Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 66 - Chapter 31: Rockclaw Mountain (2)

Chapter 66 - Chapter 31: Rockclaw Mountain (2)

A Long Wait... A Vengeance that has been denied by the People of Kaurava II, at the entrance of the mountain Base that been a pain to the Imperium, filled with defenses that make a mortal man ripped to shreds by the amount of Dakka and heavily entrenched with all the Orkz of all sizes, From the Smallest grots to the biggest Nobs ready to have a "Propa Krumping", Fighta-Bommer ready to fly out from a Airfield hidden in the mountain... Looted Leman Russ that were stationed from the Fallen outposts and War Trukks being prepared for deployment, Loud Waaagh was Constantly rumbled through the mountain...

Waiting for the "Humies" for a fight as they did before...


(???): TAKE KOVER!!

Bellowed a Kaptain to the Ork Mob as he tried to hide....

The rest that was befuddle by the warning, still slow of what he said.

Countless Whistles of Shells Dropped around them Haphazardly, constant boom was heard in the distance, High Explosive, Promethium, Ramjet Shells fell around the mountain range...

The Shells doesn't discriminate, as Grots ran about, burning in promethium, the Looted Leman Russ was hit on top of the Cupola and exploded, the shells inside exploded and its husks shrapnel's hit to the nearby Orks, Screaming in Pain... Many were sent to the Painboy, so happy to have more "Subjects" to his experimentation and don't care what is happening out of his cave, as Piles of Orkz Came to him for removing the "Pain" bringing him boat loads of teef.

The Shells Continued to drop day in, Day out, each time with a Variation, Promethium with High Explosive, a Rocket Barrage of Chemfuel and Melta-Charges, Ramjet Shells and Ap shells or a Mixture of Barrage of all and they intensified slowly for a week, Constant light was seen from one of the remaining watch tower now carrying a tattered Waagh Banner, They knew the Humans is coming...

Some were filled with a good time to fight, other had gone in secret of the night and got shot by Bolter rounds from an unseen enemy....

They looked for Gorgutz, but he seems to not care, as if he found something more important than their Lives... Stuck in a Mountainous range that the creator was so proud, they would never be assailed, only to end up like a grot in a pot of boiling water, Almost all but those that are still loyal to the Missing Warboss, Tried to Break out with whatever left of their arsenal that is not been blown up to one of the Major Exits, only to find themselves at the hands of a Armored force waiting for them, they charged with rage and ferocity that the ground themselves almost cratered from the constant sprint, almost tasting the scent of victory, they sought to look for a good fight....

A Constant Barrage of Explosive was ongoing in one of the Entrance that leads to the Mountain

The Guardsmen now in a firing position stood still Sandbags and Barbed Wire placed in front of them, the green tide was forming in front of them, threatening to swallow them whole in Choppas and Claws, Vehicle driver nervously waited for the Colonel call... Clutching their gears and Trigger at a moment notice...

"++FIRE! For Kaurava!! For the Emperor!++" was the Voice was heard throughout the Vox Comms, bringing a Smile to the Guardsmen and Vehicle driver alike as they Aimed their weapons at the Orks

now confused as the Barrage was let up. And only met with a different kind of barrage...

What release from the Barrels of the Lasguns was not the weapons of Grievance, but a message of Rage, as countless Lasguns of Red and Gold Fired wildly at the growing cloud of green, Shells of Leman Russ, Autocannons from the Chimera fired wildly at the Ork tide with No expense, as supply Corps came rushing in refilling the ammo and returning as fast as they could, Mortar crews dropped shell on the horde, Phosphorous, thermite, Plasma and high explosive shells, freely dropped on them, the land was filled with craters and Corpses of the Orkz

Fighta-Bommer Flew out of their Cavern Airfield ready to drop their Bombs, met with Healthy amount of flak that turn the skies dark with Smoke and Tracers, due to the amount of Hydras AA pouring As Much as they can to prevent Casualties in the front... and The Occasional Missiles from the blood angels Whirlwind Hyperios as they assisted the assault from another location.

