Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 203 - Brotherhood of Steel and NCR Pushback.

Chapter 203 - Brotherhood of Steel and NCR Pushback.

Move it! We are on a schedule!" A Leman Russ Driver yelled at the Chimera that just got mud in the ground.

"Sir, you are going 709 miles per hour in a Chimera, the engine is overheating!"

"Nonsense, Jenkins push it forward! The machine spirit is free to ran rampant!"

"The Cogboys ain't going to like this..."

"Drive them! Driive them over the barbarians! Make the threads caked with the blood of the Heretic and Heathens!"

"Sir... You sure you want to wash them off?"

The spearhead is heading deeper into Legion territory. The planes flew by them and paradrop the Drop troopers to be the first warning and a first response teams.

The only thing that slow down the invasion is the fact that they are moving on roads and highways that didn't undergo maintenance for almost 200 years. As the spearhead reached almost 4500 km deep into Colorado and Utah, they stop and consolidated their gains. Bases built within a night and radar towers is being raised. Even each of the bases is connected that artillery networks in the bases is able to support one another.

It made the Caesar legions feel more pressured, as they couldn't even infiltrate the newly raised bases.

They even tried a night raid that was a sure win to conquer the technological armies greater than them. With the military satellites that is launched from Austin, Texas by the day, their movement in the dark is already clear as a picture. And they got butchered by the defenses. And the survivors is turned to servitors for the uranium mine to power the nuclear power plants. There is no mercy to a monster in human skin...

Caesar having sent his Legate Malpais that witness the enemies directly is tossed and burned into the grand canyon to shift the blame of the disastrous defeat. Found that his generals is more incompetent as they tried different methods of attacking the Imperium soldiers.

Attacking a imperial guard combat patrol, ended up several Legionnaires dead as they are heavily armoured and have air support.

Attacking a Techpriest Expedition resulted the soldiers converted to servitors as it was a free workforce that just handed to them...

Every tactics Caesar made, every opinion of his generals... Are slowly becoming obselete as The Soldiers is gradually replaced with Giant Metal men tht roamed the wasteland. And Giant robots now joined in the patrols to butcher any legions...

Alexander gave a addendum to the Caesar legions.

"Kill their heritage, kill the men, kill their culture, they are no longer humans, free the slaves, free the children and the women if they are aware of their allegiance. Caesar legions are hostile to assimilation and whatever they say with a dagger behind their back is a military target. If the children attack you. Capture if you can, if not .. you know the rest as we cannot keep a unstable elements into our territory."

"This is Reporter Ryan Broski of the Southern Daily, now live with me is the Texas 27th Mechanized infantry battalion that is about to invade the legion camp just 3 kilometers north to where we are." a man held his reporter microphone. His team drove with the army to get the scoop on the ground .

"Tell me young trooper, what are your thoughts about liberating America from the savages and monsters of the wasteland?" Ryan asked.

"Euphoric, I am making history with my brothers by my side, and hopefully we will end this Legion once and for all!" The soldier that is interview smiled.

The battalion engaged the fight with the defenders and the news crew record it as much as possible.

As soon as the fighting ended.

The news crew followed after them and saw the slave cages made by the Legions.

People that is malnourished and almost out of life stared blankly at the camera.

"See this here, people of South, this is what we are fighting against, do you want you and your family to welcome the legions into our home? They would turned us to the people living in the cages."

There is a reporter crew imbedded in every regiments that shows the soldiers efforts back home. Making the people disgusted of the legions way of life. Alexander took the good part of the Starship troopers of using News teams to see the battle on the ground, no bias, no filter and no bullshit and pander to the fantasies that the army is one ticket of getting the easy life. And it shows to the people that is local here that they are actually fighting the good fight. The people that became news reporters is not as out of touch as Potato head Bryan from VNN. As they are actually putting their lives at risked for the scoop, they have generous hazard pay.

Ryan news team watched the soldiers free the slaves and process them to the nearest field hospital and their humanitarian service is shown on screen...

As the fight rages on in the East.

Alexander ventured the Mojave headquarters to meet with the Brotherhood of Steel...

