Alexander walked with Piper in a newly rebuilt Boston. It was a normal Sunday afternoon.
The ruins and rubble have been cleared long ago as cars and people strolled by, as if the city itself have been revitalized for the better.
The city is being revived to a better future, local bulletins boards is filled with people who do some quick gigs to family that enjoy their vacation.
Floating skulls wandered by and people didn't pay heed of them as they were informed they were traitors, such as raiders and slavers designated as perpetual servitude to society by turning them to servitors. And it provided not just deterrence of commiting crime, but it also kept the peace as they got a mini laser that incapacitate the assailant.
As promised of letting her take on a stroll in exchange of dealing with the Former Democrats and their shady deals. He agreed what is essentially a date in her mind.
Piper is in her old clothes that she first met Alexander and the Man in question is just wearing a Trader outfit.
"Look Alex, there is a opening in a ice cream store. Wanna join?" She smiled as she pointed out the parlour that is busy with people.
He shrugged as he followed her into the shop.
They were met with choices that one could even dream of. As they sat and waited. She spoke
"It's been a while since I seen the city become like this." She smiled as the world was changing fast.
"Say the local that got the interest in integrity in journalism."
"Says the trader from Quincy that managed to unified the world. Perhaps it was a coincidence that we first met outside Diamond city."
"Yeah, had I not been there you would been waiting outside, until the mayor changed his mind... I glad your sister is a strong little girl."
"I taught Nat the best. At least Myne is decent enough to help her time to time when I went out."
"And you are practically the so called remembrancer of the high lord."
"And look where we are now... Me, being a Head of the biggest news channel and you defacto leader of not just this world, and beyond. Seems like it was not so long ago... Mr. I am not a God, yet I got a flaming sword and make deals with Gods."
Alexander groaned.
"Please stop, Piper .."
"It's so nice to tease you like this, Even the Supposed High Lord of the Imperium have some cute sides outside his persona of a strong image of a man.." Piper smiled.
"I still human after all."
"That is for the public to decide." Piper teased him as she waved her notebook.
She was originally one of the member of the Public occurrences, trying to keep Journalism alive using scraps of paper to inform the public, and in a few short months, she became the head of the News for America and her life changed from a Ramshack of a Hut in Diamond city, to a Decent apartment in Downtown Boston, Her income was enough for her to send her sister to the Boston Institute of Science as the girl is very smart and won a scholarship.
She may had wealth, but she knew it was the man before her that granted the things the way things are.
"Of course... I am keeping the best interest for humanity after all." He smiled as he saw the waitress arriving.
"Chocolate sundae, with Nuka Cola Quantum" he ordered
"Vanilla Surprise, and Tea" Piper ordered as well.
The meal was simple, Alexander noticed she kept some glances towards him as he ate, as they venture out, and they did what normal people in the pre fallout did, window shopping, Buying something...
"I could see the headlines now, the ordinary day with the High Lord Alexander Solair, A Ordinary moment in his daily life." Piper hummed as she wrote in her notebook.
"Yeah... About that? How about, Remembrancer Piper Wright went on date with the High Lord in a escapade as a normal civilians in the imperium, and the amount of scandal and drama news would break out?" Alexander spoke. His smiled as his arms is practically filled with shopping bags that they went around in the city.
Piper smiled as she cheekily spoke.
"Well, it isn't nice for a Lady to get her hands filled with stuff. Besides, some of the things we buy, is for my sister birthday that is today, two birds with one stone."
"You really loved your sister that much?"
"She's the only family I had, Nat is practically my only one I had to come to rely on... Until you came along."
She whispered in the end as she smiled at Alexander carrying the amount of bags.
They arrive at the apartment and it held the best spot that overlook the night life of the city.
They met with Nat that was waiting for them and Eddie acted as a Housesitter, the eyebot got crown of flowers made by Nat.
Her sister swept like a rocket and rammed into Piper.
"Sister! You are back! Alexander you too!"
"How was your day, Nat?" Alexander smiled
"Good, I got good scores and I learn gravity. Though some boys are meanies." Nat pouted as she hugged Eddie the eyebot.
"Boy be boys... Though Your sister and I got presents for being a good girl." Alexander smiled.
Nat eyes glimmer with joy as she saw a Cake placed on the dining table.
"Happy birthday Nat." Piper smiled.
"Sister, I thought you already forgotten my birthday?" Nat was confused.
"Nothing is forgotten my little sunshine. We are ready for the celebration. Right Alexander?" Piper shifted her eyes towards Alexander.
"Alright, Now let's get the party starting." Alexander smiled.
Piper laid the candles on the cake and food while Alexander and Eddie held out the decorations.
"Happy 14th birthday Nat, make a wish" Piper smiled.
The little girl now a teenager smiled as she blow her candle. Her face made a cheeky smile as she made her wish.
"I wish I can be with My sister and Big Brother Alexander forever!" The girl smiled as she blow her candles out.
Piper noticed that Alexander had a difficult face as he pretended to smile for the girl.
