Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 101 - Extra Chapter: Johnny SIlverhand Choice.

Chapter 101 - Extra Chapter: Johnny SIlverhand Choice.

[After Alexander Left Johnny Silverhand in the Armory...]

"Hello, do you need Something?" A Voice was Heard from the Depths of The Armory....

A Veteran In Green Flak Armor Approached him from the dim light.

"Yes... Dr. Alexander sent me here."

"Ah, so you must be the one that he referred to me... come inside...Name's Alfred." The man Beckoned him to follow him deeper...

Weapons of Variety choices appeared before Johnny... Men clothed in red robes were Maintaining workbenches...

Until they reached towards a Desk and the Man Took over.

"Welcome to Santa Workshop, What're ya Buyin?"

"Something... Cool and Flashy..."

"Got the thing for ya...Gauss Revolver, Perfect for you... memory Custom Grip in case your weapon slipped from your hands, Optional Package of Scope, Smart Weapons system installable and laser finder, Several bullets available for any special occasion..." Alfred Handed Johnny his weapon...

He Aimed and Checked the weapon, Feels like a Old Friend... Came home in his hands once again.

"Show me the Bullets.." Johnny Asked as Several Bullets were laid out in front of him.

"Here is the Conventional Ammunition and Specialized are Hollow points, Full metal Jacket, Emp, Incendiary, Homing shells, M.S Rounds.

"What is M.S rounds?" Johnny was curious and about to touch the Green glowing bullet.

"Machine Spirit rounds, Created by Dr. himself for his Scav Hunting, It makes all known Cyberware of the afflicted Person goes haywire for a short time, And Begin to attack the User from the Inside, The more Cyberware, the more damage it will inflict...Only Organics can use it..." Alfred State causing Johnny to reflexively retracted his hand.

"Don't Worry, It will not Activate until it been fired from the gun so you will be safe..." Alfred Gave a Laugh as he touched and grabbed the bullet...

"Something strong and robust"

"Let's See... Ah, Executioner Shotgun, Scoped Shotgun and Come with 18-round Drum Magazine or a 8-Round Clip, Weatherproof and Comes with a 1.8x Magnification, With Texture Grip, if it gets a bit wet. Comes in several Bullets to subdue the Enemy or make a Blast, or Make a Silent Kill, your preferred choice."


"Here are the list: Slugshot, Buckshot, Armor piercing, Stun, Neurotoxin, Phosphorus, M.S Round and Black hole Rounds..."

"Holy Shit, Black Holes?!" Johnny Almost yelled out and alerted the Workers around him... And they resumed their work once more.

It was absurd that one company can casually make black holes for weapons, but for personal use?

"Yeah, better use it in 500 yards and it will disappear in 3 seconds, You wouldn't like to be the first one near a Black hole?"

"I will Take 4 Cases each, Got any Nade's?"

"Sure, We got Plasma, Smoke that Hide from cyberware and Sight, Krak for Vehicle and Frag for Personal... Anything else?"

"I will take a Couple of them."

"A Big Spender I see... On the House... Anything Else?"

"That All."

"Well then, take Care. It would Seem that Dr had Placed his trust in you." Alfred Said Causing Johnny to raised Eyebrows.

"How So?" Johnny Asked.

"You See, these weapons are not meant to be sold to the Public, much less military selling. Think about it, You are probably the First Outsider that he allowed in our Base, much less getting shot on sight. Many Corpos or whatchamacallit, Oh boy, they been trying to Enter this Base almost every day to find secrets and they winded up dead or target practice at our gunnery range. And If We sold this weapons outside? It would make the Corpo Wars look like Child's play, Cities and Towns Swallowed by Blackholes, The Landscape would be more devastating that people would immediately die stepping on it, what you would have experienced is just a Mere playground, Chemical seeped into the Ground for Centuries... Honestly, I don't get why he acts so nice in this universe..."

"Universe?" Johnny was Curious...

"Must be a Slip of Tongue... Anyway... I here to Guide you to the Motor pool..."

[Time skip]

"Here's the Place..." Alfred led to the place...

"*Whistle* That's alot of Vehicles..." Johnny said as Several Luxury Cars and Motorbikes lined Up...

