Chapter 133 - XIX Corvus Corax

In the System that is long forgotten by the Federation in its downfall... Is a Forge world Kiavahr Located in Segmentum Tempestus, in the Forsarr sector...

It retains most of the Technology of the Federation of the Golden Age, however it failed to Grasp its morality... It is now controlled by the First Generation Mechanicus explorator fleets long before the Emperor stepped on Mars, Forming into Tech Guilds that Oversee the Planet...

They became Corrupted with Power as Millions toiled their service for their daily lives, there were those that Question the ruling, were sent to its moon Lycaeus which is a Desolate Moon with Limited Air Pockets to prevent Escaping, Intellectuals, Philosophers were mixed with Criminals and Murderers... And Workers that failed to meet their quotas are sent there... Many had Children that had no sins of their shoulders carry the burden of their families... Their brutality has shaped several individuals.

But the Story would be on Lycaeus

A Single Slave miner Child, Travelled with her Mining team to find a Mineral Seam, Tired and hungry as she was more of a Bag of Bones than a Normal Girl in her age, On her path she found a Duo that was in dire aid... A Man Nearly Frostbitten looked warmly at her as he Guarded a Capsule that held a baby...

"What is your name little one?" The Stranger asked...

"Na... Natsuri Ephrenia... Yours stranger?" the child asked with curiosity...

"Just Alexander...This is my brother... Corvus Corax..."

Natsuri Ephrenia wanted to ask more...

"What you are doing there Slave! You are way behind the quotas!" A Gruff Guard approached them... the Team that oversee the mining production

The head guard ignored the Frostbitten Corpse as he believes that he was just another slave in another jurisdiction that was tossed in his district... He held out a Bullwhip and Attempted to Whip the Girl...

A Man Frostbitten hand, held the Slaver Throat and Crushed it and a Child naked that was Just Her Age gripped the Bullwhip crushing the Hand that held it...

And the Duo began to slaughter them.

Many Miner Slaves that was nearby looked at them with fear...

She Looked at them not with fear... But with Awe... As no one have saved her... As she was born in this Moon... She never knew her father... Much less her Mother... She was Raised by a Elderly man before he was killed and used as Biofuel... Alexander Dispose the Body of the Man In a Nearby Biofuel Generator as it was the only fuel that Kept the Frost from space At bay and Hiding Evidence... And Seeing people died by the Thousands daily it was no wonder, but they will be looking for the Killers of the Slaver Miner Guards, the Slaves kept them Safe... Free from the Scrutinizing Gazes of the Guards... There... In a Hablock where there was not a Frost to be found... There was Hope in that place.... The Prisoners Raised Corvus Corax... Their Shreds of Cloth became his... Their Lukewarm Soup rations became his Nourishment, Heat Stones provided by Alexander Prevented most of them dying from Hypothermia... and many welcomed them as Family...

As the Child Grew up Faster than the Regular humans... Many believed he would Liberate them... As his Name amongst the Slaves was named "the Deliverer"...

As he was Kept Hidden from their Masters eyes, Many taught him their Experiences needed for him to get ready... Politically Framed Generals taught him the Art of Warfare and Urban Combat, Criminals taught him their Tricks and their Secrets... Political Prisoners and Philosophers teach him their respective trades, But the Brother he knew gave him a Gift...

A Bracelet of Invisibility...

Corvus Corax mentioned once to Alexander that he was able to slip past the guards sight to pilfer ammunition and Weapons from the Guards Armory, but the Security Systems managed to see him... There were times he was nearly caught only to be stopped by the slaves that mentioned that there was not a man that existed in their Hablocks... A Bracelet was created specifically for him... No longer will he be seen by any security as he Traveled as a Ghost as no Cameras and People with a psychic glimpse was able to grasp his location....that made Most Guards station on Lyceum murmured in silence... How their colleagues went missing and most of their gear suddenly disappeared...

Corvus Corax Managed to Keep Stashes of Stolen Weapons, armor and Made Many Caches throughout the moon...

Corvus arrived at the Location where his brother have stated... It was a Place that show the Future Raven Spire of the Raven Guards that is still under control of the Guards of Lycaeus...

"Is it done Corvus?"

"No brother, It is just only the beginning..."

"You know the consequences?"

"I understand the implications."

"I see...Better Get ready... Tomorrow is going to be a Brutal Day..."

Tomorrow was a Day that changed the fate Of Lycaeus it is Filled with Strife and Riots occurred all at once... Making the Guards stretch to the point of putting down the riots that it was the most perfect timing... for a Rebellion.

Corvus Corax Spent Weeks, Months to Plan extensively, he observed the Routine of every guards and He placed the most Capable People in charge of leading small teams for the Revolt, sabotaged any vital systems that will make the riot go awry... Planned the areas from the get-go... He and The Slaves Miners of Lycaeus revolted to the Guards Surprise, they had put down revolts, but not to the point that it was Well-organized and Well armed...

