Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 195 - Welcome to Fallout...1912?

Chapter 195 - Welcome to Fallout...1912?

As Alexander entered the portal, he soon found himself in a familiar land that he knew so long ago... In a unfamiliar time. Carriage and horse is still common and paperboy and criers in the streets. He looked around and hid in a alley to change his dress code. He found himself in a Texas city.

"Great, I could have use technology to fabricate a identity... But now... It's kind of difficult to make it possible...fck." Alexander groaned.

"Shouldn't you... Somewhat use magical shit to make my life easier?"


Alexander reluctantly agreed to it...

As he wander in Texas, he seen some effect of the Jim crow laws and twisted form of Americanism, as they segregated the migrants and those that have the funds to bribe their way out...

He found a shifty office. And having a understanding in a Galactic black market... He have just what they need... Papers for Gold.

"Thank you for your business.... Hehehe come again soon." The Forger smiled as he gaze at the lumps of Gold that was placed in his office. Somehow, he could find the bullshit of the man before him that said he lost his papers, but profits is the diplomacy between them. Pure gold for his papers and his silence.

He wanted to call his buddies and hope to scam the man, but when he saw a revolver ar his hips. He changed his mind.

"Dayum, that some rich folks..." He muttered as he placed the gold into his safe.

Alexander looked stood outside and looked at the archaic papers.

"Time to make Texas my home base."

"And risk the NCR? I don't pay taxes for a bunch of Oligarchy Bureaucrats that talk shit and do nothing but send people to die at hoover dam, that breathe on my neck while I hunt for the number here and my body parts is somewhat calling for me...."

"Buy dried up mines and oil fields on the penny and make them work, make corporations to hide my identity, Get a Imperial Guard base set up here, you do know I could revive the mine veins right?"

"I survive Warhammer for a millennia, I could survive this place for a couple hundred of years of I need to."

"I am probably the most handsome ghoul when the fallout happens." Alexander delve into the crowd once more.

(3rd pov)

A Prospector sighed as he stood in front of a Mining shaft. The Copper had ran out and he was losing money fast as the debtors is hounding him for payment... And his miners is asking for pay as well.

"What to do.. what to do... Ma wife gunna kill me." He gritted his teeth.

"Would you like some help?" A voice was heard from behind. He turned around and saw a strangest lookin fella that he ever seen.

"Who are you stranger?"

"Just a legitimate business man that wants to buy your mine." He held out a card for him to read.

"Alexander Solair, Olympus mining corporation.

"Well you see... The mines have dried up and we are deep in debt... You be making a loss of profits if that what you business folks kept saying."

The man before him shook his head.

"Other see trash, but I see gold, the mines is not dead... By the looks of your expression... You are in debt yes?"

"I do... Had to break the savings to pay off my miners..."

The man before him and pondered...

"How about this... I buy your debt and make you my manager of this mine, and you have a reasonable salary too." He handed a paper contract that is easy for him to read that make the man shocked..

"$969.23 with the pay is equal to the inflation!? That more than enough for me to live by and pay off my debt interest!?" He looked at the man with astonishment.

"How about it? Can you take the deal of a lifetime? And I assure you, you and your family would be taken care of, medical for your family, Education for your kids and so much more.." The prospector shakes his hands like crazy.

"I do, I do. Sign me up!" For once in his slumps he found someone that is a saint... He sign the contract and left him only to hear his voice.

"Good... Now return home with peace and call the miners to come tomorrow, I will survey this mine myself."

The man rush to his horse and gallop to his home.

Where his children playing with his carved wooden horses and his wife is cooking a meal. He hugged his wife that she almost dropped the ladle into the vegetable soup.

"Dear... I know dinner is coming soon, but not in front of the kids okay?" She gasp of the sudden action of her husband.

"Ma... I found a way to pay off the debts... And God have truly gave me a second chance in life!"

