Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 213 - Arriving at Commonwealth

Chapter 213 - Arriving at Commonwealth

A lone man and a floating robot arrive at was once Boston. Dusted and weary as they looked at the somewhat fully intact city.

"Eddie, we made it... At least we arrived at civilization. I tired of all the mutants, heretic and xenos after me!" Alexander now full of dust and his Ranger armor is covered with dust, grime and a lot of blood.

He took a long walk to the commonwealth, and his journey is always in danger. Super mutants and their Species supremacy... Vault dweller with their worship of chaos and Aliens Zetans keep attacking him along his path... You guess it, Aliens now attacking Alexander as he is one of the candidates that will unite the planet and the other is living in russia.. and they want Earth to be a desolate radioactive hellhole as the status quo.

And they came to him every three days, with such numbers that they even came in power armor to handle him.

He anticipated the first invasion and every where he went either in a cave or a metro network as he made tham a kill zones. Every death he racked up he could slowly understand the Xenos speech.

He left the last group alive, just before he arrives to Boston.

["*Snarl* we will hunt you down unifier! Our people are endless and we will never let earthlings to leave this planet."]

Alexander chuckle as he looked at the defeated Zetans.

Behind them is a series of UFO discs crash landed in Ohio. Many of the Imperial guards and tech priest ventured the wrecks.

"I will find you and I will kill your entire race. You been attacking my colonies from outer space? For a advanced race, you are so clumsy to leave a track for my brothers sons to follow." Alexander smiled darkly.

["*Snarl* what do you mean human."]

"My family legions and the might of the imperium have already found your homeworld in the Andromeda system... Congratulations, you won the lottery for being the last living zetans that walk in this galaxy."

[*Growl*"You lie Outsider!"] The leader of the zetan growl at Alexander bluff.

A tech priest approach him and show them a holotape

A Holo video was shown the xenos of their home planet... Their black pupil eyes widen as they saw the Planet is engulfed into a ball of fire.

[*Whimper*"This can't be true... You lie!"]

"A herald of the God Emperor never lies, had you not bothered Earth and picked a fight with me, you would have lived in peace... Until a few years later, your assassination attempts just hastened your extermination... Your soldiers put up a good fight, but you are facing products of a another galaxy of bloodshed and violence. You choose wrongly..." Alexander put his hands in his pocket revealing another Noctis Labyrinth that is activated, its green glow have made the last remnants of the aliens uneasy.

[*Snarl*"what is that!?"]

"A friend of mine would loved to have you in his collection, he is upset I didn't bring him along, be thankful that I don't turn you into servitors. Don't struggle... Resistance is futile." Alexander tossed the necron item into the group of zetans, with a look of fear as they tried to hold back the ray of green light envelope them.

Alexander picked it up and dusted the artifact.

"I hope trazyn would like a little grey aliens from another universe... I starting to miss that guy." Alexander smiled as he stuff it into his pocket subsverse.

"*Happy beeping*" Ed-e the eyebot is bobbing happy for him to accompany him.

Well he got something to do and life around Alexander is fun to be around... And the Machine Spirit that Alexander stuffed in the eyebot got the chance to do its purpose. And they travel to Fort Hagen where a group of Astartes cautiously building fortifications to defend the threats in the commonwealth. Bolter turrets was placed in the rooftop with several scout marines armed with Sniper bolters guarding any threat.

Alexander was halted by one of them that is guarding the entrance.

"Halt ranger, what brings you here from the far west?" The Iron Warrior looked at him with suspicion.

Alexander held up a emblem bearing the aquila and injected himself with a syringe at his wrist and gave it to the Gatekeeper.

"Have this verified to your apothecary and you know who I am." He spoke.

The Astartes looked confused for a few moments of silence, as the Space marine is conversing with his higher ups. Alexander waited as he do maintenance to Ed-e body frame that been battered up.

