Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 146 - Horus Heresy Part II

Chapter 146 - Horus Heresy Part II

Time is dire to humanity...

Alexander went to Revelation office, he felt something was wrong on the bottom of the imperial palace... As if the warp was ripped apart...

Alexander saw Magnus warp projection rushing past him as if he wanted to warn the Emperor...

Alexander rushed to his office only to find a the Emperor alone and. shard of Magnus that lay on the floor...

"What happened?"

"Magnus destroyed a part of the Webway and now demons are flooding in!"

What are you doing?

"Calling Leman Russ to retrieved his brother and I will ask him directly why he destroy my life work..."

"This is bad, I sending the thunder warriors and some blanks to aid you, until we could hold it down...inform Macaldor of the Navis nobilitesight be trying to sabotage it!"

The Emperor started to first order of a thousand Psykers to fuel the golden throne, it lasted for a day but it was more than enough...

Leman Russ that still in transit in the warp was kept hidden on what is going on in the Imperium at large upon receiving orders ventured forth to bring his brother back to terra still unaware that Horus was a traitor... He received new order to kill him...

The 30 thunder warriors legions and some blanks ventured forth to the Imperium Webway that the Emperor spent time to craft...

It was hell... Is a apt description...

The demons and all the denizens of the Warp flooded into the Webway wanted to swallowed Terra and mold it to their desires was stopped by the Adeptus Custodes and the sisters of silence... While the Custodes was powerful enough to keep the terrors at bay... They were far too little to face a neverending tide of demons that is born from the dawn of time...

While the Emperor took his old mantle as the Lightning lord and ventured forth in the Webway to destroy the daemonic intruders with his old legions now improved to not die... He left Alexander exactly 10 legions of Thunder warriors to his cause... And granted him with limited authority... Macaldor order what remains of his assassin's to observe the Navis Nobilite from trying anything funny... As there are some saboteurs belonging to some of the houses...

Horus already started a new push towards Terra.

And reports he is armed with more space marines that is flooding into the frontlines that some questioned if someone is aiding him...

They were armed with thicker armor than the current Mk III armor, but they could still be killed... albeit with more concentrated firepower...

Even on the traitor's side that is still leaning towards loyalist, questioned where did he get his legions and fleets from? Almost all of them know every single one of the Loyalist and Traitors alike but they don't know them...

But Horus used them wantonly that some questioned that if the Warmaster wanted to replace them instead of the Emperor, but he assured them that they are "Allies" that they could rely on...

Their performance on the battlefield terrified the original legions...

They were perfect in every way...

From sabotaging to siege and open warfare they made the rest of the legions seemed redundant...

But they kept their mouths shut as they knew they already thrown their lot with Horus...

But that doubt remained in their hearts...

Meanwhile while in the Loyalist side...

"This is bullshit!" Alexander roared in anger...

The war front is suddenly shifting towards the traitors once more... It seems while Alexander destroyed a considerable force that invaded the League it was a part of it... With the Emperor in the Webway handling the issues of Magnus folly... the Imperialis Senate that he helped built with Macaldor and Emperor to handle the affairs of the Imperium is pressuring Alexander to produced more weapons and ships to the warfront and they will not pay it except IOUs, and demanded that he should handed his forces to be handed over to the Imperium and all his assets... It was like robbing him...

While Alexander was loyal to the Imperium, the audacity of them wanting to get what he painstakingly build to just be sent to the grinder is not enough for them?

"If I had my system working right now, my armies will just overwhelmed I shouldn't think that way..." Alexander mutter as he went to the Imperialis Senate...

Sure, he could summoned vast army of Yesmen but that already negates his experience of struggle and duty...

He took his seat as he watched the squabbles of the supposed "finest" humanity have to offer...

Hypocrites and scumbags in pretty dressing...

Ever since the Horus declared his rebellion the Imperialis Senate is crippled many bogged down by bureaucracy...

Originally it was designed to allow Humanity to rule the galaxy without his intervention...

And this crisis have already shown the flaws of revelation beliefs that men should be lead by men...

When the Emperor was around they immediately beck and call upon his words... But now?

