"You have no skill or talent, why are you here?"
The employer scoffs at my resume and laughs. This is my first job ever since I graduated college, and a friend gave me a referral for the job. When the employer gave me back the resume, he patted my back.
"Well I congratulate you on having the gall to apply to this job, you are nowhere near skilled enough for this job. You should go apply to a crappier position, maybe then you'll get hired." He laughs as I get escorted out. My friend sighs in disbelief, he thought I'd at least get a chance to show what I have to offer to the employer.
Welp, that was something. This has only been my 4th interview out of the hundreds of jobs I applied to in my city. I'm running out of funds and don't want to disappoint my parents. I just want to do something, but any attempt at doing something just ends in utter defeat. Am I even desirable to society? Or am I just a disposable piece on the massive chessboard?
Well, I guess not having any skill on my card indicates my worth in society. Might as well just disappear from this city and move to the forest or something. I could do that, there's nothing else I can provide here. I let out a sigh as I pack my stuff into my room.
"Did you get the job?" my mom asked me curiously.
"Nope, he laughed in my face," I said while cleaning my room for the last time.
"So, what are going to do now?"
"Leave the city, I can't keep disappointing you guys. I have no use in this city."
"Who said you were disappointing us, Subris?"
"No one has to say it, I can see the disappointment in your eyes, Mom."
My mom sighs, she knows how hard I've been trying to at least make the most of the sacrifices she made for me. I can't keep on disappointing her, so I have to remove myself from this picture for her to enjoy her new life.
"Just because you don't have any skill doesn't mean you have no value to others."
"Mom, I'm just trying to make your sacrifice worth it, you should have a happy life now Mom."
"So that's why you are moving out?"
"Yes, I don't want you to suffer anymore. I want you and Dad to finally relax."
"If you ever need a place to stay, we are always here Subris."
"I know Mom, I'll miss you both."
I finished packing my inventory and set out for the forest, leaving the city I called home for 23 years of my life. It was fun, but it seems like I'm not wanted here.
A ship landed in the hometown of Neo Arcadia. Two beings show up at the house of the Witerake family. As they knock on the door, Subris' mother opens it.
"Hi, this is the Witerake household, how may I assist you today?"
"Hey Hilda, remember our agreement?" one of the cloaked beings said.
"Yeah, but Subris has already left the house. He said that he has no use in the world anymore and didn't want to disappoint us," Hilda replies solemnly.
"Ah crap, do you have any idea of where he is?"
"Nope, I don't know where he went off to. What's going on now?"
"We need a sacrifice, the device is unstable now. I know Subris has no skill or magic, so we came here to try and persuade him to possess the device."
"He probably would've agreed, but it's too late now. He's already left, and we can do nothing to get him back."
"I see, well that was a good chat. I hope for your survival once the device attacks."
"Same for your kind, Waker. You guys must survive first."
"What? What do you mean he left?" a woman's voice says. The woman gets up and looks at a sphere. As the sphere transforms into a camera of the area, she sees Subris struggling to survive. Her body shivers as she sees him make a basic shelter to sleep in for the night.
"No," she mummers repeatedly. "He was supposed to be my husband, why is he out here struggling to survive?" As she tries to figure out the situation, she peeks at his card.
"No⌠skills? No magic? Nothing?!" "They think he's disposable? What is wrong with them?"
She controls herself and takes a deep breath. As a man walks into the room, he sighs at the turn of events.
"It seems like he's abandoned society, nothing wrong with that. He should forge his path, even if he has no skills," the man says as he comforts his daughter. The daughter sighs, confident in what Subris is capable of.
"Hopefully someplace will accept him, a kind soul like his is mandatory for the success of this project."