As usual, they attempted to take control of Helios one, but Imperial forces fought back. And apprehended most of them before they fled into bunkers in Hidden valley, However Elder Elijah fled somewhere in the midst of the firefight, leaving the Midwest Brotherhood of Steel leaderless. Until a Paladin Nolan McNamara took charge as the elder in Elijah absence.

When he first arrive to meet Paladin Nolan McNamara, he have a neutral impression of the paladin, and he ponder to himself... Shall he kill Elijah to prevent him to venturing the Sierra Madre Casino? As his forces is now scouring the former Renegade Elder. But somehow he eluded the search patrols.

He come face to face of the Paladin that is being contained in a interrogation room.

"Well then...Elder Nolan what brings the brotherhood of steel into the Mojave?"

The paladin watched the man before him. He was informed of the leader of the organization that apprehended his chapter that came before him.

"Alexander solair...Where did you get this weapons of war?"

"I have manufactured them from the planets beyond the skies. Away from the bombs."

"I see... The you do know that you are bringing ruin to this lands?"

"Is that what the backward Elder councils in the silent hills told you about? Your organization arrogance methods that you should be the gatekeeper of technology disgust me... How long since the founding of the brotherhood of steel?"

"Almost Two hundred years..."

"Exactly, two hundred years and what did your organization have accomplished? Hoarding all the technology that could have made this lands returned to its pre war era, free from radiation... But you didn' only gave scraps to people that need it the most..."

"Did you know about the brotherhood tenants of the dangers of technology?"

"Yes, and mind you this... Nolan technology is just the trigger, it depends on the intent behind the user. I admire the old Brotherhood of Steel message... No... A organization before your name came to be...Taggerdy's thunders..."

"One even know that organization..."

"I know their reason, of keeping technology away from civilian hands... But your organization have already twisted the tenants of the old for your benefits. No longer it is about defending the civilians and making the lands safe, you just wished to rule the West, And your organization is rotten to the core... West coast have forgotten their core beliefs and I hope you the east coast have a more saner mindset... Tell me... How was it like facing people that have technology that is better than what you scavenge from the dead?"

Nolan stayed silent. He remembers the times when he is no different from a raider. Gathering technologies from villages and ruined towns that needed to revived....

"So you would understand that technologies is better than what you desperately want to keep. I already touched the stars and planets beyond this radiative hellscape. I would have butcher everyone and replaced them with my own, but tell me this... Nolan, why is it that I order my men to keep all of you alive? And even give a chance to surrender?

"To see what have become of the Brotherhood... Taggerdy's Thunders would been ashamed of what your organization have become... Your people believe in a tenant that have been warped and twisted... I don't kill people who surrendered... Especially from a organization that have their twisted beliefs dwell in you..." Alexander stood up and spoke before he left.

"Nolan, I granting you access of this facility and our records of our affiliation of your predecessor, look around, and see that your beliefs is misfounded and I hope that you can convince your hardliners that following me... Is the better way... Before I change my mind of exterminating the Midwestern Brotherhood chapter. For now, I have to get your errant Elder before he does something stupid." Alexander left.

Nolan left the room to see the world outside is different than he anticipated...

It was a Military town that is bustle with life.

People in all walks of life wandered the streets.

Some caravans came from the east and west to trade. Children rushed by him as they joined others to play.

He wandered around... Disbelieving that the old times is in front of him when the word America means a thing...

He ended up in the mini library that being built.

He came to a machine that records the rise of the Imperium and their associates...

He scanned through the records and most of it is not exaggerated records like he seen in the Library in the Lost Hills.

Taggerdy's Thunders... He paused as he found the organization and their affiliation with the imperium...

And there was a picture of the founder with Alexander Solair shaking hands under the newly formed Brotherhood of Steel.

"Ad victoriam" and " Imperialis Invictus."

He saw the motto...

"From weakness of the flesh, we are born anew, in the depths in molten steel, we are remade, recasted to defend against the forces of darkness that seeks to devour humanity... Brotherhood from beyond the distant stars, we are united one protect and Guide humanity from the folly of the old order..."

There are many treaties that were made between the faction long ago... There was even a public copies that the imperium had been in touch with the brotherhood since it's founding...

For once in his life... Nolan is conflicted with his beliefs...

