Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 119 - Warhammer Bio: League of Ten Thousand

Chapter 119 - Warhammer Bio: League of Ten Thousand

Leader: Alexander Hyde/Solair

Type of Government: Corporation/Militarism (Former)

Militarism/Utilitarian (Currently)

Currency: Federation Cash (Defunct, Worthless)

League of Ten Thousand Taels

Imperial Thrones (Gold, Silver, Copper)

State Religion:

Church of the Golden Light

Shrine of Ynnari

Church of the Omnissiah


Federation (Dark Age of Technology) [Defunct]

Imperium of Mankind [Allies/Trade Partners]

Aeldari Empire [Collapse]

Mechanicum [Allies?]

Dark Eldar [Vilified]

Orks [Extermination]

T'au [Unwanted Guest]

Inquisition [Denied Entry]

Adeptus Sororitas [Welcoming]

Tyranids [Extermination]

Necrons [Friends with Benefits]


Humans: 60% (Including Abhumans)

Men of Iron: 10%

Eldars: 20% (Refugees/Exodites)

Others: 10%

Capital City: Eisenstadt (Steel city)

Warship complement:

Every Core System requires at least 1500 Destroyers, 2500 Frigates, 500 Carriers and a 500 Battleships, 50 Supply Ship. Eldar And Other Xeno Races to have their own Fleets.

Non-core: 500 Destroyers, 50 Frigates, 50 Carriers and 5 Battleships and 5 Supply ships

Land forces:

A System Requires a 55 Regiments of Combined Arm,17 Artillery Division, 12 division of Mechas along with a Orbital Defense

Special Forces:

Thunder Warriors: 30 Legions in Strength (Still Counting)

A.I Fleets 200K

Void Doctrine: Mixed Fleet of Battleship, Carrier symbiosis and Mech Warfare.

Land Doctrine: Superior Firepower,

This is commonly used tactic by the League that focus on throwing shells, not men, at the enemy. Manpower is precious, bullets are cheap. A Different Doctrine of the Imperium of Tossing Men to the Grinder.

Planet Number: 100k+ [Counting as the Planets are Artificially Created to house More people to prevent overpopulation. So A System have At least 15 Planets and 30 Habitable Moons per system]


What was once 233 Systems bought By Alexander Using his Company Via Proxy During the Rise of Human Expansionism, He Brought the Outskirts of the Federation for Cheap. And Proceeded to Terraformed the place into Gaia like Planets for Human Colonies and Make them not only self-sustainable but also a Exporter, During the Upcoming Age of Strife, He planned all the Planets to be Self-Sufficient and only non-essentials for human Survival is the Trade, And able to Manufacture Industry and gather all the STC's Intact Copies of the Federation into a Mechanical Planet called Nivana where all the Men of Iron Lived in serving as a Guardians of knowledge. Naval Docks and Mining Planets was created. And the Borders was Fortified with Federation Standards. During the Age of Strife, many called for help and They Joined the League Burgeoning the 223 systems into Ten Thousand. They Have the Largest Intact Dark Age of Technology Available. STC's Managed to Create the Ships in the Dozens with Little Crews required to Manned it.

Xeno Relations:

He was the First to Make Contact with the Eldars beforehand and Made Several Deals, a Ceasefire, Trade Agreements as well as a Place of Refuge of Eldars if their Empire Collapses, Many wanted to know what was the Aeldari culture look like, and Both Side Flourish in Trade and Culture.

The Squats was the First Abhumans to be Evacuated from the Great Crusade Path and In Exchange they worked as Blacksmiths, Artisans and Their goods were the Durable, Effective and Long Lasting, Their Land trains is Used Commonly throughout the League as a Cargo/Supply Trains, And there is a Variant that used Hover Technology though that is classified.... And their Cousins, the League of Votann Became Trade Partners and Allies in a Sense...As they found That the League is more Favorable to Their Iron kin and Accepted them.

