Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 112 - Kwalasha Mission VI: Shattered Skies

Chapter 112 - Kwalasha Mission VI: Shattered Skies

[Federation Theme Song]

"It has been a Week since Fort Meru has stood against all odds and our hold on the planet is secured...

Federatsiyagrad that is the Kwalasha Capital is Secured From the Bug Menace.

And Mining and Power zone have been secured, now some of the refugees returned to their homes and a sense of Normalcy of law and Order have been established.

Now it's time for humanity to strike back!

Federation Forces are now Launching a Massive Counter attack to Cleanse the Planet.

In the Air and on the The Ground, they will deliver a Swift One-two punch that will catch the Bugs off Guard.

Their Superior Number have no match against the Might of the Federation Technology and Tactics..."

"It was Hell That Day, God Knows how many of us died or gone missing in that place... Us the 501st along with the 1st and 36th Legion have been in the difficult situations, but this is mere insanity, High Command wanted us to Immediately Charge into the Bugs Stronghold Deep within the Canyons Ranges with the mobile infantry 5th, 6th division and A Division of Ignis Corps, Ahead of the Land Forces, using Valkyries with minimal artillery support, and with whatever Assets we had left is barely sufficient enough to handle the danger of it weren't for The Resupply from Mars, I wouldn't be here... instead of regrouping and securing a Logistical Lines, They order us to march into that hellhole, we forced to smile for the Cameras, who knows how many of us are getting out alive... The 1st Armada Fleet and the Zero Legion that the Director sent, managed to butcher most of the attackers in Fort Meru and retaken the Capital City... But however, Plasma Bugs and Bug Scorpions managed to hide themselves in the canyons, free from the Bombardment, Now Comes from whatever Hell knows where in the night and the canyons became a literal death trap as Bug Plasma became the norm as it rain their Shells in the Skies killing us by the dozens... They knew the fleet have left, escorting the Sky Marshall away from his Ivory tower in orbit... And now I could only pray for my brothers that got lost in the Dessert..." - M.A.Rs 501st Valley of Death

A Greatest Air Raid was Conducted indeed as Twelve Thousand Valkyries and 700 Marauder Transports for the M11 Babars Teams made a Mad Dash under the cover of Darkness...

(Pilot): "We are at 1760 Miles away from the Rumored Bug Headquarters Prepared for ... What *static*"

the Valkyrie that was ahead of the Air force was Engulfed in flames as it Crashed it the ground, causing the assault to take evasive actions.

Bugs Plasma Began Firing into the Air, making Improvise Flaks, Plasma Bugs and Scorpion Bugs took the skies lighting it up as they emitted plasma making the Valkyries difficult to stray ahead....

(???):"This is Echo-78, we are going down!"

(???):"Where are the escorts!?"

(???):"Bug Plasma Hit my Wings... Losing attitude..."

(???):"We are dropping the Vehicle Team now! Good Luck...*Static*"

(???):"Hell Get this Bugs Off me!?"

(???):"Where the hell is the reinforcements!"

(???):"Oh Shit, shit Die!"

The Soldiers that were unloaded prematurely were attacked as bug holes burst out in their emergency landing zones... Disorganized and chaotic, their formations were scattered all over the place...

Several Valkyries Crash landed somewhere in the canyon...Several of the 501st Managed to get out... Some had Scratches and broken bones...

(???):"Get a Potion and Fix the arm in place before we douse it... I will call high command"

(???):"Shit... My Comms been broken..."

(???):"Sir, What are your orders?"

(???):"Form a Defensive line around the Valkyries... And use the replicator in the Valkyries to make ammo, Supplies and Medicine before their power source ran out..."


A Swarm of Bugs now Attacked the Defenders

"Get the Plasma Rifles Ready!"

The Soldiers Aimed their newly refurbished weapons left by Alexander... they are not Rapid fire as a LasGuns or versatile than a Auto Gun, but it could kill a Bug in a Single Blow...

On the first wave of Bugs, Plasma shots pierced through the bugs formation Melted them in a Single go...

