Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 140 - Alexander Interactions with the Primarchs [Part 1?]

Chapter 140 - Alexander Interactions with the Primarchs [Part 1?]

A/N: While I did the Arch of Having the Shards of Alexander souls Meeting up with the Chosen Primachs... I just think How well do they meet the real thing? " Perhaps I might Include Lorgar Aurelian? Never had time for the Choir boy of the Primarchs to Flesh his Relations with Alexander."

And this is during the Search of the Primarchs until before Ullanor Crusade.


A Day in the Golden Palace... It was Calm... with the Silent Thrumming of Machinery and Whispers of the Workers who worked there... A Explosion occurred in the Primarch Apartments blowing a Hole in it... and the people got used to it as they know it was Magnus that done it...And the Builders and Engineers reached for their tools to fix the hole as if it was routinely common, silently thankful that Magnus Mess is keeping them with a job.

As the Crimson Giant realize that he Messed up his Experiments in the warp... After Banishing the Remains of his Experiment to the warp, he attempted to slip away... After Hearing his Brother Leman calling for his name for disturbing his sleep... he better take his chances to run...Than to Face a Angry Leman...

After Being Scolded By his Father for the 10th time he learned quite a few tricks up his sleeves... He managed to warp slip from the Eyes of the Custodians that flooded in the Apartments...While Silently Apologizing to his Prospero Brother of his that stayed behind to Face Leman Wrath. 

In a Alleyway that lead to the Residential District just a few miles, Magnus managed to teleported there till it blow over.

He and His brothers learn that they could be smaller and Bigger due to their Father installing them with Biomancy... After a flash of light, Magnus turned into a Human sized Figure though with a shade of Red... And He Joined the Masses of people in their daily lives...

He observed the daily lives of the Imperium citizens.

He wonders what was the reason the Emperor wanted for humanity...

As He passed by a Park he noticed A Hooded Figure that listening the people and Giving advice...

He knows it was his brother that was working as a High lord... He had an Idea...

As he approached the Man that finished his last advice to a group of people, He was Confused of his appearance, but he kept silent of Magnus identity... After the People left leaving the two, the hooded figure spoke...

"Brother... What have you come here to seek? A Question, Answers to your woes of your family?"

"Tell me High Lord, What do you think about Psykers?"

The man Hummed and he gave a Answer.

"Nothing... They are part of humanity after all."

"Do you think that they are lower than Baseline humans? Are they deserve to be feared?"

"No, They were born from a Womb that we all shared, I do not believe they should be feared... As they were granted powers beyond understanding... Should a parent fear his own child? Should the Child be encouraged to Bring Horror to his family that he was a part of? With proper training and Understanding of the Psykers.. they could be productive members to our society... The Emperor of Mankind... He is a Psyker... Do you fear him?"

"No I don't... I am curious why do you believe that Psykers are part of humanity?"

"Long ago... Before the age of man reached for the Stars... There were Shamans that were precursor to the Psyker that we see today, they were the Wiseman in every tribe protecting and Guiding... Their talent is both Revere and feared by the people...however such powers were often feared more than they were respected...but at the start Power that they wielded have corrupted some of them as Evil Warlocks and The good wizards often take the blame..."

"I see do you hate the use of the warp?"

"No... Knowing the warp is dependent on the users... It can be used for good or pure evil. It takes a trained mind to see to it without temptations... And it takes a weak mind to be swallowed whole by the knowledge that they seek... Anything else?"

"I see... What is it like in the League of Ten Thousand?"

"My territory? Do you want to see it?"

Magnus said yes as The Figure stood silent and He nodded...

"Alright, Your Father Have Granted Permission to Let you see it and Stay for a Few days... As your experiment was quite big than last time.... It would take a Few days till your room is ready. Oh and Leman Demanded you better bring back something to drink that is from Prospero...and for his Legion.." The Figure beckon to Magnus to follow...

"Well...let us go and Make haste! Its time for adventure!" Magnus Smiled Hoping to see what is like in His Brother Territory...

