Chereads / An Unexpected Legacy / Chapter 3 - 2. Welcome to Arvandor (Part 1)

Chapter 3 - 2. Welcome to Arvandor (Part 1)

As Oscar stood outside the gates of the Kingdom of Arvandor, he looked around in awe. He had never really left his village before, let alone traveled to a different Kingdom. He approached the guards at the gate and asked to be let in.

"Sorry lad, but we can't just let anyone in. You'll need to show some proof of identity or a letter of recommendation," said one of the guards.

Oscar didn't have any of that on him, he had only set out with the clothes on his back and a small amount of coin. He was about to turn away, defeated, when a voice called out to him.

"Hey there, are you new around here? You look a bit out of place," said a young man.

Oscar turned to see a tall, thin man with dark hair and a mischievous grin on his face. "My name is Zephyr," he introduced himself.

"I'm Oscar," Oscar replied.

"Well my new friend Oscar, it seems that you're having some trouble getting into the Kingdom I see."

"Yeah, the guards won't let me in without a proper search and I don't have enough money for a bribe."

"Ah, I see. Well, I may have a solution for you. I know of an old established tunnel that leads into the Kingdom. It's a bit of a squeeze but it gets the job done. And the best part is, it'll cost you less than what the guards are asking for." Zephyr said while keeping a mischievous grin on his face.

"Really? How much does it cost?"

"Let's just say it's a fair price. And it's a lot less than what the guards are asking for. Are you interested?"

"I don't have much to lose, I'll take it."

"Great, let's get going then. Follow me."

As they walked, Zephyr continued to talk in hushed tones, making sure not to be overheard by the guards. "This tunnel has been used by merchants and traders for centuries. It's a well-kept secret among the old established families in the Kingdom. It's a bit of a squeeze, but it gets the job done."

As Oscar and Zephyr made their way to the tunnel, Oscar couldn't help but take in the grandeur of the Kingdom of Arvandor. The gates of the kingdom were towering and imposing, made of a dark, polished stone that seemed to absorb the light. The walls of the kingdom were equally impressive, stretching high into the sky and disappearing into the clouds.

Beyond the gates, Oscar could see the bustling city of Arvandor. The streets were lined with vendors selling their wares, the air filled with the sounds of haggling and bargaining. The buildings were tall and grand, made of the same dark stone as the gates and walls, but adorned with intricate carvings and statues. The streets were filled with people of all shapes and sizes, all going about their business.

As they walked, Oscar couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. He had never seen anything like this before, and he couldn't wait to explore this new and exciting place. But for now, he followed Zephyr's lead, keeping his eyes open for the old established tunnel that would take them into the city without the guards noticing. They passed by many interesting and unique sights, colorful buildings, marketplaces, and people from all walks of life.

As they walked, Zephyr explained the tunnel to Oscar, telling him that it was an old established tunnel that was used by merchants and traders to avoid the high tariffs and taxes at the gates. It was a narrow, winding path that led beneath the walls of the kingdom and into the city. It was a bit of a tight squeeze, but it was the quickest and easiest way to get into the city without drawing the attention of the guards. Oscar listened to Zephyr's explanation, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. He had never done anything like this before, and he wasn't sure if he was ready for it. But he knew that this was the best way to get into the city and start his journey. So he followed Zephyr through the winding tunnels, ducking low to avoid hitting his head on the low ceiling and trying not to get lost in the twisting turns.

As Oscar and Zephyr made their way through the dark and damp tunnel, they finally reached a section with two tunnels branching off in opposite directions. Zephyr turned to Oscar and spoke in a hushed voice, "Alright, we're here. But before we go any further, I need my fee."

Oscar nodded and reached into his pouch, pulling out the three silver coins that he had been given by his father. He offered them to Zephyr, who looked at them in surprise before looking around quickly to make sure no one else was nearby.

"Listen, kid. I may be a thief, but I'm an honest one. I won't prey on someone who's clearly ignorant to the value of money. But you need to hide that kind of money before someone else sees it," Zephyr said, taking the three silver coins from Oscar.

Oscar nodded, still feeling a bit embarrassed by his mistake. Zephyr seemed to sense his discomfort and clapped him on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it. It's not your fault you've never had to worry about money before. But you need to be more careful now that you're out in the world."

With that, Zephyr turned and headed down one of the tunnels, beckoning for Oscar to follow. As they made their way through the twisting passageway, Zephyr would continue to explain the rules of the city and its criminal underworld, warning Oscar to keep a low profile and not to trust anyone too easily. Eventually, they emerged from the tunnel into an alleyway deep in the heart of the Kingdom of Arvandor.

"Welcome to Arvandor," Zephyr said with a grin, gesturing to the bustling streets and towering buildings around them. "I hope you're ready for an adventure."