Chapter 155 - Guilliman Journey

After the Battle of Macragge, Guilleman gather more information on what happened in the Imperium from the ambassador and governors, he bitterly found that he was ten thousand years beyond the future, far was gone from the Imperium that he knew... He smiled outwardly while inside he was depressed that the Legacy of his father now decayed into this cesspool of the Galaxy...

His brothers were either dead or went missing and long gone was the age of understanding and progress, and now faced a eternal war on all sides...

On the bright side of the news was that he received from Terra was that Alexander was still alive and began to undo the bloat, and making alliances with Xenos making more resources run efficiently and have now rumors he returned to Terra... But he have to go there to a certain if the High lord was truly his family...

The first chaos brother he met... was Fulgrim that is beyond what he knew, he tried to corrupt him using a fanatic that was inserted in Ultramar by giving him a chaos artifact crown of glory at the end of the battle to free Ultramar that gave him visions that he should be the ruler of the Imperium, which he ripped it off his head and crushed it. From the crushed remains of the artifacts that his brother mocking laugh echoed.

Stating that misery and horrors will await on his journey towards Terra.

And what matter worse was that Nurgle have sent a plague called the Weeping Plague in his empire that distracted the Primarch, It was there he found that he gained divinity as he approached the afflicted and they were cured, however as soon as he left them the plague was re-emerged causing the Primarch to stay in one site while the rest is suffering, until the Grey Knight Grand Master Aldrik Voldus took a chance, faced Roboute and stated was that his efforts are meaningless as he is being delayed and it was the work of Nurgle, Roboute left the infected with a heavy heart and tasked the Apothecaries and Medicae to find a solution handle the plague, Roboute knew that he is being aimed by the chaos gods... And he must make preparations to set out before any more machinations of the darks gods will inflict on his people before it is too late...

Upon news of his resurrection bands of Black templars, Space wolfs and many of the chapters that held his Geneseed flock towards him...

In the Fortress Hera a conversation took place between the two races.

"It will be a long and dangerous journey", said Yvraine as she looked at the activities outside Hera. "The galaxy grows darker by the day, even though Alexander is preventing the decay he is only a man. Have a care, Primarch. You may have cheated death once, but you are not invincible." Her eyes locked at the primarch

Guilliman nodded solemnly. "So you are saying that you are accompanying us on our journey? I am grateful for your support."

"You misunderstood our intentions", Yvraine replied. "Already we have given you the gift of rebirth, And your brother has deemed us as allies effectively and what more if we solidify our mutual understanding?"

"It is a debt I'm sure won't be forgotten", said the Primarch. "Before you depart with me, tell me this. Cawl may have fashioned the armour that I wear, but it was not he alone who ensured my resurrection, was it you?"

Yvraine smiled demurely. "His technology would have healed your physical wounds, Roboute, but you and I know that the worst damage had been done to your soul, which I done to place a part of mine to fill the void. So no, Primarch; it is by the grace of Ynnead that you stand once more amongst the living. If you wish to remain, however, I would caution you against removing your war-plate. Not that you could easily do so."

A flicker passed across Guilliman's features at this, a faint ghost of pain well-hidden, swiftly replaced by a stony mask of duty.

"But in due time Primach... you will be free from the cage that you erected from yourself." She touched the armor that encased the Primarch.

"I could press you for greater insights into the powers that brought me back, and assurances against any taint in their nature", said Guilliman, noting how the Ynnari stiffened their postures at this. "But I suspect that our newfound understanding is of more value to my father's realm than my own satisfaction. And further answers would not come easily."

Yvraine inclined her head but she smiled in understanding of his mind, while the Visarch silently eased his hand away from the hilt of his blade.

"Thus, I shall simply accompany and witness your victory in your ongoing battles against our mutual foes."

"May you walk with fortune, Roboute Guilliman", said Yvraine. "And know that we shall stand together in battle again after we done with your meeting with your father, before whatever end befalls us."

The Visarch offered an elaborate warrior's salute to Guilliman, who nodded curtly in return before the Eldar turned and swept gracefully from the chamber.

Yvraine decided to assist Guilleman as the Last remaining planets that held the Pylons that kept the Materium from ripping apart was held down and heavily defended by the League and along with several Eldars such as Farseer Caerys and Dimh-Yriel that was under orders from Eldrad to accompany Yvraine also decided to accompany him in hopes to see the elusive High Lord that is more open minded compared to the rest of the Imperium. Though many warriors around Roboute was nervous of them controlling the Primarch, Roboute have assured that he is not controlled by the Eldars machinations....

Inquisitor Greyfax that heard tales of the exploit of the High lord wonder if he was sane of commencing a Purge in the Imperium Ranks...

