Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 110 - Kwalasha Mission IV: Execution On A Friday Night

Chapter 110 - Kwalasha Mission IV: Execution On A Friday Night

[Federation Theme Song]

"The Only Worst thing than a Bug...Is a traitor!

After Knowing the String of Miners Death in Mines became known, Despite the Benevolence of the Federation of Honoring the Deaths, Subversive Elements are using the Mining Tragedy to push Their own False Agendas

One Such Rouser is Thomas Rees, the Leader of Kwalasha Mining Union. In times of War, Dissent is deadly and not tolerated.

Execution tonight at 6, All net, All Channels." -Fednet

A Mobile Infantry Platoon converge to the Captain for Mission Briefing.

"Fednet Have scheduled a Execution tonight and the Valkyrie that hold the Guest of Honnor has gone missing, Prison Shuttle has sent out a Mayday before it made emergency landing, Mobile Infantry will search for the Missing Shuttle, Rees need to be fried on live TV. And the Prison Valkyrie is in the Canyon Ahead..."

The Soldiers went into the Canyon, and they met unexpected enemy...

"Bugs!" one of the Soldiers shouted as a Swarm of Bugs Flooded the Canyon...

They managed to Kill every last one of the bugs...

They reached to the Crashed Site... The Valkyrie is intact and the prison personnel is dead and robbed of their weapons...

"Sir, Rees is not dead is he?"

"Seems that they landed in one piece, but instead they ended up in pieces. Prison Guard weapons has been robbed including their underwear, Fugitives must be armed..." Sargent Joked.

[Fed Operator]: Status Report!

"The Prisoners have escaped, and possibly armed."

[Fed Operator]: Understood, there is a town nearby that might house the fugitive, we will send a Chimera squad to assist you, everyone that fight against you besides Rees is collateral damage, Not a Hair is damaged on his head, till he gets on the stage, keep him alive. Fednet Viewers Promised a Execution and they will get it.

"Copy That, Men Move out to the nearby town we got a Prisoner to bring to his Party."

They headed toward the town and dead bodies of the prisoners on the way have confirmed the authenticity of the intel.

"Seem Like, instead of following the Trail of Breadcrumbs, we are following a trail of bodies...."

The town is nearby to the prison, where they Evacuated long ago... Dust balls loitered the place...

"Men the Town is up ahead, Get ready for Ambush."

Gunshot Erupted from the Town rooftop.

"Enemies! Take Cover!"

"Marksmen get ready to rush towards the town church upon My Mark... Hope God Don't mind a little bloodshed."

After Several Shots that Incapacitated the surviving prisoners...

They Found Rees Shuddering in a corner of the rooftop that fired on them, from either the Bugs he faced along the way or the brutality of Mobile Infantry no one knows...

Several Chimeras that were Sent by High Command Arrived in town to pick the prisoner up.

"Alright, Enter the Transports so that we go ahead of Schedule..."

They arrived in the Prison where Several Prison Guards stood ready to receive the Dissident.

[Fed Operator]: Looks Like You Found Rees and Ahead of Schedule I see, The Prison guards will take it from here and He will be Prim And proper with Makeup and in time for a Farewell cake ready for him... 40 Minutes till Showtime. They are broadcasting the Execution live on all Channels.

"I better stand guard, I seen plenty of deaths in this campaign..." The Captain Stood by as the Prisoner was handed over to the Guards...

He Sighed and Grabbed a Smoke relieving his tensions in the Kwalasha Cold Night.

He Did know about the Problems, but orders are orders...

[Fed Operator]: You been Assign to Prison Defense. Keep the Place locked down real tight. Command doesn't want to interrupt the Broadcast, even the Bugs is included in the non-Guest list. You may request reinforcements to help with the defense using the Prison Radio Center.

"Alright, Radio Operator, Order Sentinels and another Platoon and Have the Chimeras Guard the Gate."

After Several Minutes a Valkyrie Vehicle Transport dropped a Squad of Four Sentinels and later it dropped off several squad of M.I Infantry. They rushed towards the walls of the prison complex...

[Fed Operator]: Good News Captain, Proximity and Satellite feeds have confirmed that there is a Bug attack to the prison complex.

"Great just my day... Inform the Prison Superintendent to activate the Turrets. You two Get on the Observation Outpost."

Stubber turrets began to activate and Floodlights surrounding the Complex began to light up...

"Here they Come!"

The Soldiers and Prison Guards began to Light up the field with tracers.

"TANKERS!" Shouted one of the soldier manning Observation outpost.

Several Tankers were walking into the night with the Land Tremble by their Footsteps...

"Open the Gates and Get the Sentinels to shoot them down!"

As the Sentinel fell the tankers with ease, the Stubber Turrets suddenly went offline...

[Fed Operator]: There Have been a Prison Outbreak and The Superintendent is killed... Ree's Manage to escape and hidden himself, Send Soldiers to bring the Party Boy into the Electric Chair...

M.A.Rs Orgryn Suppression Squad and a Sniper Team Have been deployed, Use them wisely, Go to the Control System to reactivate the defenses.