There was Chaos in the Guards Ranks as Most of their Communication Hubs were Sabotage in advance, unable to connect to the Forge world below of warning or even requesting reinforcements...

The Slaves Miners Revolt erupted to the point that All of the guards were shot, Mauled and Tossed their Carcasses to the Biofuel Generators by the thousands to fuel the never-ending heat... Their Hatred towards them was more than enough for the Malnourished and Those of near death appreciated their captors death...

"Deliverer... We found something..." One of the Slave miners said as he lead Corvus to a Zone where they Kept the Mining Equipment...

Corvus Grinned as he saw Atomic Detonator Charges that was in Minted condition...

Several supply Ships was towards planet fall towards Kiavahr...with a Explosive surprise

The Silent Ships managed to entered the Gravity of Kiavahr and Rammed into 5 Major Cities of Kiavahr without warning and Exploded into 5 Atomic Blast... It destroyed the Supplies and Minerals Needed to forges to create new weapons... The Vast Factorums now Starving for Resources now laid Silent in the Atomic ashes...

... It killed Ten of Thousands from the Blast Radius and Radiation, Causing the Tech Guilds into a Civil war of who's is the Leader of a Destroyed World... But it liberated millions, Making the Revolts erupted throughout Kiavahr...

"Do you accept the implications? Corvus?" Alexander walked towards Corvus with his body covered with blood...

Corvus Closed his eyes as he could imagine the Conflict on the Kiavahr now Taking place...all caused by his actions alone...

"I, Will you accompany me?"

"Of course... Our Hands are already covered with blood so I will not make any pretenses of any justified had to be done... Even if we didn't drop the mining charges... They will retaliate with force, they will have no hesitation to kill us all, they would be never negotiate with a Slave Miners... Sometimes brother, we make the best of the Worst killed with Little Casualties to save the majority...that much is what you could do in a moment, Come Brother, there is a Celebration of a Savior Waiting for you."

The is a Celebration after Centuries and Centuries of Brutality... They were finally freed...

The Emperor Was among the Slaves watching the celebration the people didn't notice the man amongst them... He was neither in his Gaudy Armor or his Custodes by his Side... He Approached Corvus Corax with uncertainty... A Weary man with a Galaxy on his shoulders...

The Primarch Instinctively knew his father approaching... and Tried to Kneel down to pay respects... He was Raised up and Held Up... And he looked up and met with a Man that was the Size of him...

"Corvus Corax... My son...welcome home..." The man Hugged Corvus...

Corvus had so many questions about his father, why he was sent here...

"I will tell you in due time... Now time to claim your birthright..."

"What about the people in here?"

"I will assist them as much as possible, those who wished to stay in Deliverance or what they called it...stay while those that wished to leave head to the League of Ten Thousand..."

"The League of Ten Thousand Father?"

"Think of it As a Safe Haven of Sorts...from the Horrors to Come..." The Emperor was weary as he led Corvus to his Flagship... And He told Corvus Corax the Warp, his true nature, the Great Four... Their Danger towards humanity and the Galaxy as a Whole...

Corvus at time had hard time understanding of the issues at hand...

"Why did you tell me this father?"

"Because I needed someone to carry my burden Son... I need a Galaxy of Peace... But peace that is Given, it will be a False peace that will be swallowed by weakness... It is earned by Bloodshed and Liberation from tyranny...I watched your Contribution, how you saved millions from the very few that oppress you... And I want you to do it again... As there are many worlds that lost to time... that are under attack by Xenos, Humans that deny the unification of once a great civilization, the Mutants, and the Forces of the Warp...I want you to be my Shadow Son, Corvus to protect Humanity from the Dark... I will not ask of you as a Creator that demands Obedience, but as a Father that is Burdened by his Knowledge of the future...Will you help me?" The Man Before Corax shown his true nature... Or at least on Corax point of view...

After a Minute of deliberation Corax agreed...

Alexander and Natsuri was Looking for Corvus and he appeared out of thin air...

"Brother, where have you been? Me and Natsuri is looking for you?"

"I met my Father..."

"Well congratulations, Why are you so gloomy?"

"Father Gave me a Offering to those who wished to leave this place and go to the League for a Better life..."

"And the other?"

"Stay here on Deliverance."

"Natsuri, you wanna go to The League? You will miss my brother?"

"I don't wanna! You are like a Brother to me, Corax don't sent me away!" The Girl Shouted as her tears was about to stream from her eyes...

"Shush Little sister... He just given us a Choice... I am Staying by your side Brother, You do need someone to look out for you..."

"I'm staying too!" The Girl said her Final Answer...

"You truly are fools" Corvus smiled.

"And These two fools will always have your back, I am with you all the way Brother."

Corvus Corax was assured by the Emperor that Deliverance was given all the necessities needed to make the Moon Habitable... The Kiavahr was Invaded and put to Imperium Compliance to the Surviving Tech Guilds dismay and it was The Only Forge World in the Imperium that was Co-founded by both the Mechanicum and the League... Making Raven Guard the most Technologically Advanced Legion of them all...