But seeing the Warfront and News of the Necrons not invading into Imperium space is more than enough for her to lower her suspicion towards Alexander... Roboute assured Maneus Calgar that his duty of defending his body have ended but his new duties is that he would defend Macragge and Ultramar as he ventured towards Terra. And he picked Cato Sicarius to lead his Sons to the Journey towards Terra...

Despite the Ultima Segmentum is considered safe by League standards, several Chaos Fleets learning where the Primarch is headed managed to bypass the blockades that was stretched and assault his fleet. Many were defeated and more gathered under his banner as they passed by the planets controlled by the Imperium, However soldiers of the League fulfill their orders to defend the planets they were garrisoned. Which Roboute understand the plight.

Magnus for the first time since his razing of Fenris, stirred from the planet of sorcerers, He and his sons casted a spell and dragged Roboute fleet into the maelstrom. He played his part in this time... and now this would be the last Act he would play on the stage of tragedy... 

For Throne know how long the Terran Crusade ships wander from daemon world to daemon worlds as they stuck in a Maelstrom labyrinth that is never ending and supplies is slowly beginning to run out .. Roboute frustration and guilt is slowly eroding his confidence as they are unable to escape... Ironic was that the Eldars was sent to his brother quarters as it was somehow not affected by the daemons incursions and prevent the Eldars from being found by Slaanesh... He did took note of the burning Saplings that placed all those years ago have saved several parts of the ship...

It was a stroke of luck that Eldrad found them and supported them by showing the Navigators to bypass the treacherous warp and enter into the Safer side of the Warp where a Ship graveyard was the only landmark the safe passageway to realspace ... Only this time they faced a enormous fleet of Chaos Astartes tht is led by Kairos Fateweaver...

They fell upon the beleaguered fleet that barely had their mental condition due to their entrapment in the maelstrom ready for such attack... The traitors managed to start several boarding actions in Macragge Honor... And Roboute mind was under assault by the Kairos Fateweaver.

His forces was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of demons that breached the ships halls and he was faced with guilt that he sent people that heeded his call to die without purpose and was attacked by Kairos Fateweaver personally that held interest to the Primarch, he was bested by the demon as Kairos used his guilt, his darkest emotions to chain the Primarch, his fleet was beyond capacity to help as the Greater demon threaten the Imperium fleet to surrender in fear that Guilliman life was taken... They obeyed...

Kairos commanded them to head towards a hidden Blackstone fortress that is hidden in the Maelstrom as it held several chaos warbands that lived there... Some of them was betrayed by the Imperium or some of them Legionaries that didn't joined the Black crusade...

He have been captured by traitor astartes of the Black Legion and locked up in a Xenos prison, he saw what they have become, for he recognized some of them despite they visibly changed from their forms ten thousand years ago... Something in him disgusted with their appearance...

He sat in a prison block chained by his guilt, his armor was stripped of weapons... He have time... But he could not spend it carelessly, not while a Family in Terra is still fighting for the life of the Imperium, despite how dire and bleak the situation is... He was approached by a hooded Astartes that carried a familiar sword on his back.... And several Xenos accompanied him... Harlequins?

Guilliman made several jest with his brothers but that sword... Is something he wished to forget...

As they helped him free from the chains...

He wanted what's in it for them as he believes that generosity comes with a price...

Cypher the Fallen Angel simply spoke...

"Your freedom, is my meeting for the Emperor... " The lone Astartes spoke.

Guilliman observed the figure and spoke. 

"Lie or manipulate me, Son of Lion, nothing in this galaxy will save you."

"As you say." Cypher spoke with a small smile that was hidden under the hood...

As the Primarch got to his feet the Blackstone fortress trembled, and sound of battle erupted around them... As they exited the chamber that held Roboute, the Chaos forces are fighting each other... Kairos Fateweaver was commanding the chaos Astartes Defenders while Demons of Khorns and World Eaters fought each other...

"Kairos you dare grab the Primarch soul to yourself!" Screamed Skarbrand as it swung its demonic blade against a Pink Horror.

The group that freed Roboute found a opportunity to escape, they managed to reach the stasis chambers that held the Ultramarines lead By Cato Sicarious, they were lead to the first Stasis rooms that held their weapons... As they avoid the major hallways where the fighting is the heaviest and came across the Stasis Chamber that placed the survivors in stasis, after freeing the prisoners and raided the armoury that held their remaining lost weapons, several Ultramarines barged into the battlefield and began to take advantage of the both sides.

He noticed the Eldar that accompanied him at his journey, joined the assault with Yvraine and Celestine leading the way... the flame erupted among the traitors.

