Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 85 - Side Chapter: What is Trazyn (11th) doing?

Chapter 85 - Side Chapter: What is Trazyn (11th) doing?

Ever Since he was Summoned to this "Federation" Universe he was Pretty chill, and Sought on a "Sightseeing" Trip in Earth, The Moment the Introduction of the Two "Friendly" Races Was Found by Alex Organization he has been doing something...

Area 51

A Night guard was Carried out his Duties in this now defunct base...

Though he was paid Well that he could get used to the Silent Base, He wonder what Experiments lie there Long forgotten....

A Flash of Green Appears in his corner of his Eyes...

He Turned his Flashlight towards the Direction of the lights...

"Hello? Anybody there?" as he walked slowly and head towards the Direction of the LIghts...


A Shiver ran up his spine as he Delve deeper in the Abandoned base

"Hmm....Trinkets and Alien not known to me... Oh So this is how Human Perceived Aliens at the 2th century, A Flying Disk? Skinnies? Interesting..." A Robotic Voice Murmured in the Dark...

The Guard rushed at the Relic room which held several Alien Relics that Either crashed from outer space or Found

"Who's there?" As The Guard Flashes the Light at the Hulking Statue that bore a Huge Grin and Ignore if, As it was part of the Relics.... As He Turned around and Looked about in the Room for the Trespasser... and the Statue Turned around and Observe the Night Guard

Trazyn Felt amused that a Human has the Courage to look for him... He Silently Slipped away in the Shadows... with him the Relics of Area 51...

Teatro di San Carlo, Naples, Italy

Alex was Waiting For Trazyn....

as the Necron Teleported just near the Alleyway of the Opera House, And He Wore a Mask... The People weren't bothered as they thought of him as one of the Wondertainment Advertisement that their children wanted...

(???): Trazyn you are late!

(???): I just went and aquire a Few things that interest me...

(???): Come in We Got Tickets to the Opera House, Come and enjoy the Human Culture while we waited for the Next deployment...

As the Two headed in the Opera House

A Opening was held...

and a Sign of today Play...

"La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi"

As the Two Seated in the V.I.P Section the two Discuss....

(???):"So Where have you been?"

(???):"Just a Base in the Land you called America"

(???):"Area 51? Did you Find Anything interesting there?"

(???):"I seen how does the Minds of Human Think about Outer Race, Funny that They believe that inflatable Balloons as Aliens craft... Thought I Admit that there is a Sense of Imagination of them..."

(???):"Imagination is part of Humanity, We could Imagine the stars in our grasp... Long ago, When we dream of Touching the stars, our Dreams would become reality as we persevere.... if we not have imagination or tenacity, we would be hiding in caves..."

Start of Act one 1

(???):"How was the Show?"

(???):"Interesting... Reminds me of that Opera I watched with Orikan.."

(???):"And it was Chaotic as it became a Genestealers Uprising... Speaking of the Uprising, How's your Collection?"

(???):"Doing Perfectly well, Seeing that I Got plenty of Artifacts, In this Era to relieved my boredom...."

(???):"Please don't collect any more Structures like the Pyramid.... I had a Hard time Explaining and Replacing it with a Replicas.... Though... I am kind of curious why you requested all the Animals? Trying to Build Noah Ark??"

(???):"I am curious how does a Planet such as this had plenty of Bioforms... And the pyramids, Humans Achieve much using Their own hands to Replicate our Aesthetics why not put into Stasis for all to see?"

(???):"Well there are some people that Like your Aesthetic... Seeing the Population in Egypt like your Brand of Toys..."

the Man Remember in a Promotional Event to Sell Necron Merchandise, He Sent a Monolith on Egypt national Day to celebrate with the People... though Many Dressed up as Egyptian of Old and Mingled with the Necron Warriors on Standby protocol... Tourism Shot Up to see the First Monolith came from Outer space ....

End of Act 1

(???):"This is Interesting, A Courtesan knew she about to die soon, A Tragedy in the making...

(???):"Life is a Tragedy Trazyn... There are some things that even Mortal being cannot Defend, even in death during that period..."

(???):"When I see that your Timeline is compared to the future we Headed to... I am a bit Sad about the lost arts and Culture in the Fires of war.."