While Nolan peruse the information that is freely given, Alexander arrive at the Tacticus center where a dummy ai that is made into a Sister of Battle that is watching the situation on the ground. It was a Creation made by Theseus as he is having with problems with paperwork, it was a simple way to summon soldiers into this realm.

"Alright, any information about Elder Elijah?"

"No, High Lord... The being that you mentioned is no longer in our security nets... estimation of the individual in question that heading to location known as Sierra Madre Casino... 100%"

"Frak... Alright, EVA give me reports on the North American fronts."

"Understood sir, We are now invading legion territories and captured 34% of the landmass they control today, by estimation of current rate of control and assimilation...2 months of conquering, 6 months of convert the population, removing radiation hotspots and making it functional 12 months and 14 days.. NCR is now invading our core territories... Estimation of combat ability on the enemies based on the information given by the spies... Minimal risk, however caution is advised that they may harbour weapons that is left behind by the previous government.... 56% that they retain nuclear capabilities... Damage created by the NCR assaults.. 12.7% on the border territories, estimated time of retaliation... 1 day and 45 minutes till the forces in the western front will retaliate..."

"That would explain some of the politicians wanting for war.. peace between us is never the question...send in the Baneblade Regiments and toss in a titans legion for good measure."

"Understood sir...."

"EVA, What is the situation of the current world battlefronts."

"Understood High lord... The Control of South Americas is now fully converted for the imperium... Africa is now being assimilated and the population is now convert to the Imperial Faith... South-East Asia is now currently 79% completed... Middle east is currently 34% completed. We have made planetfall on Italy and Turkey... The 22th Martian Orbital fleet have descended on Vladivostok and now building a base, Estimating the time of completion of the base in Vladivostok to assist American theater of war...3 months. Project Horizon Dawn... Rate of completion based on danger from raiders, animals that is hostile and geological deterrence in Americas and the oceans.... 2.78% bimonthly it will increase more as more machines are being made... Recommending High lord for the assistance of the Legiones fully assimilate this planet for the imperium?"

Alexander ponder the use of the Astartes... Better safe than sorry.

"Alright, Send 7 legion worth of Death Guard, Word Bearers, Emperor Children and Sons of Horus."

"Do you seek the assistance of the primachs?"

"No... Their legion will be station in Luna until the situation is deemed out of control."

The Dummy Ai smiled as she spoke.

"Understood High Lord... May you deliver this galaxy for the Emperor will... "

"Ave Imperator, Solis Invictus..."

Alexander headed the penitentiary that housed the BoS members... He observe them... Some with a looked of caution and confusion...

One woman looked at him with curiosity and approach him...

"So are you the leader of the men that defeated our chapter?"

"What makes you so sure about it?"

"Mmm,You have a presence of a higher if you are emitting Holy aura around you.... "

"Do you think of me as a god?"

"No... I see you as a man that been divine by a higher entity..."

"What's your rank and name?"

"Journeyman Scribe Veronica Renata Santangelo

... I am the adopted daughter of Elder Elijah...May I asked of you what will happen to my family?"

"Depends Veronica... I am ready for a treaty however I don't see Elijah or even Nolan to ratified your treaty... If I see any of your people attempting to break out, while we wait for the Elder of your chapter to make a treaty, I will be obligated to stop your people..."

"I see... I will inform my people of the situation at hand... Thank you for your thoughts sir..."

"I see that you are inquisitive and approach me... Want to follow me as I search for Elder Elijah?"

Veronica eyes twinkle as she nodded...

"Of course... I want to know why he fled when we needed him the most..."

"I wonder about that myself... I will informed my people that your accomodations is up to par so that your people is no mistreated... I follow my treaty with the brotherhood of Steel after all..."

"What treaty?"

"You didn't taught about it? There is a treaty 200 years ago that both of us treat each other as proper prisoner of war, if we came to blows... Did the eldar in the Lost Hills didn't taught your people?"

Veronica shook her head

"No... The Eldar Council didn't told us about our history as that is restricted... Access..."

Alexander groaned...

'Am I going to face the brotherhood as a enemy to the death as we attack Shady sands?'

