Chapter 168 - Rewards and Future

(A/n: Sorry I'm late my dad felt ill and I was tasked to manage the farming operations alone, A 5 Acre land without any workers or machines...)

[Compiling Rewards]


[Title: Herald of the Imperium]

You have achieved it through countless of blood and corpses to save the Imperium. Memories fade but deeds endure.

. Imperium forces will obey you without question.

. Reverse engineering other universes technology will be available for you to manufacture. Sending said technology back to Warhammer will improve chances of victory.

. Now you can breached into other universes without repercussions of the laws of nature in that said universes. (Force, ect)

. Astronomican can now breach into the multiverse and serve as a portal for connecting.

. You can summon the Imperium into the other universes (Caution: Other Entities will also be dragged in I.e Orks, Chaos entities and Genestealer cults) (if they are still there)

(Son of the Imperium)

No man or woman have done the deeds you have accomplish, no duty goes beyond the path you paved... A title that engraved by the Emperor on the foundation of the Golden palace for millennia to come.

. Diplomacy of Human based cultures will be successful.

. Xenos that is a threat to humanity will be marked on the Celestial Orrery.

. Justification of war is easier to digest for the people, However it must be a reasonable cause than making claims beyond reason.

. Named Characters are more easier to be hired.

(I wonder what Space marine would be hired? Lukas the trickster? Bjorn? Creed?)

Friend of the Machine God

"Silence from the depth of mars, in a labyrinth where dreams and progress intertwined for the future and the present...A friend from a Distant past."

. Mechanicus will have bouts of inspiration of inventing something without turning it into a Demonic Device.

. Necrons will be more innovative to kill.

. Imperium units have no qualm of using Necron technology.

. Necron Flayer units can speak.

. Void Dragon now able to be recruited in the Necron Faction.

[High Lord of Terra League of Ten Thousand: The First Trader.]

"You rule a part of the Galaxy for the Imperium and now a High Lord and a Rogue trader...wealth and fame for the brave or a fool"

. Due to a Unique Status. You are now able to hire Charter houses of the Traders and Issue a "Permit of the Cosmos" that allows them to trade beyond the Warhammer. [(A/N):It is a Warrant of Trade but now with more extra dimensional stuff]

. Trader ships can now breached to your universe location and bring back the spoils to Holy Terra.

. Captain that you ordained is killed by their crew during the transit will be void of their permits.

. League of Ten Thousand is now linked to your location.

.Thunder warriors legions is under your command.

. Technology and Weaponry are now able to implement in the Imperium.

. Diplomacy of Non hostile Xenos is Acceptable.

. When Provoked, War Goals are easier to commit.

. Dark Age of Technology is now available fully to build due to the Extensive STCs that is collected.

. Piracy action on territory will be marked.

[Item with skills detected]

[Emperor Of Mankind Halo]

"His dreams, his hopes, the shining path, the responsibility of the Halo is more burden than his sword, A champion chosen from beyond now carry the flames of Vengeance and Retribution of the Imperium... No world is beyond his grasp, no enemy is beyond his gaze... For he is the Emperor of Mankind...and the one that hold his Halo, is his Champion."

. When gaze upon by people, they see you the person they could relate to.

. Within a few meters demons would be aware of your presence.

. Bearing the Halo solidifies your mark as a Champion of the Imperium and participation to the great game of Creatiom

. Able to tap into the faith of the people.

. Now able to create Living shards that have personality and motives... (Limit: 13)

[Primarchs detected as a part of your retinue]

[Compiling their skills]

[Horus Luprecal: The Warmaster Call]

. Attacks on the Enemies directly head on will have a Morale Breaking effect, Killing the Head of the Enemy will improve the Morale breaking.

. When doing Spearhead maneuvers, Forces that does the movement will have a Increase rate of fire and Speed, but at a cost of durability and risk of death..

. Conversation will be more understanding and people will follow it.

. Skill Warmaster Fury: Designate a individual as enemy and War exhaustion is non-existent until that said individual is dead. But it have to be the person that you see personally and aware of.

[Magnus the Red: Scholar of the Warp]

. Psyker units will not be effected by the warp entities.

. Psyker children can be found more easily.