"You can only Choose one..."

"He Is Stingy." Johnny remarked

"I know Right? I wanted these beauties myself and I would get it after a year with my paycheck... I will wait until you chose your car..."

Johnny walked by the Vehicle and he noticed one Familiar Vehicle...

"This one..." as he pointed to a Porsche 911 Turbo

"Ah a Classic... This had been fully refurbished, Car Frame been equipped with a Lighter, Studier metal and with a more increased horsepower installed... You sure?"

"I'm Sure."

"Alright, I will file the paperwork. Here the keys."


Johnny was Riding in a a Replica of his Car as He Drove into Night City, He was Given a Platinum Card for him to spend on, a Place to crash for the night... He would have thought he was a Prisoner for Experiment or a Guard dog for Alexander, but he could go anywhere... While he dwell in his old memories of Night City, He noticed that the people on the streets are more happier and Walked on the streets without a Carefree as NCPD and Alexander Security protected the Streets...

He would think about the Choice that Alexander given him... What would he do after Killing Saburo? It would seemed that he was Brought back from the dead for that... But he was Given a Choice for more than that... Freedom... Perhaps he would travel the world for a bit to see how much was changed?

He Happened to Pass By Afterlife and A Old Woman eyes widen as she saw him...

"Johnny?" Her words came out from her mouth....

Johnny heard the voice and stopped his car and Looked at the Woman and He Remembered some Similarities of Rouge he knew and the Rouge now...

"Rouge? You've Grown Old?" Johnny was Confused and Gave Rouge a Laugh.

"Says you, You looked like you haven't Aged a Day since the Bombing..."

"Dr. Alexander Brought me back from the grave for some unfinished business..."

"Damm, that Guy is Practicing Necromancy now? He get more weirder everytime I see him."

"Something like that... I have a Beating Heart and Some Blood in my veins..."

"Of Course, I can see You Johnny... It been a Long time since I saw you..."

"Perhaps, I came here to make it up to you? I did promised before, that I will watch a Movie with you? I heard that the Drive in is refurbished now..."

"Meet Me Here at 7:30 PM... Johnny... Don't ditch on me again..." She whispered her last words as she headed inside.

[Time skip]

It was Night and Johnny was Driving Silently and Rogue looked out the Window...

"Why Now? Johnny Where were you all this time?"

"Arasaka Kept me Jailed for years... Experimented on me...It was Only Until One of Alexander Agents Infiltrated the Tower and Got me out of there..." Johnny Never mentioned that he was a Engram given flesh not to spook Rouge out...

"I Suppose, I should give him my thanks...There we are..." Rouge pointed to the Newly Refurbished Drive in...

It was Part of the Wondertainment Reclamation Project and part of returning the "good old days"....

"Two Tickets please..." Johnny ordered the Man Manning the Station as He waited the Staff to come in with the Drinks...

"You Changed..."

"Spending time in solitude made me to rethink my life choices when I was imprisoned... Perhaps I did Changed..."

"Ah, Isn't that the Movie we were supposed to watched In 2015?"

While The Two Sat Silently...

"Ironic isn't it? I grew old and You seem to be in your prime..."

"At least I Came back... And I like this version of you... "

"An Inferior one..."

"I came back in this world from the dead, almost everyone already forgotten me... But you did, kept the memory of me Alive... There's not a Woman in the world could do that Rouge..."

Johnny Lifted her Chin and Kissed her...

"Thanks for Being with me... I better Escort you home now..." Johnny Driven her home...

He went to his Apartment that was given by Alexander and He Sighed as he Grabbed a Bottle of Whiskey and Drank it directly...

"Did I truly changed?" He fell asleep from the liquor in his system... Unsure that if he was the real thing or just a fake...

Next morning... Alexander Had a Call From Rouge...

"What is it Rouge, Got a Job from me?" Alexander Yawned and Woke up from the Bed with Rebecca and Sasha Hugging beside him...

"Do you... Have anything to turn back the Clock?"

"Plenty Rouge, Age Reversal, Bio sculpting, Eternal Youth, Immortality... And those aren't made for public because of morality issues." Alexander Gently pushed Rebecca and Sasha Arms off his waist...

