Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 153 - Roboute Guilliman Return...

Chapter 153 - Roboute Guilliman Return...

Roboute Guilliman...

A Primarch of the Ultramarines, Leader of Ultramar 500.

Stuck in a stasis pod as his mind is dwell in dreams and memories...With a wound that is given by Fulgrim from ages past...

While the primarch slept, world outside is burning down. Abaddon have heard Roboute plans of awakening from the chaos Sorcerers that scry the future, while he couldn't harm Alexander, Roboute Homeworld is an easier target than attacking the League, Since he knew the League is overstretched, their territory is more heavily defended, this was the opportune time to kill a primarch as he is one of the greatest danger to his crusade...

There was a major spearhead of chaos warships towards Macragge. The League Ships was surprised of the sheer numbers as they managed to evacuate the citizens and attempted to slow them down.

But that allowed the defenders to have a few days to get ready.

And when the first of the chaos ships appeared in Ultramar the defense fleet opened fire and at the first wave it was going favorably until they were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of chaos ships that is entering Macragge Space...

"For Humanity and For the Emperor!" Shouted one captain of a battleship yelled from his Command throne as he rammed a Chaos ship and detonated the void shield generators taking the targeted ship and the surrounding ships with it... Several thousands loyalist souls aboard that ship, none survived...

"For...Humanity...for...the...Emperor..." The Captain yelled in a destroyed command room that is burning around him, despite several structural beam pierced his body, he looked at his attack with pride as the flames engulfed him...

However he was insignificant captain amongst the thousands of ships of ultramarine chapters that scatter in the Imperium rushed back to aid their besieged Legion Homeworld.

The Macragge fleets stood ready as they fought with tenacity against the forces of chaos.

Lancer beams, Macro cannons, Torpedoes was flung on both sides, as Attack crafts fought like a swarm... 

But a majority of the chaos fleet managed to bypass the defense grids and made planet fall...

Such attack alerted the Imperial and League navy and their fleets converged to the Planets... The Dark Gods have blindsided the imperial navy with a Warpstorm giving the Attackers some time to wrecked harvoc. But the League is something they couldn't influence... As they traveled in a method where the warp is unable to influence...

The Battle for Macragge was in Dire state...

The surface of Macragge was covered with conflict.

Every cities was ruined and defenders made their last stands before they were obliterated by artillery...

The Space in the orbit was capture by the traitors, providing support to the ground forces and land their cursed cargo on Macragged soil... And the skies was filled with ancient Dreadclaws and Thunderhawks. And the skies of Macragge was filled with explosion and shrapnel.

Predators companies was obliterated, Basilisk and Medusa that used by the Local Human Auxiliary slowly went silent...

But the Humans of Macragge is a type of people that does not beg for mercy, they are the sons and daughters of Macragge...

Macragge Air force, desperately tried to keep the air supremacy in the hands of the Imperium

Macraggian Elite Legionary defended their Holy sites, especially the one that held the remains of the Primarch family... While they saw a Miracle...

Apparition of the Favored brother of Roboute join forces and defended the planet...

Macragge Honor Guards defended the cities that still standing and protected the population centers with their lives...

And along with him was the dead of their honored heroes and soldiers... Which brought them with high moral that their ancestors and the God Emperor is with them...

Deep in the Sanctum that held the Son of Macragge. A Group of Individuals stood Infront of the Primarch.

Belisarius Cawl the Techpriest that is willing to innovate, Yvraine priestess of the Ynnead, Inquisitor Greyfax and Saint Celestine, Marneus Calgary Chapter Master of the Ultramarines that oversee them if they tried something funny...

They arrived to Macragge a week ago and with permission of Calgar now they made preparations to revive the Primarch...

They surrounded with the most elite and heavily armed Ultramarines and Praetorians Guards that wished to see their Genefather awaken and guide them once more. On the outside was the PDF that hopefully held the attacker back...

Each explosion outside the sanctum, made the Space marines clutch their weapons, as the process of their Primarchs revival is delicate. And if they fail. Not they cannot fail, such a mere notion in their minds they could not fail, they are the Ultramarines!

And the Great door of the sanctum. And a Chaos Space Marine appeared in the door holding a struggling Guardsman skull on one hand while holding a Chainsword on another...

"Stop them!" The Chaos Space Marine that is clad under Abaddon colors and his Armor is cloaked of the blood of the people that he have killed as they reached to the shrine, He growl as he crushed the skull of the soldier and tossed it aside, they flooded the sanctum...any of the Imperial guards was slaughter as they were the first line of defense against the horrors of the dark... Many died and paid their duty in blood.

When they realize their time was up they resolved with suicide bombing to drag the cultist that followed Chaos to hell with them...

But the Chaos space marine did not stop as the shrapnel of the miserable Attempts of the humans, he ready his Chainsword and limbs and skull was left in his wake, the face beneath the helmet is filled with excitement and the ecstasy of the kill filled his skull motivating to kill more and sacrifice his kill for the dark gods...