After the party ended and the lights are out, Alexander stood on the balcony, smoking a cigarette. He seemed distant as he gaze on the city lights below.
Piper came up towards him. She was dressed in pajamas.
"I noticed that... You seemed gloomy that my sister made her wish. Can you tell me why?"
"I am afraid that... I may outlive her... And you too Piper."
"Is this one of those conspiracy theory that you are virtually immortal?" Piper gazed at the man before her. Wanting to know more about the man.
"Not a conspiracy theory, but I lived for so long...been fighting my own battles against daemons and gods. Trying to save what is lost. I am already supposed to be dead several times, by the amount of years I spent... When I heard your sister wish, it put me on a doubt that, what if... She dies of old age long before I do? It was different when people that follows me aged and die before me, but someone that is close to me? It hits harder."
"I heard you got life extension technologies ready for public?" Piper asked.
"It is enough for at least 600-9000 years, but by then human minds would do a reset and they would forget who they are.. I will reach longer lifespan till the sun implodes... A price to pay for being the Herald of the God Emperor..."
"I see..." Piper noticed the man before her is already holding the world with his being alone and his mental strength is what's keeping the administration from collapsing. Even the man before her had some insecurities, as he ponder his own existence.
She closed her eyes and smiled.
"I suppose that... It would be nice that... Making memories is in order." Piper walked closer and inched towards him, Alexander was startled and she pressed his mouth with her fingers, she grabbed his head, her forehead touched his.
"I know my time with you is much more insignificant compared to journey you faced... I know I may be dust by the time you reach the journey..." Her eyes gazed upon Alexander with clear eyes.
"Never lose the memories that you spend time with us. I am your remembrancer after all." She smiled as she hugged him tight.
(??? Scene)[Lemon or just wholesome? Viewer interpretation]
Next morning Piper woke up grudgingly as she found in her bedroom, a bit messy bed and workstation filled with paper clippings at a bullet board. And wondered if that night before was just a dream...
"Sister, I am going to school! Eddie is at the living room! Alexander made breakfast for us!" Nat yelled out as Piper heard the door closed.
She walked out her bedroom and watched the balcony where he once stood and she felt ....Empty.
She found that today is her time off and she had nothing to do.
She found the dining table is filled with dishes left by him and she turned on the TV. Alexander companion is busy bobbing up and down and she felt amused that her sister like the machine.
She munched on a piece of bread as a Live broadcast started.
She noticed Alexander was giving a public broadcast. He wore a white Military uniform as he spoke on a open podium, addressing the crowd. He was surrounded by people that wished to hear him speak
"Today, this marks the new year, a new dawn of Humanity rise from the ashes of the wasteland, I declare the age of fallout and the horors that dwell within the past is over! The Age of Imperium have arrived!" Alexander spoke.
The crowd cheered as they waited to hear his words.
"It was the thanks to the People that made it happen! The factorum workers that helped the wars in Europe ended faster, the Medics and doctors that heal the sick and the wounded as they lower the risk of death, the preachers that send the beliefs of the God Emperor in the desolate wasteland bringing hope to the hopeless, despite the risk of death, and I thank the Adeptus Astartes and the Imperial guard for contributing the aid of the unification of humanity! I couldn't have done without those that contributed to the critical moment in our history!"
"I mark this day as Victory day! Victory towards the hardship that gets rewarded, victory for those that cling to life against impossible odds! Victory day! Is the day that the people of the Imperium look at the dawn of a brighter tomorrow!" The crowd cheered.
"We have received surplus of taxes in our accounting and I declare that the entirety of the imperium will not be paying taxes for 3 months, you earned it!"
As he spoke of the good things about the imperium.
A gunshot rang out and the people began to scream.
Piper shocked as in Alexander uniform, there was a red stain beginning to bleed into his uniform.
The video feed aimed at the person that shot him.
"Down with the imperium, long live the NCR!" The assailant yelled as he shot more into Alexander direction. Several bullets impaled into Alexander causing him to stagger. The some people in crowd apprehended the assailant .
The wounded man before placed his voxcaster and spoke.
"People of the imperium, don't let the fool that dwell in the past, dictate our future. I want the best of humanity and our destiny lies in the stars! Just as the God Emperor of Mankind dictated our species to go beyond the solar system! The ghost of the old government is no longer bound the people today! If I die, I shall go to the God Emperor embrace and tell my ancestors that I done the benefit of humanity! If I live! I will bring hell!" Alexander smiled as his lip is dripping with blood. The paramedics arrive and get him to a hospital nearby.
Piper rushed to the closet and wore her outfit.
As she about to exit, she hesitated.
"Come on girl, you can do this. Eddie come with me." She slapped her cheeks as she venture outside with Eddie.
(Boston Hospital)
The building was buzzing with activity as the leader of the imperium had been shot and was unconscious, he was rushed into ER and readied surgery, The doctors were amazed that the bullets didn't hit any vital organs, despite he was shot 7 times.
He was placed in a VIP room and left for him to recover.