He didn't bother of the fact that the defenses is aiming at his skull. He trusted them to be more scrutinizing of strangers. Especially he noticed some of the people tried to copy his armor and pretend to be him. Well they got the servitor treatment... But the issue of the copycat remains. His people can already verified him as their leader as they were recruited from the system, he is the one that brought them to this place. However some of the local recruited from this universe have some difficulty understanding his antics...

A Death Guard Apothecary ventured out and greeted him.

"Greetings high lord, Are you here to check up in our progress? How is our defenses is up to par?" The Apothecary joked a bit.

"I see that Iron Warrior protocols of defenses is decent, and I am glad to see my brother sons do the task of defending this place with upmost efficiency."

"What is the password? We need to verify your identification. There is people that running around without souls... Possibly synths running loose."

"Dorn wall is just a decorative ornaments before the Iron Legion." Alexander said it with confidence.

And there is bloodthirst of the Iron Warriors emanating from the surroundings. While they may be redeemed, some part of their chaos traits still linger in them.. a sense of pride?

Had it been a con artist that know the password, he would have been fainted by the bloodthirst from the iron warriors. Alexander been through hell and back, he already participated in the Horus heresy and he was a partial judge of what transpired in that era.

After a few minutes of blood rage, the surroundings turned to normalcy. And the Apothecary sighed as he placed the stringe into his medical satchel that absorb the blood, that tells the identification of the being before him.

"Imperial Citizen 000000000000000000003, High Lord of Terra, Leader of Ten thousand, Emissary of the Emperor, Son of the Imperium, Legionless Primarch...War Saint of Ecclesiarchy, Emissary of the Machine God, Honorary Council member of the Mechanicus... He is verified brothers, Welcome back High Lord" the death guard gave a smile. As he beckon Alexander to enter the Fort.

In the center of the place several baseline human soldier pass by as they watched the Holo table that depicted Boston, their new theater of war.

"Welcome High Lord, I am captain Zekyr Korda Sons of Horus of the 2nd chapter of the first legion of our founding. What can we assist you?" The Sons of Horus smiled cordially.

"Tell me what are we up against? I walked the long road to see my brother sons done good for this world... And I am glad he entrusted you to command the first legion to drop into this land to aid my search.." Alexander smiled as he may have summon them here... But he didn't ordered them to follow him. The Astartes also held him to a degree that he was more concerned about the them and their purpose... They were the creation of the emperor will, and they would have died for him without question... But Alexander saw them as humans just as they fought for humanity, they are too humans at birth before their creation and they sacrifice what life they could possibly deserve as a normal human... He understands that much. Many times he tried to make them to take up arts, diplomacy, duties that the original Blood Angels and Salamander would have done in their past time... When Ahriman made his Wine yard once more, he encourage for them to have hobbies that made them... Human for the people to relate to them.

"Certainly, as of now a Squad of Iron warriors have been sent to the Fort Adam to clear out the Infested Fort so that we can use to expand our base of operations."

"What of the people factions around here?"

"As of now, We have the Minutemen, Child of atom, Railroad, the Institute and Goodneighbor, various raiders loitering about, Our relationship with the minutemen is tense at the moment... However, they saw us wiped out the Raiders at ease and helping out the rebuilding the city under government control, Preston Garvey would like to meet you, High lord."

(A/n: Help, a settlement is under attack, I mark it on your map)

"Not him again... Any news of the Brotherhood of Steel of the East coast Chapter?"

"Some vague news, We sent a company there to check, We have reports of Lyon had accepted our help against the Mutants and Raiders that loitering the capitol wasteland and return order. Once they are done clearing out the dangers and fixing the water supply they will send their finest to aid us." Zekyr Korda smiled like his genefather.

"Any news about the Enclave?"

"No, we detected no signs of the faction that you pointed out in the Capitol or the Commonwealth.... Seems like the oil rig that held the old government was the end of the organization, we found a supply base in Nevada, but there is no one there."

'Weird... usually they would have been in the capitol... and the eastern coast is still strong... did something happen to them?'