"Blood for the Blood God. " he shouted the name of his patron god as he plunged himself in a blood frenzy among the Macragge Pdf, reaping their lives for the never ending hunger of skulls.

Many of the PDF stood in defiance buying the revival process time, until a Soldier manage to grab a bundle of Krak grenades and blown himself up with the Space marine that killing his comrades..

The Imperial guards was slowly being killed.

The Battle in the sanctuary was a bit hopeless

As there was a few defenders left from the onslaught of Chaos forces converging towards them.

Few of the Space marines, Sisters of Battle and the remaining Imperial Guard was desperately blocking the final passage into Roboute chamber...

Saint Celestine took the final defense and she was wounded in several ways.

Her wings were injured and scorched and one of her hand is severed.

Her armor have deep gashes and cracks and from the holes seep her blood.

The Sisters of Battle was either killed by Chaos Space Marines or Demons ripped them asunder despite they were blanks in nature, it didn't deter the Strongest of Demons to grab them and ripped them in half...

Seeing her sisters dying and a blood thirst horde flooded towards her, Celestine held her sword with her eyes with defiance against all odds

"For the Emperor, for Mankind!" She shouted as she raised her sword in the air.

And with her defiant cry, A Holy light emanated from her fragile flesh... Disintegrating the first wave of Demons whilst healing her wound and Armor... But even more daemons and Chaos space marine flooded into the sanctum.

The Eldar entourage assisted the defenders and help the carnage count and killed the traitors.

Marneus Calgar that was leading the remains of the Astartes, roared with rage, his Blue colored Armor was a sight in this chaotic environment which his Iron Halo defended Calgar most of the attacks. His Inbuilt bolters run out of ammunition and he decided to used his massive power fist to crush and main the attackers.

A Ultramarine was blasted into fragments in the chest just before him by a Chaos tainted Melta gun. And what remains of the warrior was the charred limbs still emanated steam...


Seeing a Death of a Battle Brother made Calgar into a rage, after seeing the brothers that fought beside him fall one by one, he charged and rip and tear any Black legion Astartes that he could grab his hands on... There was a several krak missiles headed towards him and they were diverted by the Harlequins that accompanied Yvraine, he have no thanks to the Xenos. But after killing a Chaos Marine apart, he looked towards the podium that held Roboute, where the Techpriests and those Xenos that is still operating the stasis pod.

But he noticed whatever they are doing it was not working...

He felt despair... But the Eldar pushed aside Cawl and performed a Xeno rites... As much as he want to blow hole into the Xenos wench the situation could not afford to do so... He noticed something came out of Yvraine and entered Roboute body...

The Primarch body shuddered as his body now envelope in his Armor of Fate functions is slowly awaken the slumber giant... For the first time... Calgar saw his Primarch eyes... For the first time... Officially the Primarch have returned to the Imperium...

Roboute awaken in a period that is not familiar as the building around him was different... As he grasp his surroundings he found himself staring a battlefield that saw his sons dying and by the hands of these Black Astartes... But when he saw a Night lord join forces with the black armor figure and killed his son he concluded they were all his enemies. Many felt the instinctual fear of the Primarch as he have the Primarch aura now envelope the room... Which turned the place into silence.

"We fight For Macragge!" He bellowed as he used his newly function armor and began to kill the closest intruder that is frozen in his place.

The traitor scream shattered the trance of the battlefield as the Primarch speed and power began to overwhelm the invaders and with him in the fight his actions have rally the men to fight back.

Celestine, raised her sword as she swept down and kill the intruders, the Faith in the Son of the God Emperor now walk among the living perhaps one of many that soon come to his light...

And the chaos sorcerers was the target to be killed by Guilliman as their frail bodies that housed the chaos powers crumpled by the Primarch fury.

And the Fallen Astartes were next as the Primarch rip them to shreds, The original Legionaries to the fallen Raptors strain Astartes none witstood the fury of a man that saw his home burn to the ground.

Almost all the defenders followed him willingly as he fought his way out and left a trail of tainted blood in his wake... After he confirmed the last demons in the sanctuary was cleanse, Roboute gave several orders and took over the Chain of command and began to reclaim the planet.

The League fleet arrived, met the chaos fleet and made the remaining forces of the attackers forced to retreat and the defenders will not willing to let them go. Every inch of the land the chaos forces attempted to escape, many of them felled and their remains were scorched... And what was a mighty armada of chaos fleet that was meant to stiffled the next hope of the Imperium is now a fraction of the fleet that is barely escaping for their life in a Loyalist controlled territory and escaped in the warp... Which their ships is still in Realspace now observed and destroy by skirmisher fleet later on...

After seeing that the fleet in orbit that bear League flags is now doing a cleanup... For once he was grateful that his brother fleet managed to save them...

He decided to go outside...

The doors of the Sanctum was broken down the second time, the remaining defenders outside of Macragge, felt they failed their father... But for the first time they saw a giant and he look similar to the Murals and the stained glass of their chapter monastery...

"Our Primarch... He lives!" Shouted a survivor Honor Guard.