Diasporex was also one that Joined the League to Much Alexander Surprise, they were the first to enter the Borders to be part of the League, Alexander didn't bother with their Political Structure and Let them wander in his systems... The Leader of the Diasporex Gave thanks and Traveled and Traded with the People in the Systems (Canon Lore: They were originally destroyed and their last transmission "We just want to be left Alone")

He Made his Planet that was Closest to the Border of the Soon to be Imperium of Man as His Capital Planet, Making the Imperial Scholars Believed he had only 1950 Planets instead of More. Making the Eldars Moved Deeper into his Territory's to prevent the Inquisition to find out.

It was the Remnants of the Federation of the Dark Age of Technology with a fully Intact manufacturing base and Making the Mechanicum respect and In awe of a Living Legacy of human Birthright still functioning, Alexander made several Deal with the Mechanicum of bringing Several STC's to Mars for preferential Treatment, and the strongest human Sub-faction in the Great Crusade, Where Legions of Men of Iron and Men fought alongside with one another.

During the Age of Strife, The Aledari Empire Went full hedonistic with their desires to create Slaanesh and those that was still Sane, Many fled to the League for Safety and Became Expats and Refugees bringing their technology with them while others stayed behind such as Ulthwe... Cries of help Echoed through the Ultima Segmentum and Beyond, Making Alexander To send Fleet that is under his Command as a Federation Head of Defense to use Necron Drives that doesn't use the Warp to Aid the needed... Some Joined Him Outright because in safety in numbers. Making The Logistical Lines to strained till the Warp Storms subsided. Aside from the League, They Had Around 5k Planets that have associated with The League, Including Maccrage And Mina.

In Economy, it was A Unique War time economy, That balances the War Budgets and the Infrastructures of the Systems. Unlike Most War Economy Nation in the Past, It doesn't Degrade the People Way of Life, Alexander Ensured that the People, Human and Xenos alike at least Get Three Meals a Day. Infact It grew more stronger economically the Prolonged the conflict.


They Help With the Production of Weapons easing the Logistical Lines of the Imperium, Volkite Weapons, Ships and Supplies such as Food, Medicine are the primary Exporters. Many Pirates Tried their luck to obtain even a Single Fraction of The Shipment to get rich only to have the League Merchant fleets is just as Armed as a planetary Fleet. And they ended up being in Carcasses in Space. With Holes punctured throughout the Hulls.


Their way of Military standards is similar to Federation before they phased out with Men of Iron.

Tossing a Tons of Ammunition toward the Enemy. And if that doesn't work, toss a Greater number of it than before. Doesn't work? Toss the largest Shells till the planet Cracks. Their Baneblade is as Fast as it was meant to be, A Medium Class Battletank and Is Just as Fast as Alexander Baneblade. And Some of them Are A.I Operated.

They were the least effected by the Age of Strife As Alexander Favored the Humans in his military at the Start of the Golden Age, they didn't used much of Men of Iron, They now Used Both Men of Irons and Men Alike, With the Men of Iron Providing Support and Humans Are the Frontline. And Thunder Warriors Provide a Shock and Awe Tactics to Charge the Enemy Lines. They Also Use Titans, some were given as a Gift By the Mechanicus Explorators as they received the knowledge that they desperately Crave. They were deployed when the Battlefield seem dire, they will launch and Along with Several Warhounds, Reavers and a Emperor Titan.

In Covert Operations If they Used Mechs Like Zakus and Kämfphers to assist the Insertion teams.


They have the most intact Knowledge of the Human Colonies and they put that to use. League Diplomats are warm, Cordial and able to tell the History of the Colonies they visited, and they allowed Easier intergrating to the Imperium, But if said Colony and Worlds was found to be colluding with Chaos... They Step aside and let the Imperium do their job.

Chaos Awareness:

With the Eldars entering to the League they provided information about the Taint of Chaos, and The people took precautions about the Taint, Planets were clean and Orderly, People Lives are more satisfied to prevent the whispers of Chaos Entering their minds with whispers of Glory and Power...

