The dark knights had left the woods for the palace, leaving Sir Rani behind.He walked towards the body parts of what used to be a full demon wolf,and shoved his hand in each flesh looking for something.

"That's weird,this was an intermediate demon,it is supposed to have a crystal.But there is none."

He thought for a while and something clicked in his brain.He remembered when he was watching them battle, Glen was the one to deliver the last killing attack.His eyebrow twitched as he asked himself why would he take the crystal?Does he know about the crystals?It didn't make sense.

"This boy is getting more interesting to me. I'll be watching you boy."He grinned.


Immediately they were told that they had the whole day for themselves, Glen had planned to go somewhere privately and test all the new skills he was gifted by his system.But one person couldn't leave him alone.

They wandered the town markets as he showered her with a small spending reputation.He bought the lady some niceties just to see her smile.He had no clue of what a person may do in this kind of situations to avoid excess spending.

"I think that's enough.Every knight in this kingdom receives payments at the end of each month,that means that I also have my own money.You should think of improving maybe your weaponries.In regards to that,thank you for all these."Lucy said as she held the different kinds of goods by her arms on her chest.

"It's nothing, though you should have said that before I began spoiling you.Anyway,that reminds me of this useless sword

"He patted the hilt of the ordinary sword he was given by Rani for training,"I need to get myself a good weapon before I find my lost white blade."

"So then let's go to the weapon store."Lucy said as she led the way as Glen followed behind.

After a long walk,they came infront of a large house with a huge axe on it.Glen's memories were not like those of a gold fish.He remembered that this was a small building when he first came to this place but now it looks to have been advanced.

Upon entering,they were astonished by all the amazing weapons that were hang everywhere on the walls and some enclosed by glass on a raised platform.

"What's your fighting taste?"A large figure,the same as before stood behind a counter table."The name's Metal Creep,have we met before?"He asked Glen as they approached him.

"Yes.Am the one who was sent by Kate,my mom to come here and get the box you gave me."

"How may I help you boy?*

"I would like to buy a sword,a white one.And a powerful one."

Metal Creep searched all the corners of the room but did not find such a thing.

"I understand why you want a white sword.These swords were used by the ex-captains of the kingdom,and your mom was one of them.But she actually had a very powerful katana blade that was snatched from her by the king.Some way or the other I found it."He went inside another room through a door that was behind the counter,and came out with a katana blade in a pink sheath.

"I never wanted to sell it because I knew the owner will come for it one day.And since you are the child of the owner, it's all yours."He handed the sword to Glen who realised how light in weight and thin it was.But the colour of the sheath made him feel embarrassed.

"You can change the colour if you want,"Lucy suggested,"Pink is something for girls".She had been silent for this long.

"Yes, you're right.But this reminds me of my parents.So I won't change a thing on it."

"Thank you Metal Creep,thank you so much."Glen said as he turned to Lucy looking at her in they eyes."Since I didn't use the money the way I intended to,allow me to do something for you.Will you agree?"

"Yes.Am sure that it will be worth it than these."She pushed up the things she was still holding on her chest.They comprised of chocolates and candies and other things that were girlish.Glen felt a bit silly that he didn't think of buying her something to put all the stuffs she held.

"I have the thing just for the job."Metal Creep went to a raised platform that was enclosed by a clear glass full of rings inside.He took one and gave it to Glen."That will only cost you twenty thousand gold pieces."

Glen paid for the ring and took Lucy's hand putting the ring on her finger.Her cheeks had turned red due to this action.

"This ring allows the bearer to have access to a large magical storage space.You only need to think of it and a type of portal to the space will open up.You can store any type of thing or even creatures.It is only the bearer that can't enter."

With that,Lucy thought of the space and infront of her,the air sparked with green particles as a large green circle was made.She shoved the items inside,then the portal closed."Thank you En."

"Nice.Okay, about the request,I would like to get your handguns upgraded to a higher level."

"Really?.No one had ever asked me that."

"Well I just did."

Metal Creep had this disappointed look on his face when he heard this."Sorry kids, upgrading a weapon made of demon crystals needs other demons crystals higher than the weapon.What is the level of your weapon?"

"They are at the intermediate level."She answered.

"Then you two will have to bring me a crystal either at high tier demon, royal demons and above.I currently don't have those."

"No problem.I'll find some for her."Glen said.


The day was over and Glen's roommates were sleeping.Sam had arrived and gave Glen no word as he quickly took a bath, changed into his normal leather clothes and slept.Glen did not want to disturb him because he looked to be very exhausted.

Glen was busy venturing his system.He had received a notification screen when he touched the katana blade back at the weapon store.