Chapter 231 - Against Angels

What his purpose here in this world?

He already left Britain with his objectives and placed the royal family as a representative of Britain.

It was surprising that the supernatural in England didn't do anything to him and his forces. Except the Vampires, as they fought a last stand against the Night Lords dealing with blood Magic and reality warping powers is not a good sign for their existence.

He was preparing for a bloody culling but a blood pact is been signed with the remaining spirits and if they made anything, he had legal right to nuke england from orbit.

Alexander watched from his office as the local news spoke about the situation in Texas.

The world grew more verdant and slowly free from radiation. Cities ruined by nuclear fire is being rebuilt and the oceans and land that is bombed by nuclear fire is slowly returning to normal.

Hunters ventured into the wilderness to kill the radiated animals in the wasteland and wanted posters of raiders and bandits planted in every town to entice bounty hunters to kill the last horors of the fallout.

The last remaining vaults is being surveyed and catalogue by techpriest, before they close the social experiment down. While keeping some that is reasonable for staying opened for generations to remind how a corporation led missery to people that it sought to save.

He clicked channels of several channels.

"This is Megan from Texas News, Live at Austin War memorial, we are here to unveil the 4th anniversary of the unification of America and today is Veterans day, be sure to remind the people of what we fought for in this day...

A day of mourning and celebration for the soldiers that fought for our way of life. Next up, the Unveiling of the Imperial Bank is now opened and now people can enjoy your savings across the world and beyond."

"This is Clark from New Britain News Channel and we are here to say to the yanks across the pond, thanks for helping us. The queen had came out and accepted the treaty that allow Britain into Imperial fold and now giving a speech that we must stand united against the threat of those that wished to undermine our alliance and our cultural way of life, next news, Bobbin Paddington Pies have unveil a new pie for us to enjoy. Radiated eel jelly is now being a rare delicacy due to the fact that radiation has been plummeted to 79% and now the animals are limited in number. Cloning banks are now making animals to populate the desolate wasteland, and we start to see vestige of what our ancestors once had."

"Nikolev, From Volga News, we are here at the Siberian lands to document of the war that crippled the land, we are seeing the engineers are defusing mines and now dismantling the outpost in the motherland. There are places where the military refuse to let us enter due to contamination of radiation."

He pondered as he watched the world is slowly becoming pre-war era free from radiation, no politicians, no systems of politics, united in one faith.

For once, this is pretty much a conquest to liberate the horors of humanity.

He looked across the room and watched the last vat that held the legs... It held runes and markings that etched across its skin and appear pulsating as a warp rift is opened in the vat itself to absorb the energies of the warp..

It unnerved him that it might be some of the brothers this body holds... But he had to do it.

"Theseus, fashion the legs into boots... "

"Do it... I prefer my remaining limbs be my own..."


The limbs in the vat disappear and now on his table is a Combat military boots in place.

It was pale gold and runes appear on the sides giving it some form of divinity.

He stare at the boots for some time...

Wondering if this was the right decision.

He just replaced his boots with the newly crafted one and now became complete.

[Leaving fallout ETA: 1 month, 21 days]

He watched the timer began to tick down as he prepared to fight a foe one last time, his secretary arrive with some unsettling news.

"Sir, there are two political party that is requesting your attention... And they been adamant to see you." A Weary man rushed inside with paperwork that is already 12 feet of paper that request his attention.

He was in charge of Alexander affairs when he was not in office, there were many like him that shared the vision of the imperium and do whatever it takes to see it come true.

He placed the mountains of paper on the table in a surprising quick fashion that it did not collapse on itself was nothing short of a miracle.

"Phil, Who are the parties that wished to see me?"

"New Democrats and the League of Conservative, both wishing to discuss on your method of government."

"Oh... Those two." Alexander groaned.

It was no surprise the relics of the old government began to surface when people are satisfied with their way of life...

After the end of the Siberian war, Alexander loosen the degree of management and allowed people to vote their own mayor and village head to keep the order and never go beyond state level to prevent corruption, and the people could have some degree of maintaining their elected to keep the stability.