In a Country what used to be America that was Once Alexander Nation during The Age of strife that bought time for the Emperor to Refined his Vision for the future, now converted as a Military Base/Embassy of the League as the Local population was Relocated to the League during the End of the Unification wars they were on Par in Security Details of the Golden Palace as it linked both in Trade Between two planets and Security if one was attacked the Other was Obligated to help... After Plenty of Screening and Security check... The Duo Entered Into a Portal Gate that Directly lead to the Capital the League...

They were met with a Futuristic city...

And They met Perturabo nearby ordering several Workers to Build the City to his liking... He smiled as He Constructed the ever growing City that is one of the founder to his Father dreams... Having a Vacation given to him from his father... He might as well make use of it...

As they Arrived to the Library... Magnus Found his Nemesis Trazyn that was Enjoying a Silent Reading... As he about to Engulf the Necron in Warp Fire...

"Brother do keep In mind... That this is my territory and he is a Guest... There will be no fighting in this place as this is the place of Knowledge and Understanding. You can take your grievance in your Father Territory."

Magnus Clenched his fist extinguishing his Warp fire... And he could have sworn that the Necron Emotionless Face molded Into a Grin as they passed by him.

As they Entered the Auditorium that currently held a Debate... Under a Golden Tree, many questions and answers erupted here and There... Magnus Took certain interest of a Section of the Debate halls. After Magnus Wander the Hallways he noticed a Debate that is interesting...

"The Warp is Corrupted? How do you propose that it is already tainted. Where is the Evidence?"

"We have Reliable Evidence from Historian Trazyn informed us about the War in Heaven... And the Artifacts that remained in his Gallery is purer than the galaxy at large.. the Effects of that war still scarred the Galaxy today!"

"Do you honestly think that the gods were the Product from that war?" A Skeptic question.

"Well, If there were demons in the warp that is lower than a God, then where is its masters? Eldar witnesses the Scream of a New God... What Guarantee that We would not be fools to think that wasn't a birth of a God?" A Researcher on Eldar history Voiced his opinion in the mass of Contradictions..

"Well if Eldar witness firsthand on how was it like to be near the proximity of the Chaos god. We shouldn't be afraid, in given time we could make the weapons to kill gods...we just need Data."

Magnus was amused but interested of the discussion... He joined in and enjoyed the discussions with likeminded people compare to the old Wisemen that Was in Prospero that was more thick headed and clung to their status as a sage... The people in the league is more like minded and entertaining. And ready to admit if they were wrong...

As in another part of the Debate Hall... Alexander was having a Headache.

As the debates were more focused on engineering...

"Nonsense you wanted to Let Leader Alexander to agree to use more Necron Technology! As the Warp Drives are more Safer than Using Tech from a untrustworthy ally! Inertialess Drives! Hah I Rather use the Warp Drives buck naked in the void while I am at it!"

"But the Warp is no longer safe than it used to be! Data indicate from the Age of Strife till now that the Warp fluctuations is more dangerous than before!

And the Demon incursion is getting more Common that even Men of Iron are struggling to keep them out of our ship because of sheer numbers! And the Hyperdrives is only able to let the Acclamators to Venators to dive in any warp stormsis not enough for our Fleets to patrol our territorial space and they also have Hidden dangers that we are forever lost in time! Necron Inertialess Drives allow us to Make more Safer way to travel in the Galaxy!" A Squat Replied.

"But did you solve the Radiation issues? How do you implement it to Civilian use?"

"Yes, we already lowered it by 87% compared to the older generation and Lowered the risk of energy explosion. It would take time to further... To complete zero, right now we are using a Outdated Luna Class to test it out."

"Umm, we succeeded to make the Hyperdrives fit into our Flagships...though that one is experimental, it already in prototype phase."

The People went Into uproar as the Hyperdrives that was able to Send in fleets that is small size compared to the Imperium now they could field such numbers...

Alexander held out his hand...

