I looked down at my body, and it looked metallic with sections all over it, almost like a robotic exoskeleton. I was able to move my arms and legs, but they were much heavier than what I was used to, and I knew I had power in them that I didn't understand.
"What am I?" I asked, and the goddess smiled sadly.
"You are a Champion. You will be the only of your kind on Tyme, with no other like you. I am not going to lie to you; the last seven champions that I sent were killed within the first month of arriving. No matter where I send them, or guild them, they always get caught and then murdered. I picked a man like you this time for a few reasons. The main reason was that you were once a crime boss that was known to be very effective at building things from the ground up. You are from a world where you were betrayed, and you never even knew it, but I engraved suspicion into your processor."
"So, since it feels like you are about to kick me out of here fast, let me get this straight. You are going to toss me into the world, right?" I asked, and the goddess nodded. "Fine. After that, I am just supposed to start from the ground up and keep out of sight? Just build an empire under their noses?"
"There is no way that you will be able to stay hidden for long. Assuming that you will be able to hide will get you killed in this world. While you have the ability to create tech that will surpass your old would, everyone else will be using magic. You are going to have to learn to defend against that and much more. I will be in contact, but the advice is all I can do and give you guidance. I will drop you somewhere deserted so you have time to heal and get used to your new body," Numera explained, and I nodded.
"Send me off then," I said, feeling the weight of my new body already and knowing that I had a lot to learn.
The goddess waved her hands, and pain erupted from the back of my skull as I felt the light of the heavens manifest around me. Then I was thrown into the world, and I knew that I would be tested beyond anything I had ever faced before.
The moment I was falling, beams of light started to scan the area that I was falling towards, and I was given exact instructions on how to land and take minimal damage. I hit a few branches and then hit the ground but rolled forward. I felt the metal in my legs break and twist, but I felt no pain from any of it.
I had fallen into a mountain forest, but from what I had seen, there were no towns or even smoke anywhere nearby. That was good and gave me a chance to check out what this body could do, but first, I needed it to put itself back together.
[Damage to ankles with take 00:00:30s to repair.]
The message rolled in my mind, not across my eyes, and it was hard to see with my eyes open. The moment I closed my eyes, I was able to focus on the message. The fall had been far, but this new body made up for it by telling me exactly how to break my fall. That bought a question to my head.
Numera said I was immortal, but she was worried about me dying, and 7 others had died.
"Hello!" A female voice called from my right, and I looked over at the woman that was walking closer to where I was.
I tried to pull myself towards a bush, but the woman heard me moving and looked in my direction. She was wearing a black hooded robe, but she also had a topaz necklace of a star or something. It was the only thing that stood out from the black.
"Are you alright? I heard something fall from the sky," She said as she walked closer, and I took a second to look her over.
"Yes, I am fine. Just landed wrong, is all." I said, keeping my voice low.
"...What is wrong with your body? Where are your clothes..." The woman said as she slowly started to back up from me, and I didn't like that look. "I think that you are one of..."
The woman turned and ran before I could say anything, but it was clear nothing I said would have done any good. This is what Numera had told me would happen, but I could expect this reaction from anyone that saw this strange metallic body.
Regardless, staying here wasn't a good idea. My body told me that the woman had run west, so it would be good to head as far in the opposite direction that the woman had left.
I started running, and I soon found a small abandoned house. It was probably some home to some poor farmer that had passed away in the past few years. I dug around and found some old clothing that included patches and some dirt, but it covered my body. I also found an old blanket to cover the now-forgotten robotic parts of me.
I eventually left the abandoned house and headed farther east till the sun went down. I kept going, not wanting to stop. I had no idea how persistent the people would be that the woman brought with her if she came back to look for me. The best thing to do was to get some distance.
My eyes still saw a night almost like it was day, so walking through the forest at night was almost better than a day. The question left for me right now was how I was supposed to make my body help me. I had no clue what Magic meant in this world, but it was clear I was going to have to learn to defend myself.
I picked a stick off the ground and looked at it, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. I frowned, but I hadn't expected much.
Frustrated, I swung the stick like a sword at the tree, but right before I hit it, everything slowed.