Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 90 - Meeting a kitty, Getting used to Night City.

Chapter 90 - Meeting a kitty, Getting used to Night City.

[Alexander Pov]

Been doing my alchemy and Achieve the Magical Potion of What I Need the most...

The Sataras Were modded to have a Grappling hook that were made from Necron Living Metal to keep it consistently sharp.

Created android based on a Skitarii and Techpriest templates with cyberpunk technologies in the Outskirts of the city in a Abandoned house, as they were ordered to increase their numbers and expand through the Android Replicators as they constantly dig deep, and more are added each hour as they received the Rimworld System [Clones] as of currently? 300 of each was created... and a million more on the way.

Finished Making My Best Friend the Shovel to get a New Upgrades, A combination of two hatred races merged together in a perfect blend of Necron Living metal and Eldar Wraithbone and the Emperor Flames connected them... and added a teleporting device on the handle....

One Shovel to rule them all? I Joked with myself.

My Phone is ringing among the Pile of Metal Components that I bought an hour ago...

A number that is not in my contact? Interesting. Let see what they have to say...

"Hello, Is this Alexander Solair?" an Unknown Caller asked.

"Depends, who's talking as I clearly not aware of the person I am speaking to?"

"I am Regina Jones and I work as a Fixer in the Watson, I heard of a Mutual friend that you are reliable operator. Great job on that Mox Job the Other Night. Usually, those kinds of Jobs will turn into a Bloody Firefight and those that tried to rescue always end up more casualties than they bargain for... And Your Intervention Saved lives and you went Solo and kill All the Raffens..." She spoke.

"Thanks? But you are not here for that are you?" I stated as the Phone was Silent for a few moments.

"And You'd be right, I wanted to set up a meeting and meet this elusive Armored Titan, you are a Powerful asset, and I'd like to handle your Skill set, A Merc with Principle and Good Sharpshooter, Armor that can shrugged off Ap rounds, shows you are not a Lightweight, I want hire you to work in the Watson."

"When and Where do we meet?" Curious of the offering she is willing to make...

"A Nice Noodle shop in the Kabuki Market Place, Be There at noon tomorrow."

"Preem, See you there tomorrow." As I hung Up

Time to go see Vik about the Cyberware I borrowed and the Appointment...

I piled crates in my car and head to Viktor Clinic....

[Time Skip]

"Tell Me Alexander? Where did you receive this Cyberware?" As Viktor Looked at the crates inventory as he looked at me...

"From the Raffens Fight Last night, A Truckload of this was added to their convoy..." I bluntly stated.

"Interesting, these are some Corpo Grade Cyberware. Neural Ports, Cyberdecks, Synaptic Boosters, Arms, Legs and some other bunch of Experimental Cyberware that I need time to Identify. It's enough Chrome to fit a Unit of Corpo Black Ops Agents and still have spare parts left over..." Viktor Explain as he examined one of the Cyberware....

"Can I hire you to do some research?"

"Depends, Alexander."

"I want you to finish the research on these Cyberware actual function and help Oversee My Installation of my neural Port?"

"Oversee? Why not Let me Install it?" He was curious about my request...

"Because You are the one, I trust the most, and the way I will do it, I afraid that I might fail, And My dignity as a Ripperdoc is on the line here." I say as I picked up a Neural Port... and lie down on the Operational Table.

The Neural Port Disappeared from Viktors eyes and My back is slowly changing Accommodating the Changes That I Implemented...

"What the Hell? Interesting..." As Viktor look at the process with interest...

"Did it Intergrated properly Doc?" I asked Viktor, causing him to lose focus momentarily.

He grabs a Interface Plug and Jacked into my neural port and place it under a Magnifier.

"Interesting, a Perfect Union of Machine and Man, I can't see where the depth of what you or the machine is..." Viktor speak while he looks at the diagnostics...

"Did it work Doc?" as I look at Viktor...

He Sat on his seat tired of what he just seen; "Okay I am not going to ask why you done it without surgery, but how did you achieve such perfect unity?"

I handed him a Air Hypo with the Potion that I Made....


Originally, I meant to use it for the Techpriest as a Bargaining chips on Terra as its purpose was to integrate the cybernetics and Flesh.... But seeing the commercial value of this potion in this world, It would provide more influence for me in this place...

"Took a Shot of this before my surgery, It's a Mixture that I made, and It Meld the Machine and Flesh in Harmony, And Reduce the Cyberware rejection rate to zero... "

Viktor Look at the Air Hypo and hold it like a treasure and ask; "Any Side Effects? Does it affect those that already have Cyberware installed?"

"No side effects, People that have Cyberware installed prior before injecting would Integrate it more normally than before. Anyone that need to have the Cyberware replaced after taking this will need to have a normal standard surgery." I explained the benefits of using this potion...