He woke up and spoke to the air.
"Did you identify the rats that is popping out?"
A huge figure appears from the shadows from the dim lit room.
"Yes, We identified the rogue elements that took advantage of you in hospital and now they are stoking the flames, starting rebellions around the world. Your orders? " The Night Lord handed him a data slate revealing the staggering amount of people that start rebellions.
And the assailant spill out that he was hired by the New Democrats remnants to shoot him, he shows the smuggling point and the weapons he got from them. Making Alexander more disgusted by their actions.
"I entrust the Night lords to handle it. Be the scalpel to remove the pus before it grows cancerous." He ordered calmly. The amount of the list is already listed in hundreds of thousands. And he signed their death warrant to the night lords.
Their fate would been better off being part of a living target practice of the Iron warriors, than the flaying and skinning of the night lords. At least the a iron warriors are decent enough to place painkillers before they blasted for a quick death.
"I obey, but I ask a question before I go and inform my brothers, High Lord, Why do you allowed yourself to be shot? We all know that you are literally a demigod...You could even station a Thousand son nearby to use psychic shield to coat your organs." The night lord asked Alexander.
"Three reason, One to let the people relate to me better and the other reason is to smoke out the opportunist and the rogue elements in the Imperium. And reminded myself I can still die. Don't look bad, I understand that Konrad would not like it. But it had to be done. I'm sorry that you had to do the work in the shadows. Just bear with it until we truly conqured the world."
The Giant figure left silently as he came.
He lay on his bed and reflected of the situation at hand.
He knows that when he really gone, he would not able to root out the rebellious element in this world.
Perhaps it was to keep his friend and.... Her safe.
"I gotten soft, haven't I?" He muttered.
He noticed a nurse came in with a IV Bag and smiled at him. She was blond hair and her figure is able to make it as a model... But Alexander mind is racing as that was not the nurse that was assigned to him.
"Hello sir, I am Samantha Hawkins, Time for your iv change." She smile so unnaturally. Instead of being concerned with his wellbeing.
His instincts realize that that nutrient bag is poisonous. And he smash it away and materialized a overcharged Laspistol and aim it at her chin.
"Who are you?"
"I...I am just a hired nurse from a few days ago-"
"Bullshit, I know everyone in this hospital and I don't see your face in the roster. And Samantha Hawkins is been dead a few years ago, her face is damaged but her DNA is still valid.." He spoke as he noticed the dead lady spirit beside the impostor.
"Oh, Well... Playtime is over" a Hoarse voice came from the nurse and her limbs became elongated and her neck become more thicker, her back bursted out revealing spines and tentacles.
"As Courtesy of the Numbers... I have come on the behalf of my Master to kill you. This is the moment that you are at the weakest." The monstrous figure spoke with androgenous voice, akin to a male and female stuffed in a blender.
"Yeah, how-" his arms fell limply and he was paralyzed.
"The bullets we gave to the new democrats assassination, is catered to your body constitution. While the bullet is removed, it already injected special a poison injected into your body, that is meant to incapacitate primarchs... Sadly it doesn't work on a chimeric body such as yours, it seemed as it needed one more bullet and the fool botched it. I am plan b." The figure hummed as the limbs wildly flailing. The hands became spiked and slash at Alexander chest.
Blood began to splatter on the floor. He was kicked across the room and he lost grip in his weapon as it flung to the door and the figure walked towards him.
"The war in Siberia was meant to end it all in a conventional warfare... But it seemed we have to do things the hard way." The figure towered over him and stare him with his void filled eyes. The skin of the woman he killed is being burnt off, revealing a horrid figure within. It was like a void staring back at him, but with teeth and two empty sockets for its eyes staring at him.
"Did you love my beautiful face? My master love it very much."
"Your master.... Is sick... In the head." Alexander wheezed. He attempt to pressed the emergency button.
"Don't bother calling for security... We are in a different realm now." The monster grab Alexander head and smash it at the window, revealing the room is been blocked off as the world outside is much more darker than the warp, as if it was nothingness itself.
"You will die here and no one would remember you. But I would take my time to torture you for the suffering that you inflicted on my master mind. It would be slow and painful."
"Alex you there?" A woman spoke.
"*Worried beeping*"
The door opened revealing two unlikely figures to aid Alexander.
"Shit, Is it your friend?" Piper stood back a few steps. She never intended to appear but somehow she managed to arrive at Alexander location.
Making the Monster paused of why a mortal entered its realm...
"Enemy... Eddie...Kill " Alexander weakly wheeze out.
The robot recognize the order and began to set fire upon the assassin.
"How dare a tin can damage my beautiful face!" It roared. It sprouted tentacles to slammed the eyebot. But Eddie is the mechanicus marvel might endured it, and he launched micro missiles with accompanied hotshot fire.
Piper was paralyzed of seeing such a monster, she met gods in japan but not a actual monster.
She slowly regained her senses and looked around and found the Laspistol he left by the door and pulled the trigger on the figure.
