Chereads / Flying An Angel / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

"-And that's my cat, his name's Napoleon. He's such a good boy, a little old soul with such a big heart. I love him!"

It had been 3 days since Melony and Meruem had first met, they had spent just about every minute of the day hanging out with each other. Right now, Melony was sitting down in Orion's room showing Meruem some pictures of her family and cat.

"Oh! Napoleon's wearing a little bowtie in this one, he's so cute!" She gushed.

"I see."

"That's my dad, he's crying in this photo because I lost my last baby tooth. You should've seen him crying! It was so funny!"

"Your father seems like a kind man."

"He really is, he was so afraid when I was packing to come here. Say Meruem, do you have parents, or people like that? Sorry, that's really touchy, you don't have to answer that if you don't want to."

". . . I suppose you could call him a father figure."

"Really? Wait, 'suppose'? "

"Yes, he calls himself my father, although I don't think of him as such. But, he is the closest thing I have to a father figure . . . he's annoying as hell."

"All dads can be like that sometimes, sorry, that was probably a bad subject."

"It's fine."

They both stayed silent for a few moments, uncertain of what to say next. Surprisingly, this was the first time they both ran out of things to say. I guess talking for 3 days straight doesn't leave much to talk about.

Meruem was the first to break the silence.

". . . I'm going to be piloting soon, do you wanna come see?"

"I thought that you couldn't move without a secondary pilot?"

"No, I can, it's just a bit more difficult and takes more out of me."

"Yes, I would love to come see. You're probably a great pilot."

The mood in the room had just gotten better, but it seemed that luck wasn't on their side today. A sudden boom and crash broke them out of their good mood.

A loud blaring began and a voice over the intercom started to speak,

"Attention all pilots, there is currently a 'Mammoth' class MINEL outside the building as we speak, all able bodied pilots are to eliminate the threat immediately!" The voice shouted.

"What the hell?" Melony yelled.

"This isn't good, the only pilots still here are the trainee pilots, they won't be able to do anything on their own." Meruem said.

"Aren't you here? Why can't you fight?"

"I still don't have a secondary pilot, I wouldn't be able to fight properly."

"What the hell are we supposed to do, we're doomed!"

"I can still fight, I just need a secondary pilot."

"Right, let's find one of the trainees to be your secondary pilot for now." Melony was about to run out when Meruem went and grabbed her hand.

"That won't work, they don't even know how an ANGEL works, they'd be useless."

"Well then what do you do?"

". . . I have you."

She stared at him for a few moments

"You're joking me right?"

"No, I'm being completely serious. You probably know more than those trainees do."

"Yeah, but at least they've been trained. I don't know how to fight at all!"

"You don't need to, I'd do all the work, all you need to do is keep me going."

Melony sighed frustrated, there was no way she would be capable enough to do such a thing.

"Melony, what are you afraid of? I know that you're capable of doing this."

"I'm not afraid, it's just I-"

"Mel, listen to me. You could keep standing here, waiting for nothing, and watch those fools out there get killed. Or, you could step up, and make your dreams become reality. This is your choice, I'm here ready to make your dreams come true. Now, are you ready?" He held out his hand for her to take. She stood there for a minute, debating on whether or not she should walk away from this. But, Melony was completely oblivious to danger, even when it slapped her in the face.