Chereads / The Magic Dress / Chapter 28 - A normal forest

Chapter 28 - A normal forest

As they got farther in the swamp the ground became softer, they had to go through knee high mucky water, there were insects everywhere, they saw a couple snakes.

The trees and bushes were a little less dead, they walked all day without finding fresh water anywhere. All the water looked stale, they were getting discouraged and tired of walking. That night they slept under the stars, the fog around them.

They headed out again and the ground became mostly water. They came to a hill that pulled them out of the stale water. Lacey stood on a small hill looking out over treetops, ahead of them was a big dead tree that looked like one of the forest's trees.

Laying half submerged by the trees. 'It's the Claw!" Tim said. "Yeah." "Claw?" Silvia asked. "This island is called Claws Island, because of the claw looking silhouette and the monsters." Tim said.

They walked down the hill, when they had gotten to the bottom, they walked into a dense forest the trees were normal size like the ones you would find on her home island.

The water here was not stale but was covered by moss. The scene they walked into was beautiful, water lilies grow all around and some other flowers. Insects flue from flower to flower.

"Wow!" Silvia said. "Wow is understatement." Tim said, Lacey stayed quite mesmerized by the raw beauty. They walked away before they heard running water. They rushed to a small bubbling broke.

They each took turns drinking, after drinking their fill. They sat down to rest. They had been moving all morning. Soon they all crawled up and sound asleep beside the small brook.

Lacey awoke sitting up and rubbing her face where she had gone asleep. She looked up but couldn't see the sun through the trees, the blanket of leaves made the place dim. The water here was only ankle high and ran by like a stream.

She got up going to the stream, taking off her boots, stepping in the water sitting on the side of the edge wading her feet. She glanced back to see Silvia still asleep and Tim sat up slowly. Lilly was curled up close to Silvia with her beak tucked under her wing. Lacey sat pondering over the last few days' events.

After a few minutes she got up, went back over to where Tim was sitting up propped against a tree. Soon Silvia stirred and then sat up. Stretching and yawning, Lacey watched her as she woke up and glanced around to see where everyone was.

Silvia then got up and came to sit next to Tim and Lacey. "I sure feel a lot better." She said as she sat down. "That water definitely made a difference. I think I will go scouting around to see where we can make a more permanent camp to stay while Tim and Lilly heal."

"That sounds like a good idea." Replied Lacey.

"Do you want me to come?"

"No." Said Silvia. "I can move faster on my own and someone needs to stay with Tim and Lilly to keep them safe. We still have no idea what is in these woods."

Lacey nodded in agreement. "Ok. Just be careful." Silvia got up and put on her pack that she had removed from her waist while she slept.

Then taking Tim's sword she disappeared into the forest. "Well, What shall we do to pass the time now?" Asked Tim. "I really am getting sick of just sitting around all the time." Lacey sighed, slipping her boots back on.

Tim sighed too. "Hey! Did you see that? I think something metal or shiny over there?" Said Tim pointing to his right. Lacey looked in the direction that Tim pointed.

"I don't see anything." She said getting up. Lacey slowly walked in that Tim had pointed. As she searched through the bushes, she came upon a bush that looked like a berry she used to have back at her home.

Taking a few of the berries off the bush she poked them in her mouth. The fresh sweet taste of the juice bursted in her mouth as she bit into them.

Thoughts of home come flooding over her as she eats. Oh, how good it was to taste something from home. She sat on the ground and continued picking and eating for a few minutes.

After reminiscing for a few more minutes, she stood up and picked another handful and headful and headed back with it towards Tim. As she was coming back out from the back out from the bushes a glint of metal caught her eye.

She moved the leaves away with her foot, bending down and using her empty hand she moved away some of the dirt. It looked like most of it was buried pretty well.

She quickly stood back up and took the handful of berries over to Tim. "I found it but not until often I had found these." Said Lacey handing the berries to him. "Oh wow!" Tim cried excitedly. "Are there more?"

"Yes." Replied Lacey. "I am going to go dig up the thing you saw first then, I can get more." Lacey stood back up and went back over to when the item was buried.

Quickly she started digging. Soon she pulled out a pot. "Hey, could wash this and pick berries into it." She thought about picking it up. She went over to the stream and began washing out the pot.

As the dirt fell away she noticed intricately detailed designs inscribed on the handles and side. "Wow, it is beautiful." Breathed Lacey. She took it back over where Tim sat and they inspected it together.

"This is really pretty." Said Tim. "This will be of good use to us in our cooking." Said Lacey as she got up. "I'm going to go fill it with berries." She said, Soon she was back with the pot overflowing.

Lacey sat down by Tim and they began enjoying the treasure that they had found. Lilly woke and Lacey shared some with her also.

This was the scene that Silvia came upon as she returned to where the group was. She stopped just outside the edge of the camp standing true and watched them for a few minutes.

To be continued-