Their true colors have shown up as their fears and desire was openly shown and many wanted to surrender to the Warmaster... Others were on the fence... Finest indeed as they are the worse when the situation is not favorable...

But one such day, made Alexander furious of their actions...

A group of Techpriest that was led by a ambassador named Verhorel that represented Fabricator General Zagreus Kane, injured as her mechandendrites was damaged... She appealed the Fabricator General wish that High lords of Terra to aid them as his former leader is now causing a civil war on Mars, but answers the High Lords gave was lackluster and vague.

"Sorry, we are unable to provide any reinforcements nor we have time to aid your civil war." Was the general consensus of the High Lords.

The ambassador would have used the Titan Legion she conveniently left waiting to coerced them... When she heard Alexander vows...

"You really are scums in pig skins... I, the High Lord of League of Ten Thousand have vowed to assist Mars with whatever reinforcements I can muster and I will call upon ten legions of Thunder warriors of the Emperors finest that he graced me with his authority to aid Mars in it's plight, Mars was the birthplace of the Emperor dreams to unite humanity, it was the first planet in the Sol system that shared the foundations of the Imperium that they shared our dreams of unification, if the High lords beside me refused to see reason and aid our brothers and sister on that planet, that made us reached this far with their contribution, then what is the purpose of Macaldor placing you in that position?"

"Nonsense, only the Emperor can call out the Thunder warriors, not you! And your forces are under the Senate command!" One of the nobles yelled out as if to slander him...

"I could not order the Adeptus Custodes and he handed me command of the thunder warriors when he is unable to take command, my territory is autonomous and they answer to me only, are you questioning my authority? My men followed me not your whimsical power plays." Alexander eyes glowed gold as the eyes seared into the noble eyes and he pleaded for him to stopped... And he went blind to know the truth... Frothing in the ground as if he seen the truth...

Many stood in silence as the they only heard the man screaming...

"Now then, anyone else that want to question the Authority granted by the Emperor himself?" Alexander asked.

"We were chosen because we are the brightest and the greatest among our fellow man and our capacity to lead humanity to a bright age, it seems that you are now a complete disappoinment. I consider this meeting dismissed to reflect on your actions, the Imperium doesn't need a Sniveling backstabbers. We need people that stand up to adversity!"

As the Senate meeting came to an end, Verhorel ventured forth to see Alexander...

She found he walking alone with no aides or followers but she somehow sense he is embarking on a lonely road busy, reading a data slate...

"High Lord, what can you provide with, for our defense?"

The high lord gave her the data slate he been working on...

"This..." Her eyes widen as she saw the contents...

It was more than enough to take back Mars.

. 15 Divisions of Mobile Suits

. 10 Thunder warriors legions

. 30 Men of Iron Legions

. 15 Castigator Titans

. 34 Cohorts of Solair Auxilia configuration.

. 20 Aeronautica wings

. 5 Fleets

. 100 Division of Clone Army of Blanks

. 1 company of Imperial Fist led by Sigismund (Rogal Dorn Agreed to help in exchange for more resources.)

"Thank you for your aid in our dire hour...can I ask why would you do so much for us?" she wanted to know why he want to sent so much for so little?

"No, I would be the one to thank you...Mars and the Mechanicum was the first ally that helped my friend to reach the stars and helped achieve a part of our dreams, I would not bear to see it fall...and as the Emissary of the Omnissiah, He never neglect your prayers for your cries of help was heard... Remember this day that the League not the High Lords of the Imperium aided you... you are the last bastion of people that the Emperor trust outside his courts... Do not fail his beliefs towards you like the high lords besides me...and Mars is like a home to me...after this war ends, I will help the Mechanicum get a seat in the court to not allow such fallacy happen again and my promise that I will help heal the planet once more..." Alexander left Verhorel as he prepared the expedition force...

"The Mechanicum will never forget this debt..." She whisper as he disappeared in a corner...

She began to order the Techpriest to relay the news of good tidings to the fabricator general...

On Mars a dire battle was commencing...

Zagreus Kane watched as several forges was under controlled by the traitors...