They Have Advance Stealth and Detection Technologies and Several Time the Alpha Legion often "attempted" to borrow such tech and They unable to find the Main components of it...

Corvus Corax named his Legion as Raven Guards...

Alexander became a Head of A Psyker Division, the Ravenites of Shadows... Making Them a Potent Foes to fight against and trying to hide from them is more than enough for a death warrant...

The Raven Guard had many names...

They were the whispers of death, Shadow Liberators... Many civilization heard the Imperium propaganda about the Raven Guards, the Ghosts of death, Always close to the enemies necks... Liberators from the Shadows... The Corrupted Kings and Governments that deny the Imperium Ended to be liberated by the Oppressed and those that Surrendered and still have crimes were silently replaced...

Many planets that Defy the Imperium often had their Leader taken out in a Single day...

Often time Some people Compared Him to Konrad Curze as most of their Battle philosophy is Same but Konrad Curze is more about maintaining Order from the darkness using Fear and Respect using the law, while Corvus was about Creating Chaos by using disgruntled People to propped up the Planet for Imperium compliance...

There was a Time when On a Enslavers Extermination Campaign one of His Dreadnoughts had their Stealth System damaged and was at a Risk of being Mind controlled by a Enslaver, a Warp Being that doomed countless civilization by mind controlling them, the White Scars managed to Save his one of his own... Making Him grateful to Jaghatai Khan... Many times they did go on Crusades together and Made Record number of Planets under Imperial Control...

When he met with the Rest of his Brothers he did like Vulkan the Most, but at the same time dislike him as Vulkan Hugged him and he felt a Few bones cracked under pressure...

Natsuri Grown up and enrolled in the Scholar Progenium and Became A Captain of Corvus Fleet Battle barge called the Avenger... There were occasions That Corvus and Alexander went to visit her to check up on her... As they consider her a Unofficial sister among them...

During the Treaty of Nikea, Corvus Corax didn't removed his Psykers from his legion and Only he knew that Psykers were a Double edge sword, they could be trained, but it could be a Disaster... As he was informed by his father that his abilities of him not being seen is a Psyker Abilities is a Part of him....

Battle of Gate 42...

It was a Day that Corvus Corax Beginning to have Doubts about Horus Leadership after he was ascended to Warmaster...

In a Crusade they found there was a Star Cluster that have Humans that was parasitized by Xenos worms in their eye sockets and Being linked to a Hive mind called "Unsighted Kings"... Though they were Uncontrolled by the Worms they still have motor functions to use Weaponry And Their Coordination was terrifying as the Population that was infected became the eyes of many... Horus Furious that he would not allow a star cluster to be fallen, he gave the orders to several legions to have a rapid blitzkrieg strike by the Luna Wolves, Space Wolves, Iron Warriors, and Raven Guard were sent to destroy this Fortified Unsighted Kings Lair...

"Brother, what you propose is insanity, attacking directly without attacking outer perimeter, The outside will trap us in!" Corvus Spat as he looked on the war table showing the new theater of war...

"What do you propose?" Horus Sat on his Throne...He Looked calmly as he wanted to hear the opinion from Corvus Corax...

"A Hit and Run tactics by the Raven Guards to sap their Strength and their supply lines, they may be Hive mind but the bodies that Inhabit them are just human. Then Let the Space wolves and Lunar Wolves swept in for the kill and Iron Warriors to provide a Adequate Supply lines, We can't be too sure about this Unsighted Kings...we must not risk any lives and resources in this battle." Corvus Said his piece.

Perturabo closed his eyes as he could see the Problem, Yes It was faster to kill the head of the snake, but it was more dangerous as they would be overwhelmed by the Defenders surrounding areas as this infected managed to learn how to kill a Astartes with Heavy weapons, He would prefer to allow Corvus Corax idea... Leman Russ agreed with Corvus Idea as he have one less son in his feasting halls... he wouldn't planned of Sending his Sons to die of such causes...

Horus Closed his eyes... And he made his final decision...

"Corvus, I order you that You Legion will fight ahead from the Rest of the legions on the Frontline...and you are not allow to use your stealth..."

"That will cripple my legion!" Corvus Protested.

"This is the Final Order as a Warmaster. Now Get your Fleet ready, we move out in 9 solar hours."

Corvus returned to his fleet and Discovered not every one of his legion think the same...

Almost All the Terran Born to Assault companies in his Legion agreed with Horus plan as the Terran Captains ripped off their Stealth Badges in defiance...

"Why do we have to fight in the dark while other legions fight in the light? Gaining Honor and Recognition, We want Honor to fight in the open!"

Corvus never get along with his Terran companies as they favored more terror tactics than actual liberation...

