Chereads / Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 16 - Chapter 14: Unexpected Neighbors and Uneasy Below

Chapter 16 - Chapter 14: Unexpected Neighbors and Uneasy Below

*Sigh * Unexpectedly, leading men is hard nowadays, When I was Approached by the Representatives both the Guards and TechPriests and they required one thing... A place of worship... Now Faced with the Dilemma of Bringing, Both the Hardliner of Religions To this Universe Kinda Scares Me...

(Sir, It would be Best if our Men Have a place to Pray, To the God Emperor, I sure that the Men Will Appreciate it, Since they are Far From Home Sir...)

(Sire, I am Aware that we might have No Mechanicum in this Universe, But we need rules to abide, and protocols... Even a Shrine will do...)


As a Roster of Religious Buildings Popped up

some of them is interesting...

- Church of the Golden Light (Permanent Imperial Guard Loyalty: 40)

>[Effects: Followers Definitely Less likely to break Morale and More likely Increases Chance of One Shot Enemies, Weapons gain Emperor Flame {Lesser} Able to Hurt a Demon, The More faithful the More Effect have yet to be known...]

- Church of the Omnissiah (Permanent Techpriest Loyalty: 40)

>[Effects: Technology is the way of the blessings of Humanity, Build Speed Increases by 15% and Random Technology can be found periodically, due to Church Leniency on technology research and focus on Moderation on the Quest for Knowledge]

- Shrine Of the Cog (Permanent Techpriest Loyalty: 25)

>[Effects: Innovation Will Find Solutions, Make Buildings 15% Cheaper]

- Shrine of the Golden King (Permanent Imperium Guard Loyalty: 10)

>[Effects: A Injury Is no excuse of Dereliction of duty, Upon Breaking Morale Gain Increased Attacking Speed, And More Injured are the more Dangerous the Person can be.]

- Shrine of the Motive Force (Techpriest Loyalty: 10)

>[Effects: The Universe Is within ours to Control and Motion Force is With Us, Techpriest Movement Speed Will Increase]

I wonder will they be a Hardliner? I wondered, as I don't really dislike the Ecclesiarchy, but their Paranoia can be Insane once they start, they can't be stopped...

Huh? Why didn't I think of that? A Possibility of me Still alive in that world... Still playing Soulstorm and Working My Ass off on a 9-6 Job...

As I Contemplated...

I choose the Church of the Golden Light and the Omnissiah, I don't need their rest for the Bonuses and Few things that I learn From Ciaphas Cain, Loyalty Goes on Both Ways and they are less likely to betray me, if I treated them well, and If I let one Faction Out of the Loop won't they feel resentment? As the System Confirmed my order...

Two Buildings have Appeared next to the Field Command, not by orbit Drop or Just Pop From the Ground... It SOMEHOW materialize like that Police Box from a British Series without the Iconic Sound...

Looking from Outside One building Was a Regular Gothic architecture with what Warhammer seen in the Videos and Seemingly little to None of the Skulls and Plenty Of Astartes and Guardsmen Statues Outside..., and another was a Mismash of Steampunk and Futuristic in design with Pipes Rumbling and Gears kept twirling and Advanced Circuitry with a Purpose for their design and the Mechanicus Symbol is Placed on top of the Door... As If the Past Merged the Future to be the Present...

I Went to the Church of the Golden Light First to Check it Out, And it Look Bigger in the Inside... Massive Pillars that Is Bigger than the Church Outside, And Each held up the Ceilings, and Describe the Journey of Revelations and his wish for Humanity, Beside the Pillars, Rows of Pews Spread Beyond like a Interdimensional Ikea from SCP Universe, Water Fountains and is Infront of every Pillars facing the door, And Wall Lamps and Chandeliers was the only Source of light, A Choir Loft was seen in the Distance waiting for the Songs to dedicate to Revelation, On the Walls on where I see, is Murals of Astartes and Guardsmen carved into the walls reminded the People that attended and remember that the Emperor Angels is Vigilant and always be Part of Humanity, And on Altar is a Mural of the Emperor with Golden Light Illuminating his figure... Not as Flashily or Gaudy as the Chapels of Terra... But Somewhat Gives a Feeling of Him Being More Human than Godlike...

