Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 116 - Side Chapter: Solair Notes 1

Chapter 116 - Side Chapter: Solair Notes 1

It has Log Compilation Detailing about the Issue of Alexander Solair and a brief Conversation with Ferrus Manus

Log: ???

Alright, Since I Am Writing this instead of Hyde, I Have Anxiety concerning for the Future...

I Remember the Time the Federation means something.

All the Good Men and Women Died in Klendathu...

Now, Its more of Career Politicians In Guise of Generals and Admirals sending nonsensical Orders to Make Soldiers bleed More than they should have...

They Defunded the Cerberus Corps the moment you stepped down, Leaving Me and my batchmates the Last Decent Soldiers left in this organization...

Diennes... Am I worthy of your Legacy?

Log: ???

When I Worry About Rico and his Friends... Perhaps it was more of a Friendship than Political Maneuvering. Most of the People I meet when I First made Business as Founder of Wondertainment is Unnerving as most of them are more into the profits in the Pie that I made, than the Individual in front of them. At least Rico Never Saw Me as a Rich guy rather old man... Funny isn't it?

I never really had friends other than my Soldiers that I recruited from the System.

I Specifically Order not to Brainwash them upon recruitment to let them think outside the box, But in a Sense, they are more under my organization and May Act like a Yesman... Something I despise the most, The Prototype George is a Unique individual, He Is Reliable and He managed to surpassed all my Expectations. I didn't need to use a Hypno Brainwashing like Revelation did to his Custodes. He did all On his own Violation, He have been tossed into the Stimulation That Categorized all Known Races and The Warp Entities in Warhammer and he didn't flinch... While the Warp Entities may not corrupt him Via Stimulation it helped George to Handle the Issues in Hand. Perhaps I should turn him into a Phariah Like me. He was the first local that I turned into a Supersoldier and Aware of the Warp entities from within and the temptations within, I needed his cooperation than his allegiance. I gave him a Future to stand beside me, instead of Anguishing in the Slums.

Log: ???

So... The Bugs infestation In Hotel Delta was true...

I Better Enact a better Protocols for vetting Psykers in my base...

The Technology of Vision Glasses only worked when the Infection is at its late stages, And Psykers are the Way to detect early on, The bugs may mimic the individuals, but never the souls, And Interesting concept is that A Phariah is also a working solution as One such of the event , a Phariah Custodes managed to get close to the Individual that was infected and the bug chose suicide...

Log: ???

Ever since I Travel into The Supposedly Horizon Dawn Universe, I met the Reincarnator there... He was Desperate for any help... To the point he agreed to let me have some Energon cubes for Aid, He was Foolish but understandable seeing that it's either me or Pierre...the land is Ripe for Conquest, And Technology in the past scattered around the world that the Techpriests would have loved to acquire for their research. I simply gave the Man a Rest, I am not a Conqueror nor I am a Backstabber of my words, And all Activities are Simply observation and Limited Interference, anything else that is Mecha that is in the need to research was to be limited harvesting. I am Aware That There are some A.I that is still alive might take offense to our over harvesting...

Log: ???

After Killing the Grunt of Seventh tht had the desire for using Horizon Dawn as his new home, At First I wanted to Butcher Everyone and Call it a Day.

But this Cyberpunk Universe is Somewhat a Refreshing start...

I have Friends that Don't Address me as Sir or Being Held down by a Organization that have more rules than I could think off.... Found Love in the Nightless City... I would never send them in the Imperium... They are too dogmatic, I remember the Inquisition... No matter how Much I trust the Adeptus Sororitas, I don't Trust the Inquisition especially with my back... They are a Organization that is Bloated in Power and corruption, I know there are some "good" ones but they are the minority. And I am well aware of a Power-Hungry Inquisitor... before, I heard from my friend that was a Space Wolves Fan, About the Months of Shame... it wasn't a grey moral issue. It was about Control... And the Head Inquisition of that fleet wanted to put the Space Wolves in Chains...To be his Barking Dogs... The Sons of Russ lived up to their name... and there was no Registered Kiserov in the Inquisition Ledgers... And What decision he has Made even the low level inquisitor and Grey knights question about the Excessive force of Exterminatus on planets that simply had a Ship that had Chaos worshiper in orbit to refuel to go on their merry way? I don't trust them, So even if I had the Eldar and Necron forces working for me they would find a Excuse for Heresy, aye that is a hot potato for another time... Perhaps Inquisitor Grayfax? Uhh, I remember she have a bone to pick with Trazyn. And I have Trazyn the 11th. So I need to be in a Position to Reform the Ecclesiarchy and the Inquisition, Not Outright Destroy it for mere Emotional Trifles... their value is Immeasurable in this current era...

