On the shining sunrise on the seventh of Pantheon, Eleanor squinted her eyes as she was awoken by her mother. Getting up, she stretched her arms wide and yawned. Gazing through the window, perceived a sun slowly illuminating the otherwise flat and pale sky with its yellow light. To her, it felt like a farewell to the natures of this land before finally departing to a place more otherworldly than theirs.
While trying to redeem her senses, Eleanor went out of the room to find her parents preparing for their immigration. Arwyn was the first to take a bath while her husband waited for his turn. At a glance, Melvin laid his back on a wall, silently meditating when his glaring eyes widened to see her daughter standing there. Although he understood that her mind was kind of floaty at the moment, he also acknowledged the fact that they were on a time crunch.
"Prepare your dress for outdoors, Eleanor," he said as their eyes met. "We have a lot of work to do."
In an attempt to lighten the mood, the young elf quickly shook her head to energize.
"Yes!" she cheerfully yelled, clenching her fists with a lively smile.
Afterward, she went back to her room with a renewed sense of emotion to prepare the things she needed. Though a bit startled, Melvin appreciated her optimistic demeanor.
In the queue at the docks, a young Eleanor found herself amid fear and excitement. From one side, it was exhilarating to live in a place where everyone is driven by the notion of freedom. On the other hand, she feared the discrimination that its dwellers are said to uphold due to a diverse set of beliefs.
Nevertheless, they're already on their way, about to enter the ship. Passports and inventories are inspected before being allowed to hop in.
Soon after, the ship would begin to sail its way to the far west, a continent where Columbia resides. The amphibian transport slowly drifts away from the coast, leaving a trail in its path with currents to instantly drown them out.
Inside the ship, the Elven family settled in a temporary bedroom as it would take more than a day to reach the shore. The lassie was about to leave to meet new faces onboard when her mother, Arwyn raised her hand and issued a fair warning.
"Just make sure not to cause any more trouble, sweetie" she cautioned.
With a nod, the girl acknowledged her mother's words.
Over the observation deck, one could witness every passenger from all walks of life. Some were there to relax, observing the vastness of the ocean, and others went about their daily routine. Here, we have the lassie striding across the deck wearing a coat and a hoodie to conceal most of her appearance, including her long pointy ears, to avoid judgment.
There, she interacted with children of her technical age, paying close attention to their stories, and the dreams of what they thought the land had in store for them. As she listened thoroughly, she couldn't help but be intrigued. This was suggested by her ears twitching whenever there's something that sparks her interest.
Strangely enough, when Eleanor joined in, the children couldn't help but feel awe for her adorable looks complimented by the sparkling glares in her eyes that tended to change shape.
This hooked them up to prolong the conversation. In addition, they drown her with admiration and express their overall curiosity. While she appreciated the warm reception, the young elf couldn't help but scratch her head and chuckle nervously. She felt burdened to see a simple conversation to be overshadowed by her beauty.
Moments later, there stood the girl, with her gaze fixated upon the vast expanse of the sky.
She pondered whether the outcome would be different if she had not used the Blow of Artemis.
A gentle gust of wind whispered through her, intertwining with her contemplations. She concluded that if this was the destined path, there was no sense in resisting the acceptance of her circumstances.
By sunrise, the vast continent of the far west slowly emerges from the horizon amidst the gloomy atmosphere of the morning. At a glance, the land stretched itself far and wide across the ocean.
Recently awoken passengers have venerated its beauty. Just by gazing from the distance, one could witness the diversity of its landscape, for it is occupied by the blue hues of the grassy plains, towering trees, and hilly mountains harmoniously juxtaposing the red sands of the desert.
Due to a sudden change of breeze, Eleanor was one of the individuals to rise earlier from a snooze and witnessed the land from afar. Filled with anticipation, she asked herself about the fortunes and the tales of its inhabitants. As the gigantic boat approached the shore, a sense of excitement spread among the foreign passengers. Sadly, their expectations are far from what they will experience.
Eventually, Arwyn and Melvin arose from their nap and prepared their bags upon being informed by the shout of the horns. As they step into the queue with other passengers who will also depart, their child manages to catch up with a cherishing smile.
The ship dropped a ramp on the side of the docks, and instead of a warm reception, it revealed its residents blankly gazing at them like they just stumbled upon a fellow land dweller. In other words, they were all not that surprised. It appears that they landed on a depot, explaining the atmosphere of workers transporting any material to their respective destinations.
While some got utterly confused by their place of arrival, others including the elven family, did not mind. It's not like they needed to be tended off on their first arrival after all. The newcomers descended, queuing up a toll gate where the Wardens review each document.
While they were not particularly friendly, it was evident that they got the job done; In a swift moment, emigrants took their turn, undergoing a test.
As fate would have it, a select few were ushered in, their passage secured by meeting the stringent standards set forth. Yet, for others, a harsher fate awaited—rejection and denial. In their tale of entry, they fell short, unable to fulfill the lofty expectations laid down by the Columbian policy.
