Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 171 - Alexander Hyde thoughts

Chapter 171 - Alexander Hyde thoughts

(A/N: A Small brief moment from Warhammer 40k... While I was away... Farming gotten a bit easier...aside from weeding)


[Reading File Log: *Redacted* Time: Golden Age of Humanity]

Honestly... Being sent back into the past by Tzeentch is a shitty way, but seeing what the Dark Age of Technology looks like could seem one thing... Beautiful...

After being the Last President of the United States before the Golden Federation (or I Call them to differentiate the one where I belong) took over, was the most annoying thing... But luckily I managed to wormed my way into their ranks politically, Commercially and military... Many of them look across the stars... But I knew better... These Golden age humans are hypocrites...

Wage war on civilization that disagree with them or merged them and integrate their youth... In the mindset that The Federation is better than their former government... How did I know?

I was the one bringing the swords on their homes...

Led armies of metal and flesh to conquer the Galaxy...

Armadas armed with the Dark age of technology ready to kill any that defy humanity...

In a Sense I grew accustom to killing...

Good soldiers follow orders...

After meeting the Eldar Empire there we stopped our assault...

The First thought the Military was to actually invade and expansion into Eldar territories, we had a 20 year war against the Eldar...

It was a stalemate...

Men of Iron vs the Wraith Machines was by the dozens planets...

Countless lives died by my hands...

It was only until the government agree with my plan to be a diplomat with the Eldars...

After concessions and plans, I personally written a Draft of the Treaty of Eden behind humanity back...

And I knew what's to come...

Trazyn was around and gathering artifacts but I always wore a hood because at that time, he was interested to see the general that made the stalemate against the Aeldari empire...

First time he was eloquent and didn't toss me a Noctis labyrinth on my head...

Whatever remains of the former civilizations I killed and destroyed was turned to him... Knowing he would keep them safe instead of the Museum on earth... That shows my glory for humanity...

I was granted a sector far away from Terra... I know for a fact that the Government feared me... And while on the outside it was a monolithic government... It was not... It was separated by intellectuals and military... One of the intellectuals such as Yuri that research the effect of the warp... We never got along... Especially when he used civilians that we swore the oath to defend humanity and he had a part of making the butchers nails program... While some wanted to make the army and the fleet to be fully automatic and only men of iron would fill in the army not humans as the cost of lives against the Eldar was enormous...

Despite the order, I argued that it is impossible as what happens to people that need a better life? There are still slums and poverty in golden age... People that wants to join the military... But this intellectuals morons... I felt more disgusted... Serving humanity with this monsters...

I met the Emperor in my office under my alter ego as Mr. Wondertaiment....

He was part of the scientists entourage working for humanity... I could tell he look at me as a intellectual ,ready to open my mind and join him...

Yeah, he was as if he wanted to give a long PowerPoint presentation why should I follow him...

I simply said yes and the look on his face and his friends...

"No matter what charisma trick you pulled, Neoth... I simply follow your shining path..."

Revelation flustered from me knowing his name closest to the real name... despite we never met...

After he left... I made plans... He told me that in a few more decades... The warp would be unleashed and humanity had no time to prepare...

As the higher ups never listen to him...

But I did... As I know what's going to happen...

The Eldar truly screwing themselves over...

And we need a place...

I looked back to US I once governed... And that makes a good starting point...

I gathered all the necessary components for the upcoming age of strife...

People that followed me, Employees of my corporations... STCs to filled up... Systems in the fringes of Federation space purchased by the thousands legally binded to my name... To terraforming them for human inhabitation for what's left of the glory of the golden age...

Whatever connections I made... Whatever wealth I accumulated was spent...would be meaningless...

Trazyn in his benevolence... Granted me his cryptonek and the basic Necron communication technology for us to use... That we barely managed to reverse engineering it...just in time before it came...

The storm is approaching and the Eldar Empire is reaching it's climax...


It happened... Revelation and I didn't anticipate how fast the Eldar Screwed us over...

The birth of Slaanesh have sent countless of planet into darkness...

Planets beyond me and Revelation reach was shrouded into darkness...

There the Federation was a ugly form of itself...

Intellectuals and Politicians argued what to do...

And I retreated towards USA that I painstakingly fortified against the madness...

