Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 127 - Warhammer 30k Bio: Legionless Primarch.

Chapter 127 - Warhammer 30k Bio: Legionless Primarch.

[A Solar Century before the Horus Heresy.]

A Female Remembrancer name Hela began compiling a Certain Man Biography in a Library in Terra...

She Heaved and Dusted off the Public Archives of the Man that is one of the Starting Foundation of the Imperium.

He was Canonically believed to be Older than the Imperium as his public information was disclosed to the general public and there were not Much Censuring and redaction of his personal life...

He was in every facet of the Imperium campaign... From the Age Of Strife, Gehenna Intergration, Rangdan Extermination, always accompany the Emperor in a Cloaked figure when the Primarch are around and his forces always march forward when the Imperium expedition fleets recuperate and regroup, which he was always accompanied by the Thunder Warriors... 

He was the leader of a League that Encompasses Ten Thousand System... but yet he helped the Emperor to the Throne without Issues on his hands of power... and serves as a Advisor alongside with Macaldor, Horus and Constantine 

There was some speculation that the Thunder Warriors was slated for Execution by the Emperor Himself, but Alexander put a Hold on their execution and pleaded for them to be under his entourage...

Some made rumors that He was Also a Primarch... But unlike the Legions that was Handed to the Primarch, he made his own, He made powersuits comparable to Astartes...but the more she looked into his life, he had more mystery around him...

With Written and Recorded evidence that it filled the Library of Terra, She sighed as his accompishment was ordained as much as the Emperor Sons..

She mused as dataslates and Scrolls of several sources granted him several title...

Man Among Giants, Bloody Samaritan, Lightning Lord, Legionless Primarch... 

She wanted to know why the last title bothered her... and What better way was to visit the League itself?

On a Trader Ship heading to League Space...

She Hummed as she was granted permission to visit him, Her Inquiry was Granted Easily as she took the express transport fee... which the trader ship used a Engine that is more safer to travel than in the Warp Based ones...

From Terra to the Ultima Segmentum that is within a Hour she found herself facing a Verdant planet..

As she stepped down from the spaceport she could see that the planet was more advanced than Terra... Flying Cars... Arbites strolled in Hover Tanks, People were generally Happy and not Forced as she witness in the Western fringes of The Imperium... there was so scented smell of various dishes in a District on a Map that is called Emperador district... Squats, Eldars, And Human Generally walked around... in peace... something that in her lifetime that would be impossible... In a Galaxy in Flames...

"Little miss, seems like you are a Newcomer in here..." a Middle aged Man noticed her attitude as she was amazed of the sights...

"Yes...Did Mr. Alexander did all this?"

"Of course, He is the person that made this place... of course, you are a Imperial Remembrancer? Do you want to know more?" The Man Guided her to a Cafe as They sat down and waited for the order she placed the recording and began asking Questions....

"Alright, Do you know his Life? I gathered all I could from the Archives of Terra and all speak of what could be immortality because he was still young...How does he influence the league? And how does he mean to the people of The League?" The Remembrancer threw several fast balls.

The Man Chuckled as he answer as much as he could....

"Well in here, there was a saying that before the Age of Strife happened, he built the Foundations of the League... As if he was prepared for something... While we know much about him on the history and recordings, he never been married or was seen with a Woman in public... as his focus was on the survival of the human race...Sad we don't have a Heir..."

"I heard about the Emperor of Mankind... While his name prevails throughout the Imperium, Tell me Miss, Does he know me?"

A question that was confusing to the Remembrancer... He chuckled.

"Alexander Hyde... he knew me from the day I was born... infact most of the people I know, he knows... their fear, their joy... and their problems... some called him a Friend... others called him Teacher... while I know much about the Emperor of Mankind... I doubt he knew me... but Alexander tries his best to not dragged us to a Eternal war...I was a Former Guardsmen of the League... and whatever battles, he prioritize his soldiers than some glory of some Arseholes of the Imperium that sending us to the Grinder..." the Man Showed his Tattoo ID on his Ar. along with some scars.

"I heard rumors that the League have the most intact technology of the human civilization from the Golden Age that the Imperium come Across...and he refused to share it to the Techpriests of Mars...And Why He doesn't conquer The Galaxy for himself?"

"That is true Miss, it's an open secret that our leader kept most of the Technology left by the Federation intact... but he refused to share it, Do you know why?"

After seeing the Remembrancer said nothing he sighed...

"Because unleashing what we have is already Enough, and opening the Pandora box? If that comes down to that, we would be ready to waged war on reality itself...The Golden Age of Humanity have weapons that could erase this plane of Reality, Create Habitable planetary Systems using black holes. Erase the definition of a existence... Alexander Hyde is not a Tyrant... nor he wished to be... If he does conquer the Galaxy at the Expense of us? I know many would have followed him to the Meat Grinder of War... but I myself, I will just say no as he gave us a Choice to do so. We fought Xenos that was our friends before the Age of Strife. That was Terrible time on my place..."