"Tell you what Alexander, this would be a miracle in Cybernetics, I know Several people that have improper Mounted Cyberware that need this, If you can supply me with this stuff, I will checkout the Cyberware you asked me, No Charge." As Viktor eyes looked at the miracle drug that would save thousands of lives in the city...

"Deal" I shook hand with him...

"Here is the First Batch Viktor for Free, you can call it as Thanks for being the first Ripperdoc, That I met in this city... You get a Friendship Discount upon next purchase." A Crate that held 50 pieces of Union is handed to Viktor...

"Always a Businessman Alexander."

[Time skip]

Padre found someone that have agree with the Netrunner recommendation, Her Screen was like a Kitty? And We should meet in a Bar at Wellsprings?

Just Drinking a Synthetic Coffee at a Table, a Woman Came in in Wearing a Pink and Black Outfit, wearing a Sunglasses and a Hat Joined my table, and She grins as she examined me...

"Seem like you are a hard man to Identify, Alexander." She comments as she is curious of the man before her.

"Are you the one Padre sent?" I simply stated.

"Yes, Kitty or Sasha Yakovleva at your service, What's the Job?"

"Two Jobs, I'd want to hire you on a Semi-consistent Basis. First job requires Certain Patents reach to right places to be file and stay under this company name." I handed her a Shard containing the data.

She takes and insert it in her slot, examining the data inside... after a few moments she wants a confirmation.

"Wondertainment is the company? I can create this stuff; I will even set it to route any inquiries to you." As She looked confident when she spoke that...

"Excellent, The Second job is a little different, I need a Instructor to train me in the Ins and outs of Netrunning Basics and Cyberwarfare, in return I provide a Netwatch Grade Cyberdeck and 125k Eddies for every session, Compensating the time Spent. And a Favor from me." I pushed some incentives...

Kitty lean back on her seat deep in thought, Mulling whether if there is a pro or cons about my offer... I simply waited for her answer.

"Alright, I'll teach you. Make sure you stop by the netrunner store in kabuki and pick-up some "soft" and Good deck, Once installed contact me, I'll Send you Deets on our next meet." She smile as she handed me her contact number.

"Alright, will do Pleasure doing business with you." as I handed her a cred chip and a Info chip containing a patent of a Watcher...

This is my test run for Kitty. If she holds on to her end, the design will not see the light of day for a while, if it appears somewhere, I'll Know she backstabbed me, But I won't be screwed as I would have given her a Titan or a Thunderjaw.

She nods and departs heading back to the streets and vanishing into the crowd, while I took time to finish my coffee and left Waterfront...

[Kitty Pov]

Interesting Fellow... Seem Reliable not to backstabbed me in return... Seem like Regina pick is interesting...

I receive a call with my boss name....

"Sasha, You busy?" as a Hulking man appears on the call screen.

"Yup, I Have a errand to run Maine, please tell Rebecca I will be late for the drinks..."

"Understood, Take Care Sasha"

"You too Maine... Say Hi for Dorio for me will ya?" As She Turn off her call as she delves deeper in the crowd...

[Time Skip]

I trained my first lesson with Kitty, Our Training ground is a Isolated Data fortress in the net....

Kitty is Harsh but sometime endearing, after running me through simulations after simulations. Testing me all kinds of environment for netrunning.

When Jacking In, time goes from seconds to milliseconds as realspace is slow as if traveling through the warp... this enables us to have multiple sessions, Only thing that stop from exceeding the limit is the constant need from cooling. Jacked to long our bodies would be overheat causing our brains to fry.

Kitty recommended me a Netrunner suit for longer operations, and to setup better connections and a netrunner chair to assist with the cooling. I thanked her and paid her first session.

Now I learn how to netrun solo, Kitty was consistently beating me in mock combat because she has more experience, and me that is the Vessel of a Emeperor shard and a Rimworld trait "Demi-god", My brain is faster and could process more programs without going full 'Borg. Matter of time until I beat her...

A Netrunner access the Cyberdeck to hack, it basically put their brains as the processor and the deck comes with a preloaded program, Netrunner that have the best gear will have more Stronger daemons and programs with more power, granting them the battle to tilt more to their favor...

I begin to create a first Black-Ice Suite. I called it the "Imperium". the Suite consisted of a plethora of Programs, The First is DKOK, Data Korps of Krieg, Design to kill any Hostile Program En masse and protect my system from attacks and strategic decisions regarding on other programs.

Second is "Alpharius" As it would Infiltrate systems and extract data, and also commit destruction when it is Impossible to do so....

Third is "Imperial Fist" Program that will steadfastly protect the core and eliminate the hostile programs that get close.