The Eldar Trained the People that were psykers Born within the League to handle the Three Chaos gods and Alexander provide the Last Chaos god that is Giving birth in the Eldar territory... Slaanesh Main focused is Excess of Hedonism.


Population Density is in Half a Quintillion, And To prevent overpopulation and Overcrowding more planets are Created by Alexander to colonize in.

Military Tithes are sent to the Imperium with 15% of their Armies, best of the Best and the Rest of the recruits were sent to the Thunder Warriors as Initiates. The Citizens are to undergo a Mandatory Training to defend themselves. Their Border Security is More Combat Ready equivalent to Terra itself... While the Systems have their own defense fleets, there is a Patrolling Fleet that Numbered in the Thousands... All Made In the Dark Age of technology and They have their Arsenal Ready to defend the League with their Blackholes Cannons, they only obeyed Alexander no one else...


The League got the Same preferential treatment of the Mechanicus to believe in religion. As The Emperor did not sense they are fulfilling their faith to the Chaos Four. And Upon Alexander request, They Conducted a Social Experiment if they used the Religion as a Moral Compass than a Self-Satisfaction as their Faith Dictates the Belief in Human Possibilities, Not a God in nature.

(Though he never did realize that they were indirectly worshipping him in a Way.)


While the Imperium was Hesitant about using A.I, The League Used it Moderately.

The STC's Were a now Template for Designing more Dangerous Weapons. And to provide a Loophole of the Paranoia of Invention of the Imperium, they Placed their designs on a Empty STC Template and Forwarded it to them. And Technology Flourish faster than the Imperium as they Have a Effective Government to Handle the Strain. Even without Alexander being in Charge of it.

History with the Imperium of Man:

- Alexander Hyde Provided Assistance to the Imperium of Man during the Age of Strife And Follow Emperor of Mankind to Unify Humanity.

- The League Aided The Search for the Primarchs when they went missing from Mt. Everest.

- During the Great Crusade, They March towards the stars as the Astartes Legions Stand down and recuperate from the exhaustion of Conquering and Recuperating their losses, They Stepped in and Help them Conquer the rest.

- Alexander Hyde Joined the Newly formed Proto High Lord of Terra Created by Macaldor, Lord of Cog And Gears as it represents the Progress and Tenacity of Human Will to survive...

Horus Heresy:

- Alexander Order the Stability of the Imperium Borders during the civil war to prevent the Orks and Dark Eldar to Take Advantage of the Chaos that ensues. And the Traitor Horus Tried to Recruit Alexander to their cause but Failed, Making His Thunder Warriors Legion World Turned into Nuclear Wasteland... Which He Already Evacuated the Population to a Safer Place Week prior before the Evacuation, leaving the Defenders with a Smile on their faces as their family was Evacuated...

- During the End of the Horus Heresy, the League was covered by a Enormous Warp storms that persisted till the 41st Millennia Leaving Most of the fleet that Participated in the Defense of Imperium to Station in Terra Many disappear into the Warp Storm of where the League was located and Waited till the Leader come again, Though there are some hint that the League is doing alive and Well as the observers saw Golden lights in the warp Storm that is Called the Weeping Light Chasm, The Orks Called it Mork Smirk as their dreaded Foe was Engulfed by the Warp .. And Their Leader Disappear from the Fires of The Civil War and Left his Seat Empty for almost a Millennia...

- Guilleman Orders of Splitting the League Navy and the Army was not Passed, And the Military Structure was preserved, And The Thunder Warriors did not Complied to the Codex Astartes of Splitting into Chapters as they Were Never a Traitor however and they are not Space Marines, they Kept the Spirit of the "Field Manual" Such as The Tactics and Strategy in Book.

And there were some Rumors that there were League Ships that managed to travel out of the Warp Storm and Aided the Imperium in their Dire times... But left as soon as they Came...