. Psykers will be much more destructive and upon death, they will make a psychic storm that will drag the enemies with them. If said enemy is a Machine that killed the psyker, give it a Scrapcode that will infest the machine to fight for you.

. Aircraft/Cargo/Troop/ Internal Ammo Storage is increased by 81x (9x9 Tzeentch numbers) due to the warp elongated the capacity. However Loading time is longer due to said elongation.

. Warp travel is much more easier and safer as Gellar fields is much more durable and emit a blank aura around the ship without impacting the crew within.

. Eldar spiders can now travel into the warp now a planet away.

. Eldar Cosairs can travel short range travel in the warp without repercussions.

. Psyker Units can now detect Camouflage and stealth units and have a foresight of 30 minutes.

. When Defeating a Supernatural being, bring it to the Thousand Sons Repositorium to gain insight on the weakness of the creature.

[Perturabo: Architect of War]

. Imperial Guards will be thoroughly trained that death is not the end.

. Buildings is durable as Auramite.

. Imperial Guard Basilisk is replaced by Iron Warriors Basilisk that have a Autoloader.

. Artillery is more explosive due to Perturabo chemicals to the gunpowder .

. Morale is low, Commissar can now issue the Danger close artillery without repercussions of morale.

. All titans are equipped with a Perpetual Motion Engine.

. Iron Cages construction is available.

. Servitor Skulls recruited is foul mouthed Assholes in binaries.

. When Defeating a Enemy that is solely Mechanical bring it to the Iron Warriors Forges, to gain insight on the enemy weaknesses.

[Lorgar: Preacher of the Gods]

. Conversion to a religion that associate with the Emperor increases the faithful the longer one of the Echlesiarchy units is on the planet.

. When embarking on a Crusade a chance that it will be a holy crusade.

. Sisters of Battle faith will be more prevalent.

. Once A planet is completely religious to your chosen religion, it will be completely loyal to death.

. Imperial weapons are permanently sanctified and any new technology that is given to the Imperium.

[Konrad Curze: Arbites of the Night.]

. Arbites units have night vision.

. Space Marines have completely silent movement in nighttime.

. Infiltrators units are always detected near a faction building.

. Imperial Guardsmen can sprint in the night without rest.

. Imperial Assassin's are invisible and covered by shadows during the night.

. Crimes are revealed and the judgement never lies. Arbites units are equipped with a book that show the misdeeds of the perpetrator and can judge more fairly.

. Skill: Night Haunter Requiem: The Person that is a chosen target will be haunted by Night Haunter and will be tortured. The skill cannot be removed by outside forces such as Blessings or curse as he will come to haunt you.

[Mortarion: Apothecary of Poisons and Plagues]

. Space Marines have a Durability of a Death guard regardless of what faction chosen.

. Space Marines can self regenerate given enough time and nutrients.

. Dreadnought have a self-healing function.

. Virus bombs have limited effect on space Marines

. As long as a Biological Enemy is defeated and brought to the Apothecaries station, gain the insight of the weaknesses within said enemy. (More corpses the better the insight.)

[Angron: Deliverer of Freedom]

. When doing antislavery and protection of the people. It will bring good will to the people.

. Melee space Marines are faster than other Space Marines units and can short teleport at the nearest enemy.

. Slaves that is freed by you will listen, obey and will join an uprising if given enough motivation.

. Melee weapons have a burning effect.

[Fulgrim: Artisan of Imperfection]

. War cry have more impact on the battlefield

. When going on a Melee spree, weapon always hit the most critical part of the target.

. Sculptures made by you can now attack.

. Marksmen have a eagle sight

[Alpharius/ Omegon: Masters of Subterfuge]

. Radio and Voxcaster by your forces are Encrypted from the Enemies and Changed every 1/10000 of a Second and Upon attempting to crack the Vox/Radio network allowed to pinpoint the Attempter Location.

. Stealth units are more subtle in their task.

. Reverse engineering your weapons and vehicles is impossible to look at despite how simple it seemed unless given permission.

. Armored vehicles have a Mirage effect that is undiscerning from the local terrain. Titan Units now able to camouflaged themselves from Eyes.