Fourth is "Mars" A Program that would assist the Dkok, if the program is judged if it falls under certain parameters, if it does, when it is defeated, and it would be cloned en massed with altered specifications to defend the system.

Fifth is "Blueberry Marines" As they will Assault the Hostile system and Disable them. Surely, they have absurd luck in the Dataspace.

Last is the "Macaldor" its job is to coordinate the Imperium and keep the defenses ready...

Once Imperium is Up and running in Passively, it is quietly slowly building itself up. so far the It is only six programs in the Imperium...

Time to Raid Some Scavs

As I went to my car and use ride to hunt for the Scavs hideouts....


I waited outside of a small two story building watching scavs going in or out in the building...

I never wore the armor as it would stand out during the day where normal eyes are loitering and only wearing a Unmarked Merc Jacket, after a while a Unmarked van pulled up and a suit stepped out, Followed by a couple of Guards that unloaded top of the line Ripperdoc equipment. Suit and his goons stepped inside...

I hack their rudimentary Network and watching them from the cameras.

From the gestures of the suit and the paper being handed to the Scavs, the Corpo is paying them for them to do Kidnapping job of some sort, after the Corpo left, Now is the Time to strike.

After Pinging the locations of the scavs inside from the system as I exited the car, I drew my silent pistol and a Harlequin Kiss and waited outside the door, Moments later a Scav Came out, and the Harlequin Kiss Worked as intended as it ripped and tore the man before he could scream and leaving no traces of his existence...

Next two targets were looking away and chatting about their bounty, feeling disgusted I shot them with my Pistol, dropping them dead, and I head deeper in the building. Stench of Death emanated from below...

I killed a scav that was coming up from the stairs carrying a cooler by surprise and got the cooler he was about to dropped and I checked the contents...

Disgusting... As I stared at what appears to be a heart of a 8yr old and several organs of different age, I closed the lid and continued deeper into the sublevels.

General Grime of the building and Puddles of blood and gore scattered the floor by the abandoned surgery chairs and equipment on the sublevel, and next to it was a boiler room, upon opening it Piles and piles of corpses surrounded the boiler room, as there was no discernable difference what the Scavs took. Old, Young, Female and Male, for their Implants or Organs. Two Scav's were busy tossing the corpses into the fire, ignoring that the door was opened, I gave them worse than death, I killed them using Matilda Scythe and Ripped their Souls from their body as they cried for help, their body is being consumed by the trillions of souls that hunger new company...

My next course of Action was to open a Portal to the Abandoned house on the outskirts of the city to bring Skitarii and Techpriest to handle the issues, Gave them Instructions to catalogue and Identify the Dead, and Clean Up the Scav Haunt... They were to establish this place as a Base of operations and monitor the Scavs Activities... I jacked into my creations with the Netrunner protocols, Providing Cyberdefenses to the techpriests to start monitoring local data... Final Instructions was to notify me if this place is fit for human habitation. I tossed the Ripperdoc gear that the corpo left behind into my inventory and left the premises...

[Flashback Ends]

The Techpriests is still sending messages time to time, Monitoring the activity in and out of the area...

I headed to the Noodle shop that this supposed "Regina" wants to meet me... and a woman in eyepatch beckons me to her table.

"So, the Phantom Atlas in the flesh, makes an appearance. Take a Seat, Name's Reggie, or Regina if you prefer." as she showed me where to seat.

"Phantom Atlas? That is a weird Title to go by?" As I took the offered seat...

"But it is true statement regardless... You are like a Phantom untraceable and shake the city by your actions with a blast, yet no one actually know where you came from, what you look like, where you live, no digital footprint. People that know you is by word of mouth, I am Only able to find you based on a Rumor in Heywood that you made contact with Padre, He owed me a favor a while back, so he allowed me a One-time phone call to talk to you.." She Spoke while looking at a bowl of udon...

"You said that you wanted me to do work in your jurisdiction?"

"Yes, Let's talk biz." She Smiled.

We talked about my proficiencies in a past few hours so that she could assigned the best jobs for me...

I thanked her for her time with me and headed back to El Cayote Cajo and Begin my work...

I heard Knocking from the garage frame and I turned around only to see Mama Welles and a Little girl next to her holding hands...

"Hello Mama, what can I do for you?" As I put away my chemistry set...

"Can you watch little Maya over here? Her parents had to leave her with me for a day, but we are slammed with customers right now, and Jackie is out doing his mercenary work... " She asked.

"Sure Mama, I will do it for you, and we'll figure out in the meantime..." I spoke as I get something ready for the guest...

Mama Welles Smiled and went inside and Maya Shyly Smiles at me, reminding of me of my adopted daughter sleeping beside me in Emperor Bucephalus as they are still on transit to Terra...