The auspex reading went irregular, and Vox networks have whispers and hissing as out of the flames came Astartes clad in bones and black, cloaked in flames walked out of the flame and opened fire on the traitors.

And the Legion of the dammed have arrived to save them... Guilliman saw something that was illogical... But now he is more open minded that such a phenomenon is assisting them...

Their only destination is through a Webway gate based on a word on the harlequin that was revealed to be hidden in the depths of the Blackstone Fortress... A passageway to Terra itself, Roboute question how such a Eldar creation was so near the throne world but he needed to take any chances to see his remaining family in Terra...

And as they fought with frenzy to their destination, Roboute was informed by Shadowseeker that lead the Harlequin trope that most of the Crew that kept the Ships operational along with the imperial Guardsman and Battle sisters was killed and even if they managed to get to the ships it was doomed as some of the survivors that rushed in from the outside immediately vouched on the Xenos words that managed to survive thanks to the Eldar that Guilliman left in the Maccragge Honor prevented the ships from fully scouring of life and fought their way into the Blackstone fortress however the Navigators was chained up and dragged to a destination unknown to them... And the Flagship disappeared during the infighting as soon as they landed to the Blackstone fortress...

And their ships now vacant and drifted into the Warp, they have no choice to listen to the Harlequin words... They managed to free the survivors and weapons to wreaked havoc while the chaos forces was infighting... Ultramarines Dreadknights and Predators charged ahead as Grey knights, Astartes and Skitarii followed behind them as they weaved a path of destruction.

The fight commence as Chaos Marines and Demons fight against the Ultramarines vehicles.

As they managed to almost reach the destination, leaving several trails of blood and destruction, Skarbrand the exile stood their way from escaping... With the remnants of the Forces of change joining to stop them from escaping...

A fight to free themselves as Eldar and Humanity joined to escape.

Skarbrand began turning his eyes from Kairos and began to fight against the United force... The Legion of the Dammed only delayed the Greater demon march.

With a several burst of fire he aimed at Skarbrand and several bullets holes was seen as the Bullets was sanctified with the blood of Blanks but it only hindered the Greater demon to an extent and With the help of the Eldar and the surviving Imperium champion Amalrich managed to give the Primarch an opening in Skarbrand chest at the expense of his life.

The champion smiled as he slowly expired as his duty of saving Cadia failed... But he would not failed this time. Guilliman took advantage and used the Emperor sword and began to attack the greater demon weakness.

Guilliman managed to defeat the greater demon...

His forces fought with the traitors with such ferocity due to the influence of Skarbrand presence that they sent fear towards the traitors, the surviving traitors fled as soon as They saw Guilliman bested Skarbrand...

The survivors managed to reached and stood upon Luna soil... They felt a sighed of relief but they met another army waiting for them...

"Magnus..." Roboute whispered as he clutch his rifle... While his relationship with Magnus was obscure by imperial records... It was neither good or bad... But he instinctively knew of his contributions of the Nikea Decree have made him unfavorable to The crimson giant...

"It has been ten thousand years... Brother..." Magnus spoke as his men stood silent... Their armor only containers of their trapped souls...

The Thousand Sons immediately charge past Magnus and began to fight Roboute forces.

"Why are you doing this?" Roboute yelled as he booted a Thousand son into the distance as he charged towards his brother with his sword, his weapons ammunition was spent as he made decision to fight melee... As he knows that Magnus was weak in Melee.

"To play my part...Brother. What you find down on that blasted planet, may not be what you know..." Magnus Calmly sent Warp lighting to Roboute way, as he dodged...

Roboute was overwhelmed but suddenly his strength grew exponentially and his eyes glowed...

In that moment there was a golden fire that enveloped the battlefield....

Magnus smiled a bit as he watch this event for three times...

"Maybe this the right one..." He whisper with a smile as he raised his staff and attacked the now powered up Roboute...

The fight on Luna was confirmed in Terra and Several of Terra fleet monitors and Contingents of League and Imperial Soldiers marched towards Luna battlefield alongside with 7 chapters of Imperial Fist and Sisters of Silence...

They managed to sent Magnus and the thousand son back into the Webway and the Eldar managed to sealed it...

The last moment of Roboute saw of his corrupted brother was one with satisfaction...

Roboute stood Infront of the sealed gate as his thoughts flooded into his mind what Magnus said to him...

"What you find down on that blasted planet, may not be what you know..." Those part of the words echoed in His mind... His thoughts wandered off as the apothecary of the Imperial fist managed to tend the physical wounds...

"You went easy on me, did you brother?" Guilliman knew his brother psychic might... And he had the power to crush him and his forces as soon as they exited the Eldar Webway. But instead he allowed himself to be banished back in the warp...