Two such groups is contending with his ear.

The League of Conservation is based on the former republicans and their ideals, they were given towns and villages in US to maintain order, and keep the faith of Christianity alive.

He left them off as long as they keep the deal of being sastified and they beginning to think they want more representation to have politicians in federal level.

But the New Democrats... Alexander knew that they didn't even bother to rebrand themselves and they demand privileges for the people that is undeserving. And ironically they wanted segregation of all colors. And they never settle to one state as they blabbed their ideals to the masses that is gullible to not know of the consequences. Words of rainbow farts and idealistic idiocity demanding that everyone is equal and that they should let criminals loose without bail.

After letting his secretary off, that needed some respite, he met the first representative of the Conservatives. He was wearing a formal suit and tie and his facial feature was one that demanded attention.

"And you are?" Alexander ask.

"Colt Houston, I represent the League of conservative and their interest."

"Why did you request my attention?"

"Can I ask a few questions?"

Alexander nodded.

"Sir, Are you replacing the Gold Standard with Fiat money?"

"No, the galaxy had plenty of gold and why should I replace it with paper money that is loosely based on trust? I don't want to ensure money that is worth nothing and based on trust, it is very fragile. Pretty much all the gold mines is under my management and I keeping it stable."

"Why do you not allow investors to buy stocks in critical sectors of employment?"

"Why should I? When in time they would overthrow the owner and they would make the line go up, and they make short term goals, than long term sustainability for their profits, I only allowed stake holdings to not to divert the companies direction with their voices, companies that do that, they are not penalized, but they will suffer their own consequences as their investors will suck them dry. Investing in public services is out of the question as it would lead conflict of interest."

"Is it a chance for the united nations to be reinstated?"

"No... It have been corrupted and infiltrated by people that never think beyond political agenda, the world doesn't need a organization that will be filled with bloat and become the evil that it swore to defy. Tell me Mr colt, did the UN stopped wars? Did it stopped the slave trade and poisonous drugs manufacturing plants in dictator nations? Did it stopped the war that ended the world as nuclear fire rain, darkening the sky with radioactive ash and monsters? I didn't see even UN planned for the fallout?"

Colt gulped as he had nothing to say as all he knew was from the textbooks and word of mouth on how good were the old times.

He pressed on.

"Sir, I humbly request that you should reinstate the Congress and Senate for the interest of the people."

"Haven't I already done so without congress and senate? I already sent petition stations and I listen to them directly, not some middle management that is a elderly home."

"However." Colt interjected.

"As the world recovered, we need representation of every state and we need elections... " His words fell off as his back was dripping in sweat.

"I been here in the day since the bombs fell, and I saw what the Congress and Senate, bloodsuckers and rats, feasting on America wealth. And I only allowed veterans to vote on the policies that is introduced, not a bunch of people that is swayed by emotions and led by insurrectionists that burned down cities for temper tantrums. I am here to run a country and make it as stable as possible, not make the taxpayers to cater to a bunch of degenerates that made our government as a nursing home for morons."

"Sir, that is not true democracy..."

"Democracy died in the nuclear fire, by the people that voted in the monsters, Mr.Colt, you should be grateful that I allowed towns to be conservatives by the people voted in. And I think you are overstepping the boundaries that you think we are federal states of America, my men bled and died to unified this world and your party just sweep in and take all the credit and make yourself the good guys as the generations forget the things that we suffered?"

"You.... Are a dictator!"

Colt is incense that the man before him is a dictator by nature, as veterans being the citizens instead all the people is deserving to be a citizen.

"We already tried that "Democracy" two centuries ago and it failed, people are irresponsible and narcissistic when not control their desires properly, blinded on what's the next high, led by wolves that didn't care about the quality that they ate, and they handed the government more power as they become more irresponsible.

Liberalism died when the people are so stupid that they believed the government and bureaucracy is actual democracy. No longer thinking for themselves and hold the government accountable.

