Chapter 7 - OPTION TWO

Five weeks had passed after the sudden recruitment .And everyone was already adapted to the school, though some tried escaping but ended up being back in the school as they were caught and returned.This included Glen and Sam.

"This is the last training you will get to be a knight,"a voice spoke,"Tomorrow will be the grand sparing match to decide which kind of knight you will be made...,".All of the students were gathered in the school's arena.Other groups had been brought increasing the number greatly.

"...As you've been always taught together, today you will learn how to plan attacks..."All this sounded boring to Glen as he listened to the Earl speaking.He and Sam sat at the back raised part of the platform.He didn't understand why teach them under the hot sun today and always taught in one of the large halls.

The day later ended with Glen having learnt anything as he had slept all along the 'hot lesson 'as he named it.Sam had been super keen with the lesson unlike him.At night in their sleeping quarter,which consisted of ten teenagers each, Glen and his friend were discussing as the other six seemed to have fallen asleep.One bed was empty,but they didn't mind about it.Thet assumed the persons were just having a night air in their lungs outside.

"Did you get the chest box that day?"Sam asked in curiosity.

"Yes I did,and when I was walking out,and thanks to those red rank knights,we are here today,"the other complained.

The knights of the kingdom were ranked according to their main task that they do for the kingdom.The highest rank are the Martial Knights who are always by the king's side to protect him .The wore golden knight armour.Secondly,the Black Badge Knights who were sent to other kingdoms in disguise for spying.No one but the king and his counselors know them.Third are the Red Knights.This knights are used in attacks and more Like those who brought the two village teenagers in the academy.

"Did you see what's inside?"

"Currently not, don't remember you my mother warning us from opening it?"Though he said this, he was also having the will to inside.He took his trusty leather bag from aside his bed and delved into it, removing a small box.

"Is this how small it is?"Sam asked as he took it from Glen's hands.

"Let's have a look,just a bit Glen..."Sam was so intrigued.But the expression on Glen's face clearly meant no.With nothing else to discuss about, they went to sleep.

Some minutes later,a figure entered the room heading to one of the empty beds.It had covered itself from head to toe as it slept with the cloak.Hours passed and a shirtless boy walked in slowly,sweat all over his head.He quickly picked a small cloth from the other empty bed and wiped a red substance from his arm.It was blood.He then slept off too.


"Am sure they have been caught and recruited.All this is just stressing,"Vincent spoke as he ruffed his head.

"Five weeks had already passed.And they are coming,"Kate said.It was crystal clear that she wasn't refering to Glen and Sam,but something else.

"I think I have too communicate with him.I just hope Glen will discover the Crystal's power and not someone else,"He said while setting himself in a monk position on the ground,"It's time for... OPTION TWO."He said as he closed his eyes.

Kate waited anxiously as she gazed at her husband scrunching his face still in the position. "WE NEED TO MOVE QUICK!!!"He opened his eyes fast as he stood in a rush.She it was even worse."KATE,GET EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE VILLAGE TO THE OPEN FIELD."This he said as he picked his large green sword from the wall as Kate was gone.

Soon everyone was gathered together.Some were praying while others were all sweaty. Vincent confirmed that everyone was here and he knew it was time.He closed his eyes and spoke inwardly.

"We are ready...Divine Being, ready for option tw—"


His words were cut short by a loud houl from the woods that caused the ground to shake tremendously.People gasped at this as some had already lost their hopes to be saved by something they had never seen.

He closed his eyes again as he focused,"we are ready Divine Being."

After saying this,a part of the sky lit up bright white enough to outmatch the day's light .The white colour swirled in circles as it seemed like energy was building up.It wasn't faster enough that one medium size ugly beast was in view.With his large green sword, Vincent struck the demon in half killing it,"This demons have become stronger than last time I fought them.".He felt fear in his mind as he saw what they never wanted to see.It was a large beast or beast that another of its houles made a big tremor.But before it came closer,a large white beam from the sky had hit every single human there there.It caused a great shake on the ground.