"What are you doing Mr. Alexander..." as the little girl smiled, not with the fake smile of the orphans I saw on the orphanage in Monse....

"Come see for yourself..."

[Maya Pov]

As I look at the trunk, I saw small trees that were growing a Variety of Pastries... and it blew my mind as a Small Croissant was growing in my palms...

"What is this Mr. Alexander?"

"I am a Wizard Maya, and this is my greatest creations, the Pastries Trees! And I dedicate it to Santa Muerte..." as the man Jokingly laughed...

"Is it Edible?" as I curiously plucked a Mini Chocolate chip Cookies from a tree..

"Edible as I would not harm patrons of Santa Muerte, Come try it."

I took a Bite and Flavors rushed out from the cookie...

"Can I have another one?" as my eyes glimmered a bit..

"You can have some more and don't eat too much as you might get cavities..." As Alexander handed a Plate of Pastries infront of me...

He told stories of Giant men that defended humanity, Nuns that defended their faith... and a galaxy of wonder and danger...

"Do you have a family there?" I asked

His eyes closed as he spoke; Yes, I have a daughter that was adopted there... and now she is travelling in a golden ship towards a planet that is called Terra... Guarded By warriors that are stronger than the giant men...

"Will you see her again?"

"Maybe... Someday..." He smiled softly as he continues to tell tales of another place that men fought bugs...

And He Left me with a Wood Carving of a Saint Celestine? The statue looks nice...

[Alexander Pov]

Mama Welles came by to picked Maya a few hours later. Maya rushed towards Her as she babbling tales of what I told and showing my carving to Mama Welles earning a grin from her, as they both head back after a quick goodbye...

A Child so Inquisitive, If she was in the Warhammer universe... May she live a better life in here, compared to there.

Ding Was Heard internal clock from my system, that my Replicators has already completed a Batch of Union was ready, I Filled Crates for Viktor, Sure Automation is easy, But I rather not risk the lives of the Mama welles and Patrons, when some Corpo snooping about... I believe that the Scav nest that I cleared out, would be a perfect place to do the operations... Need a Place to Sell the stuff... Making a Business without My father Authority is hard... Challenge accepted then.

Union is a Mixture that I could only make, and two places could provide it, Viktor and Me. The rest of the stuff could be sold when I get that clinic up and running.

I have taken My test to receive my degree as a doctor, While I am Waiting for the Results, I have a Couple of locations I could Find, A Scav Ripper that is Buck, Next no remodeling, so I going to take his skull anyway, or a Location near the Bridge between Heywood and Westbrooks that would put me in a centralized location. in the four separate districts...

I found a Money Maker In Cigarettes, even in this era it's a Vice that will never go away... And people used it to forget their personal troubles, sure Lung replacement is a thing in this universe, But what if there was a way to enjoy without killing yourself? I recalled there was A Mod I privately made in Rimworld that Makes a Cigarette to be a Cleansing and healing agent, and I often used it alongside when I ordered my pawns to go to war... When we were committing War Cri....Battle Royale... as Most of the Pawns I lead were just Chainsmokers after fighting a War against almost all factions in the known galaxy?

[Kratos Cigarette]

When Smoke It Cleanse the Body from pollutants and Expel them as smoke, Moderate Healing and reduces Mental Break, Soothing Effects and comes in different flavors Mint, Strawberry and Chocolate Aftertaste.

[Time Skip]

I Underestimate the Demand of this Modded Rimworld Cigarettes...

It started at the El Cayote Cajo, I was talking to Pepe as Pepe and he Noticed my cigarette and wanted one... After a Few Moments he went into the kitchen and requested the entire pack, as his yellow teeth became white... and he felt his life had meaning...

In the Following days Customers Rushed En Masse as Multiple Patrons rushed at me, as Pepe Was Smiling at them with his teeth white as he was known as a chain smoker making a free Advertisement for the product and I force to make several Replicators to offset the demand..

And the Day I Smiled as I received that I got the Diploma that I passed the Medical Exams with flying colors, and I proceeded to purchase a place in the east side of Heywood, and I Quickly set up the Hospital, I earn roughly about 116000 Eddies a Day and Increasing the Income as people spread the word of mouth about the Cigarettes until... trouble came...


As I order the Placement of a Counter for the reception desk with the hired workers... When the Front door opened...

Three Tiger Claws walked in the front door, one wore a Oni Mask to symbolize his authority and the other two is filled with Yakuza tattoos and katanas...

"Which One of You is Alexander Solair?" As the one in the Oni Mask Spoke..

"That would be me? What can I help you today? I am afraid we are in the Midst of Renovation, Come Back in a few more days, We should be ready by then?" I Reply, While Eyeing them... as the Workers head deeper...

"Nah, We are not here as customers, We Heard you made a fancy cigarette, eh?" As the Second Chimed in making, it more Akin to a interrogation...