Log: ???

I remember fondly about David Martinez, A Boy that wanted to make it big... In a Sense he was like A Son and I Admire his Ambition to Make it big? Sure I could not Get the girls knocked up... Because even if The System said that it would be safe, Doesn't mean it is safe unlike last time of that Black Ball that was given to me, Unless I Butcher the rest of the Numbers... There can be Only Peace... Only War, that I carry the Burden alone...

Log: ???

Sometimes I wonder... Why Revelation... Why make me give the order to kill the Highriders?

As Much I loath them for sending assassins after me in the Cyberpunk universe...Am I not trusted the most?

I would have given them a way out.

but After a Brief Discussion with Revelation or at least a Variant of him... Perhaps Extermination is the best course of action...

Even if I let them go, would they be grateful?

So if I take my eyes of them just a Moment. they will proceed to harm those that is closest to me... The Path of a Butcher.... That's the path I might end up in ..

The Emperor I followed, assure me that That version of him will not interfere my actions. I doubt it...

Log :???

This is probably the last day I would Spend In Night City, Shado Arasaka that is the Seventh is Dead, adding another to my personal Pile of Skulls. Making me have no reason to stay in the City.

Bitter Memories of Such Time I have in this City... But Many more better ones were made... Perhaps I would tell the Girls a Bit of myself before I leave ... No reason is a Lie in a Sense... I miss them dearly... But Their safety is more important than My Selfishness...

For the First time, I enter a Civilized Universe as a Solair instead of Hyde...

And I do my best to preserve it... the best I could.

Log: ??? (Presumably After Exiting Cyperpunk)

I have a Grand Task at hand, Reviving Ferrus Manus... I have little to no information about him, aside from his legion... But I hope he would understand that this is a Different universe...

Progress have been slow, How many Resources was needed to make a Primarch?

Countless Failures and Setbacks how many bodies was disintegrated long before they reach completion, But we are on the right track, I employed Necron Crypteks and Eldar Farseer Caerys and the Scientists that was born in this place, to help me to revive a Legend... It worked... He is Reborn... Is that How Revelation Felt when they were born in Mt. Everest?

[Time: 3 Weeks after the Presumed Birth.]

It was a Long And Difficult discussion talking to Ferrus... He still in Denial that The Imperium became like this hell and his brother was the one that caused it...I simply said "Erebus is the Reason of the fall, not your brother." He eyes looked at me...

"Is that true?" His eyes stare at me like it's drilling into my soul...

"Yes, Had Erebus wasn't interred into the Word Bearers, None of this madness would have happened, I don't even know that's his real name, he killed the Real Erebus and have things granted to him and all he is a Lazy Prick getting the lowest hanging fruit, He became a Astartes for doing nothing, because he was there in the right time and right place, When your brother Horus was injured , Erebus Infected his Mind with the vision of the Current Imperium that Revelation wanted to become a God... And He succeeded...Horus Created this Imperium in a Sense of a Irony."

"So, How did you know that's true? You claim the Imperium destroyed all the Knowledge of what happened at that time?"

"Ferrus, Follow Me..." I said.

We both travel into Base Zero and Headed to the Underground Necron City, It Unnerved Ferrus such a Xeno City is hiding beneath Mars...

"Alexander... Why is a Xeno City below Mars?"

"Ferrus, That is a Fragment of the Universe that lost against something greater than Chaos..."

Many Techpriests Stood in Awe of a Primarch of the Iron Hands but later resumed their research as they are making strides to improve the work of the past....

In a Room Techpriests now Able to Manifest Necrodermis and A Cryptek Nearby Watched in Approval.

Some Of them Dragged Guardsmen as their Test Subjects... Strapping them with machine in unknown origin in their backs and Making them Phase Through Walls like a Necron...

In the Center of the Plaza where the Vault was Found, Necron Destroyers Stood Still Ready to be Activated to kill all Intruders...

After Unlocking the Door.

Ferrus Met was a Subspace that have more activity than the ones outside it. Countless Dataslates and Necron Data Scrolls piled in Mounds of Heap, three races browse the STC Libraries for their given topics...

In the Center of it all was a Console...

"Here is the Truth Ferrus... If you wanted to know if I am telling the truth not the lies, this Console Will tell you everything, It contains the History, The Endless possibilities of the Future , Past and the Present. And it is free to browse for anyone tht wish to seek the truth..."

Ferrus Touch the Console and it activated, it hummed to life as there was a Letter keyboard on the screen....

