Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 226 - Omake: Robert MacCready Resolve

Chapter 226 - Omake: Robert MacCready Resolve

I have heard about the imperium when I was just a mayor for Little Lamplight...

There were records that a bunch of soldiers that passed by our home and gave us the supplies after the adults left to search outside when the bombs dropped.

They asked the former mayor at the time if they could come with them, but they were refused which is understandable.

And that thanks to that the children of Little Lamplight was not too distrusting of the mungos... Though we called them Eagle mungos of the badges they were wearing their armor...

They even taught us how to operate a radio if there is something that is dangerous like a deathclaw or raiders trying to invade our home... Or even inform them if our own is too sick to handle when our medicine is not helping them...

I remember the last day since I left little lamplight. I already grown 15 year old and this is the last batch of children living in this place....

There are fewer children that approached this area... But our memories stay the same regardless of whether we separated.

I traveled my way to the Commonwealth to get a living... Perhaps some caps or if I am lucky... Thrones. My first real job as a adult was a bit of a disaster.

I wandered about... Earning as a informant in one town or a labor as a train loading crews for the imperium until I met my love of my life...

Lucy... She was a woman that took me fancy... And she cared for me... She pretty much that made my life for the better...

I joined the Gunner's as a initiate. A mercenary that take money for whatever job even if you clean the ditch. The pays good... Hoping to buy a land that is close to little lamplight.

I lied to her that I worked as a soldier... But when she made a wooden soldier, it made my guilt even more devastating.

We met two disasters, one is that we were hired to cause chaos and destruction in the commonwealth... I didn't take part in it as I was still green or so they said...

The other part that doomed the mercenary company was that we contracted to kill the imperial scouting units in the commonwealth...

At that time I took part in it as Scout...

It was the first time I saw a hulking armoured man that is as fast I could blink my eye. He slaughter my seniors by the dozen, small arms fire didn't flinch the man, By the time he is done, I barely managed to flee and hidden away in a Gunner hideout... I still thinks he let me off than forgetting about me, because I didn't even wore a gunners badge and thinking I was just some scavenger for lot... As in my rush to flee the battlefield, I dropped my rifle.

I took the caps and Thrones and retired immediately... I even erased traces of my time working there as a good measure.

Those eyes... It frightened me...

As if I didn't look at them as humans...

They were like monsters in human skin...

It was ironic that when my wife is pregnant, I ended up in a Imperium Hospital, the very same organization that I was paid to wreck harvoc... Duncan was just born... For the first time I saw my boy wriggling in the maternity ward brought something in me... Hope.

I hidden myself and my family from the Gunners that survived from the slaughter, who's out for vengeance against me for abandoning them.. when Duncan was five... It was time that I had to flee from the Capitol with my family...

When I found traces of people scouting for someone in a avenue leading out the city. I make way to the Metro with my family to chase them off my trails... As many held supposition that there is ghost in the depth of the earth.

It was a mistake in my life... As I didn't know at the time that the metro line I took is filled with ghouls...

They approach us by following the flames of the fireplace I made... My wife that heled my son tired from the running while I tried to keep watch in the darkness below... I hear growl behind me... A Ghoul that drools for flesh now appear in the light of the fireplace... Dozens in fact... My wife suddenly waken from the growl, she attempt to give my son and flee...

"Robert! Save our son!" She screamed as the ghouls rushed towards us... The scream echoes of the tunnels...

"I can't leave without you!" I yelled desperately holding my child away from the ghouls while they attempt to attack my wife... I fired back with my revolver.

I noticed something...

In the depth of the darkness, beams of lasers and flames erupted and several of the ghouls screamed as they rushed towards the depth of the tunnel... My exhaustion over taken me.

"Stranger, seems like you are awake?" A doctor checked my forehead as I waken up in a hospital...

"Where my wife and son!" I screamed out at the doctor as I grabbed his collar...

"Whoa..there buster, from what I can tell, your family safe now... They are in the next medical wing, room 213... Hey! You didn't get your flu shot!"

I didn't listen to him as my adrenaline pumped into my head as I made my way to where the doctor spoke of.

I barge into the room and found them encased in a vat... The doctor that was maintaining the vat noticed me... He wore a red robe and had those thingamajigs of metal etched across his face...

"Are you the family father? Robert MacCready." He calmly spoke.

I simply nodded as he explained my worse fears.

"When we first found your family, your wife is in critical condition and we managed to stabilize her wounds, however...your boy had contracted some strange infection... Had you not fired those shots... And kept the deranged ghouls at bay... They would have been gone... "

"Is there anything I can do? I got Thrones , isn't that the money for the Imperium?!" I asked clinging for some hope...