There it happen... One of the Morons... Turn Earth... Into a Nuclear hellscape, whether it was under the influence of chaos or the idiocy of that one that started it all..I want to kill that bastard... What left of humanity on Terra turned either into Cannibalism like those former Canadians in the north... Or Into feudalism and Tribalism with Guns that could kill people by miles away...

Some of the Military officials in Prague that followed me... Agreed with my vision have left the ruined government to US before it became a free for all slaughter...



Revelation contacted me...

Seems like I have to buy time and Supplies for him to refined the Thunder Warriors... Which I gladly do... And Ironic that USA was once protected by two oceans now turned to dust... And we are under assault by the roving bands of bandits and Techno Barbarians... Time is needed ... And time is spent...

Invading the Former Mexico... Was a distasteful endeavor....

To unite America continent against the horrors...

Turns out that Amazon forest was horrible mutated beast and fauna infested by the warp... And as if I sense the chaos influencing the ground itself....

Whatever tribes of humans living there that I Sense didn't worship chaos... They were spared... Those that did... I nuked with a neutron bomb, just to be safe...


Seems like he got that fancy armor and the golden Thunder warriors in charge... With his help... We could unify Terra Faster.. with him in the West, while I in the east...

First time the Emperor and I met Macaldor the Warlord...

One word...I could describe him...

Asshole with a attitude...

Seems like many of his perpetual friends left him... Some enter the budding League of Ten Thousand... While other disappear in the voidness of space...

Peace had ended and war is now in our blood for what's to come...

I am saddened that many of my colleagues is dead or turned to insanity... While those remaining seculded themselves in small pockets of humanity that is still sane... Away from the fires of war... I managed to reach out for them before Revelation unleashed the thunder warriors upon them...


When I found that the Thunder warriors was proposed to be exterminated by the court the Emperor raised up because they still fear the defects still remaining... I could not bear it .. on that day... I argued with the Emperor for the first time...

For their lives... At least in my Territory, I do held Medical facilities to fix them properly... And if they want to be killed, they were to die on their own terms... Not be butchered by the newly created Adeptus Custodes...

They fought with me in the battlefield... Their lives are important...

With disgust I left...

I waited... With my brother in arms in mount Ararat...

I protested my stance by standing by them...

Many of the Captains knew it... But those that was new... Unaware of their deaths crept up on them...

The words of the emperor change my perspective of him...

At least he didn't kill us... But now sent them to the League to fix them... Many of the Captains in the Thunder warriors... Were grateful to him... But even moreso to me... As I didn't fled...

He Approached me and gave me a silent nod as he passed by and he headed towards the landing pad...



I didn't know that Erda, dammed us to this fate...

Sanguinius.... I better find you...

The Emperor came with fury as Macaldor entered the laboratory that held the broken vats containing the budding Primarchs... How I hated Erda hysterical accusations that he is. Monster... For a woman that powerful... Doomed us to damnation? The Emperor knows my soul is shattered... For once he did gave me respect as I tried to send my souls to those that needed guidance the most...

We were lucky, we found Alpharius... First... But now we are on a treasure hunt... This time we know where they are, the deadline is not against us as I ordered my League to start recovering human territories....

The Emperor made many speeches to convince his sons to come back... Thank God I was there to correct some of them lest they look so intimidating... At least he improvise and made Horus as if he was embracing a journey to be not as a lowly towelboy... But as a son to made Horus name echoed the Galaxy and made him belonged...



I observed at the Dagger on my desk that would have stabbed Horus Luprecal and Started the Heresy... I made a Alliance with the Interex and got this artifact from them in good faith as we know about chaos and Ironically the Eldars just warn them with their vague words, but I told them directly and I had the means to contain chaos, they agreed with me, I hoped it would prevent him from falling... As I stuffed it into my inventory... Never to be seen in the light of day...

I considered the Primarchs as My Brothers... In a sense... Each of the Shards of my soul that observed them... They were like family in both literally and figuratively as I watch their childhood...

Macaldor now chill... He was still an asshole.... As I am aware that he Got a Ordo Assassins on my head... So do I as I always had a Virus bomb ready to be unleashed on Terra... But We got along well... And The Bloodbowl games was the One time outside work where we didn't bash each other...

He went from a Asshole with a attitude to a Asshole of a Friend... That much I trusted him.



When News was spread... That Horus betrayed us... I noticed the Emperor emotional state was fluctuating.... He wanted to deny it... It was his son... For the first time in his life... He felt so weak... So helpless that all his dreams and future of humanity crumbling down around him...