Alexander Waited As Ferrus Scrolling fast in the console seeing his Life, his Brothers, the reasons why Emperor Left the Crusade... What Happened to the Imperium after he was Slain on Istvaan...

The More he Read the more, he wanted to deny it... the brother that betrayed His father ended up into abominations... But he moved on reading till the current events of the Modern Imperium... He Fell back as He was Distraught from the knowledge, the truth...

"So Do you want to know what happens if anyone take the Warmaster title?" I said.

"Dornian Heresy, Roboute Heresy, Lionel heresy.... If you think that Horus was the most devastating, Lionel and Roboute is more devastating than Horus..." I added as I place the Console of the What ifs... Showing Several Possibilities of The rest of the Primarchs that ended up as a Warmaster...

Ferrus Attempted to Smash the Console but the Machine was made of material that is indestructible to a Primarch rage....

"Deny it or Rage against it, The Warmaster Title is always Cursed... Even Horus in many Version of the multiverse did not survived, regardless if he was loyal or not..."

"Is there anyway to save Father?"

"You Looking at it."

"In this universe, this is a Safe place to conduct research and Innovation, more inventions have been created daily and implemented in the field. So Tzeentch will not Turn us into Goop and monsters if we invent the Pickle Jar... if you want to get stronger.... Use whatever knowledge in this Vault, Improve it and All the Resources will be handle to you..."

"Is it True about my brothers that remained loyal?"

"Roboute will Be ready, Lionel is Training that should not be disturbed... Vulkan, I need to give his artifacts to his Chapter Master and let him bring it back to the Legion homeworld...I Have a Good Inkling where is Rogal Dorn... But Jaghatai Khan I need to enter the Webway... Leman Russ and Corvus Corax I have to dive into the Warp itself, Aside from that I have to bring your Brothers home... including the Traitor ones, even if I have to put the Cyclops into a Box drag it back from the warp if I have too..."

It Made Ferrus smiled to imagine a Small Man Placing Magnus into a Box and Dragging him out of the Warp...

"How long will you return?"

"That would be a Date to discuss Later, In the Meantime, Absorb the knowledge here, You can try out the Stimulation room in this city, it now Contains all the Monsters and Scenarios that Popped out in this era... So you will not be Outdated..."

For Several Days Ferrus Manus Absorbed the Information of what he needed, As Alexander have said all the resources are at his disposal...

He Joined the stimulation room and for Weeks he Fought against the monsters, from the Orks that he knew, To the Dark Eldar, from the Chaos legion to the Tyranids, At the Start he was Overwhelmed by the deaths of the times he might have died, but in the stimulation he knew more than necessary... He would not die but incapacitated enough to know his mistakes...

Slowly he manages to handle the issue and grew more wiser than he was during the Horus Crusade, no longer he would charge immediately but to stand down and assess the target. Many times he would have died in real time, now all he needed is to know which enemy suitable...To the point he Faced off with a Chaos Version of Fulgrim, a Embodiment of a Snake...

Ferrus had Nothing to say to the Stimulation as it was just a Image how would The now Corrupted Phoenix will react....

His Firesword that he made in this place now Lighted up as Now He was more Wiser than being Rash... He parried the three Blades of the Enormous Snake like being...

After the last bout he manages to parried tow swords away from Fulgrim....

"The Fulgrim I knew desire Perfection...May your death be the Courage for me to seek out the true Fallen brother." Ferrus Pierced his sword into the Belly of the beast, it screamed profanity and Curses to Ferrus, as it's body was ripped asunder and Disappeared into Motes of Light...

["Exercise Complete"]

The Scenario Ended and return him to the room, He Stood Silently pondering of his life choices...

In a Forge that Alexander Made for Ferrus for his Blacksmith, The Primarch was seen staring at the flames of the furnace...

"Ferrus... Are you sure you are ready?" Alexander Came with a Cart that Held a Giant Beer Bottle that is meant for Primarch...

"Yes I am..."

"You sound Uncertain... Is there something wrong?"

"I never felt so alone... in this place... In a universe that the Imperium doesn't exist, my legion shattered upon my death...My Family or if you may call even call it a family with now half of them as crazy...I doubt about the future that the Emperor have shown us..."

"You got me though... Have a Beer... "

The giant Primarch grab the beer and Stare into the fire, gulping down the beer until it was completely empty....

"Perhaps one day... When the Imperium is saved and your brothers united, You could join me, there are plenty of technologies beyond imagination in the multiverse... and perhaps time to cool down until the War to save the imperium end? You could always go back if you wanted during my journey."

"I will think about it..."

They both Stare at the furnace whose flames that is eternally burning....

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