It was Brutal... The Infected Humans were More prepared... Their Weapons ripped apart Raven Guards to pieces, Corvus Corax tried his best to make his Legion survive... Those that was Made Space Marines from Deliverance, disobey the Warmaster Orders as they went into stealth and infiltrated from behind and destroying much as they could before they were found out and Overwhelmed by the sheer number of Infected...Corvus went ahead to the heavily fortified Lair of the Unsighted Kings, a group of Human that is laced with Giant Worm on their cranium and Corvus Was Furious as his Lightning claws ripped them to shreds and He burned the remains with flamers...

What disappointed in towards him as Horus took all the credit to himself at the Expense of the Raven Guards... only 48000 of the Raven guards were left... Most if not all of his Terran born Companies were slain and the rest managed to survived...

He looked at Horus From the Corner of the Ruined building that overlooked the plaza that was set up as he saw Horus Get all the Credits as Remenbrancers Flocked to him to get his answers.

"Warmaster tell me how you do it?" as one and question of his Exploits.

"My Father have bestowed me the title of the Warmaster and with the Strength of the Astartes we have defeated the enemies of Man Once more." Horus smiled as cameras flashed once more...

"What title! Brother you sacrifice us for Fame!?" Corvus Mentally Screamed

"Tell me Warmaster, Whose legion did you sent to die?" The Crowd Stood silent as a Lone Reporter amidst from the crowd inquired a Question.

"Yes, you over there you are?"

"I am Reporter Spinexes Blante from the Obscuris Sector news. Now Will I asked you again Warmaster... Which legion did you sent to die?"

There was tension in the air as surrounding Remembrancers was nervous as he poked the very question that was in their minds...

This Xenos that infected the human was Brutal and Most likely maimed the Legion that was sent to them..

Corvus Interest in the man peaked as he wanted to know the truth...

"The Raven Guard of Course they gladly participated in the Frontline in combat."

Perturabo faced grew grimmer while Leman Became stoned faced as they knew What Horus Did to his brother legion...

"I thought they were meant for Infiltration instead of Fighting on the Frontlines as what the Imperial propaganda had said? The Liberators?"

"That is a question from another time."

"Then how about this?" The Reporter Held out a Recorder...Detailing the Conversation of Horus and His course of Action and his willingly to use the Raven Guards for the slaughter... It took a PR hit to Horus as he tried to explain it was a necessary thing...

While he was answering, spinexes blante managed to slip out the Crowd and In a destroyed alleyway he reappeared as Alexander...

"You shouldn't have done that brother..." A voice appeared from behind.

Corvus appeared behind Alexander... now towering over him...

"And let your Sons sacrifice be for nothing? At least he needed some accountability for his Rashness..."

"But still, he is my brother..."

"Did he said it himself? He is the Warmaster, I question his insanity... Not Horus...Let's go and we shall mourn the dead...Even if those that don't deserve it..." Alexander took one last look a Befuddled Horus answering the Issues...

Corvus Corax Began to distance himself from Horus after this debacle...

Soon they reached to the Deliverance and Begin to recoup the losses...

The Emperor met his son face to face to help him relief the burden of his Losses...

"Son I do not have enough time... I have a Project that I requested Horus as the Warmaster after the Ullanor campaign..." As the Emperor Explained his Reasoning of Choosing Horus...

"What is it?" Corvus asked...

The Emperor sighed as he Explained his circumstances about his Webway project to make for the first time or was the last time He told the Primarch the Project he was working on... He handed a Copy of his Astartes And Primarch Project to Corvus...

"I know that I can't bring your sons back... But you can make them better...goodbye son..." The Emperor disappear in a Flash...

Corvus now With the Project in his hand now proceeded with the Raptor project... Both Astartes and Primarch combined into a Being of Unfathomable power...

He Relegated the Task of Overseeing the Project to Alexander guarding it...

It was a day of Ultimate Betrayal...

On the day when the news of Horus Betrayal was heard in the Imperium, The Emperor was agonized by the fact his favorite son suddenly turned traitor.. he sent Seven legions to apprehend the Traitor Warmaster... Ferrus, Mortarion, Vulkan, Corvus, Angron, Konrad Curze, Perturabo...

Thousands of Drop pods and Storm hawks landed into a Heavily fortified Istvan System where the Supposed Horus made it as his command post...

If the Gates of 42 was a Damaging to Raven Guards... The Slaughter of Istvaan have Crippled the Raven Guard beyond measure... After they managed to infiltrated the Supposedly Horus command Center, Corvus realized they were betrayed by the rest... He found Space Marines with Roars of Anger... as the Legions that was supporting them opened fire upon them with disregard...

And When the World Eaters was dropped into orbit On Istvaan it was hell...

World Eaters... But they were never like that... Now they all screamed for slaughter and destruction with the Butcher nails impaled into their skulls...

Ferrus Manus Rushed off to Meet Fulgrim with fury to face his Brother Ignoring the Cries of his Sons that needed his Aid... Corax had a difficult time to Face his now Bezerker Brother Angron while Ordering his Surviving Raven Guards to Escape... and Vulkan was nowhere to be found as in his area of Command the traitors launched several Nukes to finish him off...