I had most of my soul that linked to the traitors and loyalist died on Istvaan... And their final memories flooded into me...

Konrad... Please don't make that face...

Perturabo... Im sorry...

Some parts of me died on their planets...

The Emperor may deny it... But I already witness it firsthand...

Horus truly had fallen... Somehow someone got a copy of a dagger that I kept and stabbed Horus...

And Magnus tried to warned The Emperor via a Warp call is not conducive when we were at the final stages to control the Webway...

The Emperor ripped a part of Magnus in rage...

Forcing the giant to flee...

That was too harsh but he sent Leman Russ to apprehend him...

Is even heartbreaking...

He became paranoid that Jaghatai Khan might be traitor... Macaldor and I persuaded him that he is not... Its just that he need to see both side of the aisle to make his choice... If we are truly in the wrong here...

We made one final ditch plan...

Make Terra a Fortress world... And my forces was to hinder the traitors and bleed them dry while the shattered legions was to be reformed... But there was a Warp storm hinder most of my forces to help Terra aside from the Gate I planted on Terra all these years ago when US had a meaning... It was running... But it was one place to get reinforcements while evacuating the civilians to safety...

The population on Terra was evacuated to my territory until the siege was ended... And it took several months to do so... What forces I could send is like a drop of water sizzling on a frying pan that was Horus Crusade...

Rogal Dorn torn down every residential district that is within the guns range of the Golden palace... And build more walls... I guess Perturabo was right that he likes those fancy walls...


Today's the day I witness the burning of Terra...

The Screams of brothers... The death of innocence...

I looked across the skies and I saw the traitor fleet...

What I did do?

I thought to myself as I saw the world I live in now burning in pyres of war... My brothers... I sat alongside with... Fought with hate and fury... Corpses ran high... I could no longer see Luna... Of all the smoking carcasses of hulks and voidcraft now crashing down from orbit... The land itself was like the age of strife... Only this time we faced the same people that we cherish the most...


When Horus released his shield on his ship... I knew it was the end...

Macaldor... You didn't need to go to the golden throne....

You dammed fool...

Who would be there when the Emperor needed someone by his side to advise him...

My last thoughts about him was when he last entered on the golden throne... And sat to give the emperor time... To meet his son...

Farewell.... friend... You were the asshole of a friend that I know I could trust the most...


I ended up in the thirteenth deck .. that is impossible... Horus ship only had 8 decks...

When I met that asshole... That sent those copies of the Primarchs... They don't even have a soul... They were like automatons of flesh that just copy the attacks... How he felt with glee as I killed everything in my path... He left... Mocking me that I failed the most...

Rush to the deck... Where I saw Sanguinius dying, Horus and the Emperor facing their last stand...

Despite all my efforts... I still failed... Horus died... Sanguinius is dead... The Emperor was carried by Rogal and left... How I smashed the window... Why...

Why did It had to be this way...

Magnus appeared before me... He seemed to know the lie I perpetuate... Tht there was never a brother beside them.. But despite this even though he lost the kind part of him... The Understanding still remain in him... I hope one day we would make amends...


For the first time I witness the funeral of a Primarch... Sanguinius... I order that stasis chamber just for him to remember his looks...

Brother... I wished you could see Baal now...

The people you cherish is safe...

When Roboute slapped me with his Frakkin Codex Astartes to the Thunder warriors... And Wanted to split my forces into bite size unit... For the first time I felt hatred to the Ultradense Blockhead...

How I raged against the Primarch that thinks he was right... My forces never betray the Imperium... The Thunder warriors are not even Astartes...

And the Gall of him doing that when the Blood Angels and Salamanders were weakened...

The Gall of that doing Infront of Sanguinius...

If he wasn't needed by the Emperor I would have stabbed him in rage...but I held back...

I disagree with him...

Him using power as the Regent of the Imperium to make me split my forces... I could just step down from the High Lord and start a war... He knows that my forces are still fresh... So he went to convince the rest of the Primarchs...

Being the High Lord that fought on the Frontlines while the bureaucrats fled have given me prestige... Some of the forces... I make plans for the future... I know that I will be sent to the future...

A vacation is in order...

I made a solid foundation for the Imperial Guard...

And to limit the powers of the Cult of the Emperor worship...

I didn't had time to implement...

As I sent into the future...



I woke up... As I'm aboard the Bucephalus with my wife and stepdaughter... For the first time... I wept... For whatever I exited from the warp...may not be what I hoped...