"Ah, You are here for those? Sorry lad Fresh Out, You going to need to come early to get them when we make more." As My eyes are twitching.

"Nope you don't understand. We are here for a cut, Pay up or someone will get hurt." as the third twirled his katana as to intimidate me...

The Tygers Felt a Shiver coming from the man in front of them as their base instincts as a human nature is screaming that the normal man infront of them is a Cold Stone killer that witness the death of a thousand worlds, and their lives are more insignificant to the man he reaped...

"Oh? I am not aware that I owed the Tyger anything? Are You sure? Think Carefully before you speak." I Growl in silent rage, readying a shovel behind my Doctor coat if they get it wrong.

Knowing that the Supplier is not a tough nut to crack and is more willing to kill them even if they are backed by the higher ups, they slowly backpedaled as they watch the man as his aura from a polite atmosphere into a blood-soaked battlefield around him as Illusion of hands of death is grasping around their necks and they felt as are being dragged down by the corpses of countless soldiers, they even heard artillery in the room...

"E-easy choom, W-We are just playing..." As the Oni Tyger rushed out first with his pants wet...

"Y-Yeah we don't mean anything about it.." as the lackeys left as color of fecal matter was on their pants...

After they left the workers came out confused about what happened.

"After we are done, free drinks and food for the days work, on me!" as the workers cheered as they continued on with their work... forgetting the incident of the Tygers as Alex spent a sum in the El Cayote Cajo enjoying the atmosphere...

[Flashback ends]

Since then I ordered the Android Skitarii out on watch guarding the clinic and kept the Tygers from having any ideas, I finished a main Portion of the Hospital, enabling me to commence my business, Its a Six story building with a Attached Garage area and a Basement for the Androids to come from the abandoned house, I Am still working on the kinks on what to place the missing rooms as the top floor is my living quarters, Installed a large bed, a Entertainment spot to entertain, bathroom, Kitchen, Minibar and a Balcony. I wished Jackie was here so that we could hang out as his missions are more focused on the outskirts of Night city...

I heard a Ring on the Buzzer on the ground floor, and I went down to Find Mama Welles, Pepe, Maya, Gustavo, Martha, Rita, Viktor, Padre, Misty and several other patrons that visited the Bar.

"What are you doing here?" Stunned as I saw some of my friends

"Duh, We are here to throw a Housewarming party!" As Rita exclaim cheerfully as she brought several coolers with drinks from Lizzie bar

"I Know that you worked hard for this Mi Hijito, this place should feel a bit more alive before you settle in." As Mama Welles Came in with Plates full of their famous dishes...

I invited them all in...

We had Dinner and Played games late into the night. The Guest left and head to their home, I provided Skitarii Escorts as securities... I was Cleaning up, Rita Approached me Smirking.

"Hey Alexander, Judy want me to give you her phone number. Apparently, You left a impression on her..." She jokingly handed the piece of paper and left...

"Got it, I will give her a call when I get the chance..." as I look at the Kettle phone number...

"Nova. See you around Alexander, maybe I stop by for a tune up." as she waves goodbye and disappears into the night...

I Shake my head and finish my cleanup, Rita is a Bubbly personality once you know her... Wouldn't mind hanging out with her...

Another ring on the Buzzer was pressed... I checked and Saw Kitty...

"Hello, Alexander I know it is late, But are you willing to let me enter..." as Kitty smiled coyly dressing in night Wear.

"Okay, Do you want to have Fettucine Alfredo? I got the time..."

"Would love too" As Kitty enter my hospital...

We had a Late Night Dinner and had a Couple of Drinks as we both discussed about the Netrunning and her Hobbies... She Stayed for the night until the crack of dawn appears on Night city.

"Are you good at massages?" as she broached the subject.. during our conversation.

"Yup, the best of the best." as I remembered Massaging the tone bodies of the Sororitas at that tent...

"Why do you let me try it then?"

"As you wish Senior."

"We are just Alexander and Sasha...The teacher and student would be tomorrow..."

After a Brief "Massage?"

Sasha was looking satisfied as she slept peacefully on Alexander Bed

After she left... looking with a longing look as she left.

I dressed in dark short sleeves scrubs with a Doctor Coat get ready with my job, I waited in the Lobby Behind the desk Writing the expenses for the day with soft synth music playing in the background.... the first day Always leave a Good Impression... Wondertainment M.D

The theme is a relaxing forest, as the walls slowly changes into seasons as not too flashy or too gaudy for my taste... and a Yggdrasil sapling planted in the center being the highlight of the theme

The day continue on until I see Couple of Joytoys entered the hospital, wandering around.

"Hello, I am Dr. Alexander what can I do for you?" Making them jump in shock and they focus on me...