New Democrats and League of Conservative, both the same rotting wings of a failed nation. Where each is more potent with toxicity after each election. Let me tell you this, Colt, what guarantee that the people would hold the Government that you envisioned accountable after you passed away? Any check and balances?" Alexander eyes glowered with gold as if seeing his own soul.

"I..." Colt stammered.

"You don't, because you believed that everything goes in your own way. Yes, it would be fine for 5 years, after that? Your government would be puppeted by the elites, corporation and outside forces, devouring what we have done, for their own agenda, never listening to the people that elected to represent you. Then you don't have the balls to fix what is right because of political backlash and kick the can down the road for younger generations that suffer your mistake. I am not willing to make that mistake."

"But this is America, the Home of the Free! You are literally taking the rights of the people!"

"America I knew, died that day when socialist infested the nation and conservative didn't fought back, but just kept the status quo of the previous democrat talking points as they delve into madness, they did nothing to save what's left. But to shift the blame to the younger generations of the mistakes they made.

And you don't have the right to say I am evil, when good men did nothing while the world burns in nuclear fire, they have no right to complain that a "Dictator" like me that care for the peope, just swept in and turned the world for the better for all of us to enjoy, the claim that I steal people right is absurd.

Civilians and Veterans have their own privileges, the veterans are not left on the streets by both parties after every war is concluded, every recession forcing families to sell their homes for dirt cheap, regardless of winning and losing. I am not overreaching their freedoms or their personal beliefs, I do not tax them till the day they die, if they are unable to pay taxes, they would pay Bimonthly or every trimonthly, nor do I not nationalized their businesses and force them to conform to my norms. I listen directly to the people than hearing from a bootlicker that soothed my ego, I keep my people safe and what do you have to offer? Talking points from a party that is propped up by the corpses of a forgotten republic and never kept it? Ideals are nice, but with words that have no substance such as force is a pathetic virtue and begging the nation to be conquered. I do not want the people I protect to be split apart because red or blue. If the people want progress, they would tell me directly instead of politicians that give me the generalization of what they want."

As Colt protested he was stopped by Alexander.

"Leave now while we have some peaceful terms, Mr colt and you should be grateful that I didn't obliterate those towns that housed your party for insubordination and sedition from the imperium.

I am glad to see the perspective of your party and I do sincerely hope that you keep it to yourself that the old form of government had died and no longer works, only the imperium is what remains...

I am waiting for the next representative and see how absurd their intentions they willing to slap me with absurdity."

As the representative of the conservative party left gloomy that most of his points is not accepted, the Democrats representative dressed in absurd outfit, he was dressed like going to a hippie convention than being formal. Unlike colt that demanded attention, he was lanky and shifty like he got something to hide. How did he survive the fallout with that body is beyond Alexander.

"Well, I am Billy from the new democrats party. And I am here to give a few ideas about changing this place." He looked as if he was already in the seat where Alexander sat on...

"Go on..."

"I propose that we should reinstall the Female Equality act and universal basic income, bring back Home Owners Associates, you need zoning laws..."

As he blabbed on, Alexander eyes twitches as the man before him want to bring back his first world America without even realizing it. The world that ended by Brandon.

"And start a Minority day parade..." (A/n: You know the parade that show the degeneracy)

"You finished?"

"Yes, that's all we demanded of you." he didn't even try to hide his ambition as if he was imagining that he was the one that is in power.

"You know, here's what I think about your proposal. Female equality act, it is already obsolete, both man and woman is equal and given fair judgement based on their contribution to society and the justice system is no longer blind to the idiots, and you demanding one side to have more privileges is already destroying the equality of the Imperium. Universal basic income is a shite, so you are saying to those that did not work is to be a parasite to suck on a hardworking people that keep the world running? Universal healthcare? I keep the healthcare low enough for even the poorest of the people to afford it, if they can't afford the drugs they can go to the nearest Medpod clinics and heal their wounds and dieseases.