Following a protracted period of both acceptance and rejection, the moment of reckoning had arrived for the couple. Melvin deftly presented a boatload of documents, which the wardens promptly received. Over some time, the diligent workers meticulously scrutinized the notes detailing the family's capabilities, occupation, and past experiences.
Meanwhile, there was something truly admirable about their dedication, especially in the eyes of Eleanor. It brought back memories of her homeland, where a fellow elf had once spoken to her about the unwavering commitment of the Columbians. At the time, she had never ventured beyond her own country's borders, so she had been somewhat skeptical. Witnessing the Columbians' hard work firsthand felt like an honor.
"Um... Dave? You might want to take a look at this," a Warden nervously remarked to his colleague, his anxiety visible.
"Sure, pass it over," responded another Warden, weary while maintaining a stoic demeanor.
During the inspection, it became evident that the family had feats.
In the first set of documents, it appears that Melvin had a remarkable track record of rescuing crops from premature demise and revitalizing the soil's fertility. He achieved this through the unique method of casting rain and infusing raindrops with magic through a melodious incantation. Additionally, he possessed the ability to safeguard harvests from various threats, including pests by infusing them with an aura that wards them off.
His skills were precisely what farmers had desperately required during that period. However, in contemporary times, individuals like him had been overshadowed by Alchemists who offered plant-healing potions at more affordable prices.
In those moments when magic is not his focus, Melvin reveals his remarkable skills as a carver. He harbors a passion for crafting intricate wooden creations, which he then offers to the local community for a modest sum. Melvin, like his fellow nature enthusiasts, feels a strong connection to the land and believes that mass production would be a disservice to its natural riches. Thus, each day, he takes a block of lumber, roughly the size of his hands, and meticulously sculpts it using his trusty flat chisel.
On the second, Arwyn used to work as a baker at a pastry shop in the town's capital. Arwyn, unlike her spouse, only used her power sparingly. She only cast flaming spells to heat dough, but she mostly kneads bread with her bare hands before serving it to the customers. Even though her earnings don't surpass Melvin's, they are sufficient to purchase additional food to support her family's needs.
When off from work, Arwyn also showcases an exceptional talent for playing loud, resonant tunes on her flutes. There comes a time when she enjoys retreating to a deserted forest as her sanctuary to unwind and demonstrate her musical abilities. This captivating practice draws the attention of the forest animals, coaxing them out of their hiding places to become her attentive audience. After the performance, she would always be rewarded with fruits and vegetables by its inhabitants.
The rest of the documents discuss the elven family's endowments wherein, in summary, have done a lot back at Svearania...
From their point of view, a Warden was awestruck by their abilities and accomplishments. But there was one glaring problem. While they never wanted to downplay their talents and accomplishments, the Wardens have made their decision.
"It appears that you two have an astounding record... However, there's one error: the papers lack any surnames. Is this a mistake?"
"We do not possess such a human anointment," replied Melvin.
"My apologies, sir. But I'm afraid you cannot enter without one. The Imperial Act of 501 requires all humanoids to acquire a surname to be granted," said one of the Wardens.
"This is ridiculous! We have been exiled from our land, and this is what we get?!" Melvin yelled, perceiving his dumbfounded anger.
"Again, sorry. But it's what it is."
As the red-colored stamp was about to drop, entered a rugged trench-coated middle-aged man; his hat at first glance, looked like it hadn't been cleaned for weeks. Despite being littered with dirt, he has a brightening glee, stipulating his excitement.
"Howdy? What business ya got over there?" Cheerfully asked the man.
"Don't you have a lot of work to do, Mr. Carmen?" Inquired the annoyed Warden, Dave, suddenly turning a head. "Why do you always keep on coming here?" he added.
With a chuckle, he replied with enthusiasm, "Well, I'm on a day off for now. Just curious to see what's going on. And hey! Don't call me mister! We've known each other for years!" Added the man as he pointed his finger at him.
"We have a sponsored elven family entering the country and applying for citizenship. They said they were exiles. The parents do appear to have plenty of useful abilities, but sadly we can't let them in," sighed and explained the same Warden, with indolence.
"Why?" Asked the concerned rugged man.
"They lack a family name which is a simple and crucial requirement for Columbian entry," said the other Warden. "Unless you could think of a solution for this, you better-"
"You know what? Enough for the chit-chat and hurry up, Mike! Stamp the docs-" Interrupted the not-so-stoic Warden, conveying his frustration.
"Hold on a minute!" Intervened the man, eyes wide and hands reaching out. "What if I gave them one, instead?" he proposed, expressing a desire to help.
"What?" Said one of the Wardens out of surprise.
"Well... It ain't that illegal for someone to give them names they can hold onto, right?" Cheerfully replied Carmen.
For a moment, the Wardens contemplated and had a brief discussion, murmuring amongst themselves. On the surface, it seems like they disagree with one another as evidenced by their frowns and their voices rising. But for a while, they keep going with their talk until they have made a decision.
