I got up before him.
Neatly putting things back to place, I tip toed into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and setting the right temperature to take a shower.
My plan was simple. Get cleaned up and slip away from Satan's spawn's grasp.
Clenching my damp hair, I watched the last drop of water fall before pulling it up into a messy bun. As I got out of the shower, I noticed two red flags; --first, my pyjamas fell off the stand, thus them laying wet on the floor along with my undergarments. Second, there wasn't a towel allocated on its rail.
"Breathe." I said, in the hopes of calming myself down. The living room was down the hall and I assumed Owen's room up the stairs so I could make it to my suitcase without being compromised.
I checked if the coast was clear, double checking to ease my conscious. This is it. Sink or swim.