I deal with reality, not idealism from a delusional party... I still remember your party kept the KKK around even despite the fact I ended the segregation laws..."

"No, we are not like the old party, we come here with hope for the future-"

"Future? More like a bunch of ghouls that want to feast on the bounty the Imperium had made. I don't trust in your faith and your plans are absurd. The Holiday's, I agreed is some of the old religion holidays, and Sanguinala, not some ungrateful pricks that demand their voices to be heard then expand it to a month and began to oppressed other with their opinions."

"Isn't this a democracy?" He stammered.

"Only veterans get to vote for the policies that I put forth as they had skin on the game, not some ungrateful bastard just ignore what on the voting ballot and call it a day. Leave now or I call in security."

"I hope you never underestimate the power of the people! We will rise against the Imperium! We will march and demand out voice be heard!"

"And what about your followers? Fifty thousand? So you planning to sacrifice their lives for your beliefs? Or is that the party as a whole behind you that agree to it?"

Billy gave a smug.

"I am sure the party agree with me, their lives to sacrifice for our cause is the foundation of democracy." He left the room leaving Alexander in a sour note.

He began to call his phone to a certain individual

"Send me the Boston News ... Yes, Piper? Yes... I have a scoop that you like, the juicy kind. I got a video recording of the two parties, sending now... Yes... Show what the new democrats had said and investigate them, no editing as journalism need integrity. I don't need idealist fools that want to ruined what we have sacrifice...Please Piper do what you can, to uncover the truth.... A stroll in Boston after this? I will think about it..." He turned to the Tv and listen to the news channels that spread across the world.


A a office in Boston, a man slam his fist into Billy face, sending him to the ground.

"The frickin hell, Billy, I told you that we needed to get the High Lord ear and get things done, look what you had done!" The man slapped him with the newspaper with the label on the headline

"Are New Democrats the terrorist in United States of New Imperial America (USONIA) and sought to use people as cannon fodders for their beliefs, it is a threat to imperial ruling? Or a group of people unsatisfied with what we were given?"

"But I thought you are willing to back with our words?" Billy was confused.

"Fuck, why did we even had to send you! We are barely getting enough followers and you had to piss off the High Lord even more?! Now the people that followed us are now retracting their following and we are deep into the target of the Imperial inquisition! If the chairman didn't intervened to send you, the useless dolt of his sister spawn, we should had been already back on track.... Fuck!" The man raged and began flipping the furniture in the room.

One of the members spoke out.

"Then we should already rebel now, since we are already condemned as a terrorist anyway. We got the weapons from the NCR rebel cells..." His suggestion was met by a fist in his face.

"Then our cause is already vilified beyond repair and if we walk on the streets with weapons and began to fight back, it would proven that we are actual terrorist!" He bellowed.

He sighed as he made the two people leave.

The New Democrat party is already in scrambles as the video of the conversation between the High Lord and his party representative is spread around and possibly the world, many of them began to distance the party as the truth of them being a Segregationist and their roots of the KKK have alarmed many of the people that wanted to research the past. And news began to surface that they had dealings with raiders and slavers during the unification wars.

It put the party in a very bad light, and many of the core members clamor that the league of conservative should shoulder the burdens of their actions.

But astonished that they were left alone. The core members is silently captured and sent to Guam..

And it was a bit of a uproar.

But it was watered down by the amount of incentives and job openings, as Alexander put it...

"Bread and Circuses must be maintained, but ensure that the exits is always opened. Lest they delved into a psuedo slave."

While US is in a bit of flames.

Alexander arrive at a cape that is near California coast.

It overlooked the golden gate bridge and San Francisco that is bustling with life.

On it stood a graveyard that bore the sign of the long forgotten Enclave. And at the edge of the cliff, it was the name Frank Horrigan.

During the reconstruction, one of the robots that cleanse the ocean, found the headless Super mutant underneath all the rubble of the derelict oil rig and dragged him ashore and the mechanicus was on the scene, taking fev samples of the decayed corpse. Alexander having informed of the man, ensured his body is buried and no further invasive dissection, had him buried that overlook the city. His armor was all that remained after all these years.