Lascannons now equipped with a new Crystal and better generator, Now Able to make longer, more penetrating shots as they swerved around the Battlefield, Snapping a orks in half, Piercing a Deff Dread and Killing the Pilot inside...

The Orks Fled and returned to the Rocky fortress

There were casualties in the Guardsmen, but the least casualties in the ongoing conflict, as some of the Guardsmen that didn't got the Armor, was Hit By a Shrapnel or a Ork Shoota, but not too serious to be amputated, they were sent behind to a supply base, Via a Medi Taurox to be healed from a MediPods installed there... to be recovered and sent back after three days..

It became Dark and Cloudy when they reached the Summit where Ork fortress...

the Guardsmen Kept Moving the Battlefront their Hunger for the Skulls of these Monsters, The Artillery Move Up Closer, Griffons Mortars move closer after the Area was secured protected by scores of Sentinels whose drivers look at their detection Apparatus...

The Librarians from the Blood Raven and Confessors for the Ecclesiarchy Came to check on the Faithful and see whether there is a Taint... Strangely enough A Group of Sororitas that Accompanied the Confessor went to Alex Command Tent... and Come out "Refresh" later, making some rumors about him "hitting big" by some of the Recruits... though some of the Veterans Looked at the horn dogs weirdly... as Some Speculate, he was Pious Person as he never entered the Brothels in Monse... and He Often Found Listening to the People in the Local Park.. and Despite numerous Assassin attempts, by the still living relatives that hated Alex for Overthrowing their family position, he still laughed and committed to send the Assailants to the Local Mechanicus for Processing them to Local Servitor to Increase productivity.... Earning Some Respect from the Mechanicus for helping to increase "productivity" by providing fresh bodies to the expanding workload...

They Reached the Main Fortress as All the Outpost along the way, were Taken by the Orkz were purge in flame to disinfect the Dangers of them being a Breeding grounds of the Orkz...

Alex Commence another Bombardment just to be sure, and the Artillery Rang out and Tremble the Very Land the Guardsmen Stood On...

As the Guardsmen Felt Confidence and Pride... a Group of Killa Kanz and the Elites that didn't followed the Mob attacked them as they were the part that still follow Gorgutz

Some manage to Burst out of the Mountain walls and Engaged the Guardsmen in Close Combat, Alex Shot a Kommando, Killed a Nob and Grabbed the Ork Choppa....

"Not Bad" he mused as he Swung the Choppa Now Imbued with Flames and hacked a Nob Head Clean off... incinerating the Corpse, The Orks Felt Danger and Immediately focused their Target on Alex, since he was the "Strongest" one and they loved a Good Fight...

Countless of Orks that still survive the Bombardment, hidden from the depths of the Mountain Came rushing out from the Tunnels, Caverns surrounding the Battle group, as if what the Orks the Guardsmen of Kaurava faced was a Mere fraction...

"Hold The Line!! They are Many but they are but a Beasts to be put down!!" Bellowed Alex as He Swung his "Borrowed" Choppa, now Beginning to Glow Gold, the Orks focused their priority to Alex, wanting to Get the Choppa Alex Held, as It's so Shiny to them, thus alleviating the Formations, Making Him to Rush out to Distract the Orks....

His Guards followed him...

The IG Primaris Kept firing their Bolter Rounds, Cadian shock troops and Krieg Engineers calmly Mowed down the Mass of Green tide... To Accompany the Fool

When The Choppa was Charged to bright, that it couldn't be seen from the distance....

"For the Emperor!!" Alex Screamed as he Slammed the Choppa onto the Ground and Waves of Holy Flames and Bright Light Envelope the Group and Encroach the surroundings as it envelope all, Ork and Human Alike, as the Orkz Burned to Ashes, their Drivers Melted into nothingness, while the Guardsmen were Healed from their wounds, With the Ecclesiarchy and the Sister of Battle Overseeing it...