It screamed as the stream of light penetrated its flesh and it caused the monster to blast into the window and into the depths of the abyss.
"Now... Let's get you home Alexander...Eddie, protect us." Piper spoke as she heaved from the shock.
The trio turned around, they found themselves in a derelict hallway and no signs of life. The signs are rusted and the hallways didn't clean for such a long time.
A voice sounded in the dark.
"I said that you will never leave this place!"
Piper grabbed Alexander by the shoulder and helped him escape from the damaged room. The eyebot swerve left and right as to defend the two.
They heard loud thumping behind them and piper tried to opened the doors in the wing, but no avail as most are rusted shut, there was one that is open.
Piper managed to hide themselves in a room next to a stairwell. As soon as the door closed, they heard a wailing and gurgling sounds. And whatever the thing outside lunged off somewhere.
They looked around and found they were like in a gymnasium and the room was like twisted and corrupted, and upon entering, the place was somewhat cleanse from whatever that inhabited it.
"What the hell is going on?" Piper asked.
"Assassination attempt within a assassination attempt... That thing was the mastermind of the plot. And if the gun didn't kill me... That is a backup plan to deal with me." Alexander groan, a Medkit was appeared next to Piper and she worked on it, bandaging the wounds and administering Stimpack.
"How many assassination do you have really?" She asked as she injected a antibiotic.
"Was it before I came to this planet or beyond?"
"Wow, you are a outsider?"
"Yeah, still human though, but your first question? 50 assassination attempt per day and still counting."
"You must really kicked the bear to have that body count."
"A bloody body count indeed."
"You good? Piper watched as Alexander slowly and shakily stood up.
"Better... Can you help me in my uniform?" He asked.
Pipper looked around and saw his uniform placed next to him, and she even didn't question it
She seen gods, aliens and pretty much the absurd wasteland shenanigans, so a teleporting uniform and a medkit is not out of hand.
After dressing Alexander up, they convene to make a plan.
Alexander realized that he can't call Theseus or even summoned his army's in his subverse, much less escape, but items in his Inventory is still available.
He realized that he needed to think outside the box and remember that he kept droids in his inventory, they were not powerful or even had a digital soul... But they could buy time.
Piper was amazed that a Box made of scraps appeared next to him and he began to build it from ground up in twenty minutes until a droid began to glow into life.
"Alright, Build more of your buddies and get the weapons and armor after you are done." He ordered.
The droid nodded until, it made about twenty of its copy. And all they had were 21st weaponry and armor.
Flak jackets and composite helmets were worn and they carried a varied amount of weapons, M-16 with grenade attachment, MG-42, 12-gauge and Anti-Material rifles, One even held a Chaingun.
This were all he could afford as the advance arsenals are locked in his armory in his subverse, which was his oversight thinking that he could tap into the almost infinite weapons cache and it came to bite his ass.
The original droid is kept making more droids to assist him until it ran out of materials numbering around 50, and some of the extras is making weapons to assist them.
"Let's go, Before we trapped in this place forever"
The group now ventured outside and in large numbers is comforting to them. A Injured man with a flaming sword providing illumination, a Reporter and a floating eyebot is heading the motley group of robots using almost outdated weapons.
Green head lights scanned the hallways.
"This is weird, I know the layout of Boston hospital, but this is different, this place is somewhat twisted." Piper softly spoke.
"Whatever wanted to keep me here, didn't take account of you barging in."
"Lucky me I guess?" Piper shook her head
"How did you even arrived to my location? There's about 50 hospital in Boston alone, and I never disclose my location?"
"A talking fox told me the location. Told me the location and you were in dire aid. And anymore interference, they would be attracted by something worse." Piper briefly spoke.
'Inari huh?' Alexander recalled of a fox god that a talking fox servant is in service.
A note was being played on the piano, sounded across the hallway.
It was daunting and sad.
"I hear music?
"Let's go, Alexander, perhaps it might be value to getting us out of here, better than getting chased endlessly in the dark." Piper as she rushed forwards to the direction, he grabbed her wrist.
"Piper, wait, being charging headlong without Information and this realm is not even the god that we have affiliation to, it could be a trap. After all...
Safety in numbers is better than being locked up in a room with no way out." He camed down Piper.
She nodded as she walked alongside Alexander.
As the group follow the sounds, it grew ever more melancholy. And they ended up in a derelict church wing.
A Male figure is playing a Piano Infront of the Cross. He is wearing tattered suit and ruined cuffs.
Alexander knew something is wrong as he never introduce Christianity, only the imperial creed.
And the followers of the cross is in Ohio...
The pianist notice the group and welcome them.
"Greetings friends, I am Sebastian, I hope you don't mind the note I am playing?" He smiled.
"Can you tell us how to get out of here?"
"I don't mind Miss. But I regrettably inform you that we can't... This is a prison that is away from all dimensions, Even the warp, Midas" his last words Alerted Alexander as he aimed his sword at him, along with the droids aiming their weapons in tandem. Sebastian chuckle lightly.
