Chapter two: A visit to the Sentinel Claws.
The premature golden rays of the sun signified it was still very early in the morning. Birds chirped here and there, filling the hears of the awakened Bloodmoon werewolves with their melodious tunes. The wetness of the floor at various points indicated that there had been morning dew there. The gentle breeze blew along the leaves of the several trees and beautiful flowers.
The women had begun their morning duties and chores and a few children were seen running around, either chasing each other or chasing chickens. The road was still a bit devoid of vehicles, but not totally as a few of them were seen driving pass every now and then.
Logan Huntsman's vehicle was one of them. The sleek Range Rover jeep moved along the asphalt road along with two other vehicles– a Bugatti and a Lexus jeep– before and behind respectively.
The werewolf prince sat comfortably at the right side of the back seat, calmly scrolling through the contents of his phone. He was donned in a black polo neck top with a thick leather vest over it. His black matching pants and black pair of trainers balancing his sleek dressing. His hair had been combed neatly to form a nice backward style and as the vehicle moved, his golden chain dangled round his neck. He sure was looking smoking hot.
Soon, the vehicles made a turn to a stop on a vast range of land off the road. The land wasn't tarred like the road and the vehicles came across lots of bumps as they drove on. In no time, they had gotten to a tall and long wall. The height of this wall exceeded imagination, reaching as far as one's eyes to make him or her see.
Some guards dressed in black combatant uniforms marched up to a large gate on the wall on sighting the prince's convoy. They pulled at the large metallic gates, their grunts and groans showcasing the heaviness of the gates. But they succeeded in parting them open though, allowing the jeeps to drive through freely. The guards bowed their heads respectively as the vehicles drove into the other side of the gates.
The other side of the wall was well looking, with the wide roads tarred and neatly looking. But far at the other end, one could sight another tall wall extending as high as the previous one they had just drove through. Which means this place was enclosed between two walls.
Several buildings were rooted at both sides of the already wide road, as several soldiers were seen marching or walking freely, but all stopping once they sighted the werewolf prince's convoy to take their bows.The driver in turn drove slowly like they were enjoying the grace of the attention.
This is one of the four quarters of the Sentry Claws. The Sentinel Claws is a subsidiary pack of the Bloodmoon pack established mainly for the guarding and protection of the Bloodmoon pack and other packs they had as strongholds. Which means the Sentinel Claws weren't only exiting and performing their duties in the boarders of Bloodmoon pack alone, they were also doing their thing in several other werewolf packs that had one relationship or the other with the Bloodmoon pack.
The Sentinel Claws dated from several decades ago, it had been established by an Alpha– Edaphor Huntsman – of the Bloodmoon pack who had collaborated with a few other packs around them to create the guard sub-pack. Together they had come up with the Sentinel Claws and since then, Edaphor Huntsman had taken it upon himself to lead the sub-pack. So the responsibility of the protection of the Bloodmoon pack lies in the shoulders of the Alphas' leadership. Although, the other packs who had the Sentinel Claws had their own separate leaders.
Fredrick had handed the leadership status to his son when he had noticed that he was of age. Logan had shown to be promising when it came to combat and leadership so he had been compelled to hand over power to him early. But alas, Logan hasn't been promising when it came to finding a mate.
After some minutes of long driving, the vehicles pulled over in a front of a not- so- large building. The driver to Logan's vehicle stepped out quickly to open up the door for his prince. The latter stepped out slowly as a man in the same black uniform but slightly different bowed before him respectively.
"My prince, welcome" he said and Logan replied only by just waving his his hand at him.
"Take me to the ring leaders now" the werewolf prince ordered as he moved forward, towards the building.
"Right away, my prince" the man quickly replied and obliged Logan's order by moving to his front and leading him into the building's entrance. Michael followed him behind while the other werewolves stood, waiting.
The man led them into the building where a few workers were seen doing what they were doing. They all of course, bowed to their prince once they sighted him, then he in turn would just walk passed them, ignoring them totally.
Soon, the trio entered into an elevator which took them upwards and in seconds, it made a ding, indicating it had gotten to its destination. Its doors parted and the three walked out into another hallway. They walked some more before getting to the front of a door, in which the man leading them brought out a card and placed it on the scanner lock. It made beeping sounds before the door slides open.
"We're here, my prince" the man said, gesturing by standing aside and motioning his hand towards the door. Logan immediately walked in along with Michael before the man followed suit, shutting the door behind.