"And is there anything that I would like to know about in the Capitol and Commonwealth before I head to the institute?"

"We found what looks like a titan in a underground facility of what you called the Pentagon, it is amazing such a primitive age, they managed to get a grasp of a titan... Our tech priest is now refurnishing it and anointing it with the machine spirit..."

"Ah... Liberty prime... Informed the Tech priest, once they are done reviving the Metal giant, send it to Russian for field testing against the black legion and see if you can get the schematics for creating that... " Alexander eyes held softness of the Metal giant that didn't fulfill it's purpose, now revived to fight against chaos... Well technically Communist and Chaos did joined forces so it's a bargain to see it fulfil its role. But he have to reunify America first.

"Any factions that we need to eradicate first?"

"Eradicate the Children of Atom, gunners and all the raiders... Leave nothing standing. I will be a disguised trader to diamond city to assess if they are suitable for assimilation, continue the search for the institute and second objectives are to eliminate all the mutants that is hostile in the wasteland.. expect for the ones that I will designate." Alexander coldly said, there is no need of a religious fanatics in America that is uncontrollable... He had pity on them... But their beliefs is dangerous.

After he left fort hagen, he left with a trader backpack what the caravans use it to lug their wares around and filled it with essential necessities, the sun is setting and he arrived at Diamond City gates... And he found a familiar Reporter bashing the shut door.

"I got orders not to let you in, Ms. Piper. I'm sorry. I'm just doing my job." A tired man spoke from the intercom.

"Just doing your job? Protecting Diamond City means keeping me out, is that it? "Oh look, it's the scary reporter!" Boo!" The female reporter scream at the intercom.

"I'm sorry, but Mayor McDonough's really steamed, Piper. Sayin' that article you wrote was all lies. The whole city's in a tizzy."

"Agh... You open this gate right now, Danny Sullivan! I live here. You can't just lock me out!"

Alexander and Ed-e is watching the drama, watching the female ran out of breath.

Until he approached Piper.

"What are you doing?" Alexander asked.

Piper saw them and smiled as she rushed towards him and dragged the him in front of the intercom.

"Shh. Play along. What was that? You said you're a trader up from Quincy? You have enough supplies to keep the general store stocked for a whole month? Huh. You hear that, Danny? You gonna open the gate and let us in? Or are you going to be the one talking to crazy Myrna about losing out on all this supply?"

"Geez, all right. No need to make it personal, Piper. Give me a minute." Danny looked defeated as he allowed piperr to be inside

"Better head inside quick before ole' Danny catches on to the bluff." Piper smirks.

"Thank you for playing along... Mr?"

"Alex... Just Alex. Can you show me around this place?" Alexander smiled at the reporter.

"Thanks Alex... I would like to show this place... I have to see my sister... Its getting late."

"Do you know anyplace to crash for the night?"

Piper thinking for a moment.

"Alright, you can stay at my house, you good at sleeping at the couch?"

"I used to be in the army, so I can sleep anywhere."

"Army? You mean the Imperium from the Far West?"

"You heard tales of that place?"

"Of course, caravans from the Far West given us plenty of information of the Imperium and mostly good one."

"What is the bad one?"

"They are highly religious that they worship some God emperor and his emissary as his earthly okay Alex?" Piper notice that Alexander is coughing.

"Not a god... Sorry piper, just got some dust in my throat... Can my buddy allowed to accompany us?" Alexander beckon Ed-e to come forward.

"*Happy Beeping*"

"Whoa a Floating robot...I would see nat would love it."

"Who is nat?"

"My adorable sister... Let's go before Danny keep up with us, he is grumpy lately."

In the night life of Diamond city, Piper and Alexander arrived in the corner of Diamond city.

It was a rickety old shack that seen better days.

It was a few minute walk away from her office.

A little girl rushed out and greeted Piper like a cannonball.

"Sister! You are back!" The little speedy rocket hug her sister tightly

"Nat, I home... " Piper caress her sister head.