"Before, I wonder... why you call me young miss?"

"How Old do you think I am?"

"Around 38?"

"I am older than that... the moment I Joined the Guardsmen at 20, My Age was Halted until I finish my services, all soldiers do including the Xenos in our Ranks. One of the Perks of being in the Military."

"Is that a Gene Rejuvenation?" As she question the Drinks came to them via a Hoverboard...steaming as if it was just made....

"No... We didn't Aged nor had our bodies poked about, I was born 50 years before the Age of strife. Look at me now, After Retirement, I will return to my younger self by choice if I wanted to, I have Several Friends that still look the same the same day I joined the military... I can still remembered the day When I heard the Emperor Rallying cry for Unification that echoed through the stars." His answer open her eyes...

A Immortality procedure... that would explain why Alexander lived so long.

"Is it unethical?" As She took a Sip of the steaming Orange Tea.

"No... we didn't have drugs or have our Genes tweaked to live longer... and the procedure is harmless...We just lie down on a Machine and then we are done."

"Alright, Thank you for your time Sir."

"You are probably the normal Remembrancer that the Imperium sent...Many would be hysterical about our Founder Legacy..."

"Can you tell me why is the Imperium called him the Legionless Primarch?"

"I don't know much about it, You will meet him soon...You better go to the Imperial Embassy for some rest and Direction to the Headquarters of the League..."

She found herself in a Gothic Like embassy and Entered inside to find Several Remembrancers discussing and theorizing bout the League at large... but she wished not to intrude in their discussion and She slept on a designated bed...

Tomorrow was her day that was allowed by the League to interview Alexander.

As she entered the Headquarters, It was Patrol by Thunder Warriors, Power suits of Unknown origin... Staff went about with their task at hand.

She asked around and was guided to a Office.

As she Approach the Office it was normal. No Gaudy Decorations that show the occupant if he wished not to be found...

As She open the door she was greeted by a Normal Red Headed man filling a Paperwork on a Oak Table and a Wooden Chair, not like the Cloaked figure beside the Emperor...That emitted mystery, She felt he was like a Old friend that just returned to say hello...

He noticed her and Smiled.

"Well then Miss... I hope you enjoyed your stay in the League..." he stand up and Gave her a greetings...

"Well, I am Making a Biography about your life sir."

"Well, There are more people wanting to know more are always welcome. Please sit."

After a Tea Set arrived in the office Hela Asked a few questions...

"Tell me sir... I heard rumors that you are a main foundation of the Imperium and some of the higher echelon spoke in whispers that you are a Primarch without a Legion..." Hela Spoke as she took a Bite of a Scone...

"A Legionless Primarch? Is that what they called me these days?" the Man Raise a Eyebrow...

"Yes Sir, You always been beside with the Emperor alongside with Macaldor, that it sparked gossip that you are his Son..."

"A Son.... In a Sense he is My Father at a way..." Alexander looked distant... as if recalling something.

"So you are not denying the rumors?"

"Not saying that he is My Biological Father and more like a Spiritual sense..."

"Like Primarch Lorgar Beliefs that he is a God? I Read the reports of the Primarch Hobby..."

"So you read Brother Lorgar Aurelian Bio, Not really in a Sense, I don't worship him as a God... instead he is more like a Moral Compass..."

"Moral Compass?"

"Miss Hela... His dream is what made me looked up to him as a Friend than a Father Like Figure... Sure he makes horrible mistakes... but at least he is still human...Lorgar Wanted to worship The Emperor because he wanted A Fatherly Affection in disguise as Worship of him... for me... I understand the problems that still plaguing the Galaxy till now...Worship is still banned because most of the people that had old religions in the past was him in a sheer accident and understanding."

"So you are saying that he is Even Older than you?"

"Yes...You met one of my veteran soldier yesterday did you? What I done to de-aged him was Technology from the Golden Age... but the Emperor is like a Immortal will of Humanity...Kind, Yet Cruel, Soft spoken, yet Iron Fisted...He is The Antithesis of A God that Brother Lorgar have worship him...All the Cruel and Calculation...That Damm fool... Monarchia shouldn't be set as a Example..." Alexander muttered the last sentence that Hela did not notice...

"What is your relationship with the Primarchs?"

"Step siblings?"

"Can you clarify that?"

"That is all I can tell you."

"Alright, Can you give me a tour of the Capital, About the life of the City?" Hela asked.

"Of course there is nothing to express my joy of showing my brothers contribution of my capital planet."