"Alright... Veronica, After Paladin Nolan have come from his... Enlightenment.... Inform the scribes that they have been granted access of our public libraries... Make them understand what you are up against..."

After Paladin Nolan arrived and learned more about the interaction with the imperium, he managed to made a deal with Alexander.

The Midwest BoS have a Alliance and a Peace treaty with the Imperium... And the Imperium will allow the Brotherhood to trade and work in a job with the imperium...

Strangely enough, the Mechanicus have a interest with the Brotherhood of Steel especially their tenants of regarding technology. And made them their... "Guides" in the wasteland... T-51 power armors escorted the Red robes of the Techpriest...

They will be granted access to Alexander technology.

And one of their own, Junior Scribe Veronica Renata is to follow Alexander to apprehend or eliminate Elder Elijah for his betrayal to the brotherhood. And it was given from the Elder council in west coast... To much of Alexander surprised.... They agree to join a alliance of Steel once more... As the NCR began to bear fangs against the BoS...

Alexander left an order to the Western forces that will doomed the NCR Expedition... As he search for Elder Elijah before he doomed the Mojave.

"Bear One to Brahmin Hut, Bear One to Brahmin hut! We are under fire and we are running out of soldiers in Point Grid 21-31-42, the Imperium is overrunning our position!" Screamed a radio operator as he scream for reinforcement.

The people around him is covered in dust and grime, the surroundings is covered with blood and limbs... Many of the soldiers that is forcibly drafted have found themselves shell shock and minor PTSD...

The Invasion in Imperium territory have come to a stall. Regardless on the push to the Mojave or entering Texas, both have met with extreme and tenacious defenses.

Extensive minefields and trenches have deter any fools from invading further. And the constant artillery barrage and Aircraft support have hinder their approach.

They have Vertibirds but they were precious and fuel reserves is limited, but even those were sent to the front lines to provide air support have been shot down by Interceptors... Making each day even more bleaker as fewer vertibirds is coming from California to assist them... And make mattress worse saboteurs within the NCR have destroyed the Oil tanks and the aging refineries that fueled their war effort. And In doing so have made the supply chains being disrupted...

Most of the weapons that they managed to pillage from the villages, is only enough to deter the raiders from attacking their homes and those that were sent back were unable to reverse engineering the weapons. There were unable to find a solution even in the near future as if there is a future ..

The radio operator receive a message not in a way that he anticipated...

"Brahmin Hut to Bear one... We no longer have reinforcements to push further, all theaters of wars Is in dire straits to even support your position... You are to hold ground... And God speed..."

The radio operator raged.

"We are dying by the hundreds! We are running out of ammunition and medicine! I request reinforcements or we are being overrun!"

"Negative Bear one, Most of our remaining surplus is sent to texan General Oliver's orders."

"We are not able to go home?"

"Charlie... You can tell with his face... We are never returned home alive, NCR Abandoned us..."

The fighting suddenly stopped and making the NCR soldier looked out of their foxholes and trenches...

A bomber flew by with pamphlets dropped in the NCR Trenches...

One of these soldier's that is able to read the contents.

"Surrender now, and join us against the politicians that sent you and your brothers in arms to the pit of hell..., you have three hours to decide your choice. Failure to do so, will we restart a purge that will burn everything you love to the ground... Make your choice citizen of the NCR... Are you a man that have the brains to think . Or a misguided fools that believes politicians in the Senate and Congress give a shite about you? I will give you a better life than what you live in Shady sand, the Glow and the slums of Shady sands, The Imperium is for humanity to be united against the darkness...

.. " The soldier muttered as he looked across the no man land...

His head was aimed by a officer handgun.

"Don't you think about it, trooper, we are fighting the savages that butchered most of our unit!"

One of the soldier took offence and used his remaining grenade and frag the officer that threatened his brother.

Many fell into infighting as the Imperial guards just simply recharge their lasguns as they watched the fire works.

And the iconic war horn was heard and made the NCR paused...

A Legion of giant robots whose height touched the skies and their footsteps trembled the earth.

Any man that held his makeshift anti tank missiles paused as the titan over towered them...