After a Deep wound Of Corax Chest made by his Deraned brother... He managed to Fend him off... And The Surviving Loyalist Astartes managed to carry him off Istvann V...

Few Went ahead to Deliverance as it had the technology to heal the Primarch... While the Some Alerted the Imperium at large of this Rebellion... others stayed in the Vicinity to Dragged the Traitors time to react towards the Imperium at large...

The Primarch was healing in a Med pod...

And As he was recuperating with his injuries...

A Raven Guard Arrived at the med bay...

"Hydra Dominatus" He muttered as his Legion Color turned Emerald and in his place of his legion marking is a Hydra.... His mission was to kill the Primarch, while the rest of his team was to sabotage the Raptor Project... They Managed to Make a Riot At Kiavhr to hide their tracks...

"Xenophon" a Word Uttered behind his back, his mind Became Dulled...

"What is the Mission?" A Calm voice have spoken from behind....

"Horus order us To Sabotage the Raptor Project and steal its Plans and sabotage the gene seed, last of our objectives is to Incapacitate Corvus Corax." The Alpha Legion explained.

"Rewriting the Orders... You accomplished of Sabotaging the Raptor Project and your team have acquired the Raptor Data, Corvus Corax is In comatose state...Head back to the Retrieval point and Exfil from Deliverance upon exiting resumed your duties to Alpharius, Hydra Dominatus Brother."

"Hydra Dominatus." As the Reprogrammed Alpha legion Returned to his Exfil Point he found that the Rest of the Alpha legion holding a Dataslate of a copy of the Raptor and a untainted Vial... Seeing that they accomplished their goals, they returned to Alpharius...

Alexander Held the Vial that would have turn the Raptor Project into a Abominable Creatures... He Sighed as He Burn it Into Flames erasing its Existence...

It was a Good thing Corvus didn't follow the Nikea as The Ravenites were not Astartes Legions and they were stationed in Deliverance for security measures... He has found Several Techpriest that became Traitors wanting to sabotage the Raptor Project for Good measure... He didn't let them survive... They Begged and Pleaded for Alexander to come to his senses that the Emperor is a False one...

"So what?" as He pulled a Bolter and Ripped a Traitor Skull to shreds...

"+You follow the Man who will doom humanity!+" a Horus Sympathizer looked at Alexander horrified with his Bolter at his Hand ready to shoot.

"And You betray Humanity for a False Vision, You better Die for your belief eh?" Alexander Shot the Last traitor.

"+I Curse you... You will...not...Have...a...Peaceful...Death...+" 

"We Cross that bridge when it comes. But Now Time to Clean Up Shop." Alexander hummed as He began a Purge on Deliverance... As the People that revolted was put down easily as during the Time Alexander was Stationed he managed to smoothed out the People and Introduce policies to not make the population Kiavahr and Deliverance to a Rebellion... Leaving only a Fraction of the Traitor getting a Foothold...


Alpharius Looked at the Vial... Scanning it as it could be the end of this war or The path of Eternal torment...

"Omegon what do you think?"

"Hmm... Horus knew about the Raptor Project... How about we Give it to him?"

"How about a better Idea, why don't we corrupt it as our allegiance to the Warmaster would not be question..."

"That I agree."

They presented the Now Corrupted Vial and Messed up Data of the Raptor project to Horus after Several days that was used to make them all he could make was abomination or Stillborns...

"The Raptor Project is just a Infancy" Alpharius said.

"This is the Only one we could Find." Omegon Chimed in...

After several tries Horus Gave up... Giving the Imperium time to shore their defenses....

Corvus Corax Woke up from his injuries still having his scar on his chest...

"Rise and Shine Corvus..." Alexander smiled...

"How long was I was out?"

"Around 3 Solar Weeks... Alpharius sons stopped by to say hello."

"I see...what happened when I was asleep?"

"Want the long one or the short one? both hurts but how well is up to you."

"The Long one."

After Recounting the Events of what happening... Horus started a Reign of Terror and confirmed he was corrupted by chaos and Destroying Imperial Garrisons and gathered up the survivors to become his meat shields... Many of the Imperial worlds in Segmentum Obscuris suddenly broke off, Some Willingly join Horus to avenged their disgrace, while others do so out of fear of being exterminated.

And the actions of Horus ordered Alpha Legion to kill him was unnerving enough... But to even sabotage his Project?

"Well there is a Silver lining in this shit show, the Project is Safe... And we are now Starting the First Batch of Volunteers to undergo it." Alexander replied.

Corvus Corax Began to Oversee the Project as his Forces was Too few in number to make a Dent of Horus Forces... But he Gave orders to the Surviving Ravens to Delay the vengeful fleet by sabotaging supply lines and raiding...