. Skill: Alpharius Gambit: When managed to kill someone, obtained the slained looks, memories, personality and even skills of the slain. It able to revert to yourself to your original looks.

"Holy shit...." Alexander eyes widen.

[Token received: Siege of Vraks (Canon)

Defense of the Eternity Gate (Canon)...

Baal Defense(Canon)

Cadia Last Stand(Canon)

Burning of Prospero (Canon)

War For Armageddon (Canon)

TTS Adventure...]

"What are this Token for?"

[It allows you to experience the conflicts without your perks.To see on the Perspective of the individuals? Whether you change the outcome it will show how it would change.... Now if you excuse me...]

[Message from the Future.]

"This...Can I open it?"

[Opening...Warning you are unable to use your perks and skills, Resuming rewards after...]

Alexander eyes darkened as he fell into a slumber... When he awaken... Is the future he awaken to is not the one that he envisioned...

He woke up on Mars instead onboard his ship... But this version of Mars is in the Webway and skeletons now piled high that mountains of it reached the horizon... Husks of Vehicles and soldiers littered the surroundings

"No...Am I too late?" Alexander eyes widened...

"Commander there is a Survivor! It's the Director!" A Voice was heard from behind...

Alexander turned around... And found several armed men and Rico now aged by several years... his looks have seen some horrible stuff... He wore Armor that is similar to the movies but more scars was etched on his face...


"Alexander Solair... Men Apprehend him now." Rico coldly order his men to arrest Alexander...

He was confused why he was apprehended... But he could escape but where? He was in the dark about what happened in the future...

(On board on a Chimera)

Alexander looked around and noticed that the Chimera he is on... Is brutally patched up several times... But it still runs...

Alexander was handcuffed and he faced Infront of Rico...

"Tell me... Rico... What has happened here? Why arrest me?" Alexander softly spoke to Rico, they been friends for how long he stayed here and far as he was aware of, there was not much bad blood...

The Friend he knows kept silent, his eyes have hatred aimed towards him...

"Do you know? You dammed us all... Your indecisiveness killed my sons... Dizzy and Carmen is Dead... "

"What about Carl? Surely he could-"

"He died defending you!" Rico yelled out making Alexander stiffen from his outburst.

"He died protecting the Federation... You let in those freaks...did you? Alexander?"

"What freaks?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Alexander, the Day when they arrive-" Rico gritted his teeth as if he refused to remember it...

The Chimera stopped

"Sir, we have arrived on our destination."

"Now let's go to greet the people you supposed to save." Rico pushed Alexander first hand out of the Chimera... Bright lights entered Alexander eyes as he found that he was in a Walled Underground City... There was signs of Iron Warriors handiwork in the city... But it was more like a city that been cobble up by series of mishmash of art style of the cities...

As the door leading into the city was opened.

Alexander could sense the people gaze upon the Chimera....

Many of the People is wary of the newcomers... And all of the have hatred towards Alexander...




Those words spoken by the people living there...

Making Alexander felt more disbelief what had transpired over in the future... Wasn't his preparations enough? Wasn't his armies of Soldiers of the Imperial Guards and Astartes worthy to protect?

One of the crowd that observed him rushed forward with a rusted knife...

"Die child of Satan!" The person screamed as he attempted to stab him... He was held back by the soldiers that escorted him...

"Stand down or you won't get any rations Civillian, Don't make me have to do this...." Rico order his men to aim at the Attempter.... As he fled back... Rico sighed...


"Seems like the Director is kept out of the loop eh? We been having food shortages for a while..." On of the soldiers commented until Rico silence the soldiers with his stare...

"Less talk... Better go to the Council to see your sentence..." Rico pushed Alexander forward with his rifle as they headed to the highest point of the city..

(The Federation Council)

Alexander noticed that the people in there gave him looks as similar to the ones outside...Hatred and Vitriol...

The Building that housed the Last vestige of the Federation government.... Was in shambles... Mishmash like the city outside it...

The Council was swift handing out the sentence.

"Alexander Solair, Director of the Mobile assault recon... I sentence you to death... And I am sure that the So called Emperor of yours will save you from a Million volts of electricity. Case dismissed, do you have any last request?" The Chief Justice spoke his sentence...