"Hello, We are wondering if you do chrome? Our Friend needs help.." as a female Joytoy gestured at her friend...

I noticed the One in question is having trouble seeing as he was guided by several joytoys...

I led them to the Operating table and lay a stool next to operating table after we lay the man on the table...

I jacked in his cybernetics and take a look what causes the problem... Hell the guy can't see jack shit! I check the replacement logs and find no error...

"What Happened to your friend?" I Inquire as I don't know the full context...

"He tripped... and Fell" as the woman started off, I interrupted her...

"Miss, Please don't lie, as it might be the chance for me to know the real diagnostics as his face plate is out of sorts, and I know that doesn't come from a fall..." I state

The group stood in silence until the afflicted Joytoy spoke...

"I was afflicted by a Rough "Client" few days ago... I visited Fingers to get a replacement. and I ended what you see now.... He claimed that nothing is wrong, Had a Blurry Vision Last night and he wrote it off that it would continue for a few days until my eyes adjusted. at Late night I lost my sight while with a client, Fingers claim it was my doing.."

"What the Hell Fingers! Alright here the real problem, there is a problem, with your Optic nerves are damaged, your face plate is not similar to the bone structure so I will need to fix the Faceplate and adjust to match your bone structure and fix your eyes and your organs are a mess... Are you Okay with this?"

"Fix me Up doc." as the Male Joytoy was filled with determination.

I stated to the woman; "Are you willing to stay for the procedure?" the woman Nodded...

"You have really good friends... Some anesthesia and we are good to go!" I say as we started up the operation.

I took the man face plate and place it in the workbench and measured his actual face, molded it using the Envoy of the Omnissiah perk molded it to the actual face... injecting High health potion and Union to heal his eyes and his organs and realign his sights, and gently place the faceplate to the Man place and step back and allowing him to sit up...

"Okay testing, how many fingers?" as I held 4 fingers to him.

"You're holding Four" He said in Surprise...

"Any problems or discomfort?"

"No, I feel better than before! Like I could actually fit into my chrome! what did you do Doc!" as the man surprise with his new life given to him...

"I fixed your eyes and fixed your face plate, so you shouldn't have any problems for the rest of your life if you use that chrome." I explain as I wiped my hands on a towel.

"How Much does it cost us Doc?" as the group dreaded of the exorbitant cost that Ripperdocs were known for...

"About 500 Eddies" as Alexander state

"You are kidding! 500 Eddies? That is way too cheap? are you ripping us off?" As the Woman was shock on how cheap it was.

"Not kidding, that is the amount of what I am charging you for. You were respectful, Your issue is Simple. I don't know what Fingers is doing in Jig-Jig Street, But the state of your Cybernetics is horrible condition. I have a Half of Mind to go out and tell him that he is a disgrace for all decent ripperdocs." I fumed of the sloppy job...

Thank you; I thought I would be forever blind." as he stuttered as his tears welled up...

They paid and left for part unknown...

I sat at the receptionist table and wait for the next customer...

Approximately twenty minutes later Susie "Q" walk into the front door...

She was followed by a few Moxie and Judy.

"Susie! Judy! what can I do with for you ladies today?" as I smiled at the New Customer coming here...

"We heard of the Tyger trying their Klaws on you and how you dealt with them the other day." Susie Questioned as she was worried about Alexander...

"Yup, Almost skinned me to the foyers, So I politely detract from that theme."I politely Explained Causing Judy the Kettle to Snort.

"Yeah It would, Anyway Alexander this Place is Nova." as she looked at the Trees that is so lifelike...

"Thanks Judy" As I smiled causing her to go behind Suzie.

"Anyway.... Since you are still in one piece, would you mind giving me a checkup?" As Suzie rolled her eyes between me and Judy...

"Of Course, Ladies and Gents follow me" as I guided them to the Operation room.

I spent a Hour Checking them over, Gave a Shot of Union and Health Potions Just to be safe...

"You are in Good Condition, Whoever was your ripper have done a good job, the Shots I gave you, helped your current cybernetics to merge properly so you are good to go."

"Thanks Alexander" As Judy rushed toward me giving me a Hug?

"You are welcome, Judy."

The Moxies paid and left

Here I am alone again...

Sure... Partner, did you watch the massage?


As I am closing up for the day, as I am Shuttering the Windows and Locking up, I spot several Maelstromers leaning on a car across the street.

They are a Violent group of Gang with a bloody reputation, Their members worship the mysteries of the cyberspace, much like the Techpriest I lead worship the Omnissiah, they tend to overmodifying themselves to the point, some of the went to cyberpsychosis... they would make best friends?

I heard they usually stuck in the Watson district. What are they doing all the way over here? Outside my hospital no less? I look at the surroundings for any group that want to have a beef with them, none? Well they are here for me then...