"Don't bother, I am not the enemy... Not anymore." He smiled sadly.
"How so? I know normal bullet can't kill you, they are literally neutron bullets packed in them." Alexander clarified, that his card on the table.
While they are in 21st century guns, the bullets are not. Neutron shells is enough to obliterate any flesh beings. Provided that they did not had absurd traits like instant molecular regeneration.
"I once worked as the Second lieutenant... The Prince of Souls... And there was a purge that happened."
Alexander eyes narrowed as he tighten his grip on the sword. Sebastian chuckle for the little gesture.
"What happened?" Alexander asked. While inside he rejoice that they had infighting but the following words made him worried.
"The First knew that upon realizing that you killing the seat members, you gain their skills, technology and their vast arsenals, he decided to asked my Master to resurrect his brothers to take place to deny your growing power, and proceeded to kill the surviving members off, including mine. Those reincarnated are no longer at the helm and their armies are now his and his alone. He thought I was away at the time and he place me here." Sebastian smile wryly.
He handed a Holodisk and tossed it to Alexander hands.
"Courtesy from Madam Mecha and a few others. She realized from the start of the purge, that she would never get revenge against her version of the God Emperor that abandoned her. And in spite, in that disk, contains schematics and blueprints of the entirety of her mecha army."
Alexander plopped the valuable tech in his inventory in hopes that the mechanicus would reverse engineer it.
"Why would she do this? Does she knows that I am literally holding a Shard of the Emperor she despise?"
"Perhaps, she did it out of spite? Or perhaps she thinks the Emperor you willingly follow is seeking amends to fix his mistake and had a change of heart, I don't know. The dead do not speak."
"Where is this place? I see no warp energy."
"This place is called Void Prison, a location that is close to the void that no dimensions dared come near, gods and demons alike, it is where a former empire once put their high Value Prisoners and Ensure with enough defenses that no being would never to escape. The warden is once belong to the ten thousand sons, Ingramus the Mad Warden." Sebastian spoke.
"How do we get out of here?"
"You can't, Ingramus controls the prison, and when he plucked you from the world you were in, the rift closed behind him. Only he can get you out, but..." Sebastian pointed to the massive amounts of skulls nearby. Their tattered belongings is placed next to them.
"There were cultivators, demigods and even techno wizards at their prime and they ended up like that. Dead."
Piper sat down and began to have a nervous breakdown.
"I can't leave? What about Nat?" She muttered as she was then gripped on the shoulder. She stare at the eyes of Alexander.
"Snap out of it, Piper, I will bring you home! I will make you see your sister alive!"
"Touching really, but eons have passed and the hide of that brute is very thick. I already a dead man." Sebastian touched the nearby skeleton and his hand passed through.
"The First thinks I was away... But in time, he found out and had me killed by sending me to this place. My master spell kept me alive." Sebastian chuckle.
"I see... Any hints?"
"Well, that Ingramus, had runes and he was impenetrable physically... I managed to damage him when I was using the spirit arts. Perhaps Warp attacks worked? But the moment he know that you can use warp powers, his speed would many folds faster as he hates wizards with a passion." Sebastian gave what he knows.
"Will you come with us?" Piper asked.
Sebastian shook his head.
No... As the moment I leave this place I will dissipate.
Alexander had a idea
"Do you know possession arts?"
"I do... My master first lesson... Don't tell me."
Alexander wryly held out a deactivated robot butler.
"Think you can be a butler?"
"What's the catch?"
"24/7, 365 days of constant monitoring both mechanical and biological beings that observe you, even spellcasters would observe you, and you just provide information from the events in the Number organization."
"That's all?" Sebastian asked.
"I need information from within the organization, even if its dated, and even if you did escape from me, where would you go? Even if there's other people that you cared about, they would have sense that you were dead or they were killed in the purge. And I am a lenient guy, of giving you a chance to escape the deary place, make a plan to undermine me, my vengeance is very, very terrifying. I can obliterate souls now, and the robot is also had safety locks. So in a sense, a mobile prison that is accompanying with you. And I am the new warden. With more better accomodations. If you are loyal, I can craft a new body for you. How about it?" Alexander smiled as he got a contract for him.
Sebastian hesitate but agreed.
"Fair enough, I will abide by your contracts. Its much better than staying here. I do miss the sun after all." He sighed as he entered the robot.
The machine flicker to life and the eyes glowed blue.
Alexander gave a smirk as he already control a part of the number... Though just a lieutenant is enough for him to know information about the workings in the organization. And he wasn't joking that he could obliterate souls. The sword in his hand is enough to kill the foe before him.
"Now what's the plan?" Sebastian asked.
Alexander laughed.
"What plan? It is useless seeing those people that died before me, had a plan and they died faster. Just be chaotic enough."
" Midas we are fighting against had no plan?'
"I didn't want to be bothered with your organization until your group literally send idiots after me. I got more than what I came for anyway. And the warden is already by the entrance." Alexander pointed as the beast roared out. And the door broke down and the Droids open fire and the neutron shell began exploding around the beast, burning its skin that it borrow from a human female, and runes began to glower in gold. It roared in pain as it went after the droids.
