For centuries, enchiladas has been ruled by rivers family, it all date's back to 500 years in the throne was given to Joseph rivers when he saved enchiladas from being taken as slaves, the throne had been entrusted to him, then he passed it down to his daughter mable and it is still being passed down because today my brother will be sitting on the throne of enchiladas.
*The servant runs inside the princess's room to get her ready for the crowning, does her makeup and bathe her, in the middle of the preparation a servant runs inside the princess's room to inform her about the visit of her mother, Queen Ruth *.
"Let her in and excuse us" the princess's order was carried out immediately.
good morning mom, "good morning darling, you are quite early this morning"
says the queen. mom I have to be very early for Jonah's special day, he will soon be king, so I dare not sleep late, "yes you can't sleep late from now on remember you will wake up early remember you are going to be attending alot more charity event and meetings than you have ever before, trust me it's going to be stressful"says queen Ruth. mom the crowning will be starting any moment soon let's go.
Sorry I didn't introduce myself am princess phoebe rivers of enchiladas, my elder brother Jonah is being crowned today, am happy but still sad because I lost my father 2 months ago to an unknown death, it's being kept a secret even from my brother, now my brother will be taking his place on the throne, it's makes me miss my dad and seeing my mom's smile after two months has made me happy.
Prince Jacob says his oaths to the country and finally he's no longer a prince Jacob but now king Jacob, the ceremony went well and now he's the leader of the country.