"How about I subsidized both research as they are necessary for the Survival of Our Race... The Necron Tech may have Radiation Poisoning, but I believe in the People that sought to Make it safer, until they managed to find the solution of Removing the Inertialess Drives Radiation Issue, we shall use the Hyperdrives as a Mode of Transportation. I am not favoring a side... But I believe one day we shall become greater than the Necrons of Old... but time is the Constant enemy to progress...and I believe those that Uses the Necron Technology should not be frown upon but be accepted... Our Technology based on Necron Technology... So, it wouldn't hurt to Improve their designs for our own use shall we? We managed to get the Information from Trazyn he is the co-founder of the Necron/League Alliance pact."

There was an agreement on both sides... and after the meeting come to an end... He found Magnus Satisfied...

"How's your day Magnus?"

"I believe that your League is in good hands..."

"Let us Head to my home..."

"Brother, I heard of this game you play..."

"What is it Warmace 40M? Or *Blueberry Battle Brother and Space hulks*?" [* It is Warhammer version of Doom]

"It is..Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker...."

"You sure you can play that?"

"I sure I can manage's a Children card game...right?"

Alexander smiled Wryly as He led Magnus to a Card Competition... Which he got horribly lost to a Kid Named Kitten...

A Few Days Later Magnus Arrived with Several Shipments Barrels Of Mead and Presented to Leman Russ... The Wolf Lord Started at the Barrels and started to laugh.

He laughed his way as he Dragged Magnus to a Drinking Marathon which he won...

[Lorgar: What is a God?]

Lorgar was Giving a Semon to his Mass of Followers he sighed as he ended the mass... Kor Phaeron and Erebus was away on a mission...

Upon the Door of the Simple Church that is dedicated to the Emperor on a Planet he brought under compliance, he found the High lord Standing by the Entrance...

He was Well aware that the Religion that His Brother Permeated in his territory is worshipping the Emperor in a Way but yet the same time not...

And Perhaps he could ask some questions that plague his mind...

"Welcome Brother to my humble abode."

"We haven't seen you much since we had that celebration of your return..."

"Ah, Father is always the Extravagant one... Though that parade was a bit embarrassing..."

"Well at least he shows how much he cares about you..."

"Come in... I have a few questions to ask..."

"I am willing to entertain your thoughts..."

Lorgar lead him to a Simple Quarters...

Pile and Piles of Religious Text and Pagan Religion Scattered the Place...

His work on Leticio Divinatus was still on his Worktable... Still Unfinished...

"Sorry for the mess...I can only provide you water."

"I see a simple Is best...I take Water."

After Lorgar handed Alexander his drink...

"Can I ask a Few questions?"

"What question you may ask, I can provide..."

"I visited your League, and I noticed a religion on the Golden Light is based on The Emperor... And some similarities to my work... Why is that?"

"You mean I allow to let my people worship the Emperor as a God?"

"Yes... What are your thoughts on it?"

"Tell me... What Do you want the Emperor to be a God of?"

Lorgar is confused by his question...

"A God is a God after all?"

"Do you ever wonder why he banned the worship of him?" After seeing Lorgar was a bit clueless...

"Because it would shape him the way the Devotees see in him...Is he a God of War that always wins, A God of Progress, Or a God Of Family? Tell me Lorgar, what God do you want him to be? My religion is him being based on Self-Sacrifice, Duty, and Family... these are important in my society after all...

"He could be everything at once..."

"Then he would be burden by everything at once.

There was a Reason Why the Old Religions Focused on one Aspect of our lives and We used it as a Moral Compass... Is your Father Affection not enough for you? That you hide your desire of his approval in Veils of Worship? I allowed my people to worship him because they needed a Banner, someone to relate to, A moral Compass to strive to become... In your do you relate with your father? What do you want him to become Lorgar? A Emotionless Leader that orders Worlds to fall, A Father that cares? Or a God that serves Humanity?"

Lorgar paused... He did wonder... If that was truly what he wanted...

After seeing the Primarch have his doubt... He answered...

"A God of Order..."

"Are you willing to sacrifice everything when that God you deem the Emperor to become, him forcing your Beliefs to be his Sacrifice when he demands it? Even when he Burn down Monarchia?"

"I will..."

"Seem that you found your Path Brother... I hope one day when we meet again... You still stick to the path that you choose..."

