"Please! Just surrender and quickly! He may be willing to just have the wizards and those who wish to leave go!"
"I'm not leaving my home! I grew up here, and I'll die here!"
Lyzara sighed. "You don't understand! He's… he's a good man, and he's been a good king… but he has already promised to kill all who oppose him if they don't surrender."
"I'm not leaving my home. There's been a Gorshen living here since the end of the Forsaken. I'll be damned before I bow to one of their kind now."
"You may be accursed before the night is over." Lyzara responded, her face desperate. "Please… Mister Gorshen-"
"Just… save it traitor." He interrupted. "I will die a hero before I live a traitor to my people."
Lyzara looked at the others in the room, who were all dressed for war, and they nodded their assent to his decision. The woman then bowed her head. "There are fates far worse than death. May Tressed grant you a swift death then."