The little girl look at Alexander and blurted out.

"Sister brought a man, is he your boyfriend?" Nat innocently ask. Piper was blushing at her sister.

"No, he is a benefactor that let me into the gate... I here to gave thanks." Piper chided her little sister.

"I am here for the night and I will leave soon." Alexander smiled.

As the little girl entered her room, Piper sighed as she closed the door behind her.

"Ms. piper, Must be tough being a older sister."Alexander looked at her weary eyes.

"That is the life of a reporter... Filled with danger and subterfuge.. enough about me... ."

" Are you a bluey? I noticed as you have a pip boy that is in your hands..." She asked.

"Nope, I got it from some vault dwellers I saved and they gave me it as a gift, only used it as a radio." Alexander press the radio and it blared to life.

The radio came to life and a certain smooth voice began to sound.

"You're listening to Radio New Vegas, your little jukebox in the Mojave Wasteland. I'm Mr. New Vegas, and I'm here for you." A song came out bursting.

"Damm, you came from Nevada? That is a long way out here Imp boy."


"Imperial Soldiers. It's a old slang for the people that join the imperial army. Tomorrow we will discuss more at my office. I will be heading to the mayor office to discuss what just happened, just don't do anything with my sister." Piper left

"Wilco, thanks for letting me crash for tonight. I got some canned goods from the Imps territory for us to eat." Alexander smirk at the woman, well she couldn't know about him being the leader of the Imperium... But play a little game.

After replacing Ed-e fusion cores, Alexander spoke.

"Protect the little one, I going out to check up on her."

"*Understanding Beeping*" the eyebot nodded.

This adorable bundle of joy is the most technological weapon that is floating around in the wasteland and only a precise Rail gun grade weaponry can destroy it. The tech priest done so much that it is a floating machine of destruction. As it guarded Nat as it beeped goodbye to Alexander.

Alexander walked around the Night life of diamond city. He met the Takehashi robot that selling the Mystery ramen and met Myrna's General store and make Pier lie real.

"So you are from Quincy, that Danny told me about? Where are the goods?" Myrna eyes gleam in anticipation.

"Alright here is the goods. Quincy have already trade lanes from the imperium and we managed to get a excessive supplies."

Myrna eyes panicked as she dragged Alexander in the shop.

"Don't mention about the imperium.."


"The mayor is getting finicky about the Imperium slowly reaching this place and ousted his control, he banned some caravans and preachers that came here like Cassidy Caravan, how I loved that lass language..."

"The imperium I know wouldn't oust someone if they are not incompetent..." Alexander is appalled by the fact that there is a city that refused his banner.

"I know right? We wouldn't lived in constant supply shortages if we lived under that banner of the imperium .. but that's just me... Now let me see the goods." Myrna's hands pointed to the table and closed shop.

Several canned goods began flood the table.

Tampons, toilet paper, biscuits, lighters, candy, underwears, t shirts, menstrual pads... Myrna eyes shock of the volume that is almost threatening to break her table. And it flooded the floor.

She picked one and saw a freshly minted canned Tuna and wonder not caring how did a caravan pack hold such a amount of volume of goods at once.

"This is more than a month... It would feed us for a couple of months at least, did Danny downplay it? I can't afford that much."

"Myrna, that is a fee of giving me information... You can pay me for a month worth of this tomorrow and Take the rest as a token of good will. If you refuse you can use it to keep tabs what is going on around this place. Nothing dangerous that affect your life."

"Ah, I suppose that would be acceptable... Is Quincy really under the banner of the imperium?"

"Yes. Now if you excuse me, I will head somewhere. And may you have a blissful night." Alexander left the general store.

Alexander asked around and found his way to the mayor office.

Where piper had a disagreement with the mayor.

And looked like she about to finished.

She looked tired as she noticed a man before her.

"Alex... That is quite a uneventful night... You are here?"