"Piper, Sebastian follow me while those droids distract the warden!" Alexander beckons as he rushed to the door.
They ran for god knows how long until they could hear the distant gunfire faded away.
"Seemed like he is bound by a rule" Sebastian remarked.
"It form the concept of the universe, and no being outside from the creation of a universe can interfere with it. His rule is hunting. He never stop hunting unless prey are made. perhaps... He can be killed, but not in this place. Most prey often looked for the exit... But never within the den of the beast. "
"Well I am not exactly in tip top shape. After I been shot 8 time with a poison made by Ingramus, I am barely have been holding back the poison."
"I think he got the antidote... He was always a bastard to give people false hope, if knowing that he was strong enough to overwhelmed his prey." Sebastian gritted.
"Great... Eddie, got any explosives?"
The eyebot looked left and right as if saying no. As he spent all the ammunition.
"C-790 would do the trick. Piper get Eddie to protect you. Place the demolition charges around this corridor." Alexander handed her the explosives. And among them was a simple cube and Alexander whispered to her ear.
She nodded as she placed everything in order until the location is rigged. She left with the rest of the group leaving Alexander alone.
They heard thumping in the distance and the figure that chased after them appeared before him in a monstrous form. Igramus took a heavy beating.
He lost his skin but the runes etched deep in his muscles and his tentacles and his void face is leaking blood that oozed black. Alexander eyes twitching if that is all that amount. He grips the detonator in his hand.
"Midaaassss" the beast roared as he rushed forwards as if blind to hos surroundings.
Alexander smiled as he pressed the trigger .
"Eat lead bastard!" He roared as the explosion enveloped between them. The beast was momentary confused by the shockwave as shrapnel just fell from his body.
Alexander flaming sword swung, still wounded by the blast, swept through the dust and ash and the sword bit into the warden arm.
It howled in pain as flesh rended his flesh apart.
"What is that... No weapons of man can kill me!" It yelled out.
"I am killing you with faith you dimwitted bastard, sure you met arrogant people believing in themselves before they died. My weapon is the manifestation of humanity beliefs in the God emperor, you are literally being injured by the collective faith of humanity as a whole!" Alexander gave a snarl as he lunged toward the warden.
The transformed warden begn to wander his mind.
Magic, no longer pierced his hide. Cultivation technique is no longer viable... And technology made by magus is pretty much useless... But what he fought against is the swordman that wield the collective consciousness of humanity. Each blow, scatter flames across his body, he could sense divinity and the will of humanity smashing into his psyche. Unending amounts of normal humans praying to a single God channeling into this sword.
'no human could bear the weight of the humanity itself!' It roared out as his mind is made up. It swung its tentacle as the razor blade on the tip, ripped Alexander uniform. His wounds began to flare up.
He gave a headbut in the face filled with thorns and the skull of his broke the teeth filled face, Igranums yelled out as the man stared at the abyss and smiled with a slash.
"Alex!" A woman voice yelled out. Forcing the Warden to look back. Piper is holding a Noctis labyrinth in her hand and the warden realized it.
"I am not here to kill you, tht was never my intention... It was to buy time to send you into that hellscape!" Alexander grinned as he held a vial for the warden to show. The warden patted his pockets in his pants and realized it. He also stole not just the potion but his underwear as well!
"I never abided the laws of chivalry anyway. Thanks for the antidote dumbass!" Aexander uncorked it and drank the contents. He smiled as he watched the being before him sucked in a green light and into the necron cube.
Alexander plopped it in the filled cube in his inventory.
"Now what then Midas. You locked away the warden in that cube and we are trapped here!"
"Alexander, you promised me!"
"Warden is never away from his keys. Perhaps it is one of this keys that would get us out of here." Alexander jingle the keys Infront them.
"How did-"
"Flashy moves can make a good distractions. Are you just standing there? Help out at least."
The trio spent a good number of hours, opening doors that contained dead people from long ago, relics of a forgotten past. Alexander grabbed all the bones he could find and get the decent burial for them.
After clearing out the area, they came across a room that is filled with machines.
"A dimension portal!" Sebastian rushed forth and checked the device.
"This could take us home?" Piper asked.
"Yes... It could take you home, but also all the realms...let see the last arrival.. it was your realm... setting coordinate now..." The Butler robot made some configuration as his body suddenly turned stiff.
"What did you do... Midas..." The robot creaked his head towards Alexander.
"Thinking of traitorous thoughts?" Alexander spoke as his eyes glowered.
"What do you mean?"
"You didn't read the fine print... Article 5 dash 65, if contractee harbours traitorous thoughts to the contracted to the contractor, his will is voided and under mercy of the one that initiated the contract."
"I thought its just a piece of paper!" Sebastian protested.
"Not when its made by Magnus the red it ain't, that was a soul contract, and you better spill put the truth... "
Sebastian mind struggle as he open his mouth.