"May I gain the information what truly transpired and I want to meet Rico for the Last time?"

The Judge ponder a bit and agreed o the first terms... Nothing like a traitor to see his last handiworks for the last time... But the Second is up to the decision of Rico of agreeing....

Alexander sat in his cell observing the news and articles that was tossed upon his lap...

Seems like planning the defenses was useless...

The invaders used the same method what the Tyrannids done and invaded his galaxy all around and even the Federation itself was rife with the traitors....

There were reports of them using fringe colonies as the staging point for their supposed "cults" such as The Vision of the Markers and The Four armed Genestealers and so much more...

"Death space fanatics and Genestealer cults... Bad combination..." Alexander muttered as he scanned more information... And prime Locations of where the outbreaks happening...

And he found out that the Craftworlds that his Eldar Forces was attacked by the Federation in disguised as traitors to the Federation and Trazyn was nowhere to be seen as his Gallery was ransacked... All signed by the Would be Sky Marshall

He noticed that the first breach was into the federal controlled territory on the western fringes...

And he supposedly in the future forced to sent troops to deal with the invaders... But the main force was from Arachnid control space...

Somehow the arachnids join forces with them and invaded the Federation territory... Planet by planet, system by system... Despite Perturabo attempt to hold back the tide, the number of iron warriors that numbered in the millions was eradicated...

And there was a increased slander against him... One such article stated that he brought them here... To eradicate humanity... And the enemies kept saying his name didn't make it any better for him to explain...

He tried to find the Primarchs that was with him...

. Horus was killed in the defense of Mars...

. Konrad Curze was defeated in a hit and run attack. With a Cryptic message that Shadows are now the enemy....

. Angron died on the Evacuation of Earth.

. Fulgrim... killed and his corpse was hanged on a starship... And revived as a necromancy puppet...

. Alpharius and Omegon disappeared...

. Mortarion missing....

. Perturabo took a Last stand infront of the Webway gate and destroyed it when the people entered the Webway... Buying time for humanity to thrive...

Even the Primarchs?

What about me?

Many records swept past him... Many of his achievement was redacted or erased...

Articles piled by the dozens on how bad his influence to the Federation had become and they used the old Morita rifles and Nationalized his corporations...

And turns out they don't even bother to maintain it as they even liquidized his assets and laid off countless of employees that worked for him and started a great depression to get their feel good towards toppling what kept the Federation floating bank accounts from going into red...

Famine occured as farmers that had contract with Alexander have no incentives to farm and The Federation Banks collapse as inflation was skyrocketing that Alexander desperately lower to keep down the cost of the war effort is showing the ugly side of the Federation, that now a bread is worth in gold... A Civil war happened... Making the Invasion much more easier...

And turned out that the weapons they created have become useless forcing them to begrudgingly use the Weapons Alexander left behind...

"What about..." He dreaded as he picked the video showing what happened to his family...


His sons and daughters... His parents... His wives... Just to appease the Destroyer?

His mind went chaotic... All he helped was meaningless?

There was tremor in his cell... The light on his ceiling flicker...

A Call was heard... And the familiar sounds of Klaxon sound occured...

("The Invaders is here! They have breached the final fortress planet! This is the last stand! Soldiers of the Federation! Rally to your defenses of your loved ones! All civilians head to the Bunkers!")

Rico approach his cell...


"Is my execution date postponed?"

"Orders... You are to suited up and at least you do one good thing in your life, convict." Rico tossed Alexander a Defunct Morita Rifle...

Alexander sigh and can't be helped as he checked his weapon... A single mag filled with Ap rounds...

As they left the building the city is in flames....

Screaming and panic is in the air...

Sounds of anti-aircraft batteries being lighted up....

Several planes swept by towards the one of many exits to the ceiling they lead to the surface to meet the enemies...

Several platoon of soldiers rushed by ignoring the duo as they head towards the afflicted zone... Followed up is a cobble up Baneblade that swept past Alexander.... In that brief moment he could understand that the Baneblade machine spirit lamented that it didn't even have the maintenance for weeks... Just how dire they were?