He brought a Whiskey and a Cuban cigar.

"Well, I hope you enjoy the America that the Enclave that once envisioned." He began to pour it on a glass cup that was placed on the grave.

"Though, I was allied with the Enclave for a short while, you were honor bound of protecting the president Dick Richardson till the bitter end... I did heard about your death when the oil rig collapse... I didn't had time to get your corpse. I barely manage to get all the dog tags in the ocean.." He smiled as he placed the rusted dog tags next to the tombstone. He gulped the whisky and gave a salute.

"Semper Fi, Frank Horrigan, you were a man I could had get along... Had the enclave didn't gone insane." Alexander smiled as he watched the California sun began to set in the distance.

"I am alone now, for one last battle to free the horrors of war in earth... But I will keep the Spirit of the Enclave alive as long as I live...God Bless the Enclave and God Bless America... Farewell.. old patriot. May whatever god you believe in, give you solace in the afterlife..." He place the whiskey bottle and the cigar next to the tombstone and left the premises.

As the sunlight dim in the west coast

A song began to sing in the cove. It was lonely but it convey something to those that was the Enclave remnants.

*Frank Sinestra: My Way*

A Man that was partially drunk in the night, that passed by the coven graveyard, saw a huge phantom like figure sitting next to the edge, drinking the Whisky and lifted the cigar as its sole sense of moonlight in the night.

As if enjoying the song that is played out. It spooked the drunkard as he left screaming.

In a part of the Galaxy, the rift from the warp opened and revealed the denizens from within.

One such neverborn clambered out of the portal, not harm the living, but to escape what is behind it.

Several spears of light flew from the portal, impaled the neverborn as invasive energy flooded it's core of itself and corroded from within and it screeched out as it burst into a stream of light.

Several hooded winged figures flew out like a torrent of feathers of light scattered in their wake.

They were surprised that it was desolate planet that held no vestige of life.

"Isn't this Earth?" One swept down to the ground and grabbed the soil, it cleched it as it turned to dust. It was bland and lifeless...

"Is our Destination was wrong?" One spoke out

A figure with many wings stepped forth and spoke.

"This is not even earth at all... Where are we?"

"Oh... I can answer that for you, son of bitches." A voice echo before them.

They looked around and saw a hooded man just stood there facing before them as if waiting for them. He sat on a rock as he watched them with mocking gaze.

"I send you here to prevent total destruction of earth. I don't need bastards like you to morally police humanity."

"How dare the mortal bessech the foulness of such words ?" The figure spoke

"I dare, because you left humanity to die without purpose. They prayed for your creator assistance and he never helped."

"Why should we care for a creation that destroyed themselves? They are just source of faith to fuel our creator unending armies." One of the winged figured spoke with certainty.

"So, in your eyes... We are like cattle?" The hooded figure astonished.

"And we are here to rectify the mistake, for you divert the faith that we need, to your corpse emperor, we are here to give you two choices, you, Midas, son of the carrion god. You must revoke your worship of the False God Emperor of Mankind and allow Christianity to spread across the cosmos."

"I guess I am pretty popular... how about no, what's your other choice?" The man chuckled.

"Then we send the armies of light against you, as a heretical influence to humanity you must be culled. Our numbers are infinite as the fury of Yahweh behind us."

"Then we will never come to agreement. I choose death than being forced than my beliefs. My faith is in the Emperor that cares than a malevolent god that just made us as cattle." He murmured.

"You are just one man against our leading force!"

"You know? I am grateful that I believe in the God Emperor than a hypocrite like you. Your forces are too arrogant to be kept alive..." The figure before them sighed.

The winged figures laughed as he was already losing his mind.

Him alone, against billions of chosen by their creator?

"I am alone in flesh, but my spirit is strong... " Alexander smiled.