"Of course, just checking up on you to see if you do anything rash... By the looks of it... You really must have spooked the mayor." Alexander watched as he heard shouting from where the mayor should have been.

"Ugh, that blasted mayor... We better sleep for the night... I really need to discuss a issue with you." Piper is tired.

She returned to her home than in her office and notice the Eyebot is bobbing its body about with a brooch attach to its antenna. Natalie must have snuck out before she slept once more.

"Damm that tech is nice..." She went to her bedroom besides her sister and slept in a haphazardly messy bed.

Alexander didn't need a full night sleep, he slept for 20 minutes and write a contract till the dawn arrive.

He began to make breakfast. He got a portable stove and placed a freshly made Bacon and eggs on the stove.

The sizzling and the smell attracted the sisters as they came out and found themselves staring at a table that is filled with food they never seen before.

"Good morning? Want coffee or orange juice?" He asked piper.

"Coffee. I really need to know how did you get that fresh meat?"

"Its always a mystery... Well wash yourself up before you eat, you got school nat?"

The girl shyly nodded as she went inside to dress herself up.

"Where did you even have time to make this?"

"Well secrets, there's a big day and I want to see you perk up. You have something to discuss with me yes?"

Piper nodded as she began to scarf down the cooked food with her sister...

And after saying goodbye to Nat as she went to school.

They both ended up in the office that printed public occurrences.

"Now then, what do you want to asked of me?" Alexander sat across to where Piper is sitting.

The couch looked comfy but musty in a sense.

Piper powered on her computer as she looked at Alexander.

"Can I asked some questions, You have connections with the Imperium yes?" Piper asked suddenly.

"Of course... I do have my brothers still working there and they could help me in my journey." Alexander spoke.

"Interesting... Do you know Alexander solair, the so called high lord of Imperium? Any thoughts about the Imperium system?"

"I only heard of him in the radios that scattered across their territory... He always away in office. But he managed to create a government system that would work without him and easy for him to take the lead." Alexander smiled.

"Is it true that they are a space faring faction?"

"Posters and video recording shown that we already exited the solar system... And he doesn't lie to his citizens."

"Tell me Alex... You not really a Ex Army soldier are you?"

"Well what makes you say that?"

"Your demeanor, your food... None of that makes sense.. its like I talking so someone with a higher position of power but yet not at the same time."

"Is there any concerns?"

"I want out, Diamond city is getting a bit darker to thread, to see the world beyond the commonwealth is one of my dreams... Well, I could go alone in the dark thanks to those Giant men that wandering in the darkness. But I need a assurance, being a reporter have garnered hate from people in this city and possibly beyond... But I also worry about my sister Natalie... What happens if I perish? Who would take care of her?" Piper spoke, her hands trembling in the key board

"Why ask me, Ms Piper? I just a trader from Quincy?"

"I know... But I got the gut feeling that being with you is much more safer than being alone and my reporter senses is tingling... So please if you could allow me to follow you, in your journey?" Piper looked at him expectantly.

"Well then... Ms. Piper Wright... If you follow me, you must sign a contract first." Alexander handed her a contract.

Piper read it as if to see any loopholes that she could exploit but found none.

"You must be pretty literate and rich to make such a extensive contract... One of the clauses stated that if I fall, my family would be relocated to a Imperial territory and be given a Education and Shelter until the age of 16?"

"This is the one that my army used to allow people to join the imperium... I simply copied it. I am a Man of Contracts... And I will not give a leeway of your sister being alone, surely you know how scrummy some employers would do to people that is unaware of the dangers of following along."

Piper nodded as she signed it.

"Alright, Can you leave Eddie robot of yours with my sister? Seeing how confident of you waltzing into the Diamond city, I could use a deterrence for people that seek harm with my sister."

"Agreed. Let's go Piper... To our new beginnings." Alexander held out his hand for her.

What Piper didn't realized of the person before her is the man that would unified the world and she ended up as his remembrancer...

Where she would travel around the world and witness different sights beyond Diamond city.