And Several blast erupted from the ceiling of the underground city... Revealing a Monster of his creation... A Imperator Titan that is infected by the flood... Pulsating with both the Flesh of the Flood mind and Nurgles blessings...

It's volcano cannons lighted up, ready to erase the city where Alexander stood...

Several blast on its weapon halted its charge as it blown up in a sphere of flames... As it focused on the newest enemy...

A Battered Armored core that Alexander recognize... One of the prototypes...

"Eyes on your task Convict..."

"Where am I supposed to go?"

"To the Surface." Rico pressed his gun at Alexander back...

As they head towards one of many elevators that head towards the surface...

Burnt wreckage and shredded Corpses fell down from the surface from the openings as the duo head towards the Surface...

As they head towards the surface, it was a Grind fest.... It was not Warhammer and the Federation fighting against the Darkness... It was A united front...

Battered Soldier in Green Bearing 117 on his Chest plate fought against a Chaos Marine with a Gravity hammer...

A Lightsaber flashed in the distance of both gold and red... Causing tremors and gravity was stopped a short period of time...

One of the Titan felled down and another man in green silently watched as he took another grappling hook towards another titan to be felled by his hands...

Mobile Suits and Armor Cores fighting desperately against the darkness that is slowly encroaching...

Alexander looked towards the orbit he could see enormous flagship deck that a shadowy figure staring down at him...

"Second Wave! Bobble Heads! And those freaking swarm!" A Soldier scream nearby as Enormous Walkers headed towards them... And Started to emit lances of light like a scissoring pattern killing anything in the path of the lasers... And followed up is a swarm that Alexander knows...

"They got protoss as well?" Alexander wonder how...

On this fake copy of mars... A final fight occur...

the earth nearby was destroyed and despite how many were repelled.... More swarmed in... Bringing more horrors than the last...

Rico was died fighting against a Reaver

Alexander was stunned of the volume of enemies flooding into the Webway... As if now he understood why they must be defeated...

He stared blankly as a Exterminatus was enacted and erased the last vestiges of his Galaxy...

He appear on a platform that shows the Emperor and His sons...

"Did you enjoy the future me?" A Voice was spoken behind him...

He turned around and found a aged version of himself just sat down on the floor as if he is ready to give up...

"What happened?"

"We didn't become the sky marshall and I didn't ended up in the golden age of human by Tzeentch plots as I ended up safely on Terra as the General militant of the Imperium... I met setback after setbacks of the High lords hindering me... We won but with a heavier cost...

Someone else took place from that bitch that blown up the Craftworlds and Mars started to undermined us...and we didn't use the body that the Emperor given us..." He looked at the Emperor image with remorseful...

"Why didn't we use the body the Emperor gifted us?"

"Perhaps a sense of pride or plain stubborness...or perhaps fear? Do you know how I felt when he forcibly gave me his Shard? I didn't wanted to become a puppet...I wanted to carve my own fate... My own destiny... In the End I failed... Not only my family... My friends and now my the end I am still a puppet with strings..."

"But you have given me this message? So that the mistake would not be repeated yes?"

"I am giving you a simply headstart... Take it what you think... You know... Emperor... I hope you forgive this old friend... For making such bad choices..."

"I too worry about that body I inhabited in that universe..."

"I know... This time take the gift... And if you want answers who is the actual mother of that body... Khorne knows....or perhaps you should find the answers yourself...."

"You mean that Blood God?"

"Do you ever know why he never possessed you or even tempted you?"

"I thought he was a muscle head and cared only about blood..."

"A Oath is what kept him from truly corrupting you... From that body mother no less..."

Alexander ears perked... What kind of Goddess can make Khorne keep his oath?

"How do you know this?"

"When you spent time as long as I have discussing with the Khornate armor he given us... You know a lot."

"And whether we join him or not... Blood flows endlessly from the decisions we made...whether from our allies or enemies alike..."

"Despite this... We need more allies, more than I could recruit... The system is not enough to face the tide...I pray... This would be a success..."

"Go... And change what have already transpired... And can you do me one favor?" The Aged Alexander held out a blade that he gave Rico years ago... A Damaged Ultramarine Combat Blade...