"Thank you for your thoughts...Brother."

"Farewell Lorgar..."

[Fulgrim: No one is Perfect.] (Before he got the Laer Blade...)

Fulgrim Was the most eccentric of the Primarchs... Always compared to Sanguinius as the Twins of Perfection... But within his Facade of being perfect... He have Insecurities of his own...

While his legion was small compared to the rest... He managed to make systems compliant with words alone and make extravagant Vows that made some of his brothers wary about him...

Upon his Flagship... He met a unusual Visitor...

A High lord of a Brother arrived on his Quarters ready to greet him...

Though he cares not about frivolous activities... He could entertain the High Lord...

"Greeting High Lord Alexander"

"Why the Formal Greetings? Is it wrong for a Brother to check up your well being?"

"You probably the First other than my own Father to check up on me..."

"That so? Well, it can't be help that everyone is constantly busy..."

"I wonder why He named my Legion the Emperor Children? Horus is the Perfect Son... Sanguinius is more well liked...My sons are not the Strongest... Nor the Most Favored in the Warmaster duties..."

Alexander frowned...

"Fulgrim... Do you want to know why?"

"Because he Trust you the Most... Me and Your brothers are paving the foundations for humanity to stand among the stars... Our hand is Filled with blood that we would never wash off... But you Fulgrim... You are the part of the Emperor plans for the future..."

"What future do Me and My Sons meant for?"

"Hope...He have plans for you that is better than the Warmaster Position..."

"Hope? You are jesting with me, right?"

"No, You are Designated the Praetorian of Culture... Your Legion will Uphold the Ideals of the Imperium through Perpetuity..."

"Is that what he planned for me?"

"Perhaps so... But I noticed that your current Compliance was more hastily...than before."

"You noticed?"

"Of course... How will I not notice your work? Tell me Fulgrim... What ails you?"

"Seem like I cannot keep it from your gaze... Sometimes... I felt insignificant compared to my brothers...I want to achieve perfection..."

"Fulgrim... No one is Perfect from the start... Every one of your brothers have their issues, Even Revelation have issues... Everyone of them have their own Weaknesses...Fulgrim... You are Perfect the Way you are..."

"Say the One that Knows nothing about me..."

"I was there when you were Born... I was there when you were kidnapped... I thought I almost lost you and Your brothers forever... Fulgrim... The Emperor never demanded you to be perfect, You imposed that limit on yourself..."


"Yes.. We Could Conquered the Galaxy with the Rest of your brothers... But seeing you strived to make efforts even though your legion is the smallest... you deeds encouraged others to do more..."

"I done that?"


"Fulgrim, If he Named Horus Legion "the Emperor Wolves..." Would you be Disappointed?"

"No...just a bit..."

"He let Horus to name his legion, but he cares for you and your legions to be given the Emperor Children... Because he knows that you are capable, and you are his son...and if he didn't trust you... He wouldn't bother taking his important time to help you and your legion a Sense you are like the Youngest Child to him..."

"I see..."

"If there is any problem you could ask me, Your Father or even Macaldor... We always have time to listen...I will not mock your failings as failures are a key to success but being perfect all the time will make you truly imperfect.. but at least I will try to understand it..."


"That's what Family for right? I will head out soon... Always remember... You are not alone."

[Alpharius/Omegon: *Redacted*.]

The Twins are the most mysterious Primarchs...

Often times they played pranks on their brothers... And Almost all the primarchs don't know who they are but the Emperor, Macaldor and Alexander knew their identities... one such days they played a Prank on Alexander....

"You Sure..." A Primarch Wearing a Hydra Symbol.

"He knows nothing?" And a Identical chimed in.

As they approach Alexander from behind...

"I am Alpharius x2"

"Alpharius on my Left and Omegon on my right."


"Knew, how?"

"How will I be a brother that knows nothing about you two? And Omegon, I met Alpharius long before you were found... So he is Special."



In a Middle of the Night Alpharius and Omegon Played a Trick once more... Instead of Alpharius heading to Alexander quarters for the Regular Chess game... Omegon switch places while Alpharius went on a Mission given by Macaldor...