"Do you Like what You see Young Lad? I never Knew Revelations Plans till this day..." As A Middle Aged, Figure Chuckling Approached from Behind and What shocked me to the Core...

"Uriah Olathaire? How? Didn't I heard that you died in the Fire as the Last Priest in Terra?"

"One World I did lose my faith and walked in the Church in Flames... But In another, He has Shown me the truth... Of the Gods I Worshipped That were Uncaring for humanity and used us in their petty wars, and our desires for guidance from a higher being, those Beings that defined themselves as a "GOD", And Instead of Believing in a Lie, He has shown me the way, A Better Way...While Your Version of Revelations Used the Imperium Truth to Hide the Horrors of Humanity from the Demons that Soon reared their heads in a Moment of Crisis, On another world, During My Years Under his Service, I Helped to build proper foundations to redirect Faith towards Revelations... and Warned the Populace of the Incoming threats.. Though we have a bit of a civils wars here and there... It is Miniscule of what you had to face... And Well More prepared in the invasion..."

"So Revelations... Willingly Became a God?" I am Appalled why would a man of Reason and Logic willingly Became a God?

"The Masses Needed Somone to Believe in, even he Knows it, if he eradicated all religions, it would leave a vacuum of Spiritual Belief, So he rather become a God than let some Entity in the Warp dictate Humanity... Though I butted heads with Lorgar with His definition of Revelations, Under my Supervision He managed to revised his book that the Emperor is not always the Powerful Being Granted since his birth, but simply a Human with a Powers gifted by the will Of Humanity that willed him to commence the Grand Crusade... Do you want Some tea?" As Uriah Handed out a Steaming Tea that appeared out of nowhere...

Baffled by the new revelations of another world that a Revelations wasn't too Narcistic enough to think he was always right... I took the Tea and Sat down at a Pew... Feeling Lost at the Multiverse, and what I have Seen...

"I would Like Some Clarification Father Uriel..."

"Of Course, Son I would answer what is within my Understanding..."

"Will this Church be like my Version of the World I came From?"

"No, When Pushing ones Beliefs toward others will Start resentment, And Converting will be Difficult... We Will Prove it with Our Actions...It is Slow, but it will Achieved what Revelations can do in a bloodshed...Slowly replacing the faith of the old with the new... And "He" will have a Purer Faith..."

"Will it Be as Corrupt like Goge Vandire?"

"We have Protocols and if One Such Brothers and Sisters is Found Guilty of such an action, they will be Excommunicated and executed outside the Church... This Place is not a Position to Rise up, but to Lead the Weary and the lost."

After A few More Conversations With Father Uriel, I Made my decision...

"Thank You for the Tea, Father Uriel, I was Wondering if I could be The First Follower of this Church?"

"Of Course Son, Welcome to the Church of the Golden Light, And If You Ever In need of Guidance, You Know where to look."

After Alex Was Baptized and left the Church...

- FaithBlazer [Sword]

- Blackstone Bracelets x2

- 10000 Pow and Req Points

- Now Fully Immune to the Warp Gods

- Rosarius

- Can Now Permanently Kill Demons and Chaos Entities

- Charisma is Buffed

- The More Kills, the more radius you can Expelled the Taint Current Radius (124 Meters)

- ???

As Alex Look at the buff and Shrugged of the benefits...

As I soon head to the Church of Omnissiah, It was already Noon, The Definition of the Church of the Omnissiah? Its more like a Vault than an actual Church, Inside the Church Similar to the Golden Light, Is Spacious and have no End... And instead of Pews, Empty Pedestals was Lined up Waiting For the new Inventions to be Placed and Worshipped... I paid Respect to the Omnissiah and seeing there was no one, But a Couple Of Servitors that were Doing Maintenance and Cleanup in this Church...

After I managed to satiate Both Parties, I went to the Bunk Bed and Slept, I was Awaken By a Techpriest that was stammering in Binaries...