"Protect Rico and his Family as much as possible? With the powers you receive... I sure it is within your powers to handle it..."

"I will...they are family.."

"I am sure you say go...Even in this realm... We are no longer safe from him...go to that gate..." A opened Ornate gate appeared next to the aged Alexander...

As Alexander rushed towards the gate, darkness crept behind Alexander, corrupting everything in it touches... The Images of the Emperor and the Primarchs began to wilt and rotten... As he passed into the Gate and faced a Eternal stairwell that lead to the heavens... His older version yelled...

"RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK! HEAD TOWARDS THE LIGHT!" as the doors closed behind him...

Alexander rushed and headed towards the light...

As he clamber to the stairs he saw that there was brief flashes of light in the gate slits he came from...

"You fool... What can I say... I am the fool..." Alexander rushed ahead... The Doors that his older self defended broken down and started to flood tar like substance into the stairwell like a storm...

(Did you think you escape from the inevitable?)

Alexander falter a bit as he rushed on towards the light...

(Did you honestly think that what you learn here will save yourself?)

"Well I am just a stubborn guy after all."

(You know what would happen if you take that body... You will no longer become human. Nothing more than just a puppet for the Corpse Emperor)

"So what? my selfishness kill my own galaxy? I rather take what I given, if I had to kill the infestation."

(Then you are a threat)

"I seen to many idiots screaming that they want to kill me when things don't get into their way. And their corpses will prove a point..."

(You will make more enemies beyond the stars)

"Then I will stand Virgil and let the corpses of my enemies rammed their skulls in the walls of the Imperium!" Alexander reached the light and touched it...

Alexander found himself in his office....

[11 tonnes of grox meat... Oh welcome back Alexander]

Theseus wasn't bothered as it calmly gave out the miscellaneous items...

"Show me the Body of what I inhabit in the Warhammer."

[Compliance complete]

[Alexander Hyde]

. Mass production Primarch (Experimental Number: 626)

. Foundation :Zero Number Primarch

. Father: Emperor of mankind (Universe 1739173-7)

. Mother: [(*Corrupted*)]

. Description: part of a version of a Emperor of Mankind Thousand Primarch project. To order to lower cost, the template is baseline human size. 626 is a chimera project of Three Emperors connecting their resources...

But it failed constantly... Until he discovered multiple version of him and gather resources from them...

One Emperor gave the Heart of his First Creation: Project Zero the prototype Primarch

One Emperor gave the Frame of housing the body parts... A rib from his body

One Gave the Eyes of His Favorite Custodian that was slained in battle...

In a sense it is a Frankenstein make holy... And the Emperor shard is one thing to kept it from deteriorating further. The One that started it all have made contact with a entity that is not even defined as a god nor a demon... But a part of humanity myth forgotten long ago... A Egg was obtained from it and he combined all the ingredients and implanted the fetus into a factorum worker in another version of him... As his universe was collapsing... His final son... His final victory

Alexander looked at the last sentence...

Final son...sounds a lot like Canon Guilliman and I are alike in a sense... Final son...

[Are you sure you want to merge with the body? It is currently 21% attunement to your soul?]

"Do it... And keep my appearance to not freak my own family out..."

[Compliance: just be ready, it is more painful than a Astartes surgery as it deals with your soul merging...and remolding you from ground up]

"Let me on the bed first..."

Alexander laid on his bed... And the sudden rush of pain entered in his nerves that sparked the conversion.... Nerves ripped apart and repaired...Blood being rewritten merging both sides into one... Bones cracking and snapping as the bodies from both worlds colliding... The Emperor shard is one thing that kept his identity and sense of self... And the memories of what happened in the far future... His choices... He must not make the same mistakes.... His blood vessels exploding and healing at the same place...

Alexander held on as it is needed for the survival...

As the finishing touches was nearing completion... He smiled as he heard a message in his mind...

[Merging Complete...]

Alexander stood up and found himself in both worlds...

As he headed exited his office he found the Knife that his older version given him laying comfortably on his table... After a short time... He took the knife with him... And kept it in his belongings...

"Never more... I have a Galaxy to save...and allies to gather." Ale looked with conviction... As he prepared more plans than he anticipated...