Chapter 138 - Chapter 138: Salin

"Come on! Let's go to the hospital and ask them if they need any help!" [Diana]

"But wouldn't we be in the way?"

"Still, I'm curious about this event, call Salin"

"Maybe Dr. Natasha will ask us to carry the babies!"

"I wanted to do that!"

"But won't they break if they fall..." [Diana]

"Don't say something so scary!"

"But really, imagine they are so small and slippery, the mother gives her babies to you and..." [Diana]

"Your imagination frightens me, young miss..." [Ledang]

"Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine" [Head Maid]

Since everyone is discussing the reincarnation of the Devil King with Aunt Amleth, the Head Maid and I decided to visit the orphanage to see if they needed anything. They're overjoyed, especially the caretaker, who knows that Sister Khamisah is still alive and well, as she shed a tear when she saw her.

Since there's not much to do and we're tired of playing around, I overhear the older Oprhans mentioning Salin and quickly ask him about it. Apparently it's a tradition among the Dog Beastman that they give birth at the same time. This way, the mothers help each other, when one is tired, the other helps take care of the child, and so on. Even all the men will help each other, from hunting together to protecting the newborns. Nowadays, it's not as widely celebrated as it was back then, but here in Amleth, not only the Dog Beastmen, but even some other Beastmen tribe, and even some humans, take part in it!

"I wonder how they get pregnant and give birth at the same time?"

"Good question, how?" [Diana]

"How about we ask Dr. Natasha to explain" (That's an awkward question, I'm sorry Doctor...) [Ledang]

"Agreed" (I hope they just forgot the question by the time they reach the hospital) [Head Maid]

To the hospital we go! Since it's quite far away, we all take the carriage together. It's a long walk and the weather is hot today, so we're all lazy.

When we arrive at the hospital, it's busy as usual, but the nurses and doctors still take the time to wave at us, greet us, and ask us why we're here.

"You wanted to help us with Salin? Hmm... You're the heroes's little sister, there's definitely something you can do to help us all, give me a minute, I'll ask the senior nurses".

And not long after that, Dr. Natasha herself came. I wonder, has something happened?

"Diana, you said you all wanted to help us during the Salin, right?" [Natasha]

"That's right! Is there anything we can do to help?" [Diana]

"Well, there are few things, it's mostly for adults, but there's definitely something you can all do" [Natasha]

"And that is!"

"Something we can do! Hooray!"

"I can't wait!"

"Tell us! Tell us!" [Diana]

"Simple. I want you to go around and ask all the pregnant mothers who are about to give birth to come to the hospital" [Natasha].

"Sorry to interrupt you, but wouldn't that normally be the case, where a pregnant mother about to deliver come to the hospital?" [Head Maid]

"Is there any reason why they don't want to come? It's free after all" [Ledang]

The head maid Mahsuri and Ledang seem confused. It's strange when they put it like that. Why don't they want to go to the hospital? Are they afraid of the needle? Are they afraid when the inevitable happens and Dr. Natasha scolds them for not finishing their medication? Are they afraid of the ghost in the hospital? Is there even a ghost in the hospital?

"I don't really want to say in front of the children, but, let's just say, "those groups" have been telling many bad things about the hospital whenever Salin event come, hence making some mother hesitate to come. There are also some mothers who think that with the influx of other mothers, we would be short of staff, so they don't want to burden us more" [Natasha].

"Those groups? The bad side of the church?" (The Illumination I think... What did they do?) [Diana]

"You're the heroes' little sister after all, but, not only them, there are others as well" [Natasha]

"I see... I can see the problem you're facing right now" [Ledang].

"Have you notified the Ministry?" [Head Maid]

"I have, but I haven't heard anything yet" [Natasha]

"Would you like me to tell Auntie Amleth? I'll be happy to help!" [Diana]

"That... Please do. It may be an insignificant problem compared to other big issues that are happening right now, but I'm sure Her Highness Queen Amleth will do something about it" [Natasha].

"Okay! I will!" [Diana]

Okay, I'll tell Auntie Amleth when I play with Kara and Mara! For now, I should tell the mother to come to the hospital, but

"Can we really convince the mother?" [Diana]

"It will be better if you can, but at least for now I want them to know that they're always welcome at the hospital. Just tell them that Dr. Natasha assures them that everything negative they have heard about the Salin event is wrong" [Natasha].


"Will do!"

"But this will be really difficult"

"I don't think we can do it all on our own."

"True... Maybe we should ask others to help as well" [Diana].

"You seem to be in trouble" [Eisheth].

"What kind of trouble are you in this time?" [Vita]

"Ooh! Miss Eisheth! Miss Vita! Perfect timing! Dr. Natasha! Dr. Natasha! How about we ask for their help as well!" [Diana]

"Hmm?" [Eisheth, Vita]