I opened the door and walked towards them...

"Finally, thought you wouldn't open for us." the Spider Eyes look at me curious

"If it's a medical condition, everyone is welcome here including you, as long as they are here not to cause any problems."

"If its afterhours however, I have a location for that, what can I help you with?"

"We heard that you have the drug called Union and we would like to Negotiate and purchase it." the leader stated his intention.

"Alright, Each Cases would be 20k each and each of the cases have 50 pieces each."

"Twenty cases, We are good in Eddies if you have the product." as the leader is amused as he found someone that is not a spineless coward.

"Preem, We will have that right out" I Said and went back to the hospital...

Skitarii rushed out with the cases each and loaded into the Maelstrom vehicle while the Boss paid me.

"Pleasure doing business with you." as the Boss Gruffly said and drove off...

I am happy that the confrontation was peaceful, but I am curious, the Union was to merge cybernetics and it contradicts their MO of going Cyberpsychosis.... And they can't duplicate it as it is in the realms of Magic.

With the Last thoughts I simply left...

Many projects I need to do and the Quadra that i left from the techie is now available for me to drive...

I Place a Sniper Bolter Frame and begin doing my work... after several moments it is the strongest. Its shells is not propelled by Rocket, but railgun assisted chambers for Penetration, and the Living metal from the necrons kept the temperature from burning too much? So, it's more like a Railgun Sniper Bolter Machine gun? RSBM?

Made a Sniper machine guns that enable it to use Necron rounds, I looked for a Target... Ah Tygers! Perfect target practice!

[Time Skip]

[Tyger Pov]

Another Day, Another Job As the shopkeepers hide themselves in fear, a Sense of power instilled in me... Wealth, Fame and Women all go to me as I held the Tyger Badge.

"Aniki, What are we going to do to that man?" as My underling Bootlicked me...

Yes that man... Alexander Solair, he has shamed my Leader, I hoped that I could Find that Fcker and Ripped his head off for my Brother Honor, Look at my brother he never come out of the room?

I fell to the ground, along with my underlings....

And a Sniper fire was heard

"Aniki... I feeling....Cold" my body fell limp and I could only watch as My younger brother is dead before my eyes as a Green shard slowly pierce his skull and suddenly devouring his skull in a flash...

[Alexander Pov]

Perfect, Payment for your insolence... Brats, I watch several Shopkeepers hacked the tygers to pieces and toss the parts into the trash bins, so that no one was to blame them...

That is some serious hatred to them... Seem like Tygers are more monstrous than Maelstrom if they are treated like that...

A Phone was ringing and Padre was calling me...

"What's wrong Padre?"

"Head to the Afterlife, Job went south against Arasaka, Multiple casualties, Rogue Burn a few favors with me to call you there..." Padre voice is serious...

"I will be there Immediately, Inform the guards to open up as I am Coming in Hot... "

I simply just took my car in the inventory and teleported in a Alley near the afterlife and made a Mad Dash with a Doctor bag, the onlookers step aside as they would want to run down by a doctor?

"Holy shit, You are fast!" as one of the guards opened the gates....

"I deliver House calls! Let me See the patient!"

Holy shit alright, a Group of Mercs is slowly bleeding out in White and red fluids...

I ignore the Onlookers as I started to stabilize their pulse, removing the Bullets and Stitching wounds and Injecting High Health Potions and their wounds closed up...

"They are Clear!" As I Fell down as the crowd around me cheers on the Mercs being alive...

I noticed Kitty Was with a Group nearby, a Macho man, a Macho Woman, a Dandy man and a Chibi?

As if she senses that I was thinkin bad about her, she wanted to go to me and try to shoot me? but the Long-armed Man Held her back...

"Interesting, So this is what Padre ordered...' as a Woman with Rougish Looks, with her hands filled with blood, so this is the person that helped the Mercs stabilize when I arrive...

"You are Damm faster than a Trauma team, No wonder Padre said that you are the best in Heywood, What do i need to keep you in on retainer?"

"Buy me a Drink and I will Talk Biz with you Miss?"

"Rouge Amendiares, I Own this establishment around here."

I was lead to her booth in the back as a Bartender Handed the drinks... Johnny Silverhand?

"This name come from a special guy?"

Rouge Pause for a Bit and Smiled...

"Yes... A Special person to me... Now let's talk Business, So "Dr. Alexander Solair," I have been picking up what fragments of your existence in this city other than the Word of Mouth, Phantom Atlas? The word is like a Contradictory meaning, a being that not wished to be found and burden to carry the world... I wished to know who started this name?"

"I believe Regina gave me that name when we first met, I wanted to just a regular ole merc but due to circumstances I fell into becoming a Doctor instead..."