But he held out his hand... And wondered what is he? He is resurrected by Forces unseen by logical means and after seeing actual demons... He needed to have time to acclimate the issues at hand.

As he is ruminating his thoughts, a Soldier approach him...

"Milord, The Custodes have been decreed that they would accompany you and your forces towards Terra."

The Celestian forces and Terran forces separated, leaving the actors to decend on the Golden Palace.

Roboute saw firsthand what the Imperium have become, he did notice the changes that Alexander have made and found that the Gate that Alexander erected a millennia ago that was destroyed when he was made regent have been remade and now opened, but what he couldn't ignored was that with his hearing from above the city countless priest and pastors have proclaimed his father as a God...

As he landed in the golden palace the first things he felt disgusted was the flying cherubs that was flying in the Hallways, what was once the technological progress that the Imperium had made is replaced by the Gothic designs and statues of his father... And the reverence of the people around him with their eyes filled with devotion as they made the Aquila symbols. He waved and smiled at the crowd as he moved deeper as he used what he learned from his foster father. As he believes that he should not antagonize the Echlesiarchy to have the enemies from within...

As he was led by the custodes he could sense the adoration in the crowd, but within him, he was struck by grief. Yvraine was amused of his emotions that was swirling in him. She slightly tap the Primarch out of his trance...

Alexander was treated with respect as they knew their history that they kept, he founded the Imperium and participated to save the Imperium with all he had even though he had the opportunity to just watched the Imperium fallen and picked up the scraps.

He was the last remaining friend left for the Emperor from the Civil war...

Roboute noticed there was a bit semblance of what he remembered some of the hallways are being retrofitted with electrical works, as officers converge in the war room in terra overseeing a xenos design that shown the galaxy.

"Necrons..." Yvraine whispered as she clutch her fans as she saw a Necron Phaeron silently observe the battlefield ongoing in one part of the galactic map in real time...

"It would seem that he is been busy..." Roboute remarked as he noticed several Xenos oversee the battlefront. He noticed the practicality it shown planets and fleets of their factions now shown.

It was useful for him as he could see and consolidate the imperium forces and know which planet is safe...

They continued forth and the group led into the Eternity Gate...

That was the defining sensation of his meeting with the Emperor. Calmness... but within in the facade is filled with chaotic emotions.

He had approached the meeting with dread, fearing what he would find. Would his father be dead? Would he be insane? Would they even be able to talk? When he had been admitted to the throne room and approached the Golden Throne, he had done so as he had approached his foster father Konor's funeral, willing it all to be right, drowning in certain grief. Between the time of the Emperor's ascension to the throne and Guilliman's own death, the Emperor had only spoken to Alexander. How could anything have persisted for ten thousand years, he had thought. There was the sleeping body surrounded by banks of silently running machinery. His sword upon His knee. Sorrow suffused everything while his eyes are closed. The sacrifice required to keep the Emperor alive sickened the primarch. If He were alive. He appeared asleep. Guilliman had expected nothing.

But He spoke.

With words of light and fire, the Emperor had conferred with His returned primarch, the words etched in the primarch mind. He remembered the meeting...

As he approached the throne, he realized that he had tears in his eyes. He had chastised some of his sons who had offered such displays of reverence, but he loved and taught them that there is more in life than making him as a god but as a Father to them all, after he had been resurrected and the irony was not lost on him. Perhaps he thought, this is how all humans were genetically programmed to react when reunited with the man who had sired them.


Guilliman gently lowered himself to his knees and whispered a single word.




Suddenly he felt the aura within the room begin to change dramatically. Where there had been peace, energy now oozed from every pore electrifying the entire atmosphere and then the psychic shock struck him.



The words of the body emitted and pounded to the Primarch mind each words are contradictory.


Gasping for air as if being drowned by a tidal wave, Guilliman tried his best to compose himself. The psychic essence of the emperor was like an inexplicable weight hammering him into to the ground and if he wasn't kneeling already, he would have surely had to do so now.


"What has happened to you father?" Questioned the Primarch painstakingly. He couldn't explain what was wrong but deep down he sensed something had changed within the Emperor after he had been entombed for countless millennia.




"What do you mean?" Responded Guilliman, bewildered by the answer. He had never heard him use such words during the Great Crusade and in his desperation to grasp their meanings he asked his father another question, one that had gnawed away at him ever since his rebirth. "How could you have allowed all this misery and strife to befall our Imperium?"




Guilliman's confusion quickly turned into a burning rage. "And if they don't?" Bellowed the Primarch angrily, "What if their flame is extinguished long before they realize your dream for you?"