When he heard of their invasion... He had someone to call for aid, and away from human prying eyes , a Necron tomb world was established for their arrival alone. Necron pylons began to activate, not to prevent the rift from closing but to keep them locked up and stay there.

A Cage match made for the enemies before him.

If he failed, he knows the space Marines and the Ecclesiarchy would handle this, but he would not imagine to lose, but to win.

The planet rumbled as reality began to quake.

The tremors grew louder and louder until the crust of the planet cracked, revealing the derelict city below.

Green lightning flicker to life as the monoliths runes began to eerily glowed green as they began to awaken their dynasty protocols. The defensive pylons began to activate ready to unleashed Gauss weaponry. Green mist began to seep across the ground, bearing forbode warning to those that thread the lands, the land began to exhumed countless scarabs that were like grains in the sands.

The invaders realize that the planet they stood on is been separated from their dimension and ended up being the funnel point for them to move forward, they are unable to even go back as they were arrogant enough to make a one way trip Portal without the consequences in mind.

"You dare use soulless automatons to fight against us?!"

"I place my faith in my allies and their efforts to save the human race... Let us see the corporation of Xenos Metal and Human flesh versus the arrogant divine."

"Then, you shall die with the automatons!" The head of the figure hissed. As one aimed their spear at Alexander to end it all.

A greenish barrier halted its attack just a few inches away from his neck.

Alexander smiled as he watched the masses of necrodermis awaited his call.

They were silent, emotionless as their emotions just budding in the necron frames. Their eyes are dim as waiting for his call.

The he spoke out.

"Warriors! We are at the grasp of history, a Alien god is demanding our heads and wished to destroy all of us... I call the aid of the Ancients to defy their claim upon the materium planes. Assist my plight!


"I heard of your tales of the War in heaven, how you chained gods in their wake, I humbly requesting that you shall do so again, to chain the beast from within the warp, Awaken, Necrons... Rise from the ashes of millennia of war, remind the galaxy of your power that you once grasped the stars... And let them realize that they have nothing to gain and we shall not let them leave without a price, what is our verdict for such a foe?"

The necrons sound as one, their voice tremble the land.

It brought the angels fear into their existence...


The automaton eyes glowered with green flames that seemed to defy the divine.

As the barrier become weakened by the unending blow, Alexander smiled.

"Fire at once to show their attempts are futile!" The figure roared as Green particles began to lobbed across to where the angels stood.

From the skies, a dimensional crack appeared above Alexander and opened, revealing its contents within.

Scores of necron night scythes and doom scythes flew out like a storm of necrodermis, and shot their Tesla destructor and Doom Rays . And within the crack rift, a galaxy of necrodermis is readying to exit the portal. Bringing misery to bear.

The angels flew with flames as their wings and weapons endowed with fury of their god, they numbered endlessly, no longer counted by mere mortals eyes. Descending upon the beings below them.

But on the surface, necron formations began to open their weapons upon the flock of angels.

The angels screams and wails were the last thing as they coated the surface with ashes in their wake.

The Necron city and its monoliths came to life.

Base defense of pylons obliterated the first wave of the angels. Green lightning and burst of plasma slammed into the unending horde of deviants.

Gauss weaponry, blessed by the Omnissiah, their Shard of the void dragon, began to inflict damage to the unending hordes..

The angels holy they may be, they were just souls of ordinary humans that were given divine powers to smite their foes, the deaths of their peers now begin to impact their mind as they realize that they could never leave this place alive.

They shot spears of light at the soulless husk and found out that they never died.

They never met a immortal army before them.

All they had to show the heretics from before was to intimidate them by force and all is well. They never met a man that even sought to defy their god's will.

They grew arrogant... And they grew complacent.

And the price of learning was their corpses piled high.

The metal beings was slowly presumed to be destroyed, began to regenerate and fought back, some turned to seconds from being revived from death hands. Those that were damaged beyond repair, were send back for repairs or turned them into destroyers.

