Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

It was hot, scorching hot as it felt like my skin was coming up. Literally melting whilst I was alive.

The Dark halls of the Xeno temporary swelling had been brightened up in a dazzling golden colour.

A corpsman was on his knees, shaking uncontrollable as he dared not raise his head as the light shone at him.

A second corpsman knelt beside him, his body shaking even more than the other Korpsman.

No words were spoken as silence remained for what seemed like an outsider. To those on the outside, there was silence.

To the corpsmen however, words and revelation thundered into their heads as their world seemed to brighten up.

Enough words were said to them that they believed non could surpass or even match the ones they heard today.

Slowly what seemed like the source of the golden light began moving. Lower and lower into what seemed like an eternity.

But it soon enclosed itself in a unknown metal flask, small enough to be hanged on the waist of a human being.

As the source of the golden light lowered itself into it, the flask closed itself and locked itself.

A series of machinery turning and locking resounded several times as soon, the red light on the flask turned green.

Then the darkness returned, as quickly as it had retreated from the burning light. The surroundings of the Kriegsmen seemed like it had been half melted.

" No one can be trusted.! " A voice finally spoke out. Coming from the corpsman 6778-5678-5677-78krane, the Quartermaster whom had found the half dead Kriegsman after his failed attempt at causing damage to the Drukhari's.

" I know, but we can't do this task alone. " 8888-5678-3456-69Krieg replied in a low voice.

He turned and faces the officer, his thoughts hidden and body language non existent.

" We have a mission, one entrusted to us by 'him'. We must fulfill it and quickly, surviving would be the first thing to do "

The Quartermaster said, however it knew well that surviving would be far harder than it seemed as their way of fighting tends to decimate their numbers quickly.

Then again, it had received the holy message and knew what it needed to do. In order to do that it needed numbers and to survive.

Krieg high command cannot be trusted as they are close to the imperium of man, although the sacred relic would weed out any it deemed unworthy.

It couldn't risk exposing it to just anyone,it was in a predicament it had never been in. Yet, duty demanded they succeed....they must.

" The only option would be creating a force of our own from the basic infantry of the Death korps of krieg. Preferably one still newly gotten from krieg. "

8888-5678-3456-69Krieg responded with a suggestion, his mind racing and calculating. Retraining troops needed time, resources and a viable training ground.

They had none of those, anyone above a death korps grenadier will be considered traitorous and untrustworthy.

The troops being trained on krieg are also considered possible traitors whom could be communicating with the enemy.

Although it was sure that every krieg soldier would be glad to join in on their cause and would happily lay down their lives for it.

Trust was never the strong suit of the Death Korps of Krieg, traitors will emerge from within no matter what.

Weeding out those whom could be trust worthy from fresh recruits from krieg however will be far easier with the Sacred relic.

Quartermaster 6778-5678-5677-78krane as well as 8888-5678-3456-69Krieg thought in the same way.

They both suspected each other, as it should be and was expected. But they also knew that the mission was safe in their hands as the relic had deemed them worthy.

The Quatermaster turned and headed to where the servitors and it's aid was, picking a new mask from the stash of equipment.

The Quartermaster master brought it over to 8888-5678-3456-69Krieg, although it's design and colour remained the same.

There was however a black colored skull of significant size sewed into the gas mask, it was a grenadiers helmet.

As of custom in the Death Korps of Krieg, when presented with the honor of becoming a grenadier.

You cannot refuse it and as such. 8888-5678-3456-69Krieg did not as he grabbed it slightly lowering his head and removed his former mask.

Quickly he switched it to the skull ordained mask, he was now a grenadier. A dead man. Before any other event or action was taken however, the Quatermaster seemed to have noticed something.

As he turned around once more and looked towards the servitors, it noticed it's recently acquired aid simply standing there.

For how long was unknown, did that trooper hear everything that had just transpired or not.

"Your Designation "

The Quartermaster asked out loud towards his aid.

" 8888-5678-3456-67Krieg, Sir "

The aid responded to the Quatermaster.

" Did you also experience what just happened. "

The Quatermaster asked once more, 8888-5678-3456-69Krieg was now looking at 8888-5678-3456-67krieg with his new mask.

" Yes "

The aid replied shortly.

" And....I take it you also listened in on our conversation "

The watchmaster questioned again.

" Yes "

The aid replied once more with no hesitation in her voice.

" 8888-5678-3456-69krieg, I take it you know 8888-5678-3456-67krieg. "

The Watchmaster questioned once more as he noticed that their Designation was fairly close to each other.

With evidence that they were alive, simply shows that they were in the same training squad.

" Yes Quartermaster "

8888-5678-3456-69krieg replied to the Watchmaster in acknowledgement.

8888-5678-3456-69krieg had also taken in mind that 8888-5678-3456-67 had survived the Drukhari attack and grouped up with our main force.

" We have our missions and duty. We belong under the same regiment and so communication would be easier and viable."

The Quartermaster began speaking , his voice same as ever. Like all other in the Death Korps, bland and dead.

" Survive and fulfill the Emperor's will, the weak and unworthy will be culled and denied the honor of serving in this mission. Understood "

The Quartermaster announced to the two troopers with him. His mind clear and full of purpose, his zeal barely contained but hidden.

" Understood Quartermaster.! "

Both troopers replied to their Quartermaster I'm unison.

The Death Korps of Krieg are well known to be unrelenting in their actions and execution of orders.

Their more fanatical side tended to make them fairly unreasonable to the common man and their demeanor is one that hardly changed no matter the situation.

What would happen if something was to change that, what would happen when the most fanatical of all imperial regiments was given an even higher reason to make them disregard what was to be expected of them.

A regiment known for secrets and for distrusting each other believing the thought of traitors could be among them. What would happen if it began even more secretive, if they are following orders none could know.

In the far future of humanity, there is only War.