To say that the first city fell easy would be an overstatement, and to say that it put up a 'good fight' would also be an overstatement. Within the night, the entire city was decimated and cleared of all of the living who didn't surrender. The few who did were a couple of families who all were non-magi and had bowed to the Necromancer and pledged their loyalty to the Necromantic Empire under Livro. Then and only then, in the morning, did the Horde sleep for the day and the Skeletons kept watch over the horizon for other potential threats. The horde would move out and be at the next town before the end of the next night. Gerald accepted the surrender of the next three towns afterwards over the next several days, and purged them of their Wizards. (Sometimes peacefully, and sometimes violently) But it was the next major city he had a little bit of an odd time with…