Bohai walked with Xiaosi to the cafeteria, sighing as Xiaosi once again ranted about his father being back. He kinda had the feeling that Xiaosi didn't know why his father actually had left. Just from what it seemed like during their meeting the previous day, Dong Yang really didn't seem like a dead beat dad. But maybe Bohai was looking too much into it.
"Do you actually know why he left?" Bohai finally asked, causing Xiaosi to look at him with a glare.
"What do you mean by that?" Xiaosi asked, causing Bohai to sigh.
"Why did he leave?" Bohai asked with raised eyebrows.
"I don't know, I just know he left," Xiaosi said with a huff. Bohai nodded his head, feeling a little guilty for asking.
"I can understand why you're upset," Bohai said softly. "Maybe you should sit down and talk to him. Because I can tell he wants to be here with you."
"Are you siding with him?" Xiaosi asked. "Do you like him?"