After the wave been destroyed and they able to make do with the Supplies, they head out towards a Derelict Radio Station on top of a Hill, Hoping to see if the Radio equipment still works...

In another part of the Canyon range....

(???):"Help! I got Bugs Chasing on our backs!"

(???): Jay... Get the Flamer... the Heavy Flamer..

(???):"Tails...What ever the Fck you are doing, Bad Idea, Bad Tails!"

(???):"Someone Set the clown on Fire!"

(???):"Who the hell brought a Clown to this place!?"

(???):"Moral Uplifting!"

(???):"Get Under the Shield Covers! Bug Plasma!"

Ignis Corps was Sent to the Grinder once more... and their Vacation have been "Denied" By the High command despite Alexander Persistent for their Vacation to stay sane, They overruled with a 10-5 votes as they were the heroes of killing a Queen bug... And Heroes often die alot...

After They Crash landed into a part of the canyons just Far north to where the 501st were, they managed to get a Prototype Portable Shield Generator up and running before a first Bug Plasma Smashed into them...

It was the Combination of the Technology of a "Borrowed" T'au Shield Generator that Alex Eternally "Borrowed" in the T'au Base in the Soulstorm Campaign, RimWorld Shield Generator, Void Shields from the Imperium and Necron quantum force field and Star wars Capital Grade Shield... It was the Combination of all the Best traits with none of the defects...

it also Accelerate Projectiles making them a Portable Buffs for Riflemen and Missile Trooper... It is still in prototype stages and Alexander placed that much trust in Ignis Corps to handle the prototype as they are practically the abnormalities needed for testing... If they survive and managed to escape, it would be implemented in the Kwalasha Campaign... with almost all the Soldiers equipping with that, as it still in the prototype stages of miniaturization of such technologies, it takes time for them to introduce to the wider military, it would make everything Shielded from Tanks, Planes, Mechs down towards the Infantry, Its introduction would prove Valuable to the war effort...

(Jay):"Burn Baby Burn!"

Flames Engulfed the Canyon Range where they were in as Flamers and Meltas became the Norm in Ignis, they were given a Nicknames by the rest of the Federation that worked beside them, "Flaming Goblins", "Legal War Crimes", "Psyker Detention crew", "Trigger Fingers", "Abnormal Hunters", "Butchers of Lux" but they never said that Infront of them...

(Jay):"Now that is out of the way... Where should we supposed to be going? Anyone got a Map?"

(???):"Tails Summon a Monster and it Ate the Map!"

A Imp from DOOM was Slowly Chewing a Map and tried to look cute, only to be blasted in the face with Meltas...and one of the Ignis members despite knowing the dangers of Teabagging something that is not known, teabag the Imp body before it disappears...

(Jay):"Alright... We Better head towards the Highest point to get our surroundings... Let's try to go to that Old Radio Station in the south and See if it's still operational and Call HQ for further instructions... and Bring that Shield generator... I don't wanna heard by the rest that I died being blasted by Bug Plasma shit...And We will Kill any Plasma Bugs along the way..."

[Old Radio Station]

(???):"Commander Cdy, the Radio is operational...We found a Old Federation Issued Portable Radio so we will not go in the dark..."

[Fed Operator]: Glad to hear a Unit still alive and Kicking...

[Fed Operator]: What's your Status? Command is Upset that the Advance is behind schedule...

(Cdy):"HQ, This is the 501st, We are unable to advance further and The Bugs have Placed Anti Air Batteries and we are dropping by flies..."

A Marauder Transport Crashed nearby for the Operator to know how dire it had become.

(Cdy):"Do they know what is going on in here?"

[Fed Operator]: Intel is Sketchy so far, only few of the Drop teams and Few MS teams radioed in...

(Cdy):"It's Getting Bad Out here, we need Evac now!"

[Fed Operator]: It's a No Go for Evacuation and support, we are unable to provide assistance... Bug Plasma batteries are just South of your location is making the pilots harder to land, take them out we will send Pilots that is Crazy enough to land you reinforcements and Evacuation needed...