"I wanted to send both of you to the void... To be in good graces of the First..."
"Send the machine back to where that blasted warden ripped me from!"
"Understood..." Sebastian stiffly walked to the panels.
After he was done. Alexander gave him a disappointed look.
"I offer you leniency, and you like a man want to go back to a abusive ex, I am taking your walking privileges. No longer you are having liberty of waking in the sun." Alexander growl as he lopped off the limbs from the robot. As the portal opened, piper went in first as Alexander dragged the limbless robot back to the portal. He left several times charges to blow the machine apart, never to be use forever.
Alexander found himself in a alleyway and found out that Theseus came rattling in his head.
"A prison cell in the void, some wank managed to snatched me from this realm."
"I got the warden in my inventory and a traitorous ilk in the lieutenant of the second in this robot butler behind me, what is your course of action?"
"If Cain got rows of teeth on his face, eyes that led to the abyss is cain and tentacles that can damage me... I am not sure its a irony to abrahmic or the version of the emperor made this... Abomination." Alexander growled .
He dropped the noctis labyrinth into the local black hole in his subverse, making it a prison where he did not escape
Alexander nodded.
Fallout universe was a long campaign. Longer than he thought. He didn't kill the supposed hidden reincarnated that follow the first... As they are dead.
But it is up to him to manually get the technology directly now.
Piper arrived with the local arbites and Alexander managed to returned to power. The opportunist and those undermined The imperium is already shitting their pants as they believed that he is dead. And they began to crack down by the local arbites
He gave speech to allay the fears in Pennsylvania. Thousands flocked to his stadium and radios, voxcasters turned on.
"Citizens of the imperium, I bring you a sad day that I been at near brink of death by the bullets of assailant that believed in the old world order. I was barely kept alive and been under ICU and another assassin was sent to kill my very being, tell me civilian and citizen of the imperium, do you want to go back to the days that we struggle in the wasteland, our everyday thought is how to wait for tomorrow?"
"No!" The people cried, as they remember the wasteland. And the struggle to eat and even drink water that is not contaminated.
"Do you want the return where your families torn apart because raiders and slavers, monsters dressed in human skin loiter the wasteland?"
"No!" The people cried once more. Reminded the suffering of being the slaves .
"Do you want to bring back the government that voted in the nuclear bombs and politicians that no longer cared for the interest of the people and only mind to fill up their pockets?"
"No!" The people shocked in horror knowing how close they were to being a slave.
"I led the imperium to unify the wasteland, I bring order, justice and prosperity! No longer did you see a slaver, no longer you see super mutant that want to kill all of humanity, no longer did you weather the freakish nature made by the fallout that your forefathers had made... It was people that joined my cause, I didn't forced your children and your families to fight my wars! They shared my belief of a unified earth. I didn't want to have entitled pricks that believe that voting is a privilege that should be carelessly given out to everyone! Doing service guarantee citizenship! It is a small requirements to remind how valuable that your vote meant something! It to show that you have the responsibility and the willpower to dictate our fate, and especially the policies that I included."
"The perpetrator of the assassination was made by the New Democrats and they want to bring the hard times, they wanted the power of the imperium but none of the responsibility! Had I died, they would have taken over and raised taxes on everything. They don't see you as humans! They see you are ignorant fools that is lacking without purpose outside of democracy and liberalism in their life and they want to forced their beliefs down your throat, whether you refuse or not, they would never be satisfied.
And I am just in their way, I don't raise taxes, as it is a form of loyalty to the imperium to remind that we have a mutual contract between us, where your money is spent to the world that you lived in, I don't listen the people that hates me for all, the horors and slanderous campaigns in public against me, did they wield the rifle! Did they launched bombs in Serbia when the world is about to end in that part of the globe? No! They stayed behind and did nothing but be a bloodsucking parasite in the imperium! I lived under their so-called democracy! I refuse to let the past be our future! Where bureaucracy is our worship, where sin is our identity, where good deeds is vilified and criminals are worshipped the grounds they stand upon! I refuse to let this world be corrupted into debauchery!" He heaved a piece, the people ofthe imperium listen. Waiting to hear more.
"I don't want our children hate for all the things we had done... I don't want to have them entitled and to say that all our sacrifices we made.... All the hardship each and everyone of you suffered during the age of fallout was meant for nothing. So be aware, don't think that socialism and Communism is the way to go, if you have grievances talk to me, through the Petition stations, I will see what I can do, provide it is not insane, than you listening to the parasites that promised the moon and stars that is beyond their capacity for their elections and did nothing. And I thank you for the time that your spent your precious day, listening to me. Goodnight people of the imperium, May the tomorrow shine upon you better than the last." Alexander gave a bow and promptly left the stadium.
It placed the people in contemplation but realized that their way of life is much more better than before.
And the new democrats was lit on a stove especially the fact that they even sent two assassins was shocking enough on the low level grunts. They left en masse leaving the core members behind.
"You insane! Killing the high lord was a mistake?!" Spat one of the followers as they left the gloomy political party. The building they resided was filed with trash flung by the locals nearby.