Age of Apostasy:

Goge Vandire Reign of Terror Began and With his Madness, He ordered What supposed to be A Thousand Space Marines Chapters Loyal to the Imperium to Charge towards the Warp Storm that the League was Trapped behind. And when he proposed that they should attack any League Ships, Without Warning, The Mechanicus do whatever they can to Not Make the League in a Rage as they still have Records of the League Fleet... And When The Goge Vandire Declare himself as Practically the Emperor of the Imperium and he sought Power including the Seat of the Missing 13th Seat, The Mechanicus Had Enough and Stopped all Production for a Week and Make the Space Marines to be aware of the Egomaniac Disastrous results.

Making the Space Marines to Demand the Custodes to Bring out this Issue, Which they did, And the only thing that was funny in this time, or more like Vandire Last words... "I don't Have Time to Die!" As he Held a Pocket watch As he was shot by his own Brides of the Emperor...

Interim Years:

There are many Accounts of the League Shadows prevalent in the Imperium

- They Assisted the Astral Claws Chapter with the Supplies and Manpower when the Imperium denied their Pleas of Help, To aid the Beleaguered Chapter, a Legion of Thunder Warriors was Sent to Aid them. The Chapter Master Lufgt Huron Vowed his Allegiance to The League as they Aided the Imperium Despite the Dangers of Being Censured by the Inquisition, just as what they did during the Grand Crusade. He asked Why would they go so far... A Recorded Message was played out... "A Son of Guilleman is a Son of Mine...Never Lose Hope, Son of Ultramar..." And this is the First Recorded time the League Landed Troops instead of Using Ships. The Badab War is More Akin to a Unknown Inqusitor wanting to Stir Up Trouble as they Enter the Badab System to "Correct" The Timeline. And Lufgt Huron Force to Rely on the Fabled League to Assist the Issue. And It was also the First time that the League Clashed with the Inquisition. And they won.

- During the Octavius War, They Assisted the Planets that was In the Tyranids Path... By Evacuating the People before the Hive fleet arrive and Delay the Tendril Fleet before they Consumed, Months before the Inquisition Declared Exterminatus and Delay the Hungry Monsters at bay. And Before Inquisitor Kryptman Decided to Sent the Tyranids to the Orks, Three League Fleets Came out from the Warp Storm and Burn the Behemoth Fleet to Ashes...It Did hold off the Threat of the Tyranids for a time till another wave have arrived... The population and the Planetary Defense Force that was Rescued from the Tyrannid On Consensus Decide that they should Joined the League as the Thanks to the Inquisitor Kryptman the Imperium Lost Largest amount of force, Even though they were Sentence to Exterminatus to deny the Tyrannid to gather Genetic Material. The People was screened for Genestealers cults and culled them and the Rest was Sent to a Additional Hundred Planets Placed in the Outskirts of the League. And they Became a Fanatic Supporters to defend their new homes.

- Participated in the Gothic War By aiding Admiral Spire in the Defense of the Gothic Sector.

Many Wanted to know the Secrets what Lied beyond the Warp storms that Kept the League so powerful... Some fear it, Others Covert it... Especially the Inquisition...

[Encrypted Recording received]



Inquisitor ???:


Inquisitor ???:


Inquisitor ???:


Inquisitor ???:


Inquisitor ???:


[Recording Start]

Sounds of Screams was heard immediately in the Background.

Inquisitor ???:


Inquisitor ???:

A Sound of Hot Iron Sizzles In the Background... With a Man Screaming...


Inquisitor ???:


A Shot of a Bolter was heard and a thud of a Body...


Inquisitor ???:

Klaxon was heard in the Background and Explosion was heard....

Inquisitor ???:

A Sound of Stubber Fire was Heard and another body was heard dropped to the Ground... A Door was heard ripped out and Several Footsteps was heard entering the room...






After Several moments...




The Recording Was Left infront of a Rubble of what used to be a Inquisitor Base.... And Several Inquisitor and their Ilk was Crucified, each bear a Letter nailed on their forehead, "Defiler to the Emperor Dream."

There was Also Rumors that In the Depths of the Golden Palace, there was a Teleporter Leading to the Capital of the League that was Created after the Unification War... But That Rumors is just a Rumor as no one even know what it looks like and it was Guarded by the Adeptus Custodes.