Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 181 - (M.A.Rs Pov): Defensive initiatives Part 1

Chapter 181 - (M.A.Rs Pov): Defensive initiatives Part 1

(,M.A.Rs Headquarters, Base Zero War Room)

Alexander watched as the planet was thrown into the fire of war. He was bound by politics as right now the enemies are thinking, that upon hindering his Xenos allies and sending the majority of his fleets away from Mars, that they have a shot at him.

If he was a Ultramarine, he would frown upon such a half baked revolt, traces of his business rivals was slabbed all over the enemies outfits. Might as well sent them to a training camp to "how to rebel properly" in Macragge, if he was a Ultramarine...

He ponders how much do they know his forces, but seeing they are using conventional warfare of eradicating a rebel colony, they didn't believe in the Astartes... Not that he cares about their opinion once he unleashed the Space Marines upon them.

But he knows that their mission is after him. And what they are doing is smoking him out of the walls of the base... He grinned as he prepare to indulge their delusions...

"Horus, Brother are your sons ready?" He spoke as giant figures was walking in full armor behind him.

The Giant nodded as he gave his affirmation.

"My sons are at your side, Brother."

"What about our brothers?"

"Ready as ever, just give the word. And this farce of a rebellion would be put down in a day. What would you have us do?"

"Alright, Have the Angron World Eaters and Konrad Night Lords tasked to evacuate the civilians, Mortarion and his Death Guard tasked of healing the population, Magnus and his Thousand Sons hinder the Fleet heading towards our way, they believe that they could hide their fleet signatures by using the warp, they were sorely mistaken, Alpha legion is tasked of hacking their network, giving them false information and Lorgar Word Bearers and Fulgrim Emperor Children is tasked of defending the evacuation sites. And you, brother... I would like you to handle the command of my forces." Alexander spoke to his brother softly.

"Why me, brother and not Perturabo?" The Giant spoke with certain hesitancy in his voice.

"Perturabo is currently building a defensive lines against the Arachnids that is heading towards our way. And I believe that you have the capacity to handle the defenses, while I pose myself as bait for them to chase me, Brother, there is no one currently that I could trust than you to handle the command of my forces... Only Horus Lupercal, you can handle my forces in my absence."

"You know what happened the last time I done that? Brother?" Horus felt hesitate as he remembers the time that his original body have scarred the galaxy.

"Only this time, it is Horus Lupercal that I trust my life with, not the Warmaster of the Imperium that plunged the Galaxy into pieces, but a brother that have a fresh start in life... I believe in you that you can handle it, he...father believed in you brother.. that is why he sent you to me. Only you brother, can you help reunite our family once more, no more grudges, no more malice... This galaxy is a clean slate, a new home for you... Please help me save it..." Alexander spoke with a tone that Horus couldn't refused.

It took a few moments until Horus nodded.

"Take care brother..." Horus answer was the only thing that Alexander was needed to hear, as he left the War room, he turned his head and spoke his words as he get ready...

"I went into hell to get you brothers back... I hoped that you can do so for me..." He smiled as the bulkheads closed behind him.

(Motor Pool)

Alexander walked towards the vehicle bay with several opinion in his mind, he couldn't send out his personal Baneblade as it was too flashy and way too slow in this current warfare, He could pilot his Armor Core, but he put that out of the notion as it would be a attempt to make the people believe that he was a god, as his Mech is more than Capable of eradicating the threat at the cost of destroying the planet...

He stood upon a group of Techpriests that is readying a Custom Chimera for him.

"++Emissary, you are here, the vehicle prototype you specified have been completed.++"

"Good, now get ready the prototype and make it battle ready."

"++Allow us to make incense of Victory to your vehicle.++"

"I accept, may the Machine God find favor in your design." Alexander accepted the incense as it envelope the craft, he didn't mind the religious belief of the Techpriests, but the sentimental value of what they create is there.

Alexander looked upon the vehicle in question.

It is Crimson red, one seated Chimera and it had a engine that have a horsepower of 830k which is a equivalent to a escort ship and it is fueled by a Anti-Matter, suitable for a suicide bombing if he failed, ECM and Flares to prevent missile lock, A disposable Turbo jets on the sides that make it go even faster, it had a Necron inertia dampeners that make the pilot not whiplash from the sudden speed and a real-time camera that allows to see the world outside in a light speed recording to prevent crashing. A independent Mini necron generator is used to power the Quad Barrel Volkite Cannons to deal with a mech. Speed freaks would love this. In a sense it was a Chimera that wanted to fly like a bird but ended up like a ostrich. Armor is compressed Neo-Ceramite with a trace of Auramite to have it lighter and more durable even if it was flung into the air, it would still be unaffected.

One of the first, of many to join the ranks of his army.

As he sat in the cockpit of the Chimera, the systems within came to life as if it welcome it's first crew.

"Show me what you can do...Inertia dampeners check, Weapons check and Visuals check." Where he sat was able to reveal the world from where he stood. A alert came to his comms. And it revealed a apologetic Guardsman informing him of the situation outside.