"Why do you keep talking of fate?" Spat Roboute, "You had always taught us that humanity would forge its own destiny! That man should forge his own path, that he stand against fate!" Guilliman's shock became palpable. He had assumed that when he met his father, they would lay down their plans on how to strike back at all those trying to subjugate or eradicate humanity but instead he found a grieving man looking only for a sympathetic ear.




"And this suffering, is it penance? or your solution? To wither away while humanity begs and pleads for their savior hoping that he might listen?"




The revelation made Guilliman look away from the throne out of shame. He remembered Thiel and his sons fighting to save him after he had lost his duel with Fulgrim. He detested the fact that so many souls including those of the Ultramarines had to be sacrificed to spare him.


"You need not carry this burden alone... Alexander is here to help you...I can help you..." he managed to mutter.




Those words cut deeper than any wound he had ever received on the battlefield. Knowing full well that he deserved better, Guilliman still tried to desperately steer the conversation away from the madness it was fast devolving into. "Father, I--"




Guilliman heard enough. The light glowed from his eyes and all he gazed upon now was a broken father on top of a throne, forever locked away in his perpetual pain. Humanity revered the Emperor as a God and here was proof that he was nothing more than a man, trapped in a prison of his own making. It was becoming increasingly difficult for him to hide his sadness. He and his brothers, no matter how flawed they were, had done their best to serve this man's vision. Every moment that the Emperor spent with them was a lie or was it the truth that echoed the sleeping corpse before him? He remembered Monarchia and how his actions had culminated in the betrayal of the Word Bearers. His disagreement with Alexander with the Codex Astartes...


"I will not allow us to go quietly into the night." Spoke the Lord of Ultramar finally. "Do you hear me father? 



That was it, realized Guilliman. To do what was necessary to save the Imperium both from within and without. Had his father anticipated this outcome? Had he already seen this happening millennia ago? The Emperor was powerful enough to read his mind without him realizing, was he doing so now? Was anything he had said actually true? Was he always this person before him or did his entombment cause him to be this way? Every possibility made him angrier and he turned around and started walking towards the gate bringing an abrupt end to their conversation.


As he opened it, he looked back and asked one final question.


"Why do you still fight?"


No answer came forth. The energy in the room had already begun to dissipate. He could see his father atop the golden throne but could no longer feel his presence.


"ANSWER ME!" Shouted Guilliman alerting the Custodes who began to rush towards the gate to restrain him. "WHY DO YOU STILL FIGHT!? EVEN THOUGH YOU BELIEVE LIFE IN THIS GALAXY IS MEANINGLESS!"


As the custodes closed in around him ready to put down the erred primach, a piercing light stopped them all dead in their tracks and Roboute Guilliman, lord of Ultramar, received the answer he craved for. Six words were burnt into every fiber of his being. Six words that formed a phrase so trivial, so insignificant, yet it had ensured humanity's continued existence for ten thousand years amongst an uncaring cosmos.


The words had borne witness to Ferrus charging the traitors on Isstavan and had compelled Sanguinius to face Horus aboard the Vengeful Spirit. They had seen the lowliest guardsman hold the line against unsurmountable odds and were a lesson that Space Marines taught themselves over and over. They were a grim reminder for each man, woman and child of the Imperium of what was required of them. Fitting then, that the Master of Mankind spoke the same words he expected humanity to live by.



And what was left in the whispers in his mind that he could barely listened...


A single tear dripped from the Lord of Ultramar eye as the gates closed behind him...

Hours passed, during which the warriors of the Terran Crusade stood silently to attention before the throne room doors. Awed murmuring amongst the crowds turned to fervent prayer, and more than one petitioner ventured forward to present Captain Sicarius, Grand Master Voldus and their brothers with devotional offerings and words of thanks. Saint Celestine and Inquisitor Greyfax chose this moment to depart, the former to spread her blessings, and the latter to report to her Ordo Hereticus superiors. Yvraine and the Eldar entourage waited for the Primarch return to ventured forth to meet with the High Lord as he was the glue that kept the Imperium from decay.

The doors open and the Primarch walked out with his face now steeled against the horrors of the galaxy... His words is the Emperor own as he is now the Lord Regent of the Imperium... And now he have to meet with Alexander and to saved what remains lost in the void...

The location of the High Lord was not what he expected... and he found himself in a enclosed environment that is a lake beneath the golden palace... with the High Lord fishing at the lake, his back facing him.. There was a Imperial Fist Centurion watching from the distance.

He noticed Vulkan Adopted daughter attending the Man before him as He walked towards the High lord... And a Giant Knight by his side.

"How did the meeting" He spoke with words that seemed certain of his answers... Humming a tune.