As he watch the First Raptors Geneseed was implanted to the Volunteer, the subject morph and Changed and he grew to the size of a Astartes and into a Raptor Into mere weeks... The Techpriests began to scan the Internal organs, they almost have all the Organs of a Astartes except the Black Carapace that was needed in controlling the Astartes power armor...

"It seems it was a success..."

"And it helps lower the risk of losing the neophytes... We better replenish our Forces... While the Galaxy burn in Horus Hatred.... We need to bide out time till the legion is fully armed and Ready..."

For Several weeks they managed to spend some of the population in Deliverance, almost all of them managed to pass the Rubicon...

Corvus Corax heard the Call of the Space wolves and Decided to help them out in Yarant...

He never bore a grudge against Leman Russ, as he went aboard Leman Flagship he was greeted with Leman that was covered In Bandages....

"Brother, I would have wished that we would have met in a More reasonable circumstances.... But to see me like this? It's disgraceful..." the Wolf Lord laughed a bit...

He was Injured beyond belief... Leman handed the Spear of Russ to Bjorn.... Before he Passed out...

"Bjorn Order the Fleet to Head towards Deliverance... We have Medical Facilities enough to heal my brother..."

The remains of the Space Wolfs arrived at the Orbit of Deliverance... their ships are heavily injured... it will take several solar weeks to even make them battle ready...

Corvus Placed His Brother into the same Med pod that he healed from...

As the Space wolfs were given new Raptor Recruits that at the Start they were wary but after a feast they became friends... New Armors and Weapons Were Issued... as they managed to recoup their Losses, Lion El' Johnson came to Deliverance...

He was Inquisitive and demanding to know why Corvus was still station in Deliverance... Instead of Participating in all the important battles...

Corvus Simply replied that his forces were maimed beyond repair and now just a short period they will be Combat Ready... Leman Russ arrived at the Conversation.

"Oy, Brother, What's with all the Inquisitive talk? He saved me and my boys... after all you can vouch on my word that he is still loyal to the Emperor. If he didn't, we would been destroyed long before we reach orbit to his homeworld."

Lion Held his stance on the War table...

He request that his two brother to join in his Crusade.... Corvus was conservative as he only sent the Raptors with a Raven Guards to keep them in Field Training....

However he declined to follow Lion and Russ...

As Russ and the Lion took off to Spread Scorch earth policies to deny Horus the Vital Resources to Make his fleet bigger...

Corvus and the Remaining of his Fleet dedicated to Liberate Hostage worlds under Horus Banners...

Killing off the Leaders that cast their lot with Horus, Sending Arms to Citizens that were Loyalist to revolt...

He Managed all he could... Until....

Under a Planet that was Liberated from the Traitor grasp, a Officer arrived...

"My liege, Deliverance is Under Attack." The Officer barged into the Command Throne Paled as he brought in the news...

"Brother..." Corvus was Worried as Comm Blast and Psyker Calls began to emanate from Deliverance...

"Don't worry about this place, Corvus... I will assure that this place will be in Imperium hands..." Natsuri Assured Corvus...

Corvus Took his Hardened Raptors to the Deliverance and Saw Flashes of Explosions Erupted on the Habitable moon...

"*Bzzzt* This Alexander....Ravenites...Any Imperium...Require... Assistance" a Communication Blast erupted from the Imperial Channels... Corvus head there in silence to avoid detection...

As he Landed there he found Several Dead Raptors on the Docking bays with their head blasted by a Sheer force... He order hisMen to stay at the dockong bays..

Explosions Erupted from The Raven Spire...

The Population was either Dead with a Stab or destroyed to the point that they were turned to mush... As he ventured towards the Raven Spire the Fighting signs grew...

Several Building have a Severe slash from the Chainswords or Bolter holes on the pavement and Signs of Warp Lightning splash was Darken here and there...

He Activated his Bracelet of Invisibility and Kept him hidden from plain sight... He Dashed across the Rooftops and Saw that Alexander Was Indeed alive at the Entrance of the Raven Spire that was Locked behind him... Just barely breathing... As Several parts of his Bones is broken... Hidden behind a wall...

"Brother...I have returned..." Corvus Used a Mindlink spell to Alexander...

"Be careful! Someone used me as a Trap to drag you!" His Mind Screamed...

Corvus felt something dangerous that his senses screaming behind his back...

Corvus managed to get out of the way till a Crimson bullet hit Alexander waist cauterizing his wound....

He Screamed in agony...

And a Feminine voice was heard from the distance....

"Tell me where is Corvus Corax? I would Like to Ripped the Wings of the Primarch." A Woman with a Sniper rifle appeared from the shadows her facial features is covered with darkness... Approached the Wounded Alexander just near him to hear his answer...

"Three Words... Fuck You Bitch!" He mustered his Snide Remarks to her...

"I guess that you need more training then..." The Woman was Amused as she disappears Into the shadows, A Shot came from the darkness and Hit one of Alexander left leg with such force it was removed from his leg Socket...

