Chereads / The Magic Dress / Chapter 47 - Are they saved?

Chapter 47 - Are they saved?

Scarlet rushed down the passage heading to the dungeons. Holding her skirts up to her knees, rushing past the servant that lazed about the walls.

She ducked going into the main hall, putting her skirt down quickly to not draw suspicion the act was not necessary because the hall was empty.

She ran across the hall and grabbed the handle of a big door that headed to the lower level of the castle. She struggled to pull the huge handle. "Child!"

A stern female voice came from behind her and a hand came to cover hers. She quickly looked up at a stunning face framed with black hair, her blue eyes snapped, and she shoved scarlet's hands off.

"Children aren't allowed through this door." Scarlet backed up. "But.." She was scared of being late, she had to go help Lacey. But this woman… "I said go! All servant girls should be beside their mothers. So quit wondering around." She turned slightly, but then hesitated..

For this was her mother. Their relationship was a strange one, her mother never showed her much emotion, she was always talking with men in shadowed corners when no one was looking and was with the man a lot.

So Fae took care of her. They never talked, just some times like this, when Scarlet walked about the castle. She sighed, and turned quickly to walk down going back the way she had come, seeing her mother always made her a little sad and numb.

She wanted to cry. But she had to help Lacey, She was going to have to go the long way down. Running the whole way only stopping to open doors and passageways.

Lacey sat cradling Ray's head in her arms, she didn't know what state he was in. She did not know wound care or healing for that matter. What she did know is he was alive, she could feel the faint beating of his pulse against the hand she had pressed to the back of his neck.

It made her have the smallest bit of hope, but she needed to get out of the cell and find someone to help him. Even though the thought crossed her mind, she just sat helplessly, her mind a blank fuzzy mess and her heart racing.

Minutes passed. A loud clanging followed by clunking before it faded away far down the passage snapped her from the trance and sent her heart into a wild panic for fear that he would return.

Silence fell for only a moment before a new sound came to Lacey's ears; it came ever nearer, getting louder. "Pitter, patter." Her eyes came up to look out the bars into the deep shadows and watched as they turned a deep yellow and soon got brighter.

It glowed yellow with light as the small footsteps grew nearer. Then the small figure came into view, Lacey squinted her eyes not used to the bright light of the candle. "Lacey?" Came the soft question belonging to the child in front of her.

There was a raffle and they produced the keys more rattling then the door swung open. The light spilled into the cell as the bar door swung open, Lacey starred up into the petite face that reminded her of Mia, the girl's eyes fell to Ray.

"What happened to him?" With genuine interest. Lacey's eyes once again filled with tears, the situation was all too much for her. Had help finally arrived, someone who knew her.? "Aw, don't cry!" The girl waved her arms, kneeling in front of Lacey.

"I didn't mean to make you cry, we have to get you guys out of here." she moved to take Lacey's hand and looked into her eyes. Bringing a hand up Lacey tried her best to wipe away the tears streaming down her face. "I.. I-." She tried to talk but trailed off. Looking up through blurry eyes. "Who are you?" Her voice sounded dejected and small in the large cell.

"I am… I am here to help you get out of here before the scary man comes back or the guards make their rounds. Though I don't know if they even come down here." she said absently, looking sheepish.

She stood and went to peer around the wall out the door. It took Lacey a second to process the words the girl was saying, but this was her chance to escape. She needed to pull herself together and get Ray out of this dangerous place and get him help.

'I can do this!' She repeated in her mind. New strength coming to her, she squared her shoulders, bringing herself out of her hunched position, with a crack of her back, quickly she rubbed the remaining tears from her eyes, with the hem of her skirt.

She glanced over to look at the girl as she swung her head back into the cell, she noticed the girl was wearing a white dress in the style of the young servant girls. 'White?'

She mused, that confirmed that this cell was leased with something that canceled out magic. "Wait, are you wearing my dress?" Lacey yelled, whispering astonished, the girl looked down at the front of her dress, a small gasp left her mouth.

Running her small hands over it slowly. "It's white…" She said looking mesmerized. Lacey was shocked, and glad that she could get it back, and it wasn't in the hands of the cruel man that had hurt Ray.

She glanced down at Ray fear rushing over her at the sight of his ashen face. "He doesn't look so good." The girl said coming to stand in front of them. "We need to get him out of here." Lacey said panicking, she moved, placing his head on the floor before kneeling to try to pick him up.

The effort was futile as her face went red with exertion, he weighed more than she was used to picking up. But she continued to try, and ended up dragging him as gently as she could by the shoulders of his tunic.

-To be continued