Later in their accounts ... They Saw the Emperor Stood By him... greeting him and them, Warmly as he vanish from their Sight, They were Claim As Heretics and the Sisters was sent as a Repentia, But they Absolved their sins by the Abbess Sanctorum of the Adeptus Sororitas, Wherever the Sororitas needed them... Success bound with them and they Followed... the Confessor that Accompanied him Saw him as the Envoy of the Emperor was sentence to the Stake by the Inquisition, only that he didn't Burn and Confused the Inquisitor in charge as he was left to rot in a Jail... there he Converted the Prison Population to the Emperor belief that, He the God Emperor of Mankind would return and Walked among men once more....

The Clouds Cleared from the Mountain Peak as the Guardsmen Stood in Awe, that there was a Champion, Some Knew as they accompanied him to Kaurava II, But those he recruited amongst the population of Monse? It was A Miracle...

"Rats... I promised the people of Monse that we get a Bonfire with the corpses of the Orks and I got the lot of them..." Alex Sheepishly look at the dust now being blown away from a gust of wind... scattering the ashes to places unknown...

"Sir, there is no time for that, I am sure the outposts we been burning, they are already satisfied" as Commissar Hector was coughing from the dust Alex had made...

"Fair point, let's get that Warboss Skull, I want his skull as my trophy..." Smirked Alex as they Rushed ahead to where Gorgutz is hiding....

Somewhere deep in the Mountains, the Orks Hollowed the Mountain, what's left of Gorgutz Waagh is holding out as they threw whatever they have, Slugga, Rockits and so much dakka being shot out from the entrance, preventing the Guardsmen from finish the job, Until Alex Had a Weapons to Distract the Orks, He Combined the Grenades with Teef he got from the Caldron of Teef, Tossing it to the defenders... Many stopped and were baffled, why the Humie sent free teef to them... one approach it and grab it for inspection.... His eyes widen as the Grenade Exploded and the Teef that were strapped to the Grenade acted as a Additional Shrapnel as it Pierced the Ork and Injured some that were nearby....

Distracted from the Explosion the Guardsmen finished the Job...

"I am Coming for you Head Gorgutz!!" Bellowed Alex once more into the Darkness of the Carvern... now strung with the dead Orkz

"Ya will not take ma head!! Ma pointy stick iz wait'n for me!" Hollered the voice of the Ork...

As the Guardsmen and Alex about to Scrambled and Search for the Warboss... a Rumbling was Heard... Alex Tell them to get out of the Tunnel in fear of Collapse and When they went out, the Space turned into a Raging Storm...

Psykers in the Army began to Wailed in Pain and Speak in Mutters as they seen things that was Not meant for the human mind to process...

A Warp Storm Envelope Kaurava System and Begin a Long Conflict...

meanwhile at the Top of the Mountain a Orc Rocket flew out in space, while the Guardsmen and Space Marine was distracted of the current affairs... and headed to direction unknown... as Gorgutz did promised, Alex will not have his head...

In Kaurava III where it was once a Necron Tomb world untouched by Man due to having no value at all, a Necron Base activated it's Protocols, due to the Reaction to the Empyrean ones in it's vicinity, or was it the Greater threat?

A Crack in Space opened, It's Contents and Entrance was Malevolent that even the Warp Entities fear to thread... a Swarm of Modified Necon Plasmacyte, Now covered in Blackish-Red Hue Miasma instead of the Jaded green that terrorize the Stars, Flew out and begun Infecting the Local Necrons that were Slowly Activated and eventually Infecting the Necron Lord himself deprived his Identity away from him making him a Drone instead of the Regal Leaders of old... Removing their Allegiance to the Necron Dynasty to their Nameless Master...

What Makes matter worse is that Other Xenos Entered the Fray... a T'au Expedition Fleet arrived and Began setting up shop in one of Kaurava Moons, building a Orbital Cannon in Record Speed, a Splinter Fleet of Tyrannid Behemoth entering the system Despite the Danger of the Warp Storm... still at loss from the Connection from the hive mind, only matter of time, till they reorganize the moment the Warp storm is lifted...

Eldars and Their Dark Counterpart partake in this debacle.... and the Question, who would Reign Supreme?


A/N here, Dawn of War Soulstorm is Now started and With the Orkz no longer the Undisputed Canon Winner I want to see how this conflict goes.... Imperium for the win?