"You sure sound like A God... Mind if I try it?"

"I warn you, once you try that, not everyone might know the Younger Version of you... Are you sure? You better get the Documents and Blood testing, In case we turned you to your prime."

"Relax, I Contacted my Crew in the Afterlife and the Mercs and My Son about my treatment...."

"Seems like you met Johnny for you to say that... Fine, I am doing him a Favor...Meet me at my Hospital." Alexander Hang up the call...

"Going for work again?" Rebecca asked...

"It will be Quick... I will make some breakfast for you two before I go..."

[Time skip]

[Wondertainment M.D, Fourth floor]

After the First Floor was Meant for Ripperdoc and Medical Aid and the Second floor was for Pediatric, Dentist, Third floor is the Cafeteria and the fourth floor is Known as the forbidden floor, All intern and doctors under Alexander entourage are kept away from the floor and a Keycard on Alex is needed to insert the elevator to enter the floor... And the room is filled with Pods and Futuristic Machinery....

Two People were alone in that Room...

"I never would have thought, that you are more than a Mere Ripperdoc..." Rouge watching the Scenery before her...

"I am a Man Of Science, Reason why I never unveiled this place, If All the Richest people are kept eternally young without the need for Arasaka's Gene therapy for dirt cheap? You now know a reason why I went Merc, Had I been those lanky scientist that is pushed around?"

"It would be more of a Hell than it is..." Rouge got the reason why Alexander never release it...

"Come, We will let you lie down first on the Med Pod... Standard Age Reversal Protocols."

After Several Test and Repairing the damages of Being old, She was Sent to the Bio sculpture Machine...

"Relax... It will be over in a Hour" Alexander said as she laid on the machine Capsule in medical gown....

A Golden Fluid Flooded the Machine capsule... And She already felt that her skin is slowly becoming firm and her mind becoming sharp... What seems like a Eternity... The Machine Bleeped and drained the golden Fluid and What Came out was a 20ish Woman as She gasped for life...

"Welcome To the Future Ms. Rouge. Did you Had a Fun time from the Cryo stasis?"

"Enough of the Jokes, Alex... My Voice...." Rouge touched her throat.... what she felt was a Smooth Skin instead of a rough one...

"Better Get dress up now Rouge... And I will Conduct some examination, When you are done... I will give you the address he is staying... What happens next is beyond me..." Alexander shrug as he Check the Database of the procedure....


[Johnny Apartment]

"Fck, that was a Quick one..." Johnny Woke up with a migraine and with the Whiskey in his hands... Seems like Wasting away the moment he was reborn is not a good idea... Especially his newly formed body that had no alcohol intolerance compared to his Original days...

He watch the Street from his windows as there was no smog that covered the city...

He heard a Doorbell ringing and He got his Revolver ready... and peered though the eye hole... A Younger Looking Rouge Appear before him...

"Rouge?" He opened the door... and She Rushed in the door to gave him a hug...

And Johnny closed the door behind him..

"Director, Subject has met Rouge..." a Former military Veteran watched as Johnny closed the Windows while he was observing from a Mile away where Johnny lived...

"You may Take some time off Soldier... Probably a Fun time for them Over..."

"Copy that, Over" The Veteran Shrugged and headed to the nearest restaurant and perhaps have some time talking with his fellow batch mates working there about their daily lives...


A/n: The Regional Manager already left for the next Workplace for "Budget Cuts"... How many of us are left?

there's more part timers than full time employees... and that scare me... Part timers like me work for cheap, but we are inexperienced and the chances of us messing things up increase, And My seniors got laid off, despite they have plenty of contacts and Knowledge that is useful... So In our branch, we are more like a skeleton crew on life support.... Now we have the added workload of the missing Seniors...

Well enough whining bout my current IRL, When I watched the Scene of V and Rouge... Sure I do know That Johnny is a Ass to V, But he could change... Well I am not sure about the Dynamics between Him and Rouge when he is given an actual Flesh body, unlike the time that V is being controlled by him...

I know that she did betrayed him, But what could she do? It was clear of who's the winner at that time... and time could change someone perspective... Like a Certain Someone on a Golden Throne...

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