After knocking the door Alexander welcome him in...

"Come In Alpharius...and Close the Door behind you..."

Omegon closed the door and proceeded to sit Infront of a Chess board...

"Tell me how is your brother?" Alexander moved a Pawn...

"Doing well... I believed he would fit right in." Omegon moved a Knight forward.

"Sometimes.. I do worry about him you know?" Alexander moved a Bishop cornering Omegon Knight

"Why so?" Omegon placed his Rook and took out Alexander Pawn

"You know the Cabal that your brother joined is Chaos Affiliated right?"

Omegon paused slightly before moving his pawn...

"Why you mean the Cabal is Chaos?"

"If Killing Your Father will end Chaos is the Dumbest way to say that they already given up."

"What make you so sure?"

"Even if your brother Horus managed to succeed in chaos that means that all life in this galaxy is doomed to extinction."

Omegon eyes widen and his composure faltered...

He never told his own brother about that... He found Alexander smiling at him...


"Omegon you can copy Alpharius looks and most of his skills but not his habits, there is a bond that we both share... He always sent out the pawn to scout first to gauge my intentions. Tell me... What else did the Cabal told you?" Omegon stood silent.

"That I am a threat to the Galaxy?" Alexander finished his own words...

"If would be difficult for their spies to infiltrate my territory and what better spy is the Emperor own sons...I will let you go because you are the son of Revelation... And If Alpharius know... I wonder if he see you as his twin?"


"I don't care what the Cabal thinks... You are just a Puppet following their vision that may not come to pass... Alpharius is one that follow his own path hoping you could follow him... Are you a Slave or a man? A Man Chooses, a Slave Obeys...I see something better than your path...but sadly you chose differently..."

After seeing no response... Alexander sigh...

"A Slave Huh? I hope when the time comes that you are free from being one, being a man that I foresee that is better than you are today, making your own choices, you will come visit me... I hope you can make your own decisions soon, and I hope that your plans will not involve alpharius life... for now... Please leave."

Omegon went out of the room and in his mind he did wonder how Alexander always figured out...

Next morning Omegon found Alexander talking cheerfully to Alpharius as if the conversation they spoke last night didn't existed...

He did want to say something to Alexander but his words refused to come out of his mouth...

He noticed Alexander stared where he hidden himself for a moment until he accompanied Alpharius to Macaldor for a meeting...

Alpharius came and asked why Omegon was a Bit Despondent...

He only smiled and said Nothing.

[Transmission Received....]

"I am Alpharius....This is a Lie..."

[Transmission End]

[Rogal Dorn: ???] 

Dorn always the Stoic of all the Primarchs... Never letting his Emotions getting the best of him...

His Relationships with others was more Formal that including his father...

When his father shown concern for him, he felt conflicted...

When He presented the Phalanx to the Emperor, he did notice that he was more grateful of the intentions than the gift itself and that bother him... When he heard that the High Lord arrived to the Phalanx he didn't bother to send a Greetings as they were more focused on...

"Greetings Brother."

"Why So Serious Dorn? You could loosen up at least a little?"

"Our Standing as a Primarch and a High Lord that is nothing more than that..."

"No Wonder Perturabo Called you a Emotionless Brick Wall..."

"And I called him a Petulant Child that have emotions stuffed into a Motion Engine."

"Never knew you could make jokes?"

"Yes... I believe that I keep those thoughts to myself, What Brings you here?"

"The Emperor have Given me a Blueprint of the Phalanx to send me to deliver it to fix it."

"Why didn't he bother to make a new one?"

"Because this place is Important to him and you... it was the First Gift that the Emperor Received aside from your brother's conquest of Planets and Empires..."

"I see, hand it over."

As the data slate was handed to him, it shows the Intricate designs of the Phalanx he noticed the difference and the defunct systems in place... seeing there was something wrong he ordered the Imperial Fist to Fix the Issue...

Alexander Noticed Dorn Smiled Softly as he Checked the Blueprint...

After Several Days the Phalanx is now fully operational... and it regained all the forgotten functions of the bygone days.

