Shaoqing backed up, staring at Sora in fright. The energy coming off him was so terrifying, so chaotic. It's nothing he's ever felt before. He didn't think even he could stand a chance against Sora. There was no way. He didn't know how Sora got so much more powerful in just a years time. Shaoqing doubted even Seiji was this strong.
"What do you want?" Shaoqing asked, biting his lip nervously.
"You're the ones ambushing us, aren't I right?" Sora asked, stepping towards Shaoqing, causing the other to back up more. "I have a proposition for you."
"I would never make any deals with you," Shaoqing spat out, causing Sora to raise his eyebrows.
"I'll call off all my guards–"
"All your guards are already dead or too injured to fight," Shaoqing cut it, causing Sora to narrow his eyes.
"All this fighting will stop," Sora said, to rephrase himself, "if you take my hand in marriage."
"Absolutely not," Shaoqing said, his eyes flashing red.