After they left the office they were escorted by his personal guards... after they left the Office they lead to a Scholar district where there was a large library in place... and as they entered a Familiar Necron was Casually Reading a Book on a Terrace while Amused of the Shenanigans of the Debates in a Hall that consists of Different Xenos races about the Warp...

"Welcome to the Library of Alexandria, Made by My Brother Perturabo to house all knowledge of the Galaxy..."

"Does it contain those of the Empyrean?"

"That is available thanks to Magnus contribution of sending his copy of his works, only those that are vetted against the Whispers and temptation would be not valid excuse when they turned traitor."

"Why are you interested in the Empyrean?"

"Know your Enemy is the best way to defeat the Enemy, Miss Hela, we almost unified all of the Human Former Colonies and Surpass what the Federation couldn't achieve, but there is always a Enemy we couldn't defeat at least not yet... So being prepared is better than being paranoid."

"Interesting, Do you have another places to show?"

"Yes, follow me...So many places and so many things to do...and we are just in time for lunch."

They reach upon the District that she knew from the Smell... and Saw a Tower that stretch the skies.

"welcome to Tower of Midgard... if that is the tower you noticed, It is Housed by Chiefs of all races that proves their skill and their dishes touched by the Masses.

It is a Food District made by Rogal Dorn, where Our League Battle for the not by words spoken by lips or Bolter in Hand but by the Cuisine that speak Actions... Imperial, Eldari, Squat Cuisine is always in a Competitive state. We even recreate the Old Terra Dishes..."

"Interesting... why did Primarch Rogal Dorn Made this?"

"To prove Perturabo that he built more than Just Walls" Alexander Jokingly said...

They reached a Squat Restaurant and the Occupants greeted him with Familiarity..

"Oi! Ya Milksop! Hav a Drink ta go?" A Squat that was wearing a Nordic outfit manning the bar spoke.

"Yeah, Get me the Dragon Slayer Ale for me and A Pixie Dust for this Lassie over here, And 3 Skewer of Dragon Meat! And Drinks On Me!" a Huge Uproar of the People around him...

The Remembrancer wonder how Familiar was with the people around here as they didn't looked at him with respect but more like a Familiar Companion...

"Well, Squats always enjoy a Good Company and Don't disrespect their Ale...They will definitely Kneecap you even if you are a High ranking official." Alexander Whispers to her ears... As they took to a seat a Cart came with a Pint of Ale that is raging red like a Dragon blood and a Small Beer Glass that is made dark liquid that have colorful Stars that shone in the night skies... Along with a Massive Heaping of Meat skewers that is heavily spiced and grilled to perfection.

"Let's Dig In.." As Alexander Grabbed a Skewer and Dig into the flesh... Hela Attempted to do the same... as the moment she bit it was like biting a Meat that was soft and drink the beer that was given to her. The Drink deserve it's name as Pixie Dust as if she was chasing a Small winged Figure in a Field of Flowers until she return back to reality and found herself Staring at a Empty beer mug and a empty skewer.

"Here is A Detoxification Lozenges, It will make you become sober instantly" Alexander Handed her a Crimson colored Lozenge the moment she chewed on it, it made her surroundings clearer showing a jolly atmosphere in the Restaurant.

After Lunch he Showed her a Theater that is filled with a Forest where a Eldar Play was Highlighted their way of life...

Each grace of their hand gestures and their intricate costumes show how they reached the League with struggles and the sacrifices they made on their way... no words was spoken as their movements itself was enough to made people under a Trance...

After the Show, it came the Squat actors that came with the Song "Digging a Hole" as the stage was immediately turned into a Dungeon like Maze of all the actors mining with Actual Pickaxes... Their Chants and their Actions were like Clockwork... Monotone but powerful...

After the play of the Squat... the Scenery changed with a Mechanical Maiden on a Mechanical Tower as she sang... Her voice may not compared to the Xeno races before her... She is not graceful as the Eldars Or as powerful voices as the Squats... but she sang a Song of the Hopeful Future...

"Was the Golden age of humanity like this?" Hela Wondered as the Play came to a End...

"Yes... but with the Imperium, we could do so much Better...Just as the Destiny of Humanity will come to fruition... I hope this place will stay the same..." Alexander Looked distant as the Sun began to Set into the Horizon...

A Set of Fireworks was Flung into the Air as they celebrated a peace they never had for a long time...

"I wonder... so this must be the Man that is a Primarch of the People... He is without a legion... for the people are his legion?" Hela mused as she looked at the Man beside her.

A Day Later she was sent back to the Imperium with Souvenirs for her coworkers...

That even some of her coworkers were envious of being the first to saw the Man without his cloak...

"Tell me... what does he looked like?" As her Friend Nji asked as she took a slice of sponge cake... while observing the rest of the coworkers enjoying their treats.

"Just a Regular Person..." Hela Smiled as she stare at the steaming Orange tea...