After a dinner, he prayed to his lord hoping that man is not a fraud as he called up the old miners and visited the dried up mines and set off in dawn.

There he found the stranger that is moving a mining cart that is filled with copper. The mines is somewhat futuristic to him and the equipment is somewhat strange to him.

"Oh... You back so soon, I just fixed the pillars so they don't collapse? Early bird get the worm I see..." The stranger patted his pants.

"You... You... Are you his Angel?" The stranger flinch...

"In one time I was like that in a sense... Now come and I will explain you this equipment."

He and the old miners was taught about the mining equipment and when they saw the pay that is around $350.90 monthly and all the benefits that their families would benefit from, they are eager to work for him.

They noticed something with the mines, everytime they mine, they always found the purest copper in the shaft, even picking the walls have produced copper and somehow the soil regenerate every time they came back, making their work more productive, no need to go deeper, if the shafts they used is prosperous.

Alexander log Accounts during WW I till Fallout.

He went around buying the most dried up mines, making it work, making hospitals, infrastructure and schools that it make it impossible for the Government to not noticed his influence... Especially that they already sent out their own prospector that told them that it already dried up years ago... And the Taxes they received from his companies is enough sway the government to turned a blind eye towards him.

Alexander is called as the wealthiest man in Texas and his influence is already impacting the rust belt as he order the farmers to send in cotton and corn in a decent price to make up for their loses.

Managed to actually build a Wall In 1914, with his Company securities (imperial guardsmen) to guard it and allowed to stem the flow of immigrants to be let into the country slowly, earning the Congressional Star.

Lobbied (Bribed) dozen of senators to repeal the Jim crow laws. Start the First Black wall street and invest in the community to make sure they are not as the twerking single parent monsters In the world he came from.

Started Texas Arsenals to produce weapons for the war effort. Made Browning .50 Cal and M1 Grand long before WWII.

In one year, From Nebraska to New Orleans, his massive investments to companies and cities have made the people remember who he is... That some called him a nickname which is ironic to him.

"Midas golden touch."

Knighted by the British King George v as he invest in the industries of London.

When the Wars to end all wars started... He left the reins of his company to a masked stranger and join the Marines fighting Germany. Funny really that he was more trained than their soldiers and survived the war.

Interim post war.

Founded the Veteran foundation. That focus on both side casualties as it is a neutral organization than red cross.

Bought and own the railways of America. Maintaining and improving it. Lobbied for no HOA and Zoning laws to be abolished.


First prototypes of a Armoured suit was sent into the Battle of Ardennes. Giving birth to a concept of armored suits T-series


Send massive investment to Japan and Europe as part of the Marshall plan. He paid 90% making the Europeans and japanese reconstruct their homes.

The Japanese wanted to make him a deity and his words was..

"I am not a god!"

First investor of nuclear energy. Opening the first nuclear reactor in Texas. Cheap electricity flows through the rustbelt.

Joined the Korean war and achieve conquering Pyongyang with Texans Frenzy Dogs 76th Armor Division, And kept china from interfering.

Watch the cold war between America and Soviet union play out. Got assassinated attempt 7538 times and got kidnapped attempt 79 times, by both American government and Soviets. His words from the reporters "Try harder, you will lose your paychecks anyway."

Launched the first rocket to the moon and made a base there, six days after Yuri Gagarin spoke about how the earth is so beautiful and gifted his glory to the Soviet union to letting him up in space. And it was out of spite. And a year later he launched another colony mission to Mars. And establish a self sustaining colony there, and began terraform it within a week.

(Though the Americans doesn't realize that the colony on Mars is already filled with Imperium citizens...)

The first space wars started. As China manage to hijack a supply ship heading towards the moon and caused severe casualties among the staff.

The perpetrator corpses is tossed towards earth.

The Scientist spoke of the oil that is running out soon.

The resources wars in europe have begun.

Europe send their forces to the middle east.

Invasion of Mexico and Canada have begun to capture the remaining oil fields.