He was informed by Kelbor Hal that he was designated as the fabricator general as the former fabricator general ventured to the void to search for answers... But now he returned and caused chaos? He unlocked the Vaults of Moravec and unleashed a Scrapcode that infected the majority of Techpriests that have major augmentation... The Emperor allowed them to research the Abominable Intelligence albeit with heavy regulations, that much is acceptable as their Allies of the League used the Men of Iron Extensively... And they provided materials to prevent the uprising happening again, Sanctified oils, proper coding and Prayers of the machines kept the errors at bay...

But from the vaults their creations became more Corrupted and their only mission is death and destruction... They emitted radiation that turned the vibrant soil into a radiated sands...

Many saw the traitors as hereteks, they had a chance of the planet to be healed and the desert lands that they almost forgotten have returned to them...

This hardened the loyalist even more...

When they were loyal, their planet was returned to vibrancy of what their forefathers spoke about, a land of Lush greens and clear skies and they could walked outside of the hubs to watch hope return to Mars... and this traitors turned the land into a desolated wasteland for their freedom?

The traitors have a harder time to invade the remaining loyalist forges...

Zagreus Kane received a message from his ambassador...


"Fabricator General, the imperial senate had neglected the call of aid but High lord Alexander Hyde have vowed his assistance to help Mars..but at the expense of his political power..."

"Thank you, when will they arrive?"

"Around a Hour at the quickest for the first divisions to arrive."

"The Omnissiah have blessed us this day..."

On a hill overseeing Magma city...

The fake Kelbor-Hal watched as the mistress of the magma city refused to yield to his calling, though he already done this many times in the past he was well aware of the answers he got from her.

This time he ensured he will not let her get away...

Mutated Skiitaris and Protectors charged like a tide of destruction...

As they fought hard to take the forge city.

Several drop pods of the Imperial Fist arrived to aid the defenders... He order the Titan legions to venture forth to destroy the headquarters of the loyalist...

Not enough he mused as he knows sooner or later they will already retake Mars and forcing the Loyalists to leave this planet...

He was well aware of Alexander from the Logs and data slates of the interactions between Mars and His league... But he have a belief that Horus already kept his armies busy as reports that his armies are far scattered to do anything to him...

In the Orbit dockyards there was a Firefight between loyalist and traitors alike...

Servitors that is possessed by Scrapcode is attacking the defenders..

Several Loyalist was cornered in a block of the dockyards...

Some prayed for the Omnissiah to preserve them...

As the traitors converged on the last remaining holdouts...

On one of the alleyways leading to the last remaining holdouts, several corrupted skitarii and Servitors watched the lane as they are well aware of the traitors were about to win...

They were attacked by several lasfire and most fell down on the first volley...

The servitors that obeyed the last orders of the Techpriest charged towards the source of fire and they were blasted by several plasma bolts and volkite beams.

Several Clones managed to guard point. And one of them called for orders

"Command this is Insertion team Alpha 71, we secured the first objectives."

"Alpha 71 commence the second phase of the operations."

"What about the loyalist?"

"Send some of your forces to escort the evac site. Then reached to the command towers. If you deemed that tower is hard to take, you have permission to destroy it."


The soldiers managed to arrive to the holdouts and managed to escort to the evacuation sites....

They may not be space marines but they get the job done...

As they arrived to the command towers and met with heavy resistance...

There were Two Warhound defending the front of the gates to the towers...

Several teams was destroyed outright...

"Get the Tachyon Arrow!" The leader order them

One of them nodded and order the Titan killer teams, Opened their launcher like weapon that held a Titan killer...

The Titans sense that they are more dangerous than the teams Infront of them and opened fire their mega bolters killing several Titan killers squads until two rods rammed at the duo as the Arrow pierced the armor and cause them to have a explosion that erupted for several miles of plasma explosion... Damaging the command towers

"Command, this is Alpha 71, we accomplished the task. However with severe casualties..."

"Understood, remain there for further orders, tend to the wounded give me the numbers the soldier that died, they are bringing the big guns on the surface now..."

The clone commander watched as several ships passed by the martian dockyards and began entering the atmosphere of Mars... And those that remained in orbit began to launch landing crafts on the surface of Mars.