The fight had proven costly, and many of the cherubs that accompanied them attempt to flee back to the rift to warn reinforcement and found that they are unable to do so, as scores of reinforcement is flooding in and the fact that the rift is one way and now they suffer for their blind belief as many were slaughtered.

They can't even get too close as metal fist crushed their bones and ripped their spines out, and even close range, Necron Gauss impacted their beings as it eradicated their souls.

This was the only time when the flayed ones were recruited by the millions as they skinned angels alive and wore their skins, blood dripping from their orifices. Moved in the shadows made by the continuous explosions.

Crypteks began their technological prowess to warp reality and made it into their battlefront much more devastating as they unlock the secrets of the universe using technology alone. They even summoned the shards of the c'tan into the fray. As the materium gods feasted upon the angels souls and found that they tasted enough to satisfy the god ego of obeying.

The archangel that led the charge yelled out as hundreds of winged angels were remaining at the fracture they came out, they are unable to even escape nor even relay what is happening...

"We shall march on and kill the heretics!" The Archangel bellowed as he raised his spear and lobbed it at the nearest Cryptek

Alexander smiled wryly.

"My wife is better than your prattling, just die already!" He grabbed a broken flayed one Hands and lobbed it at the Archangel at supersonic speed, it directly impaled into the heart and he fell down.

Many of the angels exclaimed out in horor as their leader is killed.

"He is dead!"

"Never stop the bombardment! Let this world crack by the power of necron might if we had to!" Alexander yelled as he know there is always a catch for killing the leader so easily.

The archangel spasm as he spoke those words.


The body of the archangel bursted out, revealing a bloody set of floating rings with eyeballs and wings that never ran out and it looked at Alexander.

"What the FCK Is that?"

"Let's kill a God chosen today" Alexander grimly spoke as he readied a Holy Cyclone torpedo into the Rift. He was sure that it would not kill the higher ranked Angels. But it was to annoy them and kill a sizable chunk of the forces flooding in.

As he rushed forward and began the procedures.

The ringed angel realized this and the numerous eyes embedded it's body aimed at his general direction and opened fire with divine flames to purify Alexander from existence.

He sprint to the point his face was touching the ground as he held the Torpedo as he avoid the flames, the necrons assist him with their bodies or turn back time to divert the attacks.


It roared in his mind as if it branding its purpose to his soul. Forcing him to yelled out in pain as the mental attack is beginning to drill into his mind.

Its mental tendrils began to drill into his head and search whatever it was looking and felt as if

Dragged into a realm...

It floated in a derelict place hall that held numerous seats that surrounded the hall, it had been worned down by time. The royal banner above the throne have been scratched and burned beyond recognition.

The regal hall was filled with burnt marks and the

Ashes and upon the throne sat a armored figure that is silently sat on the faded chair. His armor is chipped beyond repair and his weapons is just a sword... A simple broadsword that a normal blacksmith would had made.

The floating eyes felt a dark premonition of the figure before gim.

It stare at the intruder as the figure simply spoke a single word.


It was no exclamation marks or even a tone as it it was bland and the word contain power and it crashed the angel on the floor as if being dragged by the force of gravity.

The angels eye bled as it saw the figure simply stood up and descending towards him, Its eyes widen as there were traces of golden strings attached to the armoured knight and it looked above and saw another figure that controlling the knight.

The eyes of the angel turned red and pulsating with rage as it was the God Emperor Of Mankind, the Carrion God of the Imperium is overseeing the fight and controlling the figure before it. The skeletal frame being sat on the golden throne and on his right hand is where the strings were tied to.

"_-(('7_-#)_+#)@-!?" It screamed a ancient tongue that only the the figures before him knew.

The armoured figure stopped and spoke.

"I didn't gave my humanity... To serve the path laid before me is paved with blood regardless of whatever the choices I make... I knew the moment I took the shard of the God Emperor, my life... my future, is tied with him... aeterna caelestis imperialis, Ad Victorum.

His glory is my future, His Vision is My path... So..." He raised his sword.