(Cdy):"Alright, we will clear it out..."

There was Several Aircraft Wreckage and Debris falling to the ground every second, and Corpses of the Soldiers in all Divisions lay about either died from the crash and the Bugs managed to get them.

The 501st managed to grabbed several Survivors along the Way and a Couple Hover MLRS that needed support as the Crew was still greenhorns...

"You with me, Provide Fire support!" Cdy Yelled at the Driver

"Alright, We are running out of Missiles and it takes time to rearmed them, Needs 30 minutes for the Fabricator to fully restock the Ammunition..."

After Traversing the Canyons, they found the First Plasma Bug...

"Alright, You Switch to Krak Missiles, Plasma Rifles No Good..."

The Gunner Nodded and pulled the Trigger, A Series of Missiles, now Launched in the air and Hit in the Dead Center of the Plasma Bug that it was about to fire, causing it to explode and killed the defenders nearby, Several Bug Holes erupted from the ground where the Plasma Bug Lay dead ready to attack the attackers...

(Cdy):"Get to the Next Plama Bug!"

(???):"Shit, Kamikaze Bugs!?"

(???):"Get them off me!"

(???):"Kenny no, we aren't equipped for that!"

501st watch in horror that a swarm of Hopper bugs that wasn't supposed to come out at night, immediately attack a Mecha Team

A Zaku Was Taken by surprise as a Hopper swarm Slammed into the giant and Exploded into a Pile of Metal eating Acids into the cockpit, Causing the Mecha To collapse in a canyon wall... The rest of the M11 Babars trying to keep the bugs from attacking the last Zaku Artillery...

"Hover team staved those bugs in the Air off them... we need their Fire support!" Cdy order the Hover MLRS to begin firing Missiles in the air with proximity Flaks killing off the Swarm...

(???):"Thank you sir... 845th MS Artillery squad is grateful for the support...Never Thought they come out at night...We are just Artillery Crew not a General purpose like the rest... Poor Kenny...He always wanted to be a Scientist when he got out of the M.I.M.E" [Mobile Infantry, Mecha Elites] (Another Kenny bites the dust)

(Cdy): Can you target at this location?

Cdy gave a Location for the Remaining Plasma Bugs Sites... After a quick calculations...

(???):"Its within ranged of my cannon so yeah possible... Just watch out from the Aftershock..."

(Cdy):"No Worries, We are conducting a Search and Rescue operations...Once you are done, Use this radio signal for further instructions..."

The Surviving Zaku Aimed its Howitzer just past the Canyon Range it was in and Targeted the Last Plasma Bugs Batteries In the south... 650mm Cannon roared out sending shockwaves and brought up a Dust clouds and rammed deep into the Bug Held Canyons, The Plasma Bugs were splattered by the sheer explosion..

[Fed Operator]: Seem like you kicked the hornet's nest... a Bug Flood is coming into your Sector and with extreme speed... Head to the South...

(Cdy):"What About the Rest of the Soldiers in the rest of the canyons?"

[Fed Operator]:"They are on their own, Bug Batteries is also affecting the rest of the sector..."

(Cdy):"Send me the Coordinates of the Plasma Bugs Batteries, we will take care of the problem..."

[Fed Operator]: Alright, Your Call. I place a Timer on your hud before the swarm arrives at your location.

(Cdy):"Radio the Mechas on these designated locations... We need to save as many as possible..."

On that Night in a single Hill, countless barrages of Artillery Shells Launched into the Distant Battlefield...

Saving Lives that are desperate for help, People they don't know, Perhaps their members that was separated from the group... Now a Part of the Canyon Ranges was cleared for the Surviving Valkyries to grabbed what ever survivors that survived that Night... Those that were still stuck on the Canyon Range that were still beyond the reach of the MS Artillery... They were on their own...

501st Managed to transport the Heavily wounded into the Evacuation Valkyries and Joined the Remaining forces down south, their losses were Severe as now only a Quarter of their Forces is just veterans...