One of Kelbor-Hal followers arrive in haste as the traitors informed him that Alexander forces had arrived..

"They are just a few regiments at most... Surely they could not sent that much to aid the Loyalist?"

"They brought Armies!" The Techpriest hissed.

On the skies thousands valkyries and Laats dropped down and began to open fire on the swarms of infected and upon landing they unloaded several white colored soldiers that immediately opened fire on the attackers... and they saw Titans that is bigger than their titans in the distance...

The traitors titan ventured forth and began assaulting the new enemies...

"Is the a form of mockery?" The castigator spoke...

Disbelief that they sent the cheap imitation of a Titans after them...

The Imperators and Warlords marched to the castigators and opened fire that would melt a city to glass... Castigators dodge the attacks and opened fire on them with each dealing more deaths... Several Wolfhounds managed to shot their plasma cannons to the back on one... It was only a burned mark and it was met with a shot to the cockpit.

The traitors that were besieging on the last of the loyalist forces stopped their siege and venture forth to meet their new enemy as they are more dangerous than the ones defending the forges.

Men of Iron, Thunder Warriors arrived later to be the shock soldiers as their path they walked in is littered with death and metal remains... White, gold and Silver was the colors of the traitors saw before their lives were ended...

The Fake realized that his gambit failed and he fled... Alexander had a special mind for him to wring his cortex cogitator from his skull and see what was inside and several search parties search for the elusive Techpriest but no avail as if he managed to flee from the blockade...

While those that is loyal to him fled in the underground labyrinth of Mars...

Alexander order the forces to flood the labyrinth and slaughter every one of them...

Ensuring the traitors does not impact the future mechanicus, Making Mars returned to the loyalist hands...

But the damage was intensive that Mars is unable to provide any assistance to Terra... At the current trend

The Techpriest promised that they sent 2 titan legions intact to Terra...

But in exchange for that was the forces that landed in Mars serves as a Garrison force for Kane to address the issues of his leadership and one of the thunder warriors legions remains to prove that the Omnissiah was present to save them while the rest return to the defense of Terra... The Solar Auxilia began to serve as a temporary peacekeepers and minor administration work until the loyalist began to bring them up on their feet...

Alexander would have gladly terraform it, but now is not the time to do it as Mars might turned into a battlefield once more, if they managed to get the dockyards and forges up and running and provide reinforcements in the start of the end, that is good at least it will prevent the traitors from using the forges is more than enough to complete the objectives...

"Commander... There are attacks on Pluto factorums and Terra! Rogal Dorn is taking a fleet to investigate Pluto, and the Factorum owners are demanding payment..."

Alexander groaned as he knows two Primarchs tht have balls to do so to piss Rogal Dorn off...



A Factorum worker managed to get his quotas of the day... As the alarms of lunch break rang in the facility many stepped out en massed, some wanted to grab a bite to eat in the cafeteria while other went to the benches outside eating their homemade lunches...

The Working condition enacted by the league have made their lives bit better, sure it is harsh but at least they are well fed and paid well...

He did heard about the Primarch Horus Rebellion but he doesn't care less as it has nothing him, it was the higher ups problems... He recalled there was a lunchbox set made by his wife...

A stewed grox sandwiches and along with several cans grutbeer...along with a side of cheese...

As he about to take bite... Another ringing rang out... This time it was a evacuation alarm...

He was infuriated as it destroyed his favorite time of the day... But perhaps it was the emergency drill that annoyed him but they still have to do it... He closed his lunchbox and ventured to the masses that is still confused...

As they existed the factorums...

Many of the Employees was confused...

Who order the Emergency drills?

Before anyone could answer the Factorums went up in flames...

"My Factorums!" The owners of the facilities cried out... And they found a charred paper written in High Gothic...

"Send a invoice of the damages to the High Lord of League Alexander Hyde for the damages that is inflicted on your properties...he would pay for the employers salaries until this place is rebuilt."

But the Workers were not annoyed but realized that they were out of work... The owners called for paid leave until the factorum is fully refurbished...

The Factorum workers just sat down on the ground and resumed their lunch... Watching the factorums burning down...

