The day looked glum and miserable, well that was how I felt at the moment, that is how I feels most of the time. I walked passed the most popular girl group in school.
They giggled and threw mocking look at me.
"They gossiping again", I thought to myself. This is college, not high school. Grow the fuck up.
I wondered why the most uninteresting and empty headed girls are the most popular in school, all they talk about is boys and other people's businesses. The three girls looked in my direction and giggled, well I couldn't blame them.
I was the ugliest girl on campus. I adjusted my glass and ignored them.
As I turned I hit one of the school's jock.
"Hey batty look where you're going", he said.
I quickly apologized and half walked and half ran away from his presence. People like him and his friends only meant trouble, and I wasn't ready for that.
At the thought of trouble I wondered why Mr. Finn had invited me to his office, he looked displeased with me. I finally got to the lecturers hall and walked to Mr. Finn's office. After two minutes which felt like forever I knocked and went in.
"Mr. Fi…..ewwwww", I quickly turned around and faced the door.
"Emmm….I wasn't a…emmm….it's not what you…", Mr. Finn tried to explain himself.
The girl he was with quickly ran out of the office without arranging her hair or dress. I recognized her. She was the leader of the popular female squad.
My breakfast churned in my tummy and threatened to resurface.
I adjusted my glasses, which was now becoming an habit when I'm nervous or anxious, and wished the ground would open and swallow me. I never figured old and married Mr. Finn for an ephebophile, I hoped he hadn't called me to his office for this particular reason, I'd report to higher authorities. But then again he looked displeased earlier, so it's probably because of her grade, I thought.
"I'm sorry you saw that, you weren't supposed to see it and the reason why I called you is no way close to that", Mr. Finn finally said.
I heaved a sigh of relief. Being the ugliest girl on campus surely has its perks, I thought within myself.
"Turn around and sit", Mr. Finn ordered but I couldn't bring myself to look at his face. I'd forever remember the image I just saw and to make it worse he was my math teacher.
Which meant I'd always see him in class.
Could my day get any worse? Oh yes it could.
"I called you here because of your grade on the math test, you didn't perform well which is so unlike you and I had to invite you here. So here your sheet is", he gave her the paper. "Care to explain why?", Mr. Finn asked. I looked at his outstretched hands that held the girl's boobs earlier, I wanted to puke. I took the paper and the nauseous feeling was immediately replaced with a feeling of dread.
This is not my paper!
"Excuse me sir but this isn't my paper", I said.
"Then whose", asked Mr. Finn.
"I don't know sir, but what I do know is that it isn't mine", I said. Is this some sort of joke? It's not funny at all.
"Oh I see, the old switch-a-sheet. Someone switched your paper with, in this case I suspect, his. It's an old trick, someone who didn't do well in the test switch the papers and changed the name as well…..see the handwriting used to write your name is different from the handwriting used to write the solving". Mr. Finn explained.
"So how can I find out who did it?".
"Are you serious? You can't find out who did it and even if you did you can't do anything about it." Mr. Finn said and continued "So I wanted you to take the test again but just to make us even I'll give you an A as long as you don't tell anyone what you just saw here. I and Fiona (the girl he was with) have a lot in common and like each other, I'm not forcing her and I would never do something like that".
"But you're a married man, what you're doing with Fiona is wrong", I said. I have never been one to judge but Fiona was just 17 and a college freshman.
"I know and that is why it's a secret. In few months Fiona would be eighteen and I'd not have to hide anymore. My wife and I don't love each other anymore and that's why I'm with Fiona. Try to understand , please", Mr. Finn begged.
It is a crime for an adult, an old one for that matter, to indulge in sexual acts with a minor in the country, ut she couldn't take the test again because she had other tests she hadn't prepare for and Mr. Finn has always been that nice teacher.
"Fine, I won't tell anyone, just don't hurt your wife or Fiona."
"I don't have any intentions of doing that", Mr. Finn said
Daniella got up and walked out of Mr. Finn's office. She never knew that the decision she just made would come back to haunt her and in the most unexpected way.