Ignis Managed to escaped from the death valley Taking several Plasma Bugs along the way... And they were tasked to escort the remaining survivors that didn't make it to the Evacuation and to march down south, where there was a M.A.Rs Base erected in a Night...

Half Broken down Vehicles And Mechs Slowly travelled down South, Chimeras that had their portion of their Hull blown off by plasma... Sentinels walking like a wounded animal.... Tauroxes Was filled with The Wounded that health potions couldn't fix... Limbs ripped off and Organs removed is the limit of regrowth...

On top of the Canyons that serves as one of the Retreat Route is a group of Hooded Eldars watching them...

(???):"Why should we help these Monkeigh?"

(???):"Well, it would put them in a favor with Alexander, if this so called "Federation" might Attack us like in the Imperium later on, we will inform Alexander about the treachery and in Return we will have a say in the Political Structure in this place.... Mind you these are not Monkeigh but humans... seem that this universe war always follow this species..."

The Group Nodded as they disappeared from sight...


Alexander was dragged from the office from the Webway construction, Overwhelmed with Paperwork regarding the K.I.A and M.I.A that died in this mission...

And the Weapons and Equipment that was lost in the Canyons...

If he did not have the infinity mines and techpriest handle the manufacturing, it would Cost Trillions and would have bankrupted the Federation several times over, even in a wartime economy...

Now all he needed to sign his signatures to Paper regarding to the Deceased, something that reminded him that... he was still human in a sense.... He have the power, but in reality He was trapped in a Sense, by politics... People speak behind his back in fear... Generals and Officers were envious of his Director status...In a way he wonder if he ended up like the problem in Ullanor? Where Revelation named Horus as his warmaster without telling his other sons the entirety of the matter?

Sure, there were some that were recruited from his system died in that place... He did have his obligation to them to bring their families to enter this universe...

"Is there a problem?" a voice was heard...

Alexander Looked up and saw Ferrus Manus Entered his Office...

"Just Reviewing the number of Dead in this Mission..." Alex Sighed, Stamping his Signature as he reviewing another paper...

Ferrus Raised a Eyebrow and Sat on the Seat that was ready for his size...

"It is strange, isn't it? Here this place has only the bugs to kill, not like the wars around the Imperium... In a Sense a Vacation for you?" Alex Smiled Sadly.

"I never get used to the fact that Human Lives is more important that the Equipment..." Ferrus Grabbed a Paper that was signed and review the contents...

"I Get it that the Logistical Issues in the Imperium.. Here our logistical lines are the top priority...a Equipment can be made, but a human life will never be replaced..."

"Though you are just a Director of a branch in a Incompetent Organization?" Ferrus Pointed out.

"True... It helps keep the Flak off me, you know how pesky the media when the Imperium was in its golden age right... And with this data given in the front, more improved weapons are being shipped off...This Weapons will be implemented in the Imperium as soon as I finalized their field testing...."

"You do know the problem? The Reports? How will you react and behave yourself when you meet your father and your Legion?"

"I will take time to handle my Affairs at Medusa, then I will assist you by meeting my father... My legion turn into clans? It seems that it will be a long journey ahead of me."

"Could you blame them? You been "Dead" for a Millennia, their hatred is beyond measure... I really hoped they will not kill you... Reviving you was the hardest task for me to implement..."

"Why did you not mass produce us and sent them on the field? The Bug Threat would been over..."

Alexander Frown and Stood up from his desk...

"Ferrus... Don't say in a tone like I want to Spawn an Army of you... You and Your Brothers are unique... And If I truly wanted to make an army of Primarchs, I wouldn't give you a soul. You would be a Mindless Drone that obeyed my orders, but instead I let you roam in my organization, let you use my resources not because you are a primarch, I do not wish for that, nor will I make a mindless army that follows my will alone...You and your brothers are the representative of your Father Emotions and Beliefs...And you are like a brother to me... Seeing that I am also "manufactured" by your father in a a sense you are my family...and family stick together" Alex spoken with clear tones not leaving Ferrus to think elsewhere...