I saw Terra... It changed... Despite my laws to inhibit the Cultist.. it didn't matter... They bypassed my laws... How I felt ill when I saw the gothic design and the priests chanting verses from Lorgar book...

My only entrance to the golden throne was unimpeded as I had the Aquila Shields to protect me... And having 300 of them shows how much important I held in the Imperium...

How much changed... I could sense the echoes of my brothers... The past... I cherish the most... When I saw the Balcony where I had a chat with Horus replace by sister of Battle statue... How much changed...since the imperium that I consider a home turned to this...



Seeing the Emperor like this... I held doubts I could manage the Imperium without Macaldor...

But at least I could make it a bit better for that ultradense blockhead as I am Human and a High Lord they couldn't deny me as My existence in the Siege of Terra was well recorded that the Inquisition didn't redacted my history... Time to do some political maneuvering... And plans to fix this bloated carcass of the Imperium.

The Sister of battle knows me for my contribution for Kaurava as a War Saint... And the Merchant of the Charter Houses agree with me and the Mechanicus follow my orders as they remembered my contribution for them and the Adeptus Custodes is backing me that allowed me to move my plans smoothly and with the golden banana boys behind me most of the fence agreed with me along with the fact that the League is now free from the warpstorm making my seat that was known as the empty power now a throne of blood... However... The Astra Militarum and the Imperium Navy... They had to be "replaced..." How many of the nobles defy me in every part of my way... I am kind to humans... But even kindness have a limit... How many red tapes I smashed... I had to fight a moron Blueblood that whining of his worthless job being taken away...

Throne by the initial body count that I killed is around... 90k nobles... That includes their extended family and their connections to prove a point... But those that follows me... They have those blood wealth that I distributed to the nobles that see the silver lining... I am disgusted with their bootlicking... But they have to do... Until I make a decent replacements to take over the system that binds the imperium... And bide time until Roboute is awake to manned the imperium so I could enter the eye of Terror...


Throne... How many denizens are attacking my ship?!

Sure I could see the kill counts rising...

But now I needed someone to guide me in this illogical place... Perturabo might be one... If not Magnus would do...


Managed to gather all the traitor primarchs... Those that is still traitors... Remained in the warp... I have no use of broken tool of hatred... Now with the Ynnead doing one simple task of opening Khaine Gate leading to Comoragh... Our deal is in place... Yvraine better not backstab me... As Eldrad knows what happened when you pissed off the one that still have the Technology to kick their race to extinction... Their traitorous brethren of that city of depravity... Or their entire race... I sure they would agree as I am the one that killed the one that thirsted their souls...


As those fishheads sent me to the deep warp... Secrets of my birth in this place revealed...

What am I?

I am sure that I requested to be Warhammer Human... But Subject 626? Emperor Mass production Primarch project? All this doesn't make sense to me...

I am sure I am human... Right?

As I was inside my Armoured core... I had time to think about...

There are things that I m aware of... But I choose to ignore it... My system inform me to order to house the perks... You need a body of a Primarch... Or at least a version to house them all...

When I saw that version of Macaldor that had a hand in my creation... How his skeletal remains used by the pure chaos that thrive in this place... I tried to reason myself to at least get his corpse... But something in me realize that he is beyond saving... I wanted to drown myself in Amasec for killing one of my friend.. even though he was not Macaldor that we jabbed each other in the Blood bowl...

That memory made me wanted to visit Titan where his dust remains are kept...

Goodbye old friend...


We won... For the first time... We won...

For the dead and the forgotten that died in this crusade... Thank you for your service for humanity...

For once... I thought this nightmare would never ended... But now... We won...

The Round table member I killed have given me a bit of a respite... Just as I cover my source of power... I pissed off another organization... So Round table and Numbers... Both are antagonistic towards each other... But Hell just kill them both...

The Emperor wanted to asked me to gather the remains of the structures the Interloper left behind... And we discussed that it was only possible for him to travel another version of the Imperium... As The Technology was just now a one way... But by reverse engineering it... We could help and assist other versions of the Imperium...

Meaning to him was a way to make amends... But he wanted to let the traitors Primarchs to follow me... While they contributed to help the imperium... Many didn't see it that way... And some demanded their heads... So it would make sense to get them away while Revelation put the fires out...

I did have mixed feelings of calling him father... But I still call him friend time to time...

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