"Thank you, I should inform Father for helping fix my Gift."

"No Problem... I Better see myself off..."

[Why didn't you say that it was from you?]

"No... It is better that way for him to Connect with the Emperor."

[You are always a Softy.]

"Say it One more time it will be Paperwork Duty on you!"

[Hell NO! I am a System that Creates Armies to conquer Galaxies not a Accounting Machine!]

"Well, Partner you are stuck with Me! And Paperwork is our Eternal Enemy!"

[Damm it I should Have Transferred to a Accountant Literate!]

"You know I can hear you ya know?"

As they Boarded on a Transport ship... There was Fireworks and Alexander looked at the Phalanx, Rogal Dorn on the Loading Bay Gave a Salute along with the Imperial Fist...

[He knew?]



In the Golden Palace there was a Forge that Vulkan have Requested to be built, Clanging of Metal can be heard...

He never felt ease at a place filled with silence... His Nocturn Brother is sleeping outside waiting for him and his adopted daughter was beside him giving a bit of comfort as he Hammer the Artifacts that the Imperium appreciate...

"Did I come at a Bad time?" a hooded figure approach Vulkan.

"No not really... Just finishing up..."

"When I first found out that you adopted that Daughter of yours it is surprising to me..."

"I Guess it make strange fate... I got a inkling that she is important to me..."

"I never would have though she would be my niece...such a adorable creature when she is sleeping..." Alexander remarked as the Little Eldar in question drool a bit...

"Indeed... Why are you here?"

"Just to observe the craftsmanship of Vulkan... And the other was to watch my little Niece... You know there is a Planet that is Created in my Territory... And I like to invite you there..."

"What is it?"

"Wondertainment Pizza Plex we are opening soon... You know it would be a Good time to have a day off from the Forges... And It would bond with that little daughter of yours..."

"I see what I can do."

Three days later The Trio Arrived at the Nocturn Space and Alexander made a space station dedicated for transport....

As they Landed to the Docking bay, they were arrived with celebration...

Alexander shard looked exasperated as he noticed the Original went beyond to cater to his niece...

"A Doting Uncle..." He muttered.

Vulkan Managed to Made himself human sized as he entered the transport that head to the Pizzaplex...

It was a Smooth transition as they arrived In time for the grand opening of The Entertainment Planet...

They were escorted to the Auditorium and met Alexander... And the Announcer arrives to greet them...

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Wondertainment now Presents you the Pizzaplex, a Place where Family's from all races in both the Imperium and the League space could bond with their families, Here are the Entertainment icons that will soon be the star of the Show!" The P.A spoke as several Animatronics appeared in the stage...

The Little Eldar eyes sparkled as she Saw Roxanne the Wulfen waving Hello to her...

The strange family of four...

A Primarch, a Adopted Eldar child... A Shard of a Soul and a High Lord enjoying the Vacation...

They found Revelation and Macaldor was in a Roller Coaster Zone...

"Should we..." Vulkan Pointed the Duo having fun...

"Let the old Geezers have their time...We have more places to explore!"

Vulkan Managed to find time to bond with Little Flame...

Afterwards the Day ended Vulkan became relaxed... as they returned to Nocturn

"Vulkan...Will we visit this place again?" Little Flame Looked at vulkan from her bed...

"Little Flame...We shall...Once we finish the Grand Crusade. We will Visit this place... Me, Grandpa N'bel and My Brother okay?"


"On Nocturn Honor." Vulkan Patted her head... And Hummed a Tune that His Foster Father used to keep him in bed...

"You sure are a Loving Father..." Alexander remarked.

"Well, I had a Great dad to learn from..."

"I see...Take Care Vulkan..."

"Take Care Brother. Thank you for letting me spend time with my daughter."

"That is What Brothers are for..."


Hm.... Plan to Let the Rest of the Primachs short meetings... Next Chapters is based on 

rest of the Primarchs... Its short... so 6 primarch Interaction per chapter and it a mixed of Loyalist and Traitors alike? Then It is Ullanor Crusade... Leading up to the Horus Crusade.

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