"Perhaps I could spend more time with my wife huh? Maybe take vacation on one of the pleasure worlds?" His mind was simple but honest...

But Rogal Dorn, he was not happy to the fact that the Alpha legions attack his walls and damage a Loyalist planet in his jurisdiction...

Sure they did pinpoint the flaws of his defense...

But the stress of his brothers commiting heinous acts have made his mind chaotic...

Many times he did enter the pain glove to reflect himself...

He took a fleet and the Phalanx, ventured forth to attack the Alpha legion that is already confirmed in Pluto... As he predicted they are attacking the surveillance satellite...

The fortress moon that is captured by the covert alpha legion have opened fire on the fleet... Along with a large alpha legion fleet that cover fire...

Many Imperium ships were destroyed but the traitors was destroyed as well as the Phalanx was fully fixed..

Dorn teleported to the Fortress moon Hydra along with his Terminators on the command deck... Meeting Alpharius along with his own terminators...

"Brother." Dorn Growled.

"Seem like you already got the invitation to the party yes?" Alpharius smirks.

"Why did you betrayed the Imperium!"

"I betrayed no one but kept the balance. Sadly Horus already broken that status quo..." Alpharius grinned a bit lower than before...

"No matter what lies you spew, I will personally crush your limbs and I will drag your corpse back to father!" Rogal Dorn ready his blade.

"Try me Rogal."

The command deck was filled with bolter fire and roars of power blades while the Primarchs clashed with one another...

[Alpharius flashback...]

Horus order Alpharius to recon Terra and find any weakness they could exploit... Omegon stayed behind...

The cabal did sent them two visions if the alpha legion join on both sides... However the introduction of the Astartes that Horus flooded to his legions destroyed their plans.

While Alpharius took his most trusted squads and stealthily entered the golden disguise as Imperial Fist.

They managed to enter the Investiary... A enormous amphitheater that Rogal Dorn had made and several statues of the Primarch have built around the structure, only Rogal Dorn, Macaldor, Alexander and the Emperor was allowed to enter... One of the missing Primarch was veiled in golden cloth... With the other was demolished into pieces...

He intended to destroy all the statues except of Rogal Dorn and himself intact to send a message...

Alpharius saw that Alexander was observing the statues of the Primarch especially His statue...

With a look of sadness... As one of the workers approach him....

"High Lord, what should we do with the traitor primach statues?"

"Cover them with a Golden cloth as well..."

"Understood High lord."

Alpharius approached Alexander...

"Tell me High lord, why do you feel pain? Why do you order the men to cover the traitor with a Golden cloth?"

"Of losing my brothers to Chaos...and despite all I have done, I miss them... I replaced the white cloth that the Emperor with my own... For I still believed in them...they will come back...and humanity thrived one more..."

"There is a message for you..." Alpharius gave a message for Alexander...

"Let's see... I am Alpharius... But this is a lie? I remember this it was my brother favorite message... My response was, You are my brother and our bonds is the truth, no matter how much you are filled with lies, you is always my brother... Funny why I said that to Rogal tin man? Alpharius? Is that you-" Before the high lord asked for more questions, The Legionaries beside Alpharius immediately open fire on Alpharius and Rogal Dorn statue and left...

Leaving the high lord dumbfounded...

"May we see each other" Alexander smiled...

"Thank you for believing in" Alpharius smiled under the helmet as he disappeared in the depth of the golden palace...

[Alpharius pov end]

Alpharius tried to impale Rogal Dorn with his pale spear... But Rogal Dorn managed to dodged it and chopped his limbs off... As he about to pierced his brother heart...

Alpharius smiled... A face of a man with conviction...

Rogal Dorn paused his blade just inches and within that time frame, Alpharius teleported, managing to get away...

Rogal was furious that he managed to get the traitor away...

Alpharius before he left the golden palace, managed to inform Macaldor. About the intrigues of the traitors... And the new super soldiers of Horus...

Corvus raptor project was completed and now its only thing that tilt the scales of the loyalist albeit just barely... As the Imperium only tactics was to kill the ships that hold the new supersoldiers before they made planet fall...

Time is needed for the Imperium to raise a new generation of Astartes... But time is running out...