One part of the trench defy the titans by shooting their M1 Carbines and they were met with a Volcano Cannon that tremble the land, and the sections near the defying trench felt a scorching flames and explosion that ripped them apart.

"Can we even fight that?" One of his brothers shook his head as he pushed down the missile launcher ...

"No... We can't..."

Chief Hanlon watched as the Frontline collapse as fast as he couldn't imagine...

"Any reports of the front?"

"Sir, we are seeing a massive defection in the soldiers, ther air force have lost their power, the enemies have robots and giant tanks, sir, What are your orders?

"God... What have we done?" Hanlon looked weary as he saw the titan silhouettes, as they slowly marched to where he is...

"Normal armies we faced before had only disorganized raiders and mutants since the Master era... But not organized force that send Giant robots and Tanks..." he muttered as Titans and Baneblades now swarming into the field command post...

"Tell me... What is the current situation in General Oliver theater of operation?"

"Dead sir... Scattered reports shows that the invasion to Texas have failed... We are the only ones left..."

"Informed the soldiers to stand down... I seen the pamphlets that been rained down... I hope they are not so harsh to our attacks..."

Hanlon sighed as he grabbed a white Handkerchief and went outside... He was surprised that soldiers now dropping from the skies and landed around the field center and aimed at him...

"I surrender..."

The border war between the NCR have ended with a three month war.. Shady sands have been given a declaration of war by the Imperium. There is a massive panic in the population as they are not aware of the danger that the politicians kept them from the truth, they believe that it was just a barbarians controlling a empire in the wastelands, not a fully equipped and a stable economy and conquered a Third of the planet... And that they started the war themselves caused massive riots took hold in California...

There is recordings and television of the events that transpired flooded in the Republic through Alexander spies.... And it flowed through the NCR and Imperium territories, for one side it was gratification of killing those that killed the people. Other side, NCR territories were in a upheaval some more as they saw that parts of the world is slowly becoming Imperial territory...

And they even saw the fully intact colonies in Mars, whose ships that is heading across the world they beginning to wonder... If they are the ones that are barbarians...

However the politicians don't care about the rabble concerns as they seek to benefits from the information they been given...

"Egg head, do you have any counter to those titans?"

"No sir, and with the current infrastructure we have

unearthed, we don't have the capacity to wage war... not at least the Short and even long term" The scientist nervously wiped his head.

"Hah, you always demanding more budget for those hocus pocus research. Do you have any insight of the technology we are up against?"

"No sir... We tried to scan one of those lasguns , the situation is weird..."

"Defined weird"

"We can't looked into it directly as it make a searing pain in our minds, and any machines that we tried to scan it, have major malfunction and corrupted files. Sir..."

"Shit, the people are rebelling almost daily... Thank God we got the guns away from them."

"They should be grateful that we brought order in the wastelands, what did Vault City and Brotherhood of Steel have to say about the new threat?"

"No comment, they saw the recordings and they believe that we are in the wrong here... And we heard some rumors that Brotherhood of Steel have made some sort of Pact with Alexander. Many of the holdouts of the brotherhood of steel is more accepting with the imperium..."

"Investigate the rumors! We need to eradicate them!"


"Serbia is now under my rule..." I chuckled darkly...

I watched over the ruins of the bunker that once tossed me away...

I will end those who left me for dead... before I do the bidding for the numbers... Andrei you may have escape from me...I will personally gut you and toss you to the wild lands. You should have let me in the bunker... But you didn't and I gained more than what I deserve...

A Giant figure approached me...

He was clad in armor that I didn't seen before...

"So this is what they sent eh... Comrade Abaddon..."

The figure stood silent and behind him is a army of Giants that is similar to him...

"Now We march on towards the West... We shall conquer Europe for the new Soviet Union..."


+++ Message received +++

Legiones Astartes is now descending upon Fallout...

+++ Threat Assessment +++

Primitive technology.... Radioactive world...

Unknown factors have been seen in a former state known as Russia, it's state Serbia have been seen from orbit observe that it is having is having a Military buildup and heading to the west... Chance of Numbers in the game... 65%, Conflict of interest with the Hidden organization with the Imperium Objectives.... 100%

Sending Tempestus Scions to infiltrate the state and assess the dangers of this false Terra...