A Burst of Energy appeared beside the Radio Station and appeared a Orgryn with Tower Shields and Maces stood still...

"Uggh, Me Head Hurt..." A Bonehead Groaned with the Newest way to travel... Sure he and the boys doesn't like the Cramped Chimeras, but this takes time to get used to it.

"Alright Boys... Follow me and we Smack Bad Boys Okay?" The Captain Followed the instructions as to not make them confused..

"Alright Little One... Show da Wae..." The Bonehead Ogryn Grinned

"Alright, You Handle the defenses while I am ready the search for the Guest..."

[Prison Complex]

The Ogryns leading the way, One of the Dissidents Noticed them and Opened fired at them...

"FCK ABOMINATIONS ARE HERE!" One of the Prisoner noticed the group and Screamed as he sprayed the Morita Rifle at them...

"WE ARE NOT FREAKS!" The Ogryn Belllowed as they Charged with a speed beyond human eyes and Splatter the Man with a Tower Shield...

"Go to the Control Room and activate the Prison complex Tranquilizers Turrets, While the Big Boys distracting the Prisoners. Snipers assist the Ogryn and make sure they will not die, and Make it Fast activating the turrets before Ree's is Meat Cake when they reached him." The Captain Dodge a Eyeball just went past him...

"Hell, I just Got Out of Prison and I don't wanna die to some Bugs!" One of the prisoner yelled as he Manned the Gun Emplacement...

The Door That leads outside Crumpled and Burst in and Several Giant men Charge in Wantonly Killing the Prisoner with Boomsticks and Maces

"They are Feddies Shoot them!" The Leader of the Riot yelled at the Gunner...

"Shit what are the Shields made off!" Yelled the Gunner...

As he shot the Ogryn that marched with a shield formation and the Bullets didn't penetrate them....

A Steel Beam Was Thrown with Great Speed and Impaled the Gunners in the Face... Causing fear to the Dissidents with such brutality made by these new soldiers...

Some Surrendered Immediately, and other held rebellious thoughts were ended up with a mace to their skulls...

The Turrets within the complex came to life and immediately shot tranquilizer darts to pacified the rest of the Prisoners throughout the Prison Complex...

"Alright Big Boys, The Bad men are gone now... We Will have A meal ready for you..."


"Yes, Yummy Cookies...Now where is Ree's?"

"Over here Captain! He hidden himself in a Barrel..." One of the soldiers dragged the man from the Kitchen..

"No GET AWAY FROM ME!" Ree's Yelled as he was traumatized with the brutality of the Ogryn killing all the Prisoners...

"No Can Do, Rees Your Time is near..." The Captain order the Men to Strapped Rees into the Electric chair...

[Meanwhile Outside the Prison Complex]

The Soldiers are struggling with the Amount of bugs flooded to the prison complex.

The Turrets suddenly came to life and began shooting the Bugs, Alleviating the pressure of the defenders...

They heard a Whirling noise and heard Bombs Whistling in the darkness...

"Anyone need a Light?"

Flares rained down in dozens and the land engulfed in flames and killing the waves... and a Mammoth Walker Casually strolled by and Defended the main road...

After several minutes the Bugs Fell back and some that didn't have a Railgun shells smashed up their rears...

The Fednet Began to show on the Prison T.Vs

[Federation Theme Song]

"Tonight, You are watching a Fednet Special Event: A death of a Traitor.

Thomas Ree's Betray Humanity, but now he will pay with Ultimate Price.

His Crimes: Sedition, Unionizing, Spreading Discontentment to the People of Kwalasha.

Many who were led astray by this Criminal Mastermind.

By Sabotaging the War Effort, He Aided and Abetted the Bugs

Kwalasha Demands Justice. This planet needs not Troublemakers.

If you are not with the Federation, You are with the Bugs...

There it is - 3000 Volts of Justice now Courses through Rees's Body. Justice have been Serve..."

The Captain have more problems to handle as he gave the Ogryns Giant Sized Cookies as a Midnight Snack that was dropped by M.A.Rs Valkyrie...

He Heard a Transmission that Brought Chill on the bones...

"Anyone This is M.I Garrison in the Mining Facility, The Mines been lost... the Bugs Are *Static* Here, All Forces are to retreat to Fort Meru... Gather whatever civilians and Head to the Nearest Evacuation Center...oh no no no! *Static*"

"Soldiers Time to move out, Get the Surviving prisoners that didn't participated the Riot and the Guards as well. We are heading to Fort Meru."

"What about those that did?"

"Leave them, they make good Bait for the bugs to feast... Don't deactivate the Turrets and Destroy the Console that manages them"


A/n: Lately, I been Having Migraines and got one of my arm Snapped, I am Lucky tht it will heal Somewhat... why does this happened to me?

Information: This is Starship Troopers fanfic foremost and Reason why Warhammer universe is important to Alexander is because it is his source of Power... If it gets destroyed, no new vehicles or troops will be recruited...

So it would take centuries to even build up a Naval fleet... about few more chapters to go...