"Okay Devin, but you can only do this for once. Go ahead," reluctantly stated the balky Dave.
As the man named Devin is about to leave out of excitement, he is then interrupted by the same guy delaying him for quite a bit.
"Just don't come back here while we're still at work. I'll hand you over a schedule about our break time of when we're done..." he added.
"As if I always break a promise," said the gleeful, rugged man before he went through the door.
Going through the front door, Devin approached the family, his smile creeped out the long-ear newcomers. However, they sensed his good intentions and decided to overlook it.
"You've heard our conversation inside, so I don't need to explain it to ya," asserted Devin.
"Giving us 'surnames'... You better get to it I guess." Said a glary Melvin with a skeptical tone.
Devin awkwardly gives out a nod. It's just his way of saying "sure".
"Make sure it would be of significance," said Arwyn with a glare. "We don't want any of your stupid names shoved right into our throats," she added which pauses the man.
"Eh...While I don't like the look over your faces, I'll get straight to the point," expressed the rugged guy, seems nervous. "Feel free to correct me on this," he added.
Without further ado, he went straight to the point:
"So, from what I've heard, Elves have birthmarks, but something is interesting about it. From what I've heard, when a man and woman with different blemishes procreate, their child ends up with their parents' symbols mixed up. The birthmark's location pretty much depends though. I hope that I'm correct with that..."
"Well... It's far more complicated, but you're not entirely wrong," Answered the father. "You're half-wrong, the say the least... It's more about their child ending up having a birthmark of their own upon birth more than two marks mixing altogether. Other than that, you're pretty spot on." he added.
"What does it have something to do with your plan?" Asked Arywn.
"I just need to take a look at your daughter's birthmark, and I'll think of a name based on what I've described," cheerfully asserted the man with hands on his hips.
"Very well," Melvin replied, still in his glary phase. "Just don't look at her with any malicious intent." added with a hostile voice.
His words got the man scratching his head. He's beginning to think that elves are a bunch of paranoids since this is the first time he actually saw them in person.
"Alrighty then," muttered a dumbfounded Devin. "Okay. Now, where's the birthmark?" he asked.
"It's on the back of her shoulder," Arwyn pointed.
Approaching Eleanor, Devin crouched down and tipped his hat in greeting. Upon closer inspection, he noticed her sparkling eyes shifting shapes. While this amused him, it wasn't the reason for their conversation.
"So, what's your name, kid?" Asked Devin.
"Eleanor..." Shyly introduced the lassie.
"Imma call you Ellie," Happily replied the man with a shortened version of her name, his polite and cheery tone of voice attempting to ease out the tension. "Now, can you turn around and show me your back?"
Doing what's asked, Eleanor turned around.
"Now I know this is weird, but can you lower your clothes a little' bit?" Asked the man with a cautious tone as her parents glared at him.
"I'm not sure about this..." Said a conflicted Eleanor as her face turned red. "Wouldn't it be embarrassing to do this in front of the line?" She voiced out her thoughts.
"I'm not telling you to take it off, Sweetie. I just want you to lower it slightly" clarified the man.
"Don't worry. This isn't a place where creeps peep around. If there is, they'll be instantly deported or arrested." he reassured.
"In that case..." she said as she lowered the top of her clothes.
At a glance was an illustration of a shining eye... This was an opener for Devin. To him, it was the first time that a birthmark replicated someone's characteristics as her eyes sparkled like a squeaky-clean bowling ball.
From that moment, an idea shines through him. Despite not feeling so sure if her parents might like it, Devin tipped his ten-gallon and blurted out with confidence.
"How about Eyeshine? Looks fitting enough," proposed Devin keeping that attitude of his while glancing at Melvin.
"...Not what I expected, but we're wasting so much time here, so we'll go with it," Replied an astonished Melvin. "What do you think, love?" Asked him turning a head to his lover.
"I mean... That's the most fitting description of the birthmark I've ever heard... At least by the standards of our people." She shrugged with a satisfied voice all in a while while insulting Devin's naming convention.
"In that case, we'll take it. Now, we should be able to get in right," said Melvin as he felt more relieved.
While Eleanor raised her clothes, Warden Mike slid a fine print to the family.
"Just sign in your names, and we're done," said Mike as he pointed out the details.
And that is that is how they are given entry. After signing their names with Devin's proposed last name, they walked out of the entrance with a sigh of relief. Eleanor was the first to get out. She sprinted past the checkpoint and wandered the streets for she finds it difficult to contain her childish excitement. Her parents were the last to walk out as they tried to keep up with her.
Despite the not-so-friendly interaction, Devin maintained a positive attitude; He took off his hat and waved an arm back and forth while the family departed.
"It was nice knowing ya! Safe travels!" Cheerfully yelled Devin, uttering a farewell.
Meanwhile, Mike and Dave couldn't help but squirm at the kindness of this man; one rubbed his face harder with his bare hands, and the other flinched. The reason for this? Because upon a closer look, they realize that not only he's doing it in front of them, but also to hundreds of outlanders seeking entry.