"Why not both of them at once? there are alot of Crews and solo Mercs that need your expertise, It could offset the lack of customers as I heard that your Hospital is just starting... And your Records as a Merc shows you are more useful as both as a team or solo from what I understand from your records, and a Wide number of skills that you have would open jobs to you, and I am Willing to be your Fixer for those jobs, I am not saying that You shouldn't neglect other Fixers, Only My jobs will be the Top Priority list, Do we Have a Deal?"

"Long as it doesn't collide with my hospital Office hours, you have a Deal." drawing a Smile from Rogue as she raised her glass.

"Cheers to you kid..." as we seal the deal with our drinks...

Kitty came to me with her group...

"Hello Kitty, How was your day?" bringing a stifle laughter from her group...

The Chibi like figure aimed her gun at my skull? as she interrogated me

"Okay who are you and what's your business with Sasha?" as her way of speaking in a way adorable?

"I Alexander Solair and I am both her Employer and her student in Netrunner."

"So you must be the Man that Sasha Spoke" as a Man Bigger than me towered over me...

"And You are?"

"Name's Maine, I heard that Sasha receives some Good stuff..." as his Eyeglasses now reflecting my face...

"And? What the issue? I take good care of my Employees even if they are a merc... Common Business Practice, right?" as I stared at him.

The Man Laugh as he kept slapping my back...

"You won, Come let me introduce to you...This is my Girlfriend Dorio, those two are siblings, Pilar and Rebecca and you already know Sasha *Snicker* so that what you call her?"

"So who wants a Free check up?"

"Who could say no to the man that managed to fix the mercs in record time! Come on Sister not the Bullets!" as Pilar was being showered by shells... as she pouted...

I check Maine crew and found them perfectly healthy and injected the Union in all of them but....

I had a Brief checkup with the Maine... Its serious... I better inject him with Union and Elixer grade combination stuff...

"What is that Doctor?" as Maine looked at the Airhypos I am injecting to him...

"One A Drug that is to merge Cybernetics and prevent Cyberpsyhosis this is a drug that will heal the damage piling up in your body... You are one step away to the Edge.. Maine..."

Dorio Grabbed Maine collar and shouted at him... as the rest was visibly shaken from the fact.

"I told you not to go overboard! I can't bear to lose you!" as Dorio wept...

"Umm, That drug will merge his cyberware properly right Alex?" Sasha was worried...

"Of Course... and this is an Actual Doctor speaking not a Quack that say there no hope... He will live sane. I created this to prevent Cyberpsychosis from happening" I stated the actual facts as I already see the death around him is slowly disappearing...

"Thanks Man, I owe you one..." Maine thanked me as he felt the journey that almost ended for him is never-ending once more... a Chance to run more in to the never ending distance but now... He saw his friends with him joining on that endless run...

"Take this Cigarettes, They are good for your health..." as I handed the Packs of Cigarettes

"Wait isn't this the Elusive Cigarettes that always sold out? the ones they called it the Healing Ciggys?" as Pilar examined the packaging...

"I am the creator of this...product. So should I keep a reservations to you?"

"Of course! Let us go and celebrate!" as Rebecca and her gremlin nature came out... happy for Maine to come back...

After a Drink fest for a new beginning for Maine and a Friendship, I stepped out and finish my call with Padre of the mission being completed...

Sasha Approached me

"Alex... Thanks for Helping Maine recover..."

"He is your friend right? Didn't I say I take care of my employees? And Maine is also falls into the category of Family..." As I stated My intention...

"I wonder what would happen if it was an actual family?" she steps closer...

"What do you m-" as Her lips locked with mine... as she left for the Afterlife once more... as her face blushed as she headed down the stairs...

Shut Up! What the heck is that click?

What you mean the top! what the bottom!?

As Alexander Mentally screaming as he headed home.


A/N: I noticed that my limit is in the 2000 character limit any more my brain is melting like a pot.'

Why no Army building phase?

Simple Cyberpunk Mars is Kinda Owned By Militech at the moment... and unlike the Starship Universe, it would be detected way earlier and get destroyed, and problem about Army building system is not actually the Material resources but Time itself is a factor...

And He does want to have vacation too ya know? Not being a Director of M.A.Rs or a High lord to be...

Well, if you are swarmed with Paperworks for two Universes you are bound to go Insane except Guiliman it would be like a cake walk for him... a chance for him to become a bit Human, instead of a Uncaring Demi-god that fielded armies that Conquer the stars as the God Emperor had originally intended for the Primarchs, better to be a doctor and know how "normal" people react... Lest he lose what is part of being human... as he will be thrusted in the fires of war once more... Of course, I never forgot the Number... He's Currently... Wait what happened to my drafts? Uhh?

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