" that you? Where have you been?" Roboute asked with much wariness. He seen demons and his brothers that is corrupted beyond control... And he does not want to know if the man before him is a traitor...

"Seemed the last time we met, I was assailed by a assassin hired by one of the nobles that wanted the land that I painstakingly built and ironic that the weapon that was used on me sent me to the far future...I told you that Codex Astartes was a mistake."

"What is the mistake you pointed out?" Roboute probed the man before him seeing if he is the brother that he knew...

"The chapters was meant to be a temporary solution and there is too little Astartes to patrol and defend every subsector in the Imperium. "

"But you saw the Horus downfall! You saw the things he have done! I believe that it was a safe measure." Roboute yelled causing the knight beside Alexander to flinched.

"Because they believed that they would be replaced by the humans and Macaldor hasty implementation with bureaucrats replacing them have impacted their insecurities and it didn't help them and their fears has been twisted by Erebus. Your Father and I constantly bicker of the fate of the Legions and your life's are meant more than a weapon of war Roboute!"

"Why do you still care about this Imperium! Why do you still care about Father!"

"Because you are my family!"

Alexander sighed as he calmed before the giant before him...

"Every moment I spent with you and our brothers... At that Great Crusade, They were the only family I got left in this forsaken galaxy... I lived so long, not as long as the Revelation does, witness the fall of the era, the Golden age of humanity... I marched in the passage of time and watched my loved ones, my companions died before me, people gave their lives to my cause in this moment...I offered them Immortality but they refused and accepted their limited lifespan...I am burden with the mission that I may or may not return...

I am tired Roboute... While I been here, do you know how many assassinations and nobles hinder my job to fix the Imperium? How many Nobles that I butchered that Terra would been in a ocean of blood right now? I could have abandoned the Imperium and Outright invade your father dream now corrupted by time... And I would have exterminated every single life on this galaxy, Human or Xenos alike... But I didn't... No...I couldn't... Because I hold on to that naive belief that as long as the Imperium stands, my people would not You came."

"Revelation did decreed you as Lord Regent of Imperium?"

Roboute slowly nodded.. Alexander sighed in relief...

"Then I would entrust Revelation faith in you. My mission given by your father will begin soon..." He smiled.

Alexander stood up and about to exited the room, the Knight began to accompany him...

"Tell me Alexander...What is your mission?" Roboute ask, sensing something was wrong with him.

"I will bring my brothers that dwelled in the warp home. And I don't know when I will be back...You will try to fix the Imperium in my absence. I trust in you Roboute just as father have trust in you..." His words left the Roboute dumbfounded...

Alexander left the reins to Roboute, without disagreement and quarrel... The Centurion opened his helmet... Leaving Roboute eyes open...

"You...Supposed to be dead..."

"I only left a Hand and that is what they think of me?"

"Why didn't you help the Imperium?"

"I am not capable...It took me half a millennia to reflect, in my pain glove to understand that I was not capable to led the Imperium at this state. But as father decreed that he deemed you to be capable. For now, I will assist you in your council..."

"I am just glad that I am not alone..."

"That I do..."

A Shadowy figure managed to sneaked up behind Roboute and gave him a Crushing hug.

"Brother, welcome back to our home!" the figure smiled as he cracked several bones of Roboute.

Roboute smiled for once there was brothers that is still alive in this uncertain time for the Imperium...

The trio managed to gather the defenses of the Imperium... Vulkan began to craft weapons of war, Rogal was tasked to defend Terra once more making the planets towards towards terra fortress planets and make them delayed enough for reinforcements, Roboute begin his administration he was grateful at least was that Alexander placed several easing in the Imperium and most of the Logistical problems was fixed properly instead of duct tape and prayers... He began to create a more proper foundation of the Indominatus crusade. As the Celestial Orrery in the Golden palace was more than enough to see the actual problems at hand have allowed the Primarch to make less harsh decisions to drained the manpower and resources... As many of the battlefront was eased.

That is a story for another time

Alexander walked out the empty hallways after meeting with Roboute, the Knight spoke to him...

"Tell me... was it wise for me not to show my face to Roboute?"

"Horus...At this moment if the Imperium knew that you are under my protection, they would go into a frenzy... And all my efforts are forgotten...After the war that you started end, I have conduct a massive propaganda that it was a Demon that used you and the traitors appearance and cause havoc in the galaxy in the League and that is the only place where you can walk freely... And walking to the Golden palace with your face is impossible at this moment."

A Necron appeared next to him, and the knight was disturbed.

"And what would you do with him?"

"I would honor the agreement with Trazyn that I would take him in the Warp and exchange for Fulgrim clone."

"Seems like you kept your promise..."