(???):"Don't be sad Trazyn there is Still time and plenty for your Newest Gallery, When I looked at your Technology Trazyn, I am amazed by how much the Necrontyr had Progressed that you could Already dictate the stars and time itself in your hands, had not been for that Radioactive Sun, Perhaps your race wouldn't start the War in Heaven by the old ones denying the cure for that sickness or the Great Biotransference... Sometimes I wished there was no animosity between both of our Races... We could both Achieve Enlightened... Well if we weren't attacked by all directions...

(???):"It would Seem you know a Bit of our Race Alex... were you a Historian?"

(???):"A Bit, as I appreciate other Races History, when a bullet doesn't come flying in my face, When most races have only thoughts about survival and History is lost to those that Despise it, we neglected our Past and Being Ignorant for Not appreciation of Other Races struggles in that storm of Rage in that galaxy is one thing I will not Abide with, I enjoyed the History that left behind by the races of what they become... even if They were the Enemies of Man, I spent time Examining Runes from that time, You Recalled there was a Terminal in Base Zero now Including the History Books of all races...Though I didn't know that Orks managed to make a Best seller Book? "Da Emprah"? Even the Techpriests are baffled by it..."

(???):"How the Heck that a Orks managed to get a Best selling book??"

(???):"Beats Me... Multiversal Stuff? as the Multiverse is Infinite... perhaps there was a Universe that the Necrontyr didn't died under that Radioactive Sun..."

That Sentence made the Necrons Peaked with interest... Maybe he might see a Version of him In the Flesh...

Second part...

(???):"interesting...Love Beyond Status of Society Caste..."

(???):"Well It was a time when social Standing were dictated by where you were born in that time...It was Customary that One should married befitting of their status of their time..."

As the Two Continue to watch the play, Alex Spoke...

(???):"Did you ever wanted to know why I chose you as my Commander instead of Imotekh, Zahndrekh, Those two that are more experience on the field?"


(???):"To Me, you were not a Thief or a Hero, but a Being that Appreciate the Culture and historical needs of the Galaxy.... Though I will not Say it Infront of the Real Trazyn of Course... There is a Enemy that is Beyond the Galaxy Edge more scarier than the Tyranids That Threaten the Life of all Galaxy... There will come a Time that most of our culture would be destroyed fighting against that foe... and I want you to help preserving that Culture and History even if It's Miniscule, it would help... And there no one better in the Galaxy I could think of by picking you... Those two May be warriors and Leaders, But I wanted someone that Knows the actual History, and Besides, there are Other Universes that have Relics, Forgotten by the natives, so do you want to join me?"

(???):"I will think about it"

As the Play Finished...

The Two Headed out... they Noticed a Man in a Strange outfit Holding a Strange device that look like a Gun that consists of Cogs and Gears...

"Die Solair!" as the assailant pressed the Trigger a Circle of Runes appeared underneath them... and Disappeared from the place... it cause a Huge panic as the Director and The Alien Disappear from their Watch....

The Assailant became Hysterical as he believes that he achieve his goals that he Killed the One person that hinder his organization.... and Was Arrested By Alex Bodyguards...

Meanwhile the M.A.Rs forces were not Bothered that their director disappeared, Believing that he would come back soon... as he just had another "Vacation"...

As the Two Tumble and Twist in the Strange Dimension... They Popped out in a Different Timeline....

(???):"Where or....when are we?"

(???):"A Time Gun? That's new way to kill me... Trazyn Wake up"

As Alex Jolted the Necron up ...

(???):"Where are we? So this is how a Orikan Felt...."

(???):"Welcome to the World of the past, Let's go on a Adventure! I could use a Vacation!"

As They Went sightseeing, Raiding Temples, Tombs and leaving Rubber Chickens baffling the future archeologists, Stealing the Fountain of Youth after it collapse, until they met a certain man face to face...

(???):"Careful now... That Pressure plate would activate if we place the wrong Weight"

(???):"I know what I am Doing... here it's done!"

As the Necron Replaced the Golden Idol with a sandbag of it's weight....

(???):"It wasn't so hard... So this is the Golden Idol, What's with your Race with the Habit of Gold?"

As the Necron Looked at the Idol, a Whip wrapped around it and Yoink it out from the Hands of Trazyn....

(???):"I Believe this Belongs to the Museum."

(???):"Jones it that You Again?"

(???):"I believe that this time I win, as He about to leave, he was Mugged by two of his porters"

(???):"A human version me?" Trazyn Mused as he saw a Version of A Human acted just like him...