"I will only create a Body for Angron, Conrad Curze and Fulgrim then I will stop it...that will be my honesty to you..."

"How Long till it's done?"

"Perhaps after Next Election...there are many uncertainties...And Making the Bodies of your Brothers is harder to make compared to you, because Two of them, I don't know if they wanted to be back and Curze Soul is somewhere in that Galaxy...Meanwhile, Ferrus Prepare and get ready for the hell that is waiting for you..."

Ferrus nodded and left the office, he smiled a Bit before heading deeper into the webway complex...

"Thank you, Brother..." Ferrus walked into the Corridors...

He had Faint memories of Alexander in the past, but it is so fragmented like a fog that messed up his mind as if the memory of him was not meant to be found, but it is not his own... he somehow remembered those words... in the Grand Crusade...

[??? Communication Room]

(???):"Why must you do this?"

(???):"The Carrion Emperor must die!"

(???):"After all the struggles we faced on Ullanor the path of blood that we paved for the survival of humanity, you decided to betray us?!"

(???):"Is it about your insecurities, Horus? Your fears about your Legion being destroyed or being struggles a Warmaster? Come, We could just ask the Emperor on a Voxcomm and relay about it? Wait... what are you doing? What have you done?"

In a Window in a distance, Nuclear clouds is seen in the distance...

[??? Bridge deck]

(???):"Is that truly what you wanted...Horus? I Invited you to my home with open arms, Encouraged to work on you and your brother talents beyond what you been designed...But you came with a Dagger ready for me, stabbed my broken heart again and again with your treachery, Scorching My Family works, Perturabo Loved this city, I asked him to make it as a gift as a Testament that he is not a Failure that been overshadowed by you and the rest, And the Church Lorgar had commissioned, I loved how he depict what the Emperor could have been to the people, And you blatantly attack my people without provocation.... I thought of you as a Friend, I really do, a Brother I could rely on...A Family I could Trust, you broken all of them... All Ships... Open Fire... Farewell Brother...I will not take your head... Just leave this place...I will not Chase you down, because of my last shred of respect towards you... If you and any of your followers come to this place again.... I will personally Kill you and your legion.... No matter how you are infused with the chaos gods deluded you with power tht is not your Own...How did I knew that? Did you honestly think that you were the unifier of chaos? You are just a stepping stone for someone else...a Puppet that will soon outlive his usefulness...I believe you were the strongest of will, the better than all of us... but you failed me...and your father... and the dream..."

Ferrus Manus Saw a Memory of a Past or was it the future... But more questions surrounded Alex than what he seeks...

"All you need to, is just ask...." a Voice was Heard from behind...

Ferrus turned around and Saw the Now Possessed Alexander with his father...Now holding a beer with a Taco and Chewing it with relish...

First time for over a Millennia away from the Golden throne he ate something that is in the Material realm instead of souls..,

"Did that truly happen Father?" Ferrus asked...

"Perhaps... But in another time... all things will make clear...for now... Ferrus, Do as what Alexander Ask... and get ready..." Alexander Eyes Glowed radiant as a Sun almost blinding Ferrus until he returned to normal....

"Revelation, what do we talk about the Visiting Hours? I still have Paperwork!" Alex Raised his Hand in exhaustion as was about to went in the opposite direction he noticed Ferrus....

"Sorry about that Ferrus... Sometimes he can be a bit flamboyant in a certain case...Did he say anything?"

"He just said Hello..."

"That so... Take care... I need a drink...George? I need a Amasec with Ice."

"Mind If I could Join you?" Ferrus asked.

"Sure, I could use a company." Alexander Laughed as they headed towards a Bar.


A/N: I am hailing from a hospital. My Leg still hurt... Surgery is a Success, My left leg is in a Cast... So I am Writing to pass the Time in the hospital... need Two more weeks till I am ready to be out of the hospital...