Several prison cells lined up on both sides of the narrow pathway in the room. Each of them were filled with two or three individuals.
The inhabitants of the cells all shot disdainful or contemptuous glares at these men as they walked. Logan was also staring at each of them like he was looking for someone he knows of.
"How are they being secured, what if they transform into their wolves?" asked Logan as he scrutinized the prisoners with his sharp and piercing gaze. He wondered why they were not if not all, tearing and snarling at him viciously at the moment.
"Actually my prince, they have been injected with synthetic wolf bane to temporarily shut their wolf abilities" the man
"He's right here my prince" the man said as he pointed at a particular cell. This cell however didn't have bars like the other ones in this room, in its stead was a glass wall to cover it. In it, a single prisoner was seen seated at a corner of the square shaped cell. His eyes, though wide open held on a dead look, like he wasn't in the living realm anymore.
"He was the one who tried to escape and got some of our men injured" the man informed, now standing next to Logan on the left.
Logan exhaled slowly, mounting his gaze on the dead looking man in the cell. The latter also laid a fear inducing gaze at the former.
"Open up" the young prince said breathlessly to the surprise of the two men with him. The man on his left in turn, gazed at him with dilated eyes.
"But my prince –"he wasn't allowed to complete his statement when he was cut short by Logan.
"No buts, just do as I say" the young future Alpha retorted quickly with a cold and domineering ambience. The man, reluctantly, obeyed and placed his palm on the palm print scanner on the wall next to the cell's glass wall. Immediately, the glass wall slid open to the left, allowing a free way for the prince.
Logan paused for some seconds as he laid a long gaze at the dead looking man inside the cell. The man in turn also stared at him, but with a lifeless gaze instead.
Clik! Clik!
Logan's trainers boots tapped the tiled floor as he proceeded into the cell to the watching of Michael and the man. Logan moved smartly but cautiously towards the dead looking man. The latter didn't even make any move, he just sat there looking lifeless. However, his gaze didn't waver from the prince, it moved as Logan moved and stopped when he stopped.
Logan stopped just about half a feet away from him.
"Who're you?" sad what the werewolf prince asked first. Bit he got no reply, the dead looking man just kept on staring horridly at him.
"Hmm... " the handsome prince sighed inwardly, his eyelids narrowed at the man. Then abruptly, he turned to the opposite side and took some steps away from the dead looking man.
"You would have to answer our questions, for the sake of your life" he said but the man still didn't utter any word.
"Hm-hmm, just know that–"
In a flash, before anyone beholding this scene could react in any way, the once dead looking man had sprung to his feet. Now darted into the air towards the prince. He had transformed halfway into his wolf form. His sharp glinting claws pointed out towards Logan from behind, ready to tear off his flesh into shreds.
But Logan's eyes had moved sideways, transforming it's colour to a silverish white glint. His premonition had piqued, and his instincts had kicked in. It all happened in a blur, the werewolf prince turned mad pummeled his ferocious fist into his assailant's torso.
The attacker's blue eyes dilated as he felt a sharp surge of pain zap into his abdominal region. He couldn't quite picture what had really happened, all his green deep eyes caught were what seemed to be afterimages of this young werewolf prince before him before he soon blacked out.
His body landed with a thud like a sack of dead games had been dropped to the ground forcefully. He was unconscious.
"My prince!" Michael who hadn't spoken a word since they entered the building they were in suddenly found his voice. He was in awe at what had happened right in front of his own eyes. For a split second he had thought his best friend was about to get shredded to pieces of meat by a previously dead looking man, but now here was the same prince standing above the unconscious body of his assailant.
The man with him rushed into the cell.
"My prince!" he also called out as he stood next to Logan. "The synthetic wolf bane must've been exhausted in his system" he announced. Logan turned to face him and stared at him for some seconds. His sharp canines retracted and his eyes regained normal colour before he said.
"Fill him up with another doze then" as he walked passed the man and out for the cell.
"Will do my prince" the man replied as he bent down to drag the unconscious maniac back to his position.
Logan looked at his friend who stared back looking dazed. He smiled back when he saw the look on his face.
"Why do you look so dazed my friend ? " the prince said as he pats Michael's shoulder.
"You're just so full of wonders my prince" Michael replied while shaking his head both sides in obvious disbelief.
"Oh please" Logan said as he made his way back through where they had come from. "That was just a simple reflex action" he added nonchalantly.
"I'll be around here for a while before I get back to the palace" he uttered as Michael followed him behind.