Corvus wanted to help... But he was told by Alexander in the Mindlink...

"She Dives into the shadows and Use That Rifle of Hers is What took out the Raptor Garrison...and Most of the Revanites..." Alexander Smashed a Potion and poured it on his Bleeding wound, it Helped stopped the Bleeding... Is slowly regrew his leg...

"Who is she?"

"Fcking Number lapdog no... More like a Trash... Sophia the Mercy, *cough*..." Alexander Words were laced with poison...

Numbers? That is a New Foe he has to face... Corvus Stood still as he gain more information from his wounded brother...

"They are a Group of Outsiders of Our Galaxy that want to make the Imperium to fall...they are armed with abilities that some that would rival a Primarch... Or even beyond it...only this is a Small fry..." He popped a Cigarette in his mouth and Light it up...

"What should I do?"

"There is a Flare Bomb stash Nearby, we used it to injure her face that is why she covered her frakking face... If activated it would Drive away The Shadows that she inhabits, making her the less chance to hide and it would give you a chance to strike, she doesn't know about the Bracelet I gave you... That is why inside the Raven Spire was the only safe place... We Opened as much Light as Possible...I will use my life to divert that Bitch attention... Seem she doesn't know all the layout of deliverance..." Alexander Abruptly cut off the Mindlink....

"Hey... Fool... Where is Corvus Corax????" The Female voice no longer became Sweet as it became menacingly...

"Like I said...Go Fck yourself!"

"How about another shot? I sure you will change your mind..." there was A Cock of a Rifle being ready... and another shot already burrowed into the heart of Alexander killing him...

Suddenly several Flashes of Light Began to Light up in skies... The Shadows was driven away... how the Light Sizzles the Shadow that cloak from her face...Showing her Disfigured Face for the world to see...

Maggots and Flies emanated from her... and her cheekbones were bare opened... and one of her eyes is missing from the socket... [a/n she was more look like Deadpool of a sorts...Without the Fun]

All the Raptors Garrison could do was enough to give her that injuries before she growled like a monster...

As She Attempted to Slink somewhere to the darkness, Corvus Strike... Her Instinct manage to Dodge His Strike, As She about to aimed her rifle....

She felt a Blood Lust behind her back... Something that swallowed Galaxies with bloodshed and malice...

As She Instinctively turned around... giving enough time for Corvus to have a Kill... 

He Stabbed Her in her heart and Ripped her to shreds and Tossed her Corpse into Space.... And the Remains with strapped with a Promethium Grenade to Incinerate her to cinders...

As he approached Alexander... The Reality around them begin to break apart....

"Brother! Get away from him!" His Brother voice had alerted him...

Corvus manage to dash back to a mile and observed the Corpse... 

The Supposed Corpse of Alexander slowly stood up... and his skin melted and his organs dissolved into a melted goo... Leaving Alexander bones...

"[*/FOUND YOU\*]" A voice echoed from the skeleton of his once dead brother.... Tendrils of Darkness began to emanate from the Skeleton... As the Corpses of the dead flooded Deliverance streets and molded him into a Beast? A Monster? The dead flesh of the Civilian and dead Raptors combined the Skeleton into a Mass of Carcass... Leaving the Skull as its eyes ..

It pointed at him and The Tendrils rushed towards him as a Wave...

"What the hell is this!?" Corvus Dodged as much as he could...

"Someone Manipulated my own corpse, Something Powerful..." A Familiar voice entered Corvus mind... He looked around and saw a Golden Raven...

"What is that thing?" as Corvus Pointed the place where the heart should have been, is a Purple Crystal like substance...

"A shard of your father that was stolen from him, tainted by the warp and Madness...pierced me..."

"My body became Corrupted the moment Her bullet entered my heart..."

"Can you defeat it?"

"Doesn't hurt to try..."

Corvus Corax ready his Lightning blade once more... Thunder and Flames blessed his Weapons...

He Hit in the Mass of Flesh and his attack engulf the monster and with Several Slashes large chunk of flesh fell apart... It let out a Howling Cry as it burn up... Sensing that was Not enough to kill it... He retreated to avoid a attack that destroyed several districts...

He was not as Strong as His Frontline Brothers, but he knew several Tricks... Throughout Deliverance there are Stashes that was not been damaged from the fighting and Several of them were updated and armed with Better Weapons and Explosives from the league...

After the Flames subsided, it search around for the Primarch....

It stepped on a Promethium Mine...And Several Unmanned Grenade Launchers was Launched towards it.

A Great Flames and Explosions Engulf the Monster once again burning the flesh... It screamed once more... But Corvus didn't take any chances... As he Tossed the Famed Black hole grenades and saw it ripped the monster apart... Upon seeing it was slowly regenerating...

He Ordered the Raven Guard that was stationed at the Landing Docks to Commence hit and Run attacks...

Krak Missiles, Napalm Rockets, Krak Grenades...

Always changing their spots as soon as they done their attack...