As they gave chased to the porters, only to find out that they were killed by the army of Natives and Now Aiming their weapons at the Trio...

(???):"I have won this time Jones!"

(Jones):"René Belloq! that belongs to Museum!"

(Belloq):"Ho, Ho, Ho, this Idol would Fetch a decent Price to a Decent Buyer?" He left as he was Being chased by half of the Natives, and Indiana Jones also fled and Reached to his Floatplane.. the Two Were nowhere to be found...

As René Reached a Boat and Started the Engines, He was Knocked out and the Idol Was Replaced with a Replica...

The Duo afterward and stole more Artifacts and Relics from different nations.... to the Point that they Robbed the Nazi Paintings and sculptures that they stolen from Europe and Replace them with Fakes and Ignore the Gold which to Alex Great urge to take the whole stash, he held back and left...

As they Passing through the Aegean Sea, a Warp signal was Detected on a Nearby Island...

And They saw the Denizens of the Warp until it slowly Disappeared....

as they Landed on the Island...

They Saw Indiana Jones with a Woman whose eyes was Blindfolded...

Alex Sedated them...

Making their job more easier...

Alexander Replaced the Ark of the Covenant with a Replica and left the blindfolded with a Letter in the Replica of the Ark... and He called the local US Embassy to pick up the Sedated

As One of the Researchers opened the Ark he saw the Message....

"We won Jones"

With a Cartoon face Alex and Trazyn smirking...

While they were Raiding they also needed to find a Way back to their timeline, and Found out that they need to head to Nazi Control Europe as there was a Time Machine that owned by Da Vinci... in Florence,Italy...


A Place of Pasta and Pizzas now Under Martial Law.... Though it made their Jobs easier as they rather wish of not being seen by the public...

(???):"Over here... I detected Time Fluctuations..."

(???):"Let's Go, We better leave this Place..."

The Two Entered a House and went to a Basement... a Steampunk style Machine is waiting for them...

(???):"it only could fit one..."

(???):"Trazyn Enter my galaxy now! I sense the owners are not too happy with our intrusion!"

Trazyn Nodded and Entered the Sub Galaxy as Alex Hopped on the Machine....

As Time rifts are beginning to Crack showing Tentacles and Horned Arms, wanting to repel the Intruders for their Shenanigans....

The Machine was Unresponsive until....

(Alex):"Make it wooorrkkkk!"

Alex Kicked the Machine and They Disappear from the timeline.... Dropping a Same Gun from the machine, that sent them in the first place...

"Partner, What Time till we Reach to our Time line?" Alex Queried as the Machine Travel through the Time Plane....

Alex Stopped until it reached the same Time where they Disappeared An Hour Later...

Later Alex And Trazyn Left as the Historian Kept The Time Machine and all the Spoil of their adventure added to his Burgeoning collection...

While Alex Met the Assailant....

As the Assailant was in a Interrogation room, Alex Popped in to say Hi....

(???):"You! You supposed to be Dead! that gun was supposed to kill you!"

(Alexander):"Well, I am Immortal and Time Have no Meaning to me, scum!"

(???):"The High Table would remembered this!"

(Alexander):" Oh, the High table? Ah You mean that Organization that Supplied weapons to terrorists? all we needed was an Excuse and You just Handed one on a Silver platter!"

He Rammed the Assailant on the Table...

(Alexander):"Let me tell you one thing... Thanks for the Vacation."

The Assailant was Confused as he was shot with a Laspistol...

Trazyn Walked in his New Galleria World... Collecting several animals and Bugs of all kinds... now he wonder what Alexander Said on that Opera House was true, about the enemy more Dangerous than the Tyranids before they had their adventure....

He Took Several moments of Silence, watching a couple Seals in stasis ...

He Made up his mind to follow him...

As Alex Said...there are more universes that have relic to add to his collection...

Later when He Opened the Exhibit to let People know about the Old Earth, Some of the Appraiser notice that some of the Arts is the authentic and kept in perfect condition.... Though they demanded Trazyn to return it, Trazyn Turned them into the very first Humans into stasis on his Art Gallery as "Dumbass who demand too much" and people didn't even know these were Real People as they appreciated the realism of such works....


Caffeine Does wonders to a Mind....

A Little Bit of Lore in this Caffeinated infused Chapter that I see....

Will resume work after I done recharging my phone...