The group all gathered around at the airport, everyone talking over each other and super loud. People kept staring at them, causing Shihong to want to die of embarrassment. The two girls that had come with Suho and his boyfriend looked a bit lost, but amused at the same time. Suho walked up to the group with a smile.
"Guys, these are my sisters, Daeun and Naeun. I don't think you know my boyfriend's name yet, either," Suho said, looking around at everyone. "He said he never actually introduced himself cause you guys kinda scared him… This is Woojin."
"They scared him cause they did all the talking before I was even there to keep the order," Shihong said with a glare towards his group of friends. "Anyway, let's all properly introduce ourselves so this all isn't a big confusing mess. Not that I'm surprised, considering the group I came here with."