Seiji glanced over at Shaoqing after he had asked for Seiji to stop driving once again. Seiji glanced at the clock and then frowned. It was already 5 o'clock at night, meaning if they keep going they could make it home before it was too late out.
"Shaoqing. We're only like 2 hours away from Chengdu. We're going to be home really soon. Why are you wanting to stop?" Seiji asked.
"Because there's a cute village over here," Shaoqing said with a pout. "I want to get cute clothes!"
"More clothes?" Seiji asked, glancing at the back seat that had bags of clothes for himself and Shaoqing that Shaoqing bought. "You bought a ton in 3 different cities in Thailand, you got some in Laos, and we stopped in like 3 different places in Vietnam. Not to mention our little detour to Chongqing!"
"But I need a new outfit," Shaoqing said with a pout.