily orders split to leave the monitoring room and join the front lines. She calls Aira and orders him to protect Mira and Dodge inside.
The new members are evacuated to the basement taking the underground parking entrance.
"Luna! Rin! stay close together and attack relentlessly. Jet, Jake, Toya, and Rex. Combine your spacial portal to create a large portal wall. When they cross it take them to this location, visualise the water and leave them deep under. I doubt they know how to swim." Lily says.
Everyone else lines up outside and starts attacking the infected with long ranged attacks buying the four some time.
Rin is throwing large rocks with her explosive coat and waiting for the infected to come close enough for the explosions to cause a chain reaction.
Splitter has an army in the front lines protecting the original and the humans who will die if they are attacked or bitten.
Some are looking at the sky attacking the flying infected.
They have human fingers with webbed arms like a bat. The also stand in a squat position like a bat as well.
Toya manages to open a space gate when it combines with Jet's and with Jake's they generate a large wall.
Rex seeing what Lily was talking about opens a gate finally.
The rest step back and watch their backs.
Rin collapses and a split clone holds her up.
Luna covers for Rin holding a gun.
Jet takes a deep breath, "March forward one step at a time!" He yells taking a step forward.
The rest follow taking a step slowly.
The infected start assuming the boys are bluffing. Their wall will collapse soon.
Jet stops when they are close enough, "Have you gotten used to the feeling?" He asks Toya and Rex.
"Yes." Toya responds.
Rex takes a deep breath, "Yup." He responds feeling his energy drain.
"On the count of 3, as if it's a big ball, throw it straight and visualise it release from your hands, you can feel the way it will move right?" Jet asks making sure they're on the same page.
The boys all agree.
Jet counts to 3 and the shield super charges as the boys gather the last of their strength for the final throw.
They push the portal forward and it takes down the entire first army of the infected dropping them in the bottom of a deep body of fresh water.
The 4 boys pass out.
Split clones gather them and the twins father transports them inside with Luna and Rin.
They rush them to the bathroom and Luna adds healing bath salts in the bathtub of the bunker.
She turns on a healing air purifier and joins them in the tub.
Within seconds they are all fast asleep.
Dodge informs the rest that the second army has slowed down it's marching, "Knowing the infected they will still come our way."
Lily smiles, "They will retreat. The captured human slaves will run away and it will be a victory for us, but it's scary how soon they recover."
Colin hugs his wife, she looked worried the entire time. He watches the monitors and for a whole hour the infected showed no signs of retreat.
The Infected at the bottom of the ocean finally exhaust the toxin supply in their masks, first they start suffocating until they take the masks off, then they start drowning to death.
The infected in front of the Murasaki shield also start choking.
The humans run away while they have the chance.
The weaker of the group of infected die from phantom drowning and turn to black ashes.
The others retreat.
Colin's father stands up seeing everyone sigh in relief, "What happened?" The old man asks.
Colin ignores his father and calls for a team to find the humans that escaped the infected. Give them the building diagonally opposite the mall and they stay there as a group, next time there's an attack they'll work together to fight the infected away.
Kevin and Brandon make short work of gathering them. Giving them a new home and putting up a shield to protect them.
"We'll give you food and supplies tomorrow, in the meantime a fresh meal wil be brought to you " Kevin informs them.
They leave them for a while and return as promised to give them food, turning on the air purifiers and Chronos patches up the damage Rin inflicted last time by rewinding it.
"Funny, just a while ago I was trapped in this place." Chronos thinks allowed
They permanently close up the vent opening and tell them to keep busy by patching up the house.
"We'll be back tomorrow."