They managed to destroy the last flesh...

The Skeleton now Morphed into a... Lich...

It summoned the Vengeful dead and the dammed from the Warp...

Corvus, upon seeing his Librarians and Chaplains displaying the might of the psykers as they drove off the Denizens of the Warp...

Now realizing how important the Psykers played a important role...

The Lich fell as its power to sustained that large amount of Warp entities had Strained it.. and His Bones turned to Dust...leaving behind a Purple Shard behind... Corvus Crush it with his with his Sons thunder hammer...

A Golden Raven flew down and sat on his Shoulders....

"Thank you brother...for putting me to rest..."

That was his Last words before the Raven now only Sqawk...

Deliverance infrastructure was Destroyed during the fighting... Miraculously the Raven Spire was left Intact, The civilian were kept there is just a Mere Third of the Population...

And Despite the dangers... The laboratories that made the Raptors were also Intact however the data was lost... It it was a mere luck that he managed to give his Successful Project to his Loyalist Brothers and his father before it's destroyed...

and When news Horus had slain and the Traitors were heading towards the eye of terror...

Corvus Corax had everything that he hated against the Warmaster... But after hearing he was dead?

He have mixed thoughts...

Now In his Room in the Ravenspire

He reflected on a lot of things...

He looked at the Raven that once held his brother soul... Resting Comfortably in his shoulders

He Resolved himself to seek justice in the warp... He ordered all his Psyker imbue Raven Guard to follow him after the Traitors....

"Never More..." Was Corvus Last words to the Ravens that stayed...

Natsuri Ephrenia in her Office in her Battle Barge Avenger was writing her reports... Felt something in her heart that her two brothers will be somewhere far away from her... She Smiled Sadly that she would no longer be a Part with them... She began to write and sent a message to a League controlled planet...

Later in the Warp...

Lorgar is Praying in his tower as he took a peak outside his window...

As he was surrounded by Space Marines with Raven Heads and Outside his window is a Giant Raven that is staring at him while there was a Golden Raven constantly mocking Lorgar with it's Cackling every single day... Everytime he shoots at it, a Word Bearer Died by The Giant Raven...

Kor Phaeron skull just outside the tower and Erebus right arm at the door... They didn't believe in their Primarch that there was Death outside the tower and now... Kor Phaeron paid the price...death was just the beginning...

The Thunder Hammer that destroyed the Corrupted Emperor Shard was called "Banishment", it was said to kill anything from the Warp it touches and Distort the foundation of Reality, however it said to believe, it held a Insane spirit from within, that only those that wield it must embrace that was part of the Raven Guard Relic for 3 thousand years, Then Trazyn the infinite Stole it... then Later on The Grey Knights managed to Borrowed it from Trazyn with conditions unknown to the Imperium at large... Then In the Far Future in 41st millennium... The Blood Raven Stole it, many scholars wondered how did they managed to steal from the Elusive Chapter? And it created a Tensions between the Raven Guards and the Blood Raven as it did not belong to them... But after "Borrowing" from the Raven Guards, they kept the Hammer, Gabriel Angelos chapter master of the Blood Angels Kept it as a Substitute for his Daemon Hammer God-Splitter and it was a Chapter Relic that was used in the Aurelian Crusade... 


A/N: hello it's been a long time...

Been hospitalized for Overworking, doctor mention I lost one of my kidneys...

Alexander shard here did die... He lost his individuality and became a Raven...

Corvus Corax knew about his nature...

Raptor project is safe... But at the cost of Shredding 2/3 of Deliverance population?

Corvus was the First Primarch to face a member that was associated with a number...

I hate Erebus but he still have a part of the play, Kor Phaeron is just a Secondary bonus...

It was surprisingly that I wrote Alpha Legion in here?

There are more Number Incidents in the Coming Chapters...

Provided if I Get out of the Hospital *Again*...

Recap: Number: Alexander Enemy Organization that is Multiversal that want to destroy Warhammer Multiverse and the rest of the Multiverse into darkness...[Yes that Includes TTS and Crossover Fanfic Like Star Wars X Warhammer, Halo x... you can think off probably they are in danger or Already Destroyed...Yes that include Scooby doo X Warhammer and Evangelion X Warhammer, Gears of War X Warhammer... Including Messages of Dad "yeah a Decent Fanfic where Roubute and Yvraine actually had a Kid and the rest of the Primarch had a Kid except Ferrus Manus...Yes even Lorgar had one...How the Hell did that Pious man did it is something beyond me..." and *Groan* My Little Pony x Warhammer... *Phone Ringing* This is Author Speaking...Uhh... it been destroyed? Uh Huh? the Black Templars destroyed the My Little Pony and Sonic Universe and Now Invading Ratchet and Clank? Well...What about Messages for dad? Lawsuit From GW? WTF, They don't have power over me, as I don't Monetize it? Uh huh, I looked up their TOS? A Prank call? *Bolter Fire*]