"I honor our deals Trazyn..."

"So... How many of us are still alive that works for the Imperium?"

"Let's see... We met Roboute, Fulgrim clone that Trazyn provided, Rogal dorn..."

"Wait Rogal? I didn't see him anywhere?"

"We already met... It was that Imperial Fist Centurion. Now let's recap. You... Ferrus Manus, Vulkan, and Edward in the League...So around 7 out of 19... If you hadn't included your loyalist brothers trapped in the warp... And Sanguinius..."

"So, we have half of the remains... Speaking of which, where is Vulkan and Ferrus Manus?"

"I dunno, something about hugging Roboute but he needed to get into a Dark cover... If you shown yourself to Roboute, you would be hugged, sliced or worse... But Ferrus would join us as soon as we enter the Warp..."

"So, is it truly Father wish to bring my brothers back?"

"Horus...Yes, just as he commanded me to bring you back, he wished to bring your brothers that is trapped in the warp back in the fold... Honestly at the start I do not want to bring you back...But you were his favorite son...And you are my favorite brother... There is always a second chance... but if you join us... perhaps your image to the imperium would solidify the Primarch return..."

"What time do we go?"

"One last stop before we leave for the warp...just hope he is still there" He held out a Dataslate showing a Hidden facility... Showing a Image of a figure trapped in Stasis. A single tear frozen in time...

[Yvraine Pov]

She visited the High Lord before Roboute arrived, all she felt from the figure was akin to a burning sun that would have burned her mind... but somehow, she felt comforted in its embrace...

"Tell me Priestess of Ynnead, why have you come to my family home?" the Figure spoke with a tone as if he knew the answers...

"As part of the Treaty of Eden you enacted, I would request that you would assist in defeating Slaanesh and giving us the Cronesword?" She treaded her words carefully as she heard rumors of him killing people outright if the deal went wrong. 

"For Awakening Ynnead? That treaty was made during the time when Eldars was part of the Empire and Decent allies, do you represent all of Eldar race?"

"No, I haven't... Ynnari is still a small part of the Eldar that wish to remain Free from the she who thirst...And the Crone swords are needed to fully awaken Ynnead. Eldrad would vouch for my existence..."

"What do you offer? A treaty that you backed down at any given second? The Eldars living in my League is more loyal than the ones living in the Craftworlds that is more hostile to the League and the Imperium alike."

"The Oath of Isha..."

The figure before her is not smiling.

The Oath of Isha is one of the highest verbal promise made by the Eldar and if they betray it, they would be dammed to the void with no repercussions to the other party.

"You know if you break that oath, you would be dammed either way. I like that." He smiled.

She felt a chill in her spine as the man before her is not truly a saint, but a monster drape in human skin that is desperately clinging the remains of humanity in him...

"Fine... My deal is that you gather much of the craftsworlds under your banner and fulfill your task given by your god, so gather those Dark eldars that is still sane in Comoragh."

"What are you planning to do to that place?"

"Comoragh is doomed, it would be overrun with demons in due time as the demons now breached in the webway and it is no longer a safe place for dark eldars to hide, Vect knew it, the higher ups in that cursed place knew it, and I am planning to destroy it."

"You serious if that happens where can we hide from she who thirst?"

"You shan't be facing the danger, As I am planning to head soon to clean up your race problem that placed upon the galaxy."

She pierced the information together and realized the reason why he remained in the Golden palace was that Roboute would take his place as he travel in the warp...

"Alexander..." A Eldar approached them...

"Ah... it is you two, Farseer Caerys and Dimh-Yriel... It's been a while since we last met in the Kaurava conflict." He spoke softly as he remembers his temporary alliance and Dimh-Yriel remember his "massage" when he was just a mere corporal.

Yvraine took advantage in this and placed both of them to be his observers, if he was the one that truly free them... And Yvraine left Terra and commence her search to gather the Croneswords.

When Craftworld Biel tan was destroyed and the craft world was broken down to gather the Cronesword hidden in it, Alexander laughed when he heard the news as the Craftworlder that brought Angron Pain have their home destroyed just as they made Angron life a place of despair, he have no love for Biel-tan as they were more wanting to return to the Eldar Empire of old and kill the other races, Alexander knew that dream is foolishness as they don't even have the population to control the ancient empire. At best they would be placed in a protectorate status.

[Location: Redacted]

A Stormbird arrived on a facility now aged from the passage of time... The faded symbol of the League still shown despite being bleached from the solar winds...

Out from the ship came two figures...

The Machines came to life and marched to meet the invaders and stopped after they received the identification of the visitor...

"Welcome back Commander." The leader that lead Men of Iron saluted and returned to their eternal duties...