One thing I managed to get out of the Binaries.... "Blackstone"

My eyes widen as I was Led Below the Field Command by the Nervous Techpriest

As I am Not Aware of their Actions, and Agreed to the Techpriest to Let them Build More Rooms Below the Field Command, For their Respective "Hierarchy" Workshops, They Struck Something "Hard" and "Looked" Like a Door during the expansion, And One of the Techpriest that worked with a Explorator knew what is and Requested a TechPriest to Let me know, I am in Despair, the Skeleton Bros... the Door Barred Anyone even the Strongest Drills and Lascannons in our Arsenal was Unable to Scratch the Door... Frustrated I used the BlackStone Bracelets that was Given and it Opened... and that Familiar Green Lined up the Door and it Opened in Blinding Light...

Sometimes I regretted Opening it...

In front of me is a Vast Walled Necron City but it looked...Ruined, By Inputting the Necrons on the Tracker regardless if activated or not... No Signs? Impossible... There had to be at least Maintenance Scarabs around... or a Necron on Defensive Protocols? the Walls looked like it has a Mish mash of Different races Turrets... and I spread the Guardsmen in groups of 50 to make a decent time to alert the rest... There are damages from Claws and Plasma Soot and Lightning Scars in the Entrance, As We all spread Out we Found what left of a Armory that was destroyed and there were still weapons intact as if whatever attacked this place wanted a hasty cleansing, A Parking Bay Of Imperium Vehicles... and there were husk of Vehicles that i don't know... a severed Part of a Wolfhound Titan arm, A Wraithwalker head, A Destroyed Baneblade as if it was Smashed Flat, if Given enough time we could repair it.., Managed to Find a Generator room... Power sources of Necron, Eldar and Imperium is Located here... It was Derelicts and Some were unworkable While other can be Operated...

A Data Slate was Found and the TechPriests Decoded it...

It shown a Video... A message... a Warning...

It was a Recording of a Rememberancer, As he Told this story, that the Universe he is in, is Doomed... To the point that the Imperium Is Forced to Joined Necrons with other Filthy Xeno race is Vomiting... But a necessity... A Being beyond the Universe Slaughtered the Tyranids and Making a Psychic Scream that is More worse than the birth of She-who-Thirst by the Eldar Recorders, "He" Came Beyond the Universe and Destroyed everything... Necron, Eldars, Orkz and Even the T'au Was not even Spared, all twisted into chaos...

And even the Necrons in a unified Force was unable to Stopped Him, He Lead the Legion of Daemons and Overloaded the Pylon to the point it became an Amplifier for Chaos... That he along with the last of any known Sentience was to make Mars a Fortress world, Titans Awaken, the Skitarii was Amass by the legions and the Fabricator General hold no stop and releasing all the Withheld Technologies to bear against this Outsider, A Necron Base Was Constructed In haste, as what left of Sentient Beings Built their Base on Mars ready to Bleed the Outsider, Turrets, Artillery, Titans of all races, The Fleet of all But the Dark Eldars and Orkz covered the skies, Soldier Elites Waiting for the Time, as The Rememberancer Secures the Vault From being Destroyed. culture, blueprints..were Stuffing in that Vault

He Came... The Choir Of Steel and Rage what's left of All the sentient race Slammed Him and his army as the they slowly and surely reach their Base as they comprised of Races that gave in to the Chaos,

Chaos Infused T'au as they Keep killed their sane Brethren, Planes and Starships Roars in long range Combat, as both Side Debris is falling on Mars like a Meteor showers, They held a valiant defense but it wasn't enough... One by one the Soldiers felled to Chaos no longer recognizes their Bonds, Immediately Started Urban Combat... Terra... was the Last Bastion of Humanity Was lost... And the last moment he felt.. was that it was meaningless as Terra Exploded the Rememberancer last words as a Blinding ligh envelope took him to the afterlife ...

"Never Forget our Fates"

As the Recording Stopped... Silence ensues among the viewers....

Might as well Use this as a Mechanicus Base and of Operations and Storage depot of since we are even unable to find a single corpse... and whatever the Enginseer is not busy they will have free time to research this ruins.