He swung down and it ripped the angel apart and made a shockwave that blew the dust and ash out of the hall.

The figure stood up in the mental image of the angel and simply walked back to the throne and waited....

While it was a few seconds that Alexander is assaulted by the mental attack, he shake off the mental attack and rushed forward. He noticed the Angel from above is screaming as it faded to nothingness, he ignore it as there is more pressing matter to do so.

The Cyclone torpedo in his back is now beeping and ready to unleashed the devastating component from within. Just a few hundred meters away, he lobbed it and yelled out.

"Close the rift now!" He bellowed.

He could already see the cyclone torpedo blown up within the rift and the blast was enough to send him flying back as the special concoction within the torpedo is destroying the angels within.

He watched as the kill count rise and the rewards in the corner of his eye.

"So much for having more allies in the immaterium." He muttered as the rift is closed and the necron plyon slowly loosen its protective cage around the planet.

The skies of the planet became cloudy and it turned to a thunderstorm, lightning crackling as in the center of the Storm is a giant eye that peered in the clouds. And it aimed directly at Alexander.

"°§`[×~[§~∆∆{∆∆}?" It echoed within the storm several times as its words rammed into Alexander Skull over and over again as if wanting the answer from him.

Theseus opened up and spoke.

"Why have you forsaken my light?" The words now appear clearly as it rammed into his mental mind.

"I didn't, the moment you sent your angels and force me to convert and death instead of allying against the darkness... I shall defy you." Alexander growled.

"This is God will... submit or die."

"Yahweh is dead and I know you are just a system pretending to be him, using what's left of his recordings, he has been devoured by the chaos gods and they feasted upon his flesh and soul, only fragments of his being is been scattered across the cosmos. Leave this place false god, this is now under the God Emperor of Mankind and he have deemed this realm under his protection" Alexander spoke.

Upon listening to Scáthach and Amaterasu accounts, pretty much of the Human God Pantheons is killed when Chaos gods became active and it impacted across the multiverse, the majority is being used as a skin for daemons that are loyal to the great four feeding the old gods follower faith to the great four , while those that had escape, hidden themselves in franchisees that had no belief in gods. And the leftovers of the devoured souls scattered and formed a miniature version of themselves, unaware of their deaths or programs in a divinity like computer.

The giant eye blink for the first time. And the howling of the storm stopped.

"Very well... I will come back for my flock"

"Just leave. Or I send my nieces against you."

He smiled as he was referring to the thousand sons and they were eager to dissect the beings in the warp. And perhaps make the angels as experiment is within bounds..

The eye left the way it came. Making the planet returned to a cratered ruin.

He watched as the interaction ended and a nearest imperial patrol fleet picked him up and ready to ferry him back to earth.


(A/n): getting out of Fallout.

Sorry I am late.

The farm had been in turbulent times, 5 acres of crops died to heavy storms and I had to work double shifts to repair the farm.

Seedlings to sow and farming equipment to fix.

But I question the reality as the world has been going more insane. I begin to feel afraid as some Deutschlander or some Wankers from London would fine me for questioning their society or even try to extradite me to jail in their country is insane. the fact that people is worshipping the bureaucracy, want to be slaves and they tune in to Vaush the horse humper and Hassan Piker the terrorist sympathizers is scary. Even writing is giving me a gun to my head, making the expansion to Fallout Europe front is a pain. As I know people will do anything to bring misery.

I began see to that UN failed to see the purpose it created, it didn't even stop wars or human right violation. They go after artist than actual pedos.

And democracy is a utter failure in my eyes.

Instead of good and mutaul understanding, the loser double down their insanity and began to call for the acts of violence. No longer being a human, more like a beast in human skins.

USAid ruined my country... I didn't know my home country election is rigged by Americans that want their only version of democracy than actual organic growth... I beginning to lose faith in the system.

It is different when I like starship troopers mode of democracy when I saw the actual democracy is played out by American that flood my country with their monsters and do regime change for us to be the bootlicking pet.

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