The cat is out of the bag and now they suffer the consequences.
"What now boss?" Spoke one of them.
But they heard a voice so chilling.
"Oh.... You don't need to do anything" voice mockingly spoke.
Many paled as they saw one of the Emperor angels appears from the shadows in the corner.
One of the idiots spoke out.
"How dare you come to our property! This is New Democrats-"
"I know, and you already forfeited it the moment you sent the assassins after the High Lord. Mmm... I think you will do." The night lord snarl as he went for the idiot, many screamed as he began flaying and skinning the fool alive. They wanted to run, they wanted to flee from the horror that is Infront of them, but fear paralysed them, like the High lord said, they never even seen the battlefield and that they demanded the votes?
The night lord childishly grin as he was done with his work.
The fool was turned to a chair and he was still alive in that state.
"Who's next?"
A mob was riled up as they began to smashed into the compound and they want to go after the local new democrats and what they met before them was a living furniture and they were in agonizing pain.
The people held no compassion towards them nor fear, only utter disgust as they moved the furniture in the opened and doused them in gasoline and burn the new democrats to the ground.
The night lord that witness this from a nearby rooftop held with some admiration of the mob before him. At least they are more of a hardy stock of people he came across.
It was a week later that Alexander inform all his close ones in this realm. And they gather in his mansion in Texas.
"So you are leaving? " Piper spoke.
"Yes, my time here was... Memorable"
"Alexander, seemed like you are heading somewhere else." Mr. House now in his prime greeted Alexander with a handshake.
Veronica was nearby and gave a nod.
After they settle down, he inform them of his intentions in this world.
"I never thought that there is a realm beyond us, that is hostile in nature." House murmured
"Just how strong is their forces?" Veronica asked.
"More numerous and technologically advanced than what we currently have." Alexander bluntly spoke.
"Then you planning to use this universe as a Research and development?" House spoke.
"Yes, because they are funneling into my home galaxy and they never would looked for you."
"So you are fighting constantly in the worlds you conquered and beyond..." Piper spoke.
"If the warfront is stable, is is possible for us to traverse to the Galaxies you conquered?"
House was interested in the technologies beyond.
Especially cyberpunk ones.
"Yes, House, but you do need a escort there as they are well armed and a bit brutish for a sensible man like you." Alexander smile softly.
"I have just the man, Courier meet Alexander" house gesture the figure behind him. A man wearing the Nevada ranger uniform stood and salute at Alexander.
"Thank you for helping my friend, courier you have my thanks."
The courier took a few moments and nodded.
"A bit blunt but he get the job done." House remarked.
"I only have required of people I trust is that you must be prepared for a incursion. They might invade your galaxy in spite against me."
"When are you leaving?" Curie asked.
Alexander was in the balcony and gaze upon the stars, the clear night where he could see even the moon and it's citizen, if he looked hard enough.
He felt a woman hands held his and felt pressured behind his back. Piper was leaning her back at Alexander.
"So... Then Alexander... Will you be coming back?" Piper spoke.
"Perhaps... would you be coming with me?"
"Nah, I got to take care of my sister and being sent to that place is enough to give me a inkling on how you been up to this whole time." Piper smiled.
"I see...well then take care, Piper."
"See you next time Alexander, perhaps meeting you have been the biggest scoop in my life. Perhaps when you have the time, tell me all about your journey will ya?" She smiled and released her hands as she entered inside.
Alexander smiled.
"Perhaps when I have the time indeed..." He smiled as he began to glow and disappeared.
Piper peeped in a corner and smiled just the same.
Alexander was in his office and he glance at the clock, what was a few centuries there was just a few minutes that passed by.
A secretary appeared and handed him a report.
"Sky Marshal Alexander, your call?"
He looked into the report and smiled.
"Operation Bug Swatter is now on the go. Let's go kill some bugs!"
(A/N): late as usual , I know, when the world gotten so insane that I could no longer feel enthusiastic of expanding the lore of Fallout Europe without offending some people, I probably get fined by Germany for mocking their bureaucracy or freedom of Britain. All it takes is some deluded wankers to cry to the government and my anonymous identity would be exposed.
When writing to form escapism and critisim of the harsh reality is a crime... What's the point?
Freedom is a lie in Europe, I see no freedom of speech in their constitution.
Germany hate speech laws have been subverted to arrest someone for a meme and shut up the flow of ideas, making echo chambers and resentment bubbling below the surface. I do like visiting Europe, but I know that, I will never leave that place alive. They blame China and Russia for the freedom of speech is curtailed, but ironic they do the same. The more they pretend that democracy is the solution, the more I believe that democracy is a failure. I am heading to a nearest Orthodox church to be converted. Being a Roman Catholic, made me disgusted on the Pope's actions and the female priest that spoke on usa president election sicken me. Liberalism truly did corrupted the church teachings...
They handpick what they want to hear, than what they needed to hear.
I just leave the relationship with Piper and Alexander ambiguous. Much more fun.