And the News spread throughout Imperium, But it didn't held the same waves that Alexander did, when he really revealed as the missing high lord, fixing the Golden Throne and the return of the League of Ten Thousand made more waves than a Primarch return, but nevertheless the Imperium was grateful of the return of the Emperor sons...

As the Primarch oversee the reconstruction efforts of Macragge and prepare his journey towards Terra, He asked Calgar who is the Chapter Master of the Ultramarines...

"Marneus Calgar, Would you tell me what have the Imperium have been during my stasis?" Roboute spoke softly in his office.. When he saw the people began to worship him, he begins to think something was wrong in Macragge as he was the Believer of the Imperial Truth, that all men, not god will dictate his destiny...

But seeing and watching the priest chanting words that is similar to Lorgar.. he begins to have doubts that this may not be the Imperium he and his brothers help propped up thousand of years ago...

Calgar have heard tales of the High Lord of the League returned and his contributions to Humanity... And relay whatever he could learn from the Imperium at large...

The return of the High Lord Alexander have brought sweeping reforms and began a anti-piracy campaign that cleanse the Imperium, and the Administratum and the Astra munitorum was fixed and the bureaucracy was cleansed the best he could. While Marneus was a Astartes chapter master he would keep tabs on someone that keeps the Imperium afloat... And while he knows that the High Lord was the one keeping the Imperium floating, barely from drowning itself he hopes that His progenitor would assist the High Lord...

And there was rumors of assassinations was spread across the Imperium wanting to take the High Lord head but the assassins bodies was placed outside the client home and their homes themselves in a few days later was filled with bloodshed... He held a tight control as he slowly guided the Imperium out of the cesspool and The efforts of the League, it was barely enough...

As the last location that the High lord went was that he went to the Galactic Center to gather more allies to the fight...

Roboute listen carefully not letting every word missed from the Chapter Master lips...

And he concluded that the High Lord must have swept in time and ended up in this era and began to fix whatever he could... Not realizing that it was the other way around... That a Believer of the Echlesiarchy went back in time to try to prevent the present day...

He heard tales of his relationship with the Primarchs both the Loyalist and Traitors alike... Especially the last moments with His Genefather and The High Lord Alexander went on a ill will... Before his disappearance...

"My lord... What will you do next?" Calgar asked.

"Show me my family mausoleum, and let me spend some time alone." Roboute spoke..

"Then I will have my men to assist you. " Calgar gave a Salute and left the silent Primarch to hai thoughts...

As he walked on the ruined streets of Macragge, he could see the reverence of the people as they prayed to him something that he couldn't get used to... Much of the city have changed since his passing... but the entourage stopped Infront of the Mausoleum that the Emperor purchased long ago when he respected his foster father passing...

The place remained intact as if something or someone was protecting the structure... There was defensive position of heavy bolters guarding the entrance... After greeting the guards, he went in alone...

As he reached in the depth of the Mausoleum... He saw two coffin that held his parents and a Urn that held his brother remains... Still intact by the passage of time and surrounded the coffins was lit with candles and holy stamps that Roboute would not bother to look...

"Father, Mother, Brother... I come home..." He spoke in whisper...

"Father...what would you do in my shoes...I read the reports and saw the Imperium is different from the Emperor dream..."

"Brother... I wished to hear your guidance... I know that we are brothers, Sometimes... I wonder what I would have to say to Alexander..."

Roboute words drifted in the silent mausoleum... And the candles burning was the only answer towards him...

He noticed one of the Candles flicker for a moment and he aimed his Inbuilt bolter towards the direction at the entrance...

A Eldar witch Approach him...

"So mon-keigh, so this is your family...I never thought that the Weapon that the God Emperor your kind worship have emotions." Yvraine looked at the coffin and observe the remains of the Primarch family.

"Leave me be Xenos. My brother may be Allies towards your kind, but I have no doubts that you will have plans of the Imperium regardless of the decay!" Roboute growled. He was not in the mood as his moment with his family was disturbed.

"Fine, we are allies of convenience... As he shelter our kind and help us in our dire needs, in return for his aid to retrieved our beloved goddess Isha, we would not hold Malice towards his League. We have plans of the Imperium... And I have plans for you." Yvraine smiled making the Primarch confused...

After enjoying the faces Roboute makes she informed him what she truly thinks...

"As you slept and still remains in the grasp of death... My god have decreed that a part of my soul will have to become a part of you... upon placing a part of my soul and covering that injured soul of yours, my god have allowed your resurrection and you are now under Ynnead realm the moment you die...See you around Roboute." Yvraine spoke as she left the Mausoleum.... As her back facing the Primarch she smiled. As her entourage followed her in silence..

Roboute is horrified as he realized that he would be in the realm of the dead of a Xenos, no less...

Somehow he got a sense to send his sons to bring Magnus back from the warp in the box and help him deal with this matter... But such a thought in his head was not feasible as he cares for Macragge...

For now he have to go to Terra and Learn the truth from his father...