There is news of Sanguinius managed to arrive in Terra which the people moral was soared... As the news about the rest of the Primarchs that remains loyalist is now converging towards the ancient homeland of humanity...

Alexander waited for revelation at the golden throne hoping that fate have been averted...

But the emperor went out of the portal bleeding... A wound... His Custodes and the sisters of silence managed to retreat with some of them missing and the rest heavily wounded but Alexander waited until the legions of the Thunder Warriors appeared with Arrik Taranis arrived,he is mortally wounded...

Medicae managed to transport the Captain of the Thunder warriors to the med bay...

But the Emperor was sent to the golden throne...

The Webway Is closed by his psychic will to prevent the demons from barging in... The clanging can be heard beyond the closed gate...

Alexander watched the emperor is wounded by the first demon, he did not see Ra Endymion, Revelation favorite custodes that spoke decently to him no longer accompanied him as he has one takes to sent that Damm sword away from the emperor...knowing that he is wounded and was comatose for a while... Alex waited by the Golden Throne until he fully recovered...

"Where did we go wrong?" Alexander spoke softly... not disturbing the Emperor...

"Your dreams of unity...Neoth...I wonder...did I done the right thing?" Alexander continued...

"The Primarchs that I called a brother... I don't know whether this nightmare might end...but I known you for a very long time... You wouldn't kicked the bucket so always have a plan or two..."

"Macaldor and I managed to reined in the troublemakers... For now... The darkness that dwell within Horus... Is growing ever more closer to Terra... Please wake up...The Imperium needs you...your sons need you..." Alexander could never said that last word... "I need you to be strong..."

Waiting for the Emperor Vitals to recover...

Alexander took a short nap waiting for the emperor to wake up...

As he opened his eyes he found the Emperor will standing strong... And his vitality had recover a bit...

"You....are awake?"

"If its a reason to bring my sons back... Then I will do so...tell me what happened while I was in the Webway..."


As Alexander stayed at the Golden throne bringing Revelation up to speed...

The Emperor started to make modifications to the Golden throne... One that brighten for another 5000 light years... It pained him greatly but it allow some of the system to be under humanity rule...

Magnus rebirth started a Warpstorm that now erupted and covered the borders of the League...

It prevented the ships that used the traditional warp based drives, but Alexander already took precautions and placed several beacons throughout the Imperium space long before the in the Golden age of humanity... As long as his capital is not fallen, then they could relay their forces via Hyperdrives and Necron Inertialess Drives... However...

"It is just too little..." Alexander muttered in his office...

The amount of the soldiers is on the field just too little and there are fleets that is still using hit and run tactics...

The Heavy hitters are trapped behind the Warpstorm...

They have to make do with smaller ships and the experimental ones that used Necron tech to enter imperium space... Upon realizing that Alexander is practically a lord without land, the Politicians and Nobles sense the blood in the water and want to slander Alexander whatever that they could, like crabs in a bucket...

Whatever his prestige in the imperial senate is slowly ripped apart...

When the news of Horus fleet just arrived at Alpha centuri system the Nobility began to panic, the imperial soldiers was well aware their families are taken care of, during their time off, they often ask to see their families just beyond the gate that is located in old America, the League defended zealously as it was the only way they received reinforcements on the ground in the event and returned home, if the fleet are unable to defend and land troops from orbit... Every single moment these men and women... They spent time with their families as much as possible knowing the days might be on their last...

Some carried a present from their families for good luck or a day off... They know their families are in safe hands.... But now...

Fortifications must be raised, bunkers to be built, entrenchments to be dug in, minefields be planted, supply depots to be created.... They know whatever they planned, they could not comprehend the torrent of horrors that is coming to Terra... But they will not yield... They could not...

The soldiers of the Imperium will not yield... For they are the bulwark against the darkness that will consume humanity... And the dark gods are thirsting for entertainment... Some may wished that this nightmare would end... But reality is not so sweet...

Welcome to the prelude of despair, a dark chapter one of many in the Imperium history where hopes and dreams come to die and glories are forgotten in the sands of time... And the test of Brotherhood and Loyalty clash within oneself...

The Siege of Terra has begun...

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