"Alexander, Are you sure he is here?"

"Based on my memories... He should be here... Before his body was devoured by the demonification spell."

"Lorgar was sloppy at his job..."

"That he was... Ironically."

As they delved deeper in the facilities surrounding was rusted and filled with dust. Only the Men of Iron still function till this day... As they walked towards the destination... In the chamber that held the objective was a enormous Tree that blazed with golden flames keeping the Demons and Chaos from finding the place... But they weren't here to look at the wonder. But the Stasis pod that was encased by the roots ... It was Primarch Angron... A Cloned one that held the last free fragment of his soul... He have been blessed by the tree light for a millennia, while the Body possessed rampage throughout the millennia under the influence of the butcher nails, even Alexander doesn't know what would have truly happen to him...

"Brother..." He touched the Stasis pod... He watched as he saw the frozen tear still etched on the sleeping individual mind...

"Forgive me... Brother." The stasis began to activate and with several hissing... The contents revealed... Angron opened his eyes...

"Brother?" Was the first words came from his mouth... His eyes was teared as he remembers the things he done... With no influence of the Butcher Nails... He was finally free... But at what cost?

"Yes... I am here Angron..." He held his hand on to the giant hand to comfort the grieving Primarch...

After he been clothed and given something to eat... He calm down... Alexander looked at the Primarch...

After several deliberation he was sent back to the League to further recuperate and takes to defend it... And meet with his descendants of the freeman that managed to escape before the destruction of Nurceria... He originally planned to give him a Legion of his new World Eaters that was created in the League to help in the frontlines... But now? His mental stability is more important than him giving Alexander a victory...And he wanted Angron a Reason to live... Something more than the Butcher of Nurceria.

When Roboute started the Indominatus crusade, Alexander know it is time to act.

On the flagship Olympia, all the crews was filled with Clone blanks replaced the original crews as they trained till this day and their destination is into the Cadian system...

Ferrus Manus now leading the reformed Iron Hands upon hearing he would meet Fulgrim in the ship, it was more than enough to rekindle their brother hood... He took select few of his Sons to followed him in the depth of hell to kill the presumably fake that used his brother skin, Trazyn did took several tesseract labyrinth now modified to house warp entities he was amused of the records of this human beside him, Horus just join Alexander as a Bodyguard, Dimh-Yriel And Farseer Caerys along with a Volunteer group of Eldar that wished to assist Alexander to incapacitate slaneesh and the mission to free Isha accompanied Alexander in his delve in the warp.

Fulgrim clone was in the Medbay now sleeping and being healed from the long term damage from the stasis. Upon his awakening he would be checked for his combat ability...

It was insane for any imperial commander to delve into enemy lines with only a single ship...

But the Imperium knew if there is one insane person that would enter into the Warp directly with a single ship that would be him...

The chaos fleet station in Cadia system alerted of the intrusion and now attempted to make their weapons aimed at the ship...

They were destroyed in a single volley and their husk was swept aside.

Any ships that appeared in the warp was destroyed as Olympia smashed into the Eye of Teror.

What would a High Lord would do if a Hundred Thousand Astartes was sent to the Eye of Teror? He is not bound by the Laws of Warfare of course.

He is not bound by the dogma of the Mechanicus nor by the doctrines of the Astra Militarum and the full might of the League technology is encased in this single vessel... And Olympia is now a Ship that is retrofitted to kill demonic entities .

He have no love for those that betrayed Humanity for petty reasons... That the Emperor hated them or their desires of power it is meaningless to him...

There was a portion of the Black Legion that he saved but he would not forgive the Traitors as a whole... First stop... Slaanesh but the pitstops on daemon worlds along the way would be exterminatus and the gunners have unlimited ammunition and supplies due to the Replicators installed, continuously producing ammo to feed the neverending barrage in the void... And the gunners shot every guns constantly to keep the demons that was not affected by the Blanks that shrouded the ship... Thanks to Alexande taking command of the ship, Alexander perk of killing the demons permanently placed the ship making it slaughter more demons in the warp. Several demons that was brave to enter the Blank filled ship was obliterated by Men of Iron and Necron warriors station in the ship as their Gauss weapons and Volkite weapons ripped the Immaterium being to shreds...

Strayed rounds destroyed daemon planets that stuck in the warp and some cleansed a bit of the madness in the void before the progress was immediately filled in by the rest of the corruption... And more demons began their Hunt for the elusive ship. Many more permanently killed by a round or missile...

But now they reached the direction of the first chaos god to die by the hands of mere Mortals. Except Trazyn as he was busy capturing denizens of the warp that his quarters was almost filled by the amount tesseract labyrinth...

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