Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 192 - Cyberpunk 2077: Return

Chapter 192 - Cyberpunk 2077: Return

(Alexander pov)

I return from my journey to Bioshock to Base Zero in Mars, with the people I saved...

I do reflect a bit... Maybe I should have asked the Primarchs to follow me... Or maybe I should have enter the more simpler challenges...

The group looked in amazement at the Underground city...

A Techpriest approach me with a Dataslate.

"++Emissary... Who are this people?++"

"They are survivors... Ensure that our more zealous brethren do not approach them for dissection. Get the Medicae and Hospitallers to have a medical checkup among them. Did you managed to understand the technology the expedition forces have gathered?"

"++Of course... We have discovered many important technology that the Skitariis have gathered... Despite they are primitive compared to what we research. It have improved leaps and bounds in our genetic research... And this supposed Plasmid technology and the Vita Chambers... My colleagues is having a debate of researching it... So far it is going smoothly.++"

"Good, make it ensure that it is manageable and stable enough to prevent any abnormal mutations. I gathered biological samples of withdrawal usage of plasmid usage, both living and dead."

"++Omnissiah, have granted us this bounty... Thanks Emissary, with the samples we are able to map out the plasmid properly, Primarch Mortarion have vested his interest in this plasmid.++"


"++He claims that it would help improved the efficiency of warfare... And medical technology as well.++"

A more productive society is enough.... I would rather not risk another Rapture in my home.

"Alright, if you need human subjects... We still got plenty of Convicts for experimentations... Make use of them... properly."

"++As the Emissary commands it.++"

Liz approach me with glowing eyes...

"Wow what a Alien concept... Can we explore some more?"

"No Liz.. you need to rest and recuperate with your Counterpart... My organization would accommodate place for you to live..."

Liz shook her head, "No I wanna be with you Alexander." Her eyes was determined...

I gave a sigh.

"Alright, you can stay in my home, until we get ready for you to enter the futuristic Paris..."

She gave a smile as Elizabeth watched me...

"I could never get used to the fact that I had that kind of personality..."

"Well... It's nice to see a younger version of you... Are you thinking to join her?" Elizabeth looked at her younger self...

"Of course... I have to be there and accompany her... I am more aware of the nature on people around me...Is that place safe?"

"Of course... I am practically the de facto leader of that place... Pun intended... I do have my wives there that is waiting for me..."

"I see...well I better get going. I am interested where you actually live in this place... Is this earth?"

"Nope, Mars."

Elizabeth is a but shocked by my statement.

"You mean... Mars... That red planet?"

"Yup, Terraform as well, and we already conquer Space exploration... Though we have a Aliens to fight against at the moment...I am currently the Sky Marshal in this galactic federation or president in your vocabulary term."

"You sure go in far places..."

"While it may be hard to survive there... It a lot more safer than a constant war here, in that place all you need to worry about is the Gangs."

"I see... Point noted... Liz don't touch that metal tentacle." Elizabeth stopped Liz from touching the Mecha dendrites of a techpriests nearby...

(Time Skip)

I arrived with my supposed new family...

My Dad on the first words he joked about my situation...

"I wanted a grandchildren... But that is absurd amount of Grandkids that you are bringing along sonny... How many are there?"

"984 Children..."

"Sonny, did you banged a entire county of women? And didn't told us about it?" He joked.

I whispered in his ear...

"They are survivors of a human experiment... They are all I could find... I couldn't find their families..."

My dad understand a bit, I didn't mention where I got them from... And probably he put some pieces of information by himself...

"I see... I know you have a good heart... Are you adopting all of them?"

"Yes father... At least I could do to make their lives better."

"Raising kids is hard you know... Especially with money and time."

"I am sure I could handle helps when I could get actual experience with kids to raise properly."

"Who is the two women beside you?"

"Same thing as my daughters... Just that they going to be staying for a days before they leave."

"I let see the grandkids. Your mother is going to have a field day with our newest addition to the family." my dad raise the youngest and allow her to be cradled in his arms, she beamed like the sun...

My two wives walked out of the mansion...

"What is the children doing here?" Ephritta curiously asked.

"Our family, Ephritta, Dimh-Yriel, Girls... Meet your new moms"

The girls swarmed to the two... And Ephritta knows something about raising kids as she was a Hospitaller in a orphanage, but Dimh-Yriel had some difficulty as she never met so many children in her life...

My mother never met so many grandchildren... She was about to scold me of having too many kids... My dad smoothen her anger for a bit... After a while she loved each of them as her own...

The Dining table is probably not enough for all of them and the food as well... First time we have Dinner outside the Mansion, My mother put out a Banquet... I informed the Weather Control station to keep the skies clear for a week...

The girls loved it as the countless stars lighted their dinner...

First time I raised kids... The youngest was to sleep with me as they get scared... Eleanor got her room. Ironic that I used my Soul Clones to attend to the kids... Many of them grumbled but nonetheless... It takes my mind off the problems ahead. My wives is understanding as they also tended to the children... I better call someone...

"Brother... It is Two in the morning... Are we having a military meeting?"

"Perturabo, I would like to commission you to make a mansion, I got Kids that I can take your time."

"How many?" Perturabo just accepted it.

"984... They are part of a experiment gone wrong ... I hoping to build it close to my home so I could visit them."

"Give me a Week off. I will find a place for you to build it."

"Granted, Three weeks off to ensure that it is safe for outside and inner threats. "

"First Vulkan... Now you?" He shut it off...

It was a sight to see that Perturabo arrived with a Legion in tow... I wonder how fast they build it...

As the Iron Warriors began their construction which is like their hobby to pass the time, since they are not obligated to go on offense against the Bugs only to garrison, they spent time building cities on the planet they stayed, I didn't condone their action but encourage it...

The two Elizabeths wander New Texas for sightseeing. To see the futuristic city is beyond their comprehension. I had my men station to guard them as they are pretty much clueless on how future technology works, since they are from the 1960s mentality meeting the 23th century social is too overwhelming...

"Eleanor, what do you think of this place?" I eat my ice cream as we both sat in a park bench...

"Peaceful..." She gaze among the family that held picnics and seeing a mother wiping a dirt from her child...

"You alright?"

"I felt as if my nightmares just ended like that... I thought you were going to put a experiment on me..."

"Why would I do that? You are a family to me..."

"I guess so..." She bite the ice cream as she was absentmindedly looked at the loving family.

"I know it is a awkward relationship between us... But we will manage it okay?"

"Okay... Dad."

"I m not sure how much education that you managed to learn in Rapture, but I assigned some tutors to assist you in your education... If they deem that you are able to handle it. I will enroll you to the Scholar Progenium."

"What is the scholar Progenium?"

"A Education Institution for the Talented, I have hopes for you... If you are being bullied, let me know okay?" I patted her head as I saw her escorted by my mom...

Though I not playing favorites here... The little sisters also being taught at home... Until they deemed fit enough to join society as they been Adam harvesters who knows how long and I am worried that their education is not up to par... I hoped that in due time, Mortarion would find a way to reverse the brainwashing that is inflicted upon them... That is a promise I will give to those girls...

I awaited the Elizabeths in my office in my flagship Armageddon. Reports about Eleanor is going smoothly... I smiled as my little gremlin army is doing well... The Comstock daughters is busy perusing my trophy in my journey..

"Seriously Alexander, I heard reports about you... But they never seemed to reflect on your real character?" Liz smiled.

"Oh? what do you think about me?"

"A doting father?"

"Sounds close enough... Now then... How's your visit in this galaxy?"

"I am impressed how much Humanity progress over the years... But I thinking I should go to that know? That futuristic France?"

"Fine... Are you prepared? You know that place is more futuristic style where we are living... Are you sure that you can handle it?"

"Thanks to your training... I am sure we can handle it right Eliza." Liz spoke as she looked at her older self...

"I not sure considering how much effort that you sent us training using these... Brain dance sessions..."

"Better to be safe than to be sorry... Are you prepared? Eliza?"

"Ready as ever... Let's see Paris-"

"After I find you a place and a job... You can't rely on me forever you know?"

"Boo... What a downer."

Theseus can open portals now... At least I don't get dragged to another realm when I have to sleep now...

I wore my old Merc outfit that haven't been used for so long, while the Two Elizabeths wore a Simple secretary outfits that is meant for Wondertainment staff...

Deep inside me is anxiety... I am worried how long since we left that place? Before my predecessor of a system had his Chrono stasis briefly stopped while I was in the deep warp in Warhammer...

I stepped into a world that I have other people I called family...

(??? Pov)

I sense him... He returned? At least... I am grateful he is still alive... It's been... 4 years... Alexander...

I clutch that feather he gave me... Long ago...

A woman approached me...

"You sense him too huh?"

"We all did... What about Rebecca?"

"She stopped her road trip to Texas and heading her way over here..."

"I got a sense that he brought along a few women"

"How do you know about that?"

"A woman intuition."

"Know where to find him?"

I shook my head.

"No... But I am sure he is coming to us soon..."

(Alexander Pov)

I see Night City is doing well.

I looked around and found the city is still around.

And a Flood of information I gathered shows how much had happened since I was gone.

But I have to drop by with my Ripperdoc friend.. to get my entourage to chrome up...

I arrived at the Ripperdoc station and I met a slightly aged, tending to his station.

"Viktor? You still in the biz?"

He noticed me and gave a smile.

"Well if it isn't the Ghost mayor of Night City... Welcome back, Alexander. Who are these two lovely ladies?" He gestures towards the Comstock sisters.

"They are a part of my family Viktor, they need to have some neural links to be checked. As I am a bit rusty."

"Alright, Alexander you got eddies to go by?"

"Sure do, how's the business?"

"Doing fine nowadays, Alexander, you been gone for almost four years... Did something came up that you went missing?"

"Been fighting in hell and gotten some demon and gods skulls"

"You sure make some nice jokes eh Alexander... By the way... You might want to check around town while I finish checking your family."

"I will... Thanks Victor."

I left the Ripperdoc clinic and met Misty that just returned from the groceries.

"Hello Misty."

"Alexander, Where have you been? It's been four years..."

"I know... How's life doing for you and Jackie?"

"The usual, Jackie is training the Two V's and we already gotten married." She flashed a platinum wedding ring.

"I just glad that my tarot cards is proven wrong... For once."

"Wrong?" I noticed her words.

"When your wives noticed something is wrong, two years ago, I tried to divine your future... It was Death, Tower and World upside down... I almost panic, until I divine it once more to find that your fate had changed. Your future is still unsteady at the moment." Misty placed her grocery bag in her ship.

"You should take a look around town okay?"

I left the district and faced little David Martinez and Lucy is strolling down from the elementary school with a daughter in tow.

"Seems that you been hitting it big, eh Brat?" I brandish my power bat. And he seemed to remember me.

"There's only one person in the world that said that to me...Gramps?" David absentmindedly shocked seeing me.

"I am not old, Brat!" I swung at him.

I smiled as he activated his Sandy and he moved in slow motion... I could see a smirk on his face and he didn't expect that I bear hugged him in Slow motion.

"You grown big, David..." I smiled.

"Gramps... You didn't aged a day."

"Been fighting demons and gods and all that jazz... Who's your little daughter?"

The little girl approached me and looked at me up and down.

"Are you my Grand Uncle?"

"What's your name little one?"

"My name is Bella, I am Four."

"David... Is Maine also Granduncle?" I deadpan at him.

David chuckled a bit.

"You two are a good influence on my life... So I did told her tales about you."

"Hopefully not the bloody mess I made... We better have something to eat..."

David ponder a bit...

"Why don't we go to Mama Welle's to grab a bite?"

I received a message from Viktor and he told me he done with the maintenance.

"Seems like my guests is done... Meet me up in El Coyote. I want to see my grand niece."

After I left the family...

I returned to a street that sold cars that been maintain by the Techpriests that is stationed there. And picked up a Chevillon and Drove to the Ripperdoc clinic.

I picked up the two women and to El Coyote.

It was the first place that I first consider someone other than my own as a family...

I entered the establishment with the women.

Mama Welles noticed me and smiled.

"Alexander! Welcome back!" Her words sounded among the people and they looked at me and my people and they gave cheers.

"All Food and Drinks on me!" I yelled out making the people raised their mugs of beer in cheers. I approached Mama and ask.

"Where is David Martinez?"

"Second floor and seems like he heard about your free meal and he ordered a feast."

"Thanks Mama... See you later."

I shook my head as I headed upstairs.

"I didn't know you are a favorite in this place?" Liz asked as she never met a more genuine cheer.

"This is my first starting point in this place, Liz. And a place I could call home."

"Home huh?" She ponder a bit.

I met Martinez family as they got a meal ready for us... And Bella is busy stuffing her kids meal as they waited for me.

As we dine and we talk about the old times...

"You gotten stronger David." I spoke.

"When you have someone to care for... I could survive. How's your life now Alexander?"

"Been traveling... Went to a Galaxy filled with war."

"I thought you already kept this world in your hands?"

"No... I had to travel to another galaxy to fixed my extended family mistakes... That's why I didn't arrive back in four years... Enough about me... How is Gloria and the Gang?"

"My Mom is doing well since she is your appointed CEO of Your Company... And my crew is doing fine. Though I work as a Merc with Lucy time to time to keep my grind up."

"What about My Wives?" Liz ears perked as she munch on a taco.

"Last I heard, Rebecca travel to Texas for the Annual Shooting contest... Judy is still in her home and her grandparents is still around... Sasha... I honestly don't know."

"Don't know?"

"She is busy doing underworld activities to search for you... But I am certain she is still in Night City."

"I see... Thanks again, I got a present for you Little Bella."

The Girl looked at me with her cheek draped in tomato salsa.


"A Teddy Bear and a Bracelet for you Little Bella."

A master crafted Bracelet and a Stuffed teddy bear

popped them out in midair and place them in Lucy hands.

"What is this?"

"A protection bracelet... My creation... It is a miniaturized shield bracelet and it grows along with the user...Night City still seems unsafe...Sorry, I couldn't be part with your family for this missing four years."

"Thank you Alexander..." Lucy smiled.

I returned to my Home in this place.

Many of the staff is confused why a stranger with women is coming to the top floor.

I entered my bedroom... It's been a long time since

I seen I seen my bed... Liz rushed forward and slept on it...

"This is so soft... Come join with us Alexander..."

"I have things to do... Some other time Liz."

Liz gave me a pout and boo as she took one end to my bed and Eliza sighed as she took her place next to her younger self...

I activated my neural link... It's been a long time since I perusing the old mails... Some is congratulations from my friends in this place... Other joint ventures... And I found a puzzle piece from Sasha that just been added... I smiled as I entered the Dataspace...

The puzzle is not difficult... Just a question...

"Do you still love me?" I am always sentimental towards her... Upon finishing it,

I found a location just outside the badlands.. or now call the Forest of Peace, due to the fact the Terraform land is already healed...

I silently went out and enter that place...

I'm aware that this place is under my control... And numbers is not able to enter my controlled universe undetected... And the local nuisance is barely a blip in my radar.

I had no fear from external threats... Maybe a bit since I unable to return to them in four years...

"Heh, don't judge me Theseus."

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