"Sir, we did as you order, most of the population have been steadily evacuated, however the enemies are slowly advancing into the evacuation zones."

"Have no fear, Astartes is coming soon. Just hold out a while longer. I will be taking part in the battlefield, I will not sit idly as my men is bleeding in the streets, inform your men. Hold the line and do what the God Emperor have decreed." The soldier saluted as he turned off the comms.

"Now then, Alexander Solair taking off!" He pulled his driving stick and within several seconds it was launched from a underground airway, Alexander never intended to place several airbase in the open, as underground air bases is the basic defense, as he launched in the air, the Chimera fell down and raced towards New Texas, Titans walked in hundreds, they made tremors on the lands as they made their way towards Perturabo location, Alexander made a call to Alpharius and omegon who was busy infiltrating the enemies communication.

"Alpharius, Inform the enemy about my current location. You already cracked their communication frequency? Do it."

The Primarch was stunned for a second but he complied with the orders.

Various radio frequency rang out among the traitors and now they were skeptical of the information that was given, until one district that held by them gave their last location of a Red Chimera attacking them...

"District Seven..." One such soldier muttered as he fought against Alexander Vanguards, it was the entertainment district and one of the field command post for the M.A.Rs that is still going strong.

Many of the people that fought against Alexander forces began to bleed their forces as now the supposed propaganda, the supersoldiers Astartes is now crashing down upon them from the skies with their drop pods. They didn't believe them to exist as there is no way Alexander could made such a absurd amount of monsters under his control and still remains a loyalist to the Federation. Their hulking armors and speed have took the enemies by surprise, and despite the Mechs they used, it was not enough to stemmed the tides of Angels of Death sent by the God Emperor that fought a ten millennia of warfare.

Land Raiders crippled their mech and defense lines, Thunderhawks reign the Skies shooting down stolen aircraft out of the skies, Many of the enemies understand that the situation was critical.

And they faced the Wrath of the 9 Primarchs Legions behind Alexander. Their Battle Barges that hidden from the Federation, now orbit mars to provide Tactical Lancer Support, each shot taken lives that sought destruction of the planet.

Many soldiers on the ground waited for the fleets to arrive and provide reinforcements to the traitors and to get rid of the unending barrages from the skies, however, Magnus have summon a Warp Storm that hinder their arrival. His powers was unleashed upon the tranquil warp as it crashed against the enemy ships. They never seen such a phenomenal event as some of the weaker ships lost their gellar shields and was dragged into the depth of the Warp by the denizens that lived there, attacked the crews and turning them into a life of suffering.

It was a last gasp of their rationale as they becoming more reckless and destructive as they believed the information given by Alpharius is valid, they made their way to District Seven.

Horus have ensure that every inch the traitor walked upon have paid in blood. He was not like Perturabo or Dorn that made great anti-siege warfare a walk in the park. Not as well logistically minded as Roboute or single minded as Lion El Johnson. Or as intuitive as Jaghatai Khan, but he was more than Capable enough to command Alexander forces in his absence. The Armies marched with swiftness under his command, and he took advantage of the enemies paranoia and confusion as he crushed them not at the head, but by shaving the enemies like a grinder, slowly choking them, making them more paranoid to attack his brother Alexander, he knows what his brothers are capable of and that is why he trust in him to survive.

He smiled at the war room of his success... He somewhat felt a familiar presence behind him. He found that the people in the room was frozen in time...

As he turned around he found a version of himself that betrayed the Emperor...

"You..." Horus eyes narrowed

"So with the power he given you, why do you act so servile towards him? We could have used this universe to replenish our ranks and wage war against our creator!" The illusion asked him

"He is my brother."

"He is a tool for the Corpse Emperor, just as you have. The only difference is that he is more valued than us, that broke away from our chains!" the illusion spat.

Their surroundings changed and Horus found himself in the Vengeance Spirit command deck throne room and the illusion sat on his throne. He found himself at the siege of Terra.

"What is the purpose of bringing me here in this old ship of mine?"

"You forgotten your promise? That you would rather see the galaxy burn than see it under our creator hands?" The illusion talons pointed at Horus.

"I already done my part and now I am simply no longer the Warmaster, I am just Horus Lupercal, Brother of Alexander Solair."

"Bah, you know he contains our creator shard in him, what makes you guarantee that it is him, not the Corpse Emperor that spoke through him? What makes you think that you will not be disposed off like me?" The illusion eyes narrowed as if scanning any lies from him.

"That is what I trusted in him, at least he keep his words and actions, unlike Father that keep his secrets. Now begone Daemon, you are just the darkness that is hidden in my heart that wants to possessed me in my brother hour of need! Begone!" Horus glowed in golden aura and the daemon that disguised as him, screeched in pain as it disappear from his mind, he found a presence of a familiar person..."

"Father?" As he watched the golden figure Infront of him in the likeness of the Emperor...