"Since your Son is born in Imperial Territory, he is technically, a Imperial Civilian. So you only have to pay what you owe... However... This blue boil is absurdly foreign... I think that you should find a cure while we stabilized their condition..." The robed man hummed as he recalled something.

"As a head start, Somewhere in Boston... I read that there is a medical facility that held vaccines before the war... Perhaps you can find the solution to your problems in there?" His words jolted in my mind.

I recalled from some drunkard about Mek Tek laboratories finding a cure...

Perhaps it is there...

The Robed Doctor said before I left the room.

"If you hand me the vaccine, I could synthesized and replicate it so that children like this would never suffer again...if someone want to stop you, tell that Magos Biologos H4682 is making you do the request." He stare at my child as if to remember something...

After the doctor that attended me first manage to find me, I was given enough vaccines that made me hurl.

But since I had a goal... I need to gather enough crew to enter the ghoul filled medical facilities...

I met a guy named Sinclair... He had his reasons to get the vaccines.

All was going well, until supposed Astartes arrived and swept through it like a storm. Almost all the locked doors was brutally ripped apart and slaughtered the ghouls inside. After they were done... It was a straight line to the laboratories... I grabbed whatever papers from a long dead world.

As I saw them.

I felt my bones chilled, as I found these very giants that swept past our group that helped us, made me fear them, as if I was facing death...

I could never tell what's behind their helmet...

One of them simply stood momentarily facing our group and simply walked away.

But my son and my wife is all that I needed to help.

Sinclair and I found several vaccines that managed to survive the test of time... We gone our separate ways.

As I made way back to the Hospital, my own past came to haunt me...

Some of the remnants of the Gunners arrive to kill me. I managed to evade, however, one of the bullets managed to damaged the vials and hitting my leg, I managed to kill three... Leaving only two left.

"Well then... Time to say your prayers, traitor!" My former colleagues snarled at me...

I smiled as if to spite him.

But I noticed that there was floating skull nearby.

It silently looked at us as it floated away.

One of the sharp eyes noticed it as it floated away.

"Shit, Skull Probes! They managed to find us!" The man that saw it screeched as he panicked.

The gunners taught me that the appearance of the Skull probe, meant that the imperial is on their way already and there's no escaping.

Sure enough... Chimeras and a Tank arrived at the scene, and blasting my former colleagues brains off.

I wonder... Had they not hunted me down in imperial territory... Would my life be the same?

Some medic arrived and gave me a triage and managed to stem my bleeding.

"Shit, your leg is fractured, we are taking you to the field hospital."

"I must go to the hospital! I am under orders from Magos Biologos H4682, I have Vials for his research!" I yelled at the medic. As I held out the vials.

He groaned.

"Frakk. A Techpriest Courier? Alright boys, Get a Stretcher and make sure that the patient is not under shock... Get some painkillers." As the medic barked around. He grabbed the vial and stuffed it into a Ice box for preservation.

I was lifted into the Medic Chimera and the road back was fast and bumpy.

And I ended up in the Er as the doctors were used to bullet wounds, managed to pull out the last of the metal fragment left in me.

I met my benefactor that hinted of my destination

"I was surprised, that in a span of three days, you managed to get what we needed..."

"Can you heal my son?"

"Yes, with the research that is gathered and the stable samples, we managed to synthesize the formula and your kid is the first to be injected. Congratulations, there is someone that want to meet a hero like you..."

He stepped aside revealing a woman.

"Lucy?!" I shocked as I saw her, the grievous wounds that etch her body by the ghouls is just scabs and for the first time I smiled.

"I fear, I almost lost you Darling...." I clung her body close... I could felt a bit of her body warm as I fear of losing her again.

"Robert... As long as we are together... We coid weather any storm." Her smile reminded me of the times she held me from the darkness...

As we waited for our son to recuperate from the blue boils. I received news that my former employment, the gunners have truly been eradicated for good... I have mixed feelings about them.

But after a near death experience of losing my family... I decided to stay at the farm with Lucy and My son Duncan... But the side of me, still itch to fight, I ended up in the Eastern National Guard of Imperial American...

Fancy word for forming the nation back from the ashes.

I guard and patrol the imperial controlled territories of America from the dangers and I get paid handsomely. And I get weekends off.

Quite a few perks being a national guard as I found Grognak the barbarian is continuing the series and I was left behind by 500 issues at this point, and some of them is only military issued, and my kid loved them.

I might as well get all of them....

Whatever god out there...

Thanks for saving my family.

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