"You passed son... Now go and fulfill your duty."

Horus found himself in the war room and many of the staff looked at him worried what he might do, he waved them off.

(District Seven)

It was a slaughter fest blood and debris was scattered across the street that most of the donors were either turned to mush or incinerated to ashes, many of the rebels flooding into the entertainment district and Mechs belonging to them flooded into the streets. Their target is within their grasp and now he is willingly showed his head to be slaughtered.

A Guardsman is running up a stairwell in a somewhat shot ridden building as he chase his squad mates that was ahead of him, Gunshots and explosion was heard in the distance as he could have sworn that it is getting closer. It was like this on several buildings surrounded the district Seven.

Alexander have made a tasty bait for the traitors to march in Making it a semi Iron Cage in a sense, And in the districts nearby have several MLRS and Basilisks Artillery companies ready to turned the district if it went moot.

"Come on Guardsman! Victory waits for no man and you are still not a man! We are on a time schedule! It would be our heads! not only yours if we failed the High Lord!" Said the female Commissar as she bellowed orders to the squad.

The Guardsman held the portable rocket launcher and it weighs about as much as a Car. His Power armor groaned in agony as the servos in his limbs is begging for a maintenance from a techpriests touch.

As he reached the 7 floors carrying heavy equipment, he met his group as they ready their heavy weapons, he began to placed the rocket launcher on a tripod position. One of his colleagues manned the weapon as he loaded the missiles in the chamber. His commander barked orders.

"We must wait until we reached the optimal distance of a AC to actually hit the vehicles, those that are not our target let the other squad handle them, just the mechs terrifying as they are to us, killing them would make our boys on the ground have a much more easier time defending Mars, Private did you get the Krak rocket loaded? Lieutenant, did you managed to activate the stealth generator?"

The Guardsman nodded as he readied another round as soon as the rocket was released. And one of them agreed as the machine he placed nearby came to life and managed to shield them from sensors.

If the enemies were methodical, they would know something was up, but the allure of their target was defenseless, away from his fortress walls and the lack of reinforcements have made them had a rash decisions to rush ahead is a boon to the defenders.

Several vehicles columns that belong to the enmy passed by as they ignored the hidden soldiers in the ruined buildings. Many of the Guardsman whisper to pray to the God Emperor for safety as they waited for their target.

The officer watched the enemy through his auxpex as he saw several Mechs arriving in haste in their direction.

"We got three boogies, Range 597 yards, acceptable range Is 450, wind direction is minimal ready it now on my mark!"

The mechs arrived and landed in the vicinity of the ambush site to vent the excessive heat until they ready to boost away.


One of the mech suddenly noticed to late as several rockets and Lascannons shot out from the building next to them, turning most of them into carcass of metal, one of them was still alive.

"Blizzard One come to District Seven-" and the mech was hit from another building nearby killing him with a volley of heavy weaponry.

"Three down, many more to smash unless Command have said so!" The Squad leader laughed.

A rumble was heard below the building, making them began their focus and they found several holes being popped up and swarms of Bugs now swarming in the district...

"Bugs! Radio Command of this newest situation!" The Voxcaster nodded as he relay what just transpired. The Cage that Alexander propped up is invaded by another element that was outside his planning. New Texas is embroiled in a three way war contesting its existence. Alexander heard about the news and what comforted him was that most, if not all the traitors in Mars is dead. He was about to proceed a mop up operations until a message from Carl made his premature victory to a sober one.

"Say what Carl!" Alexander mind rage a bit.

"Sky Marshall Amy Snapps have colluded with the rebels and several Anti-Matter bombs is scattered in the planet and the number is staggering, most of it is still in the Space port and somewhere in the capital city of mars. Hold up... Those bastards are gone... Is Dizzy still with you?"

"I sent her to pick up Rico, She should be arriving there to pick his squad up soon."

"Good, that make things simpler, they still think I just sleeping. Godspeed Alexander"

"Take Care Carl... Just don't die on us."

"I will...You know me best."

Alexander could sense Carl smirk in his mind as he closed it.

He looked across the ruin streets of his home planet and for a moment he took a time to be silent... Soldiers and Medics were tagging the dead or providing aid to the survivors.

A Hospitaller nearby gave him the Dataslate of the casualties report.

He anticipated the assault, but not to this degree that it took out a Third of the Population of Mars. And that there is a Bug infestation that is more prevalent than in the show...

"Amy... Of all the dead people that I care about is dead... Not even your puppets masters would save you... Politics be dammed, I will make sure your life is within my hands." Alexander clenched the Dataslate that it showed cracks...


(A/n): Managed to barely recover from the Hepatitis and somewhat recovering.

Turns out that it is few more chapter before it's finished. (Somehow)

Next is Rico, What happened to the Rebel fleets that invaded Necron and Eldars and Their invasion aside from New Texas, Astartes handling on the situation, Lastly Rico joyride with Dizzy.

